No Reason To - One

No Reason To

Everything looks so hazy. Anything I look at hurts my eyes -- literally, whenever I open them there's a stinging sensation. However, there isn't much to look at in the first place. Along with the haze, there's a bit of murk with the scenery.

So why? Why do I keep my eyes open? My body is screeching at me; telling me to close them so the searing pain will go away.

Well, screw what my body wants.

I keep them open to know where I am. Of course it's dark, but I can see lights. They linger above me, out of reach, continuing to grow more distant. Why are they getting further away? Or is it me that's slipping away from it? Well, that's what it feels like.

The air around me is thick and clammy with humidity. You don't know how difficult it is to breathe. I hold my breath for as long as I can, but my pathetic body can't take it.

Whenever it tries to breathe, the thick, heavy air escapes into my lungs. I cough and hack all I want, but the contaminated air won't come out; instead, more of they revolting stuff finds its way in.

I feel as if I'm concealed in a giant bubble. Ready to die and rot away as soon as possible. That's not happening anytime soon -- time seems to have slowed down. Like slow motion in those movies, if you know what I mean. I have delayed reaction. That's probably why.

What's... going on? I can barely remember what just happened. Let me collect my thoughts for a bit.

I was -- no, I am at the beach. Did I come by myself? No, Leeteuk came -- forced -- no, suggested that I come along with him. Bleh, why did I agree? I despise the beach.

What happened next? Um, uh... I was wading in the water probably. I can't swim. It was dumb of me to wade out so far into the water.

Leeteuk knows I can't swim. How come he let me go out so far? Moreover, why did he even allow me next to the water?

Now, because of our actions, I'm drowning. That explains everything. My troubles with breathing; my eyes hurting; why I feel like dying; etcetera.

Why hasn't he saved me yet? Leeteuk always helps me. Is he not going to this time? Highly unlikely. But, there's always a chance. Maybe no one will come retrieve me.

That's good. Or is it bad? That's just great; my judgment is failing me.

I need oxygen. And this, this delayed reaction isn't helping.

Breaking out of my trace, I thrash around, deprived and desperate for air. What good does this do me? Nothing. My exaggerated, unnecessary motions rapidly consumes up any leftover oxygen I have. Of to no avail, I use up the last bit of my strength to my hand up. High above as I can, hoping it will catch into something and bring me upwards towards land.

Minutes seem to pass. I can tell what a lie it is. If even two minutes have already passed, I'd be dead.  And still nothing holds on. By now, I'm half awake -- and struggling to keep that hand up.

This is all too perfect; just like a fairy-tale or drama. Just as I'm about to pass out -- someone grabs my hand. Ironic, is it not?

I know whom this hand hand belongs to; Leeteuk. It's always Leeteuk. Looks like he made it through for me after all.

His wet hands clamp around mine, pulling me upwards. The process takes too long. When I'm finally fished out, I feel ready to die. My lungs are doused in the salty liquid and cannot pull in a sufficient supply of oxygen.

My eyes cannot keep open anymore because they are swollen and are hurt. I can only slightly feel what is happening.

Leeteuk lays me on my back and sand clings to me. A warm breath approaches my lips.

Don't you just love my delaying reactions? I don't. I hate it. It's pretty obvious what's happening now, don't you think? What? Not really?

Leeteuk's giving me CPR. It can't get anymore clarified than that. And just as his lips reach mine --


Ngh. My head is ringing. I feel so --


The alarm... What time is --


I groan in annoyance as I flip my head to the side.



Late noon. I'm such a heavy --


My alarm is set to wake me at eight o'clock. I've been sleeping for an extra --


This clock keeps interrupting my thoughts. Maybe I should turn --


I latch a finger on the switch.


...What was I doing again?


Oh yeah, turning off the --


I growl in annoyance as I finally turn off the machine. So, it was all just a dream? That's just great...

Late noon, huh? That means Leeteuk will be home soon.

I sigh, for the past few weeks, I've been having dreams about our relationship. But they're all stuff you could find in any sort of media.

For some examples: us being complete opposites and getting together; himself giving up an organ or something of the sort so I could live; forbidden vampire love; etcetera. Yeah, overused stuff like that. I don't like it. It's all too... perfect?

That reminds me; why am I on the floor? I unsteadily get up, immediately leaning on the nearby desk for support. I glance at the vase filled with flowers besides me.


I chuck the vase at the floor. It doesn't break. Leeteuk knows me too well. He's so cunning. The flowers are fake. The vase is plastic. Overall, it's shatterproof. Again... perfect. I am not amused.

"Henry! I'm home!" I hear Leeteuk announce.

Already? He's already home? I silently slip under a random desk, hoping to get away from him.

"Henry?" he calls out again. "Where are you?" I don't dare respond. "Henry!" I hear him begin to search for me. It's happened before. This is about the twentieth day I've hidden from him in a row. Don't get me wrong, Leeteuk's found me every single time.

I hear him shuffle towards the study where I am. "Henry?"

He spots the flowers on the floor, and picks them up, "I wonder why these are down here."


Thank you stomach. Of all the times you choose to growl, it's now.

"Henry!" Leeteuk smiles, finding me cowering beneath the desk. I don't respond back.

"How are you?" he asks the obvious, while petting my head. I still don't answer.

Never once does my silence faze him, "Come on, let's get something for you to eat." Again with the silent treatment.

All of a sudden, Leeteuk scoops me up, cradling me between his arms; one supports my neck, the other underneath my knees. Is this what you would consider bridal style?

"Leeteuk," I softly whine, "would you mind putting me down?"

"Yes Henry," he chuckles. "I would mind." Leeteuk exits the room, slightly rocking me back and forth. I wrap my arms around his neck for support. I unintentionally inhale his scent, which to me always smells oddly sweet. I start to feel intoxicated just on his scent.

Looks like no sleep for me tonight.

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Chapter 1: Why you didn't continue this story? I would love to read more ;-;