Chapter 8

Love Is In The Air


(Monday, before work)

“Good morning, Luna! So, you went to Jonghyun’s- how was it?” Victoria asked.

“It must have been huge! Did he show you all of his cars, too?” She continued to ask.

“Seeing all of his cars lined up like that- it must have been amazing!” She exclaimed.

“...” I couldn’t say anything. I still remember all that had happened. I don’t know if I should tell her.

“No response, huh? Was it all just too amazing for words?” She said.

“Uh, well, aniyo. Not really..” I finally said.


Actually, I powered my cell phone off after I read his last text.

I wonder what would happen if I powered it back on.

I want to, but I’m hesitating to. I keep wavering back and forth.

“You’re clenching your phone.. What’s got you all worked up?” Victoria looked at me with a worried expression.

“There’s still a little time before work. Is he going to call you?” She smiled once again.

“Are you waiting on a call from Jonghyun?” She questioned.

“Aniyo, the power’s of..” I said dully.

“Oh? But you’re holding it. I guess everything’s going well for you two” she assumed.

“I’m so jealous. I want in on the fun, too” she frowned.

“Surrounded by stars, never having to work, living the easy life!” She yelled.

“What happened with you and Onew?” I asked.

“Oh, yeah. We haven’t seen each other the whole week” she frowned even more.

I tried to smile at Victoria’s remarks, putting my cell in my purse.


(Monday, lunch break, at the park)

“Lunch time, finally! It feels great to eat outside once in a while!” Victoria exclaimed.

“But before that, we have to check our phones” she said.


Victoria got out hers, and I reluctantly turned mine back on.

“Whoa!” I let out after seeing my inbox.

“What is it?” Victoria asked.

“Wha- What’s going on here?” She questioned.

“Luna, does your cell have bad reception? Look at all those unread texts!” She exclaimed.

“Wait- let me see that!” She grabbed my phone.

“Wow! Thir-, thirty-two unread messages! Aigoo!” She yelled.

“They’re- they’re all from Kim Jonghyun!” She continued to scream.


I had no idea he’d just keep texting me over and over again.

“Hey.. You don’t get the feeling that he’s overly possessive, do you?” Victoria said with a worried expression.

“A- aniyo, I guess you could say we.. had a fight so..” I started.

“So why would he just keep mailing you like that?” She said annoyed.

“Wait.. don’t tell me..” She settled down.

“He sent you so many texts just to apologize to you, Luna?” She smirked.

“If he did, and you didn’t read them..” She trailed off.

“But you just turned off the power, of course this would happen” She continued.

“Oh! We better hurry and get lunch before they sell out! Let’s go!” She said at last.

“Right..” I said dully again.


Following Victoria, I started reading my texts and mails.

I can’t reach you by phone, so I’m mailing. I guess there’s no signal?

Don’t tell me you can’t reply because you’re feeling ill.

I’m worried about you so please call me back.

Are you okay? You’re not moping somewhere by yourself, are you?

Anything.. just a single word. Please reply.


They’re all the same as yesterday. All really short messages.

But aside from the first one, they all seem to express concern for me.

“Here’s the last one” I said as I read it.

I have an appointment this afternoon, and then a meeting with my father. I won’t be able to message again until this evening, but please reply.


I turned my phone off again.

I know that Jonghyun will just keep worrying if I don’t reply but..

Considering the way he treats people. And the way he acts, I can’t be frank.


(My apartment building)

“Today was a long day” I let out.

There was some sudden work to finish up, so I got home three hours late.

The stairs to my apartment were perfectly quiet.


“Oh, right. Guess I should turn on my cell again..” I reached in my purse and turned it on.

“You’re home very late. I was so worried” Jonghyun appeared just outside my apartment door, looking mad.

“Jo- Jonghyun?” I said startled.

“Or maybe you were just taking your time coming home” he said.

