Day Nine

All I Want For Krismas Is Wu


Warning: major character death. I'm so sorry for this.


Every year since Sehun could remember, around Christmas time, there was one ornament that always came out of storage and was placed as the centerpiece for the mantel above the fireplace. He always thought it was the oddest thing to have out during this festive time of the year since it didn’t seem to match everything else, but without fail, every year at the first of December, his Appa put it in the exact location every time.

It was a decorative plate that was the brightest shade of green that he’d ever seen, the kind of green that did not match any of the other Christmas decorations, it was a bright jade color. And the two figures that decorated them in a soft silver color were a phoenix on one side and a dragon on the other. Which to the young Sehun, he thought was odd, Christmas wasn’t about a phoenix nor a dragon, so he wondered why his Appa placed it on the mantel.

The only reason he figured was because his Baba was Chinese, maybe that was the reason for the dragon part of it? Maybe it was part of a Chinese Christmas, he didn’t know. He was Korean, like his Appa, so obviously, he wouldn’t know about that kind of tradition… if it was even a tradition.

But every year without fail, on December the first, it made its way up on the mantel.

Several years later, after he’d grown up and was nearing his twenty-fourth, he had returned home for the month of December, to spend the whole month with his Baba on his Christmas break from college. It had been three years since that dreadful time where he’d lost his Appa to a car wreck, and he tried to spend as much time as he could with his Baba to keep his mind off the loss of the man.

And just like every other year, on the first day of December, they were starting to decorate the house for the holiday season, he was busy decorating the tree with all the new and old ornaments that they’d had in storage and just bought, while his father was going through the other boxes of Christmas decorations, setting things up here and there. A snow angel here, some star ornaments there, and then he got the box of decorations that went above the fireplace. In the background was one of the old Christmas carols coming from the radio.

Sehun watched his Baba every now and then put things in place, and then when he got the centerpiece that his Appa always put in the middle of the mantel, he noticed the way that his Baba paused once he’d lifted the bright green ornament up. Just staring at it, his hand brushing over the phoenix part of the decoration.

“Baba… I feel like my question is long overdue, but… what does that ornament mean?” Sehun asked, stepping away from the tree and stepping up beside his father, looking at the decoration, and noticing the way that his father’s hand stayed on the phoenix.

There was a bit of a pause before the older man answered, and Sehun saw the way the man’s neck bobbed and heard the sniffle before his gaze found that his Baba’s eyes were watering up. The man cleared his throat, casting Sehun a watery smile, “It did look a bit out of place all these years, didn’t it?”

Sehun hesitated but nodded, “It did… the green doesn’t match any of the other decorations… and I don’t think there’s any Christmas stories of a phoenix or a dragon. Did… Appa just like those two things as the reason why he always put it up for Christmas?”

Yifan laughed softly, shaking his head, “No, your Appa liked bunnies, which is the reason why most of the ornaments for the tree and the tree topper is bunnies.” He glanced at the multiple bunnies decorations on the tree… Sehun liked bunnies so he figured it was because of him when he was growing up, and he did know that his Appa liked bunnies too… he just didn’t think his father was crazy about them like that.

“Then why did he put this up?” Sehun asked, turning his gaze back to the green ornament.

“This was a gift from my mother for our wedding anniversary,” his Baba replied. “You know our wedding anniversary and your Appa decided the first year after we were married to put it up in celebration of it.”

Sehun knew his parents had picked Christmas day to get married, but after finding out that information, wouldn’t it have been better to leave it up all year long? But then again, he glanced back at the mantel above the fireplace and realized that the reason that it wasn’t there throughout the rest of the year was due to the bunny plushie that Appa told him that Baba had gotten him the first Christmas. It was the only time of the year that Appa would take down his bunny plushie and put up this bright green ornament.

“He told me the first year after we got married that we could celebrate our marriage the whole month of December, which is why he put it up during this time of the year. It just became tradition after that.”

Sehun hummed, “But why a dragon and a phoenix?”

