Day 4 — Voice & Fanservice

~KyuSung Week 2020~

"God! Why can't you make money rain down from the sky! The new semester is about to start in two months but I still don't have enough money to pay for my tuition!"

"That's kinda your fault though Jongwoonie. You have your salary from a part-time job and monthly pocket money from your parents, but you spend it all buying new clothes and accessories."

"But they look good on me!"

"Yep, they sure did, but looking good won't help pay your tuition."

"Ryeowookieeeeeee! You're so meannnn!"


Jongwoon pouted and stared sadly at his phone. The mobile banking app showed that the amount of money he had left was quite worrisome. Ryeowook sighed at his hopeless friend who really didn't know when to not spend money.


"In that case, why don't you be a streamer?"

Jongwoon tilted his head, "a what?"

"A streamer, as in YouTube and Twitch streamer, if you're lucky you might hit a jackpot and land a generous benefactor."

"But I'm not good at gaming and I love my private life…"

"Just do that ASMR video and stream only your voice then. You already have a beautiful voice so use it wisely."


Although Jongwoon was still skeptical about it, in the end, he followed his friend's advice and started a Twitch channel under an alias named Yesung to protect his privacy. One week later, he instantly wanted to give up on this plan because his viewers were so little that he could count it with one hand. He lost confidence and was about to delete his channel when he got his first donation.



Gyuhyun cheers 10,000 bits!

Gyuhyun: Don't feel down.

Gyuhyun: You're not alone.

Gyuhyun: I've been your viewer since day 1.



Jongwoon was so excited about his first streamer income that he let out a string of weird noise forgetting that he was live streaming now.



Gyuhyun: Cute :)



He was so embarrassed and kept apologizing to his first donator. Although the other party didn't seem to mind his eccentric behavior, quite the opposite, Gyuhyun actually really liked seeing him flustered that he donated another ten thousand bits. Jongwoon got even more flustered as he hurried to tell his donator to stop. He needed money, yes, but he wasn't that desperate to the point of scamming. Only after his first donator reluctantly promised that he would stop donating for now did Jongwoon calm down. After that, he kept talking with Mister Gyuhyun until they parted with a goodnight.




Jongwoon held a live stream every day even though the viewer number never exceeded ten. He no longer cared about that, to be honest. He only needed one royal fan and he already got it, Gyuhyun hyung. During the past month, he slowly got to know his benefactor better. Gyuhyun hyung was eight years older than him and his occupation was a programmer, that's why he had plenty of time watching his live broadcast. The older man was well-off and generous too. Jongwoon was able to pay for his tuition in a month thanks to Gyuhyun hyung's donation. Once his debt was settled, he considered deleting his channel because he didn't want to abuse Gyuhyun hyung's kindness. However, Gyuhyun hyung once again encouraged him to keep his channel.



Gyuhyun: Don't delete your channel.

Gyuhyun: I love your voice.

Gyuhyun: You can toggle off a donation option if it bothers you.

Gyuhyun: I'll be helpless and alone without you.



Jongwoon was so embarrassed that he couldn't say anything for ten whole minutes. Did Gyuhyun hyung just flirt with him!? And why did his heart skip a beat at that comment!? They were strangers so hyung's words shouldn't mean that much to him, right?



Gyuhyun: Yesung-ah? Are you alright?

Gyuhyun: I'm worried about you.



Okay, he admitted, the older man's words meant everything to him, or else he wouldn't grin this wide just because hyung said that he was worried about him. Jongwoon was so happy that he never a camera so he could blush as much as he wanted. He told Gyuhyun hyung that he was just feeling touched for the older man's kindness. He also promised to hyung that as long as he still watched his live stream, he wouldn't go anywhere.




Jongwoon kept doing his live stream as usual. He didn't even try to promote it but it somehow became popular three months later. Turned out his small numbers of fans promoting his channel through words of mouth. Soon, people flooded into his channel hearing all good things from their friends or families. In only three months, the viewer number had increased from ten to two hundred. However, more people also meant more troubles. His usually peaceful chat was now full of arguments and trolls. Jongwoon hated it because his Gyuhyun hyung's comments were now drowned under other comments. The only time his hyung could talk to him was when he donated bits. However, bits comment only lasted a second or two so the older man had to resort to a silly but cute method to communicate with him instead.



