Day Thirteen

All I Want For Krismas Is Wu

"I can't reach the top of the tree."

Junmyeon was busy in the kitchen, fixing a late brunch since they decided to sleep so late that morning. School had been cancelled, the roads and streets were covered in almost five inches of snow, and it was too hard to climb out of the bed, especially when all through the night, him and his husband were joined by all five of their children. Their bed… wasn’t that big, honestly, but they somehow managed to fit everyone under the blankets and so he spent most of the night having one child cuddled up to him and another child kicking him every so often.

But right now, while he was busy in the kitchen, listening to Sehun’s baby babbling from his high chair, his husband and the rest of the kids were out getting a Christmas tree… from their own backyard. Kris had the genius idea to plant one earlier that year just for that sole reason. Junmyeon was a bit hesitant but the four screaming kids that cheered on the idea gave him pause from expressing his uncertainty.

Just as he had finished scrambling up the eggs and flipping the last pancake to put on top of the stack that were on the counter, he and Sehun both turned their heads towards the doorway when they heard the front door open. He heard the voices and the stomping of their feet before two little black haired children appeared in the doorway, Chanyeol and Baekhyun. Both grinning, snow covering their coats and boots, as both of them started talking over each other about the big tree that their Baba got.

Junmyeon tried to listen to both of them before shushing them, “You two can tell me more about it after you get out of those coats and boots. Go and tell your brothers to do the same and wash up, breakfast is finished.”

Once those two ran out of the room, Junmyeon went to set the table, dropping a small kiss to the top of Sehun’s head as he passed by him. After he finished the plating, he picked up the baby and walked to the living area where he saw his husband attempting to set the tree upright. The top of the tree brushing against the ceiling.

“Baba,” Sehun called, reaching out towards his father. It was one of the few words that the baby could already pronounce, along with Appa.

Kris looked back at them, smiling at Sehun before looking at Junmyeon, shrugging sheepishly, “It was bigger than I thought. Even I can’t reach the top of the tree this year.”

Once he got the tree to stand upright, securing the base of it on the floor, he stepped back and towards Junmyeon to admire it. It was a bit wet with snow, light dustings here and there remained on the tree. But it was a healthy green color and it definitely filled the corner of the living area.

“So what do you think?” Kris asked, kissing the top of Junmyeon’s head before placing one on top of Sehun’s.

“It’s pretty,” Junmyeon replied, reaching over to tug at Kris’s gloves, “The kids will love decorating after breakfast. Go ahead and get washed up, I’ve got breakfast ready.”

Kris slipped off his glove, pausing before tugging the other off to cup Junmyeon’s face and bring their lips together for a small kiss. “Will do, I love you.”

Junmyeon pressed for another kiss, “I love you too.”

“Baba!” And before Kris could slip away, he had to press another kiss to the top of Sehun’s head.

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2440 streak #1
for a Jun who loves Christmas so much, istg any au on this whole collection he loves Christmas so much... the proposal is sure gonna be one of his most memorable Christmases ever! AND IM SO HAPPY FOR HIM! no need for all the extra setup, it wasn't even night time, usually when "romantic proposals" happen... it was straight Yifan proposing to him first thing after waking up... it was simple but it was sweet and romantic as well! I LOVE IT!

anyway, i cannot thank you enough for this whole drabble challenge/collection! rarely do KrisHo challenged like this get completed til the end! i think it's really a first for me! HAHA but thank you for this wonderful Christmas gift! and as i said before, since i really love Christmas, i just somehow love and appreciate this whole thing even more... thank you for pouring time and and effort and completing this challenge! it was definitely something i looked forward to this December! :)

1489 streak #2
Chapter 25: Awwww!! That's so sweet, a marriage proposal as a christmas gift!

Happy Chistmas! Thank you for this fic!
lilykizaki #3
Chapter 25: ❤❤❤ merry Christmas
2440 streak #4
Chapter 24: Christmas is definitely for kids, but i love it just as much as an adult... so cute to see the kids so eager to open their presents already! HIHIHI i was always like that when i was younger!

ahhhhh it's the last update tomorrow... why can't Christmas be all year round! HAHAHAHA
1489 streak #5
Chapter 24: Christmas family fics really makes me melt with how adorable and sweet they are. I can see kiddy!Soo, kiddy!Tao and kiddy!Hun all up early and excited as they drag their Appa and Baba. Hnnnghh! So much cuteness!
2440 streak #6
Chapter 23: if the goal was to get the kids to eat veggies, then it sure failed big time! HAHAHAHAHAHA
but since the goal was for Yifan to enjoy the fireplace while it's a snowy Christmas, and the chopped wood was necessary for that, then it's a success!

i just love how the kids didn't find it reasonable to toil for wood like that when they could just turn on the heater and it'd be warm already as well! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA NO NEED FOR VEGGIES THEY SAID COZ THEY WON'T CHOP WOOD ANYWAY! HAHAHAHAHAAH BUT KIDS VEGGIES ARE GOOD FOR YOU!!!

anyway, this is all Jun's fault coz he was the one who told the kids that they could just turn on the heater... so yeah, the burden of having to make the kids eat brocolli and spinach should be on Jun! COZ YIFAN SURE TRIED! HAHAHAHAHAHA
1489 streak #7
Chapter 23: Family fics like this really makes me go uwu with how soft and warm and adorable it is.
1489 streak #8
Chapter 23: Family fics like this really makes me go uwu with how soft and warm and adorable it is.
2440 streak #9
Chapter 22: Yifan you wimp! the whole school knows it already coz you'reso obvious! HAHAHAHAHA
why does it seem like it's always Jun who does the first move in whatever universe they're in on this au?
2440 streak #10
Chapter 21: oh i love how Jun loves Christmas so much... coz i really love Christmas a lot too! the only difference is that I'm too lazy to do what Jun would do here HAHAHAHAHAHA