Ryeowook's POV

Yesung's Love and (Long) Life

That night I layed there awake. I was too nervous to even think about sleeping. Yesung was in and out of the room, asking me if I were okay every now and then. And everytime he asked, I said I was. But the truth was I felt like I was carrying a elephant in my stomach and I was really worried, almost to the point of nausea. 

But I was also excited. I was about to give birth to me and my only-lover's kids. And according to him, this would be his first time, too. 

Yesung left the room again. I tried to sit up, but only fell back. I grabbed my stomach to try and calm the movements in there. But nothing could stop it. I sat there and waited for Yesung to come back, but he didn't. 

"Yesung?" I could hear him, but he didn't answer. "Yesung?.... Yesung!" 

He entered the room, calm-like like I wasn't about to go into labor. "Mm-hm."

"I think it's time.... to-" 

Yesung dropped the bag he had came in with. Then rushed over to me and picked me up. He had no problem running me out of the house and into the car. And drove me, as fast as the speed limit would allow him, to the hospital.


Yesung's POV

I had Ryeosook in the hospital in a matter of seconds. He was put on a hospital bed and stayed there for a few hours. I called Kibum, the only other person close to him, that I knew of.

Kibum arrived in time to see Ryeowook for a minute ir two, before we were both asked to leave the room. I knew it was finally happening.

Once Kibum and I were in the waiting room, we didn't have much to say.

After sitting in silence for a while Kibum said, "So, are you excited?" He didn't really looked interested. More like he just couldn't stand the silence.

"Yes." I didn't mind the silence, so I kept my answers short, until he stopped asking me questions.

Once it was really quiet, I tried to listen for Ryeowook's heartbeat. I heard it, along with one more. Then I heard one more, very very quiet one. That must've been our son. His heartbeat would stop when he turned about 16 years old.

"How is Siwon?" I asked Kibum.

He looked surprised but answered anyway. "Do you mean: how is he - as in HIM, or how or we, or..." Kibum sighed and smiled a bit. "Or what?"

"I guess both." I didn't want to hear about how well they were together, but it seemed rude not to care.

"Well, he's a bit quieter than usual and not as lively, but he still takes care of me."

I nodded and sighed, wondering what was taking so long.

Just then a nurse came in a gestured us to follow her. I followed her as fast as I could, while helping Kibum get there.

When I came in the room, Ryeowook was out cold and two nurses held the twins seperately. I went over to the one that had the boy, the vampire.

He wasn't crying and looked like he was sleeping. "Hi..."

I took the girl in my arms, too, and smiled.

"Hey little, Mi Cha." Kibum stood near me smiling.


Outside the hospital room's window Siwon sat in a tree and looked in, frowning. He couldn't help but hate Ryeowook. He was glad that Kibum was having hir!s baby. But no one's baby could replace the one that him and Yesung were supposed to have. 

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Chapter 42: ,i didn't expect that.from sibum.,
amazing story and hope you will make a sequel for this story!Curious to know how was ryeowook vampire life and mi cha transformation
Chapter 62: Q.Q.nooooooo this can't be the ending X'D....I'm really sad :(...really to bad...but ok I can uderstand if you dont have any interest? Time? Ideas? Anymore whatever and want to finish it but its a I have to say it it's a lil'bit disappointed for me today end loke this..because its a really great story I like it very much and there are way to get ideas etc...but like I sayed I can understand it if there no ways to continuing the story....anyways thanks for this update...maybe there will me a sequel oder season 2 in the futher ;)...
Chapter 61: omo wookie !!! i hope he turns succesfully !!
Chapter 60: If you want really great poster, my co- author daughter Lexy xxcrazyskittlesxx make the greatest , she fix yours all up the way you want to look.
Chapter 57: Omo omo omo :0...whats going on with wookie :'(...this is not the end, isnt it???

And what is with Siwon and Kibum and their child? Will they appear in the story again :0...as I read that chiho had one friend I was thinking about Siwons son...anyways It would be nice to read something about them too and thier child...maybe a love story between them XD haha maybe with chinho or mi cha XD...mabe an idee for.a sequel ;) just saying..
Chapter 57: is this...a continuation(if that's even a word lol)
i thought the story ended?
pinkheartx #8
Chapter 57: Wookie died? :( I thought Yesung would turn him to a vampire too :(
Chapter 57: I almost forgot about this fic...
Seemed a bit rushed *sad*
What happened though it's too unclear and confusing (@~@)
Chapter 57: awwww but wat happened to his sister ? is she still alive ?