His Baba took a shaky breath, “It means yin and yang. The dragon is the yang and the phoenix is the yin. It’s a symbol of everlasting love… which is what I feel for your Appa… despite him being gone now.”

Sehun stared at the way that his Baba’s hand caressed the phoenix, it was obvious who his Baba had considered the yin in the marriage to be. And to hear the way his Baba say that he still loved his Appa, he knew the man missed his husband greatly. Sehun missed having his Appa too, it was hard the first Christmas after the man had died. The two spent of it trying to bit back tears during any celebration they had, because no matter how much they tried to get through it, it was obvious that something was missing. Someone was missing.

Even now. There was still someone missing.

“I’m…” Sehun willed the wateriness of his eyes away, “I’m sure Appa sends his everlasting love to you still, Baba.” He smiled softly, placing his hand over his Baba’s on the phoenix.

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2440 streak #1
for a Jun who loves Christmas so much, istg any au on this whole collection he loves Christmas so much... the proposal is sure gonna be one of his most memorable Christmases ever! AND IM SO HAPPY FOR HIM! no need for all the extra setup, it wasn't even night time, usually when "romantic proposals" happen... it was straight Yifan proposing to him first thing after waking up... it was simple but it was sweet and romantic as well! I LOVE IT!

anyway, i cannot thank you enough for this whole drabble challenge/collection! rarely do KrisHo challenged like this get completed til the end! i think it's really a first for me! HAHA but thank you for this wonderful Christmas gift! and as i said before, since i really love Christmas, i just somehow love and appreciate this whole thing even more... thank you for pouring time and and effort and completing this challenge! it was definitely something i looked forward to this December! :)

1489 streak #2
Chapter 25: Awwww!! That's so sweet, a marriage proposal as a christmas gift!

Happy Chistmas! Thank you for this fic!
lilykizaki #3
Chapter 25: ❤❤❤ merry Christmas
2440 streak #4
Chapter 24: Christmas is definitely for kids, but i love it just as much as an adult... so cute to see the kids so eager to open their presents already! HIHIHI i was always like that when i was younger!

ahhhhh it's the last update tomorrow... why can't Christmas be all year round! HAHAHAHA
1489 streak #5
Chapter 24: Christmas family fics really makes me melt with how adorable and sweet they are. I can see kiddy!Soo, kiddy!Tao and kiddy!Hun all up early and excited as they drag their Appa and Baba. Hnnnghh! So much cuteness!
2440 streak #6
Chapter 23: if the goal was to get the kids to eat veggies, then it sure failed big time! HAHAHAHAHAHA
but since the goal was for Yifan to enjoy the fireplace while it's a snowy Christmas, and the chopped wood was necessary for that, then it's a success!

i just love how the kids didn't find it reasonable to toil for wood like that when they could just turn on the heater and it'd be warm already as well! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA NO NEED FOR VEGGIES THEY SAID COZ THEY WON'T CHOP WOOD ANYWAY! HAHAHAHAHAAH BUT KIDS VEGGIES ARE GOOD FOR YOU!!!

anyway, this is all Jun's fault coz he was the one who told the kids that they could just turn on the heater... so yeah, the burden of having to make the kids eat brocolli and spinach should be on Jun! COZ YIFAN SURE TRIED! HAHAHAHAHAHA
1489 streak #7
Chapter 23: Family fics like this really makes me go uwu with how soft and warm and adorable it is.
1489 streak #8
Chapter 23: Family fics like this really makes me go uwu with how soft and warm and adorable it is.
2440 streak #9
Chapter 22: Yifan you wimp! the whole school knows it already coz you'reso obvious! HAHAHAHAHA
why does it seem like it's always Jun who does the first move in whatever universe they're in on this au?
2440 streak #10
Chapter 21: oh i love how Jun loves Christmas so much... coz i really love Christmas a lot too! the only difference is that I'm too lazy to do what Jun would do here HAHAHAHAHAHA