Day Seven

All I Want For Krismas Is Wu

“I’m sorry we can’t spend the holidays together.”

It wasn’t a rarity that Yifan spent most of his time away from home due to work. He was a business man and had to travel to most cities and even countries to discuss new contracts and new arrangements about the construction of new industrial plants. In the beginning of his career, Yifan loved it. He loved getting to see the world, he loved seeing the different places. But shortly after his career had him settling in one certain city in South Korea for almost a year while the current contract was in the works, he had fallen head over heels for a certain short black haired male with the cutest smile and the prettiest pair of eyes he’d ever seen.

The man happened to bump into him one day in a coffee shop, spilling the warm drink onto both of them, and during their little clean-up, Yifan was almost too caught up in admiring the beauty of this man to even remember that he had a ten o’clock meeting with the construction manager that morning. In a dash and several more apologies, Yifan hurried out of the coffee shop with a phone number and a name.

Kim Junmyeon.


And then with that little note of paper, it grew into what it was now. Six months into dating, the two were head over heels for one another, within the seventh month, they tied the knot, and then spent the rest of the year that Yifan had in Seoul together. It was hard to part ways with the man once it came to his job calling him away to another city, but with a kiss to his husband’s lips and the new changes he made to his schedule, he would be back within two weeks. And he was.

He was well into his career now so he could make the calls of what jobs he wanted to take and what he gave off to one of his colleagues to take care of. And since he was a married man now, he had to make time for his husband. And he did. As best as he could.

It failed every now and then, and the need to have him in certain places for certain extended amounts of time, it was inevitable sometimes. But nothing that Junmyeon wasn’t completely understanding about. They still were in touch, texting, calling, and even facetiming with one another every night before they retired to bed.

But moments like this one, after having one of the acting mangers over the project call out due to his wife’s pregnancy, Yifan was forced to leave his home with Junmyeon during his winter vacation to work out the details in the US this time.

It was coming up on Christmas, and Yifan knew he wouldn’t be able to make it home before the holiday. He’d spent the entire thirty minutes after receiving the call about the manager, apologizing to Junmyeon over and over. And then before he boarded the plane, he apologized even more. They had plans, they wanted to spend this time together to make up for the absence throughout the year, but as they say, duty calls.

“Yifan, it’s fine, we’ve been through this before. Next year, we can try to spend Christmas together again,” Junmyeon smiled, pecking the man’s lips before handing Yifan the other luggage bag.

Yifan’s expression was still disappointed, “But… I really wanted to spend the holidays with you. We had everything planned and—”

Junmyeon cupped the man’s face, “We’ll have plenty more holidays to spend together, this is just one. I’m not angry with you over this, okay? Stop looking like a kicked puppy.” He pressed his lips to Yifan’s again. “Go and come back to me, yeah?”

Yifan nodded, pressing for another kiss, saddened that his plans of being cuddled up with this beautiful creature by a warm fire and exchanging lazy kisses as the day goes by them was ruined. “I love you, Jun. I’m sorry we can’t spend the holidays together…”

Junmyeon patted the man’s cheek, watching Yifan’s lips start to form a pout, “I know, but this is just one holidays, many more to come. I love you too.” He couldn’t resist stealing another kiss just as the announcement for the boarding of the plane sounded over the intercom. “You need to go before you miss your plane. I’ll be right here waiting for you when you come back, okay?”

Yifan wanted to cry when Junmyeon’s hand fell from his cheek, but with the soft smile on the man’s face, he returned it, nodding his head. “Okay, I’ll call you tonight as soon as I land.”

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2440 streak #1
for a Jun who loves Christmas so much, istg any au on this whole collection he loves Christmas so much... the proposal is sure gonna be one of his most memorable Christmases ever! AND IM SO HAPPY FOR HIM! no need for all the extra setup, it wasn't even night time, usually when "romantic proposals" happen... it was straight Yifan proposing to him first thing after waking up... it was simple but it was sweet and romantic as well! I LOVE IT!

anyway, i cannot thank you enough for this whole drabble challenge/collection! rarely do KrisHo challenged like this get completed til the end! i think it's really a first for me! HAHA but thank you for this wonderful Christmas gift! and as i said before, since i really love Christmas, i just somehow love and appreciate this whole thing even more... thank you for pouring time and and effort and completing this challenge! it was definitely something i looked forward to this December! :)

1489 streak #2
Chapter 25: Awwww!! That's so sweet, a marriage proposal as a christmas gift!

Happy Chistmas! Thank you for this fic!
lilykizaki #3
Chapter 25: ❤❤❤ merry Christmas
2440 streak #4
Chapter 24: Christmas is definitely for kids, but i love it just as much as an adult... so cute to see the kids so eager to open their presents already! HIHIHI i was always like that when i was younger!

ahhhhh it's the last update tomorrow... why can't Christmas be all year round! HAHAHAHA
1489 streak #5
Chapter 24: Christmas family fics really makes me melt with how adorable and sweet they are. I can see kiddy!Soo, kiddy!Tao and kiddy!Hun all up early and excited as they drag their Appa and Baba. Hnnnghh! So much cuteness!
2440 streak #6
Chapter 23: if the goal was to get the kids to eat veggies, then it sure failed big time! HAHAHAHAHAHA
but since the goal was for Yifan to enjoy the fireplace while it's a snowy Christmas, and the chopped wood was necessary for that, then it's a success!

i just love how the kids didn't find it reasonable to toil for wood like that when they could just turn on the heater and it'd be warm already as well! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA NO NEED FOR VEGGIES THEY SAID COZ THEY WON'T CHOP WOOD ANYWAY! HAHAHAHAHAAH BUT KIDS VEGGIES ARE GOOD FOR YOU!!!

anyway, this is all Jun's fault coz he was the one who told the kids that they could just turn on the heater... so yeah, the burden of having to make the kids eat brocolli and spinach should be on Jun! COZ YIFAN SURE TRIED! HAHAHAHAHAHA
1489 streak #7
Chapter 23: Family fics like this really makes me go uwu with how soft and warm and adorable it is.
1489 streak #8
Chapter 23: Family fics like this really makes me go uwu with how soft and warm and adorable it is.
2440 streak #9
Chapter 22: Yifan you wimp! the whole school knows it already coz you'reso obvious! HAHAHAHAHA
why does it seem like it's always Jun who does the first move in whatever universe they're in on this au?
2440 streak #10
Chapter 21: oh i love how Jun loves Christmas so much... coz i really love Christmas a lot too! the only difference is that I'm too lazy to do what Jun would do here HAHAHAHAHAHA