“I came here as fast as I could after work.. But, you seem okay after all” he crossed his arms and looked away.

“You know why I came here, don’t you?” He questioned.

“No matter how many time I texted or mailed, you didn’t reply. You knew I was worried, and still didn’t respond” he looked at me with stern eyes.

“Well, sorry I didn’t” I bowed to him.

“No, no. The one at fault here is me.. I know you were tired last night, and busy today at work” he softened his look.

“I just really wanted to hear from you. That’s all” he said with a much more gentle voice.

“When I didn’t, I was really worried something happened to you..” He said.


Seeing Jonghyun’s sad face filled me with even more regret.

“Oh, right. This is for you” Jonghyun went out of the way to show me something.

“THIS?” I asked, mouth gaping.


Just beyond Jonghyun, there was a huge bouquet of flowers in front of my door.

“I thought you weren’t feeling well and all. I wanted to pay you a visit, but forget about that- Consider it a gift” Jonghyun smiled.

“I mean, you can never go wrong with flowers, right?” His smile widened.

“Especially with girls. It’s the number one most requested gift in every survey” he continued.

 “What do you think? Pretty amazing, huh? Most florists are closed this hour” he said.

“I mean, boy, it was sure hard to get so many together. Without my face or connections, it’d probably be impossible” he boasted.


“...” Unsure how to respond, the couple next door came home and saw the flowers.

“Wow- look at that. She plans on opening a florist shop or something?” The man said.

“No way. Don’t you think some guy bought all those flowers for her?” The woman followed.

“Like, as a birthday gift?” The man asked.

“I wonder” the woman said.

“Don’t you get the impression they got into a fight, and this is apology?” The man wondered.

“This must be his way of begging for mercy” the woman giggled.

“But that’s more than could ever fit into her apartment, don’t you think?” The man continued to question.


We were standing right there and heard the whole thing.

I was so embarrassed. I just wanted to disappear.

“Hey, what’s their problem? They think we’re some kind of show?” Jonghyun looked annoyed.

“Stop, please” I told Jonghyun.

“Why should I? They were right there laughing at us” he claimed.

“Bet I could say something to shut them up real quick” he dared.

“...” I put on a stern expression.

“Okay, okay. Don’t make that face. I mean, they’re already inside..” He sighed.


Giving in, Jonghyun pointed at the flowers.

“Come on, I’ll take these inside for you. You should put them in a vase” He offered.

“I don’t think I have a vase big enough to hold these flowers” I eyed the flowers.

“Guess I haven’t really thought about that” he furrowed his eyebows.

“Maybe we should put them in the bathtub until I can call in someone to help?” He suggested.

“...” Okay?

“What’s the matter? Hurry up and open the door” he directed.

“...” Why am I not responding?

“Don’t tell me you’re so happy you lost the power of speech?” He chuckled.

“Seeing me here at this hour, with so many flowers. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to make you happy” he smiled.

“I really appreciate it” I said plainly.

“I’m sure you do. It’s easy to show the way you feel with things” For some reason, his smile disappeared.

“Everyone like receiving gifts. But, that’s not what you’re trying to say, is it?” He questioned.

“What I mean is, someone else might come through here and see this..” I started explaining.

“So what if they do?” He crossed his arms.

“Oh, I get it. Are you saying I should get you something besides flowers?” Jonghyun implied.

“Right, I mean, I’ve sent you flowers once. You’re probably bored with them” he mentioned.

“Sorry I didn’t realized that before” he smiled sheepishly.

“Alright, then. Just tell me what you want. There’s nothing I can’t get” he smirked.

“So, if it’s not flowers.. Jewellery, perhaps?” He asked.

“I’ll go get something that I think will look good on you” he said.

“A necklace? Or maybe a ring would be better? A bracelet, earrings, just say the words and it’s yours” he continued.


I shook my head, but Jonghyun’s inquiries just kept coming.

“Then, how about clothes?” He asked.

