





“Miyoung-ah, you,” Minah sighed as she followed her twin sister into the tattoo shop, Miyoung smiling as she greeted the lady by the counter.

“Oh, it’s the pretty student, bold you two to come here still in your uniforms.” She said to them with a warm smile.

“I’ve decided I want another one on my right earlobe and a double helix, unnie.” Miyoung said happily, Minah shook her head and decided to plop down on one of the ratty leather chairs.

“Why didn’t you take Sehun instead?”

“He has practice, they have this big game next week.” Miyoung gave her a wave before disappearing through the curtains. Minah sighed again, she took out her phone proceeded to check her to-do list. They were fraternal twins, she was seven minutes older than Miyoung, but people say, she’s more like ten years older than her.

Minah smiled to herself.

Miyoung had a tendency to be a little reckless. But, she admired that, her younger sister was always the brave one, while she was always too cautious.

“Unnie,” Miyoung’s smiling face appeared by the doors, she looked up.

“All done?”

“Wanna see?” She said excitedly, Minah shook her head.

“I’ll look at it once it all healed. Don’t make me queasy.” She stated as they left the shop, Miyoung chuckled and nodded.

“I got a text from Hyunwoo sunbae, I won’t be able to go home early tomorrow.”

“I know, you have a meet. I saw your schedule, good luck, goldfish.”

“You know, up to now, I still don’t know if that’s an insult or a compliment.” Minah rolled her eyes at her as they reached the waiting car, their bodyguard smiled and opened the door for them.

“If you and Oh Sehun ever have children, they’ll be too athletic for their own good.”

“Stop it.” Minah warned her as they settled in the backseat of the Mercedes Benz sedan, Miyoung chuckled. 

“Just give him a chance, unnie. He’s been asking you out since freshman year.”

“Quit it.” Minah hissed at her, but the other girl could see how her older sister’s cheeks were in a light shade of pink.





Son Hyunwoo turned just as Minah walked by the pool, he waved over and the rest of the swim team greeted the girl.

“Sorry, I got caught up at last period. We had to turn in our assignments.” Minah spoke, he nodded and gestured for her to sit.

“What does coach want? Is this because of the meet?” She asked as she put her backpack down, Shownu nodded back at her.

“I think she wants us to train over the weekend for the competition next month.”

“Oh no.” She mused, Shownu grinned at her and looked ahead. Minah’s phone buzzed, she took it out.

I asked driver Jeon to wait for you. Had to go first. Don’t call. I’ll be at the meet later. -Miyoung

Minah sighed, knowing her sister, she was probably going to leave the school’s premises to skip class, she was about to type in a reply when Shownu spoke.

“Your sister?”

“The troublemaker.” She mused back, the male nodded back.

“Right, sunbae, I don’t think you’ve met her.”

“I don’t see someone who looks likes you in campus.” Shownu blinked at her, the girl slowly shook her head.

“Fraternal twins, sorry.” She deadpanned, Shownu nodded back at her.

“I’ve always assumed she’d looks like you.” He stated, Minah was about to reply when she noticed a group of boys walk across the field. Her eyes landed on one of them, he was laughing along as she spoke with his friends.

And then his eyes met hers, the girl immediately looked away.

She could almost hear her sister’s laugh inside her head as she tried to distract herself again.

One of their teammates nudged her stand as the coach arrived, Minah kept her gaze on the lady as they started the meeting, still fully aware that the boys of the basketball team were still lingering near them.

“But, Minah-ya,” Shownu nudged her, the girl faced her senior.

“What is it, sunbae?”

“Over there, number ninety-four keeps on stealing glances at you.” Shownu said in a slightly teasing tone, the girl sighed at him.

“Should I scoot over? He might throw the ball to my face.”

“I know someone who’d get along with you just fine, Son Hyunwoo.”

The older male chuckled and faced their coach again, Minah looked up again, she saw Sehun, he was speaking with his friends while crossing the school lawn. Her lips quirked up slightly, then she looked away.




“So, did you talk to her?” Miyoung asked as she hopped towards her friend, Sehun eyed her briefly.

“No..Not yet.”

“Oh my god, do I have to do all the work? You two used to be good friends.” She sighed at him, Sehun glanced around them and gave her a nod, the girl tossed her bag over the wall. Sehun went down on one knee and let her climb over.

“We were five, things were easier back then.” Sehun pointed out as he leapt over the wall, Miyoung was already holding onto her backpack, the two crossed the street.

“Still doesn’t make sense, just go up to her and say hi.”

“Your sister’s always so busy, she’s in the swim team, the honor society and she’s class president. How~”

“Oh Sehun, I swear to god, one more episode of you reasoning out and I will~”

“I’ll go talk to her tomorrow, don’t raise your fist at me.” He said as he waved her away from him, the two walked towards a food stall.

“You’ll watch the game, right?”

“Yes, I’ll be there, unnie will also be staying late at school too. She has practice for the meet. So,”

“Isn’t she competing next month?”

“Yes, her and this sunbae she gets along well with. I haven’t met him, he sounds like a nerd.” She mused as she started to eat.

“Hey, Hwang Miyoung,”

“What, now? I can’t ask her to watch the game too, Sehun.”

“Have you decided on which university to apply for?” He asked, Miyoung pursed her lips before replying.

“Want to go to the same one?” She replied, Sehun chuckled and nodded at her.

