Day 2 — Soulmate & Possession

~KyuSung Week 2020~

You're a fortune teller. And no, you're not a fake one who does it for fame or fortune. You're the real deal and you do it for a good cause. Ever since you were young, you can hear a voice from the universe, talking to you, showing you visions, ushering you to help people, and more. That's why you decide to become a fortune teller— to help guide people and lead them to the right path. However, being assisted by the universe doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want. More often than not, your fortune telling is vague and cryptic. The universe prevents you from revealing the whole truth, just providing some hints and guidance. Still, you do your best to help people in need.



Even though your client's request sometimes is... questionable...





"Please help me!" Your client said desperately, "I'm haunted by the evil spirit of an ex-lover from my past life!"


Your client is a cute guy with blond hair and black eyes. His pink and white outfit makes him look soft and loveable. You almost reach out to pinch those chubby cheeks but you hold back. No, that would be rude of you. You're a professional. You can deal with it.


"Please calm down and explain what happened. You can start by telling me your name."

"Alright, I'm Kim Jongwoon. I'm thirty years old and I'm a coffee shop owner. Believe it or not, my love life has been nothing but one failure after another! Whoever I try to go on a date with, be it men or women, they all face unfortunate events. Some of my ex even said that a shadow man visited their dreams and threatened them to break up with me! It can't be anyone but my ex-husband from my past life who cursed me! God, I just want to be in love once!!"


Jongwoon-ssi complained and flopped down on the table. His bang falls on his face and you resist the urge to brush it away. No, you should focus on helping your client first.


"Please give me your hands then. I'll try to check if any curses fall upon you."


Your client nods and gives his hands to you. You notice that his hands are quite small and really, really cute. Again, you have to resist the urge to intertwine your hands as you close your eyes and reach out to the universe. There, with your spiritual sight, you indeed see a shadow casting over your client. It embraces your client so tightly and protectively that you didn't dare to probe any further. The shadow is quite strong, too, because your heart keeps beating faster and faster the longer you look at it. This is no doubt a spell cast by a talented individual who can connect to the universe like you. They could be as strong as you, even.


"Jongwoon-ssi," you spoke up after opening your eyes, "your hunch is spot on. Someone really did cast a possession spell on you."

"A possession spell?"

"Yes, it's a spell that connects two souls together and nothing shall separate them. However..."


You chew your lips anxiously.


"The only way the spell will work if it's cast on people who are soulmates. It helps soulmates to find each other again even after they're reborn in a different life, ensuring that you can't be with anyone else but your soulmate."

"Oh," you client gasped, "so, like, it's actually my soulmate who put it