“From the shoes to the purse, I’ll get you a fully coordinated ensemble..” He continued.

“I know- why don’t I take you to the boutique I run?” He suggested.

“If I say I’m buying it doesn’t matter if they’re closing or not. I own it. Or maybe.. Right. Maybe you’re hungry?” He kept on questioning.

“After we finish shopping, I’ll take you to my favourite restaurant” he offered.

“Five-star French, or Italian- whatever you like” he smiled.


At Jonghyun’s every suggestion, I merely shook my head.

“Why do you refuse? Didn’t I say you can have anything you want?” He looked a bit angry again.

“Tell me what you want! No matter what it is, I’ll get it for you!” He demanded.

“I have both the money and the power to do it” he said.

“What I want to say is..” I was cut off by Jonghyun’s look.


The hallway was quiet again, but the air hung heavy.

“Well, what then? I don’t understand what you’re trying to say. And as long as you don’t tell me, how could I?” He claimed.

“But.. I can get that you want me to go home and get out of here” he sighed as he closed his eyes.

“If it wasn’t for that, you wouldn’t be so obstinate” he looked at me.

“Sorry for coming and waiting at your place at this hour. See you” Jonghyun left with a sad expression on his face.

“I..” I started, but it was too late.


Shuffling his feet, Jonghyun made his way to the elevator.

I was left standing there with all those flowers, and their fragrance.

It made the air seem even heavier...


(Several hours later- inside my apartment)

I put the flowers all around, using every container I could find.

A sweet fragrance filled my entire apartment.

If not for tonight’s episode, the smell would have been relaxing.

But I guess there’s no avoiding it.


“Huh? What was that sound just now?” I said as I heard a thud.

It sounded like it came from the doorway.

“Who is it?” I called out.

I looked out of the peephole, but no one was there.

I left the chain on the door and peeked outside but..


“Huh?” Another thud.

Something seemed to be blocking the door.

I knew I had the chain on, but I could feel some other sort of resistance.

Looking out through the crack I saw..


“What?” I let out.

“More flowers?” I said as I made my way out in the hallway.

In front of my door was two, no.. three times the flowers as before.

I frantically looked around the hallway, but saw no one.


“Jonghyun..” I said.

Jonghyun was worried about me and brought even more flowers.

Regardless of the time, he brought them thinking they’d make me happy.

Well I guess that’s what I get..

Not knowing what to give me, I guess he settled for even more flowers.

I guess he thought I’d be even happier with more flowers.

I.. I’ve hurt Jonghyun’s feelings.

Of course, I don’t like how Jonghyun throws money around to fix problems.

But I felt bad about the way I’ve treated him.

It made my heart ache even worse...


I’m sorry for coming to visit you late today. When you didn’t reply to my mails or answer your phone, I got really worried.

And since I was worried, my work piled up sky-high, which worried my dad.

Also, the flowers I got for you were really just to make you feel better, but I wonder if you wouldn’t have preferred something else...

I really want to do something to make up for it. Thought, it’s up to you what you want to do with them. Like I said, if you don’t want them just throw them away. But... keep them if you can, I hope you can care for them.


End of Chapter

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She should go after Jonghyun and tell him what she thinks and then plant a big kiss on his mouth. That'll make him come around :p seriously though...she should do that
Update. Dont leave me hanging.
oh lovely
I love whole update
but plz dont be late
Wow very good chapter! Poor Jonghyun...I kinda anticipated a kiss though..maybe the next chap :)
update please <3
she should just tell him to stop talking for five minutes and explain to him what she feels. poor Jonghyun, though I do understand her a bit
oh poor dino but I love how luna did
bad guy hhhhh
plz continue
rini we want the update
lollilove #10
Lol !! Jonghyun talks a lot .. but i finds it cute though .. haha
and he always being so blunt with her which i finds it more cuter that way ..
anyway, this chapter is nice and I'm waiting for ur next update !!