Gyuhyun cheers 10 bits! — Yesung-ah

Gyuhyun cheers 10 bits! — How was your day?

Gyuhyun cheers 10 bits! — Glad to hear that :)

Gyuhyun cheers 10 bits! — I'm fine too.

Gyuhyun cheers 10 bits! — No, I didn't lie!

Gyuhyun cheers 10 bits! — Well, I did stay up late but that's not unusual.

Gyuhyun cheers 10 bits! — Alright, alright, I promise I'll go to bed early tonight~

Gyuhyun cheers 10 bits! — The weather is getting cold. Take care.

Gyuhyun cheers 1,000 bits! — There, buy a new coat~

Gyuhyun cheers 10 bits! — Me? I'm not cold.

Gyuhyun cheers 10 bits! — Because I have you ;)



Jongwoon kept chatting with his hyung in this method while ignoring what some people (mostly trolls and homophobic people) said that they were disgusting and creepy. However, the other half of the comment section was actually very kind and supportive. These people were the one who suggested him to designated his hyung as his channel moderator. It took some time because neither he nor Gyuhyun hyung knew how Twitch worked but eventually…



Gyuhyun ⚔️ : Did it work?

Cat_lady: Yes!

BlueWorld: Congrats!!!

Cotton Cloudy: Our prince arrived~

Gyuhyun ⚔️ : Yesung-ah, I can finally protect you now!

Gyuhyun ⚔️ :No mercy.



His hyung stuck to his words and immediately banned all hate speeches, trolls, and spams from the comment section. What was even better was, the rest of the viewers gladly behaved themselves and stopped sending comments whenever Gyuhyun hyung was sending one. Thanks to the kind viewers and that sword badge belonging to only a moderator, Jongwoon never had a hard time finding his hyung's comments ever again.




Despite starting his channel as a side project, Jongwoon eventually came to enjoy doing his ASMR channel so much that he wanted to take it more seriously. He started to take viewers' requests and did some fanservice. Obviously, he never did one that included him revealing his face or identity. If anyone was too nosy bothering him to do that, his hyung wouldn't hesitate even one bit to ban that viewer. Gyuhyun hyung took his role as the moderator very seriously so the viewers began to call him "Yesung's knight in shining armor" and call Yesung "Gyuhyun hyung's princess". Jongwoon loved it so much but he didn't want to admit it. Sadly, he was never good at lying so basically every viewer knew. Thus, began a neverending teasing session disguising as a fanservice request…




Scenario 1: princess and knight



"S-Sir Gyuhyun, here, please take this. I made a charm for you."


Gyuhyun cheers 10 bits! — Princess, you're too kind.


"Too kind? No… I'm just doing what I can to aid you. The battlefield is dangerous and unpredictable. Please, do take care of yourself."


Gyuhyun cheers 10 bits! — I will. I shall come back safe and sound to you, my princess.


"B-Before we depart, there is something I want to tell you…"


Jongwoon looked at the script he got from his fan and blushed madly. No, he couldn't say it…


Gyuhyun cheers 10 bits! — Time out. Yesung-ah, if you're uncomfortable then let stop.

Gyuhyun cheers 10 bits! — You don't have to force yourself.


"...No, I can do it. I'll do it for Gyuhyun hyung…"


Jongwoon murmured. He thought that he had turned off the mic but actually he didn't, so everyone heard it all. The chat exploded but Jongwoon didn't notice it at all because he was focusing on the script.


"Sir Gyuhyun, my heart belongs to you and only you."


He silently cheered to himself after successfully reading the script but no one paid attention to him. Jongwoon blinked stupidly when the chat was filled with the word "cute" and a heart emoji.



Gyuhyun cheers 10 bits! — Cute :)




"N-Next script!"




Scenario 2: a newlywed couple



"G-Gyuhyun dearest, w-welcome back home!"


Gyuhyun cheers 10 bits! — I'm back, honey ;)

Gyuhyun cheers 10 bits! — I think of you all day while I was at work~


"I-I think of you all day too, dear h-husband."


Jongwoon glared at the script in his hand. He should have checked the email content before choosing it for tonight's live stream!


"Do you want to have dinner first or take a bath first? O-Or…"


Blushing furiously, Jongwoon decided to hurry and just get it over.




Jongwoon panted tiredly after saying the whole sentence in one breath.


Gyuhyun cheers 10 bits! — YESUNG-AH



"Huh? Why?"


Gyuhyun cheers 10 bits! — Next script!


"But you haven't replied to my script yet—" Jongwoon stopped after recalling the script, "y-yes! Next Script!"




Scenario 3: blind date



"H-Hello Gyuhyun-ssi, I'm J—, I'm Yesung! Nice to meet you…"


Gyuhyun cheers 10 bits! — Nice to meet you :)

Gyuhyun cheers 10 bits! — I can already imagine our future together~


"Isn't that a bit too fast…? I mean, we just met today…"


Gyuhyun cheers 10 bits! — Is it? Why do I feel like we've already known each other for so long?

Gyuhyun cheers 10 bits! — I know! It must be because we're soulmates ;)


"Hyung! This isn't in the script!"


Gyuhyun cheers 10 bits! — Of course it's not in the script.

Gyuhyun cheers 10 bits! — It's in my heart~



Jongwoon was unable to continue the live stream after that. He quickly ended the fanservice section and called it a night




Before long, one year had passed ever since Jongwoon started his ASMR channel. It was a fun experience. He earned money and got a new hobby. His followers were all kind and fun to talk to (even though their fanservice requests sometimes made him combust from embarrassment). Most importantly, this opportunity made him meet Gyuhyun hyung… Jongwoon touched his burning cheeks while trying not to grin. It was as clear as day that he had a huge, obvious crush on his number one benefactor. He fell for his hyung's kind and reliable self. He fell for his hyung's sense of humor that never failed to bring a smile on his face when he had a bad day. He fell for his hyung's teasing that made him so happy that his heart could explode. He loved Gyuhyun hyung. There were times he tried to ask the older man to meet in real life but chicken out in the end. He wasn't brave enough to pull that. Besides, his hyung never showed any interest in wanting to meet him in real life so Jongwoon was even more scared to ask for it. In the end, he decided to just leave it to fate. If he and Gyuhyun hyung were meant to be, then they would eventually meet one day, right!!?





"You want me to cover your shift?"

"Yes, Pabo-Hae thought it's a good idea to jog in the morning of December wearing a tank top and shorts so he caught a bad cold. Can you fill in my night shift? Please! It's only for a week!"

"Sure, my classes are in the afternoon anyway."

"Thank you! Don't worry, the night shift isn't that different from the day shift but less customers. Except for one regular customer, you might probably be free for the entire night!"



...And that was how Jongwoon found himself yawning while trying not to doze off. Usually, he stayed up late at night and didn't feel sleepy because he kept talking while live streaming. Tonight, however, he was alone in a cafe he worked at and he was really sleepy now. He also missed his hyung and his followers so much. He already told them last week that there won't be a live stream for a week. He could clearly sense his hyung's disappointment through bit comments. He was sad too but his friend's promise came before anything else.



"May I have another cup of hot chocolate?"



Jongwoon nodded and took a hot chocolate kettle with him. He tried to stifle a yawn while pouring the drink. Well, he actually wasn't alone. There was another person in the cafe with him, the regular customer that his friend told him about. He was a handsome brown-haired man who seemed to be older than Jongwoon. The man had been there before his shift even started. According to his friend, this regular customer came here every night and just sat at his regular table alone, watching something on his laptop while smiling happily. Jongwoon glanced at the sole customer curiously. Unlike what his friend told him, the esteemed customer looked miserable rather than happy. Jongwoon shrugged. Well, it was none of his business either way.




Jongwoon got really bored after another hour had passed. It was midnight now, one more hour before the closing time. He had already cleaned every corner of the cafe and basically everything was literally sparkling. He needed to find something to do now before he either died of boredom or fell asleep while standing. He glanced at the sole customer. The man still sat there looking depressed. He seemed so lost in his world that Jongwoon doubted he would notice if Jongwoon did something. Unable to stand the boredom, Jongwoon began to sing something to entertain himself.






Jongwoon jumped in his place from surprise when the sole customer suddenly stood up and banged the table. The handsome customer glared at him and strode toward him. Jongwoon stepped back until he hit the counter and had nowhere to go. The taller man followed him closely and trapped him at the counter.





The man leaned in dangerously close so Jongwoon shut his eyes in fear. Gyuhyun hyung, save me!


"Are you Yesung-ah?"


Jongwoon carefully opened his eyes. Did the man just call him Yesung-ah? Gyuhyun hyung was the only person who called him like this. Could it be…


"Are you Gyuhyun hyung?"

The taller man smiled happily, "yes, it's me, Yesung-ah."

"No, I don't believe you." Jongwoon pouted and crossed his arms, "anyone who watches my live stream knows that nickname."

"I see," the man chuckled, "well, how about this one? Your very first live stream lasted only four minutes and you mostly just complained about how annoying the settings were. You were a complete newbie that you didn't even know I had already got into your live stream! I was laughing the whole four minutes listening to your struggle!"


Jongwoon blushed shyly. He didn't know that someone saw his stupid first attemp at live streaming! So embarrassing!


"I always watch something at night while working. I found your channel by accident but stuck to it because I love your voice. Your voice is really beautiful and soothing. I got addicted to your voice and I can't imagine my life without you. That's why I encouraged you to not give up. I donated one hundred thousand bits to you too—"

"Gyuhyun hyung!!"


Jongwoon jumped at the taller man and hugged the life out of him. Everything the man just said, no one should know except his hyung himself. This man is really his Gyuhyun hyung!!


"I finally found you, Yesung-ah."

"Hyung, do you know how many times I want to ask you to meet in real life? But you never said anything about it so I can't bring myself to ask…"

"I really want to meet you too, I truly am, but I don't know what you think about it so…"


The two chuckled at each other.


"Well, at least fate brought us together." Jongwoon said while grinning at the man.

The older man faked a cough, "I think an introduction is needed. I'm Cho Kyuhyun."

"Kyuhyun? Not Gyuhyun?"

"It's Kyuhyun. That one is just a username."

"Alright, Kyuhyun hyung, I'm Kim Jongwoon!"


Kyuhyun helds Jongwoon's hands and gently kissed them.


"Jongwoon-ah, I know I'm much older than you and we barely know each other, but, will you go out with me?"

"Of course I will! I've always loved you, you know!!"


Jongwoon tackled the taller man again to hug him. Kyuhyun chuckled fondly while hugging his now boyfriend back. They indulged in each other's warmth for a long while before something came to Kyuhyun.


"Say, Jongwoon-ah,"


"Should we do a fanservice request together this time?"

"That's a good idea! I bet my followers will love it."

"Great. Let's practice it before starting a live stream."

"Practice what?"


Kyuhyun smirked.


"A kiss scene."

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Chapter 1: Omaaaayyyg this is so fluffy.
402 streak #2
Chapter 6: it's cute and hot at the same time!!! LOVE!!! <333333
402 streak #3
Chapter 5: #cough cough cough

Your always makes me happy~ <3333
402 streak #4
Chapter 4: a kiss scene XDDDDD

GYAAAAAA~ d >//////////< b
402 streak #5
Chapter 3: LOL!!!!

Yesung's way to get laid XDDDD
402 streak #6
Chapter 1: It's so cuteeeee!!!! OMG >____<
vpurple #7
Chapter 6: haha i loved this chapter!! that was so adorable and y too!! thank you for writing!!! <3 <3
Chapter 6: That is so hot!! I'm blushing just by reading that. ☺☺☺
And i love how you play around with Kyuhyun and Yesung personality. Power bottom Ye is the best!
vpurple #9
Chapter 5: LOL so hot and funny at the same time!! loved it!!! thank you so much for writing! <3 <3 <3
Cenya14 #10
Chapter 4: Super cute and fluffy. I would be hooked too with Yesungs voice