“You know, this whole “stuck with this brat thing” we have going on is getting quite serious.” She shrugged at him as she picked up another fishcake.

“Sure, if I’m not around who’s gonna fish you out of trouble?” Sehun shot back, Miyoung’s eyes narrowed at him.

“Point well made, young master Oh.”




“Have you spoken to him already?” Minah asked as her sister walked in the dining room, the younger Hwang padded towards the kitchen, she reappeared with coffee in hand.

“No, it’s his first day at a new school, its exciting.”

“For most, its nervewracking, Miyoung.” Minah pointed out, she sighed at the girl as she walked around the table while nibbling in a piece of bread, she was spilling crumbs all over the room.

“Miyoung-ah, please sit down and eat.”

Miyoung rolled her eyes, but she was smiling as she sat down.

“I worry that he may have a hard time adjusting, can you show him around?” Minah spoke, Miyoung pursed her lips before replying.

“Unnie, if you’re so worried about him, why not show him around yourself? I’m sure he’ll be fine, between us three, he has the people skills we have always lacked.”

“Still,” Minah sighed, Miyoung grew amused, her sister was having a hard time getting around the newest addition to their family. The Hwang twins had lost their father when they were just two, and ever since then it has always been the three of them, and life was great. It was only three years ago when their mother me vice chairman Lee, Jooheon’s father. The two had instantly connected and were set to marry in a couple of months.

Jooheon walked in the room, he had a careful smile on his face.

“Good morning, noonas.” He said, Jooheon was only a couple of months younger than them, and he was adamant about addressing them properly, not that the twins were particular about that.

“First day at a new school, honey, how do you feel about that?” Miyoung asked as she patted on the empty chair next to hers. Minah watched as the male sat down beside her twin with a small grin, they even bumped fists, she smiled. It was always so easy for Miyoung to get comfortable around others.

“Abeoji insists that I ride the car with you two. But, the bus~”

“Don’t take the bus, just go with us, Jooheon-ah.” Minah intervened as she put some bacon on his plate, Jooheon paused but he nodded back.

“Unnie, don’t be too serious. Speak casually, it’s just Jooheon.”

“Miyoung noona, it’s fine.” Jooheon murmured, Minah shook her head and watched as the two ate.

“Right, unnie has a swim meet today, we should go watch.” Miyoung asked, Jooheon nodded along.

“But, noona, Minah noona mentioned that I shouldn’t hang out with you at school,”

“What? Why?” Miyoung eyed her sister warily, the latter started to grin.

“Noona said that you often skip class and that you might get me in trouble.”

“That’s why you should take my side, I’m the fun sister. She’s the boring one.” Miyoung said while pressing one palm to her chest, Minah scoffed at her, Jooheon chuckled.

“Unless, you want to hang out with the nerds from honors’ society or something, go ahead, choose her over me.” Miyoung shuddered and took another sip from her coffee.

“H—Hey, I do sports too.” Minah shot back, defending herself.

“Right, you can hang out with the sharks from the swim team too, honey.”

“Hwang Miyoung!”

Jooheon started to laugh as the two girls started to argue, it felt nice to have siblings. Despite the two being opposite as day and night.

“Jooheon will go with me today.”

“No, he won’t. He’s going with me!”

“Do…Do I get a say in this?” Jooheon asked between bites, he saw their mother walk in. His father came a few seconds later.

“No!” The two said at the same time, the elders paused, confused.

“Girls, what~”

“Eomma, unnie wants to convert Jooheon into a nerd!”

“Eomma, Miyoung’s being bad influence to honey!”

“He’s my honey, not yours!”





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Chapter 52: This is totally different from your other fics and here me loving it so❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 52: Plot? Immaculate. Flow? Amazing. Writing? Bomb. I LOVE IT!!!,!!!!,!
Chapter 52: We really need more Shownu Fics!
jonghostesoro #4
Chapter 52: i can never get over you shownu’s fics aaaaaaaa they are all so good 😭😭
2031 streak #6
Chapter 52: Aw the story has already ended? How I wished this went on forever! LoL... Anyway, although I am a little sad that it has ended, I gotta say I enjoyed reading the story. Their parents are fun as usual and so are Jooheon and Sehun. And Eunyoung is such a cutie interrogating him like that. Finally, that gif at the end, Hyunwoo is so cute ^^
2031 streak #7
Chapter 51: I can't believe there's only one chapter left for this story to end. This chapter was nice and as usual enjoyed the interaction between Miyoung and Hyunwoo. And that makes me want this story to continue forever. LoL... Jokes aside, this chapter was nice and I will be back later to read the last chapter of the story ^^
2031 streak #8
Chapter 50: Oh, I guessed right! When Sehun gave the box to Hyunwoo, I thought he had escaped but like I guessed in the chapter, she has already seen it? Hahaha I can't wait to see how Hyunwoo would react now. LoL... And it's cute how everyone is including Eunyoung in their family list. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2031 streak #9
Chapter 49: Hahaha is that taped brown bag what I think it is? And Sehun shouldn't have hung up like that. This only makes it more suspicious. Wonder how things would span out herein. Will be back later to read more ^^
2031 streak #10
Chapter 48: Awww... Somehow I want her to find it first, just to see how she'd react. And I cracked up hard at Shownu's innocent question about getting a pony as a gift for Eunyoung. I can kinda imagine doing that. Suits him. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
PS Wish you a Happy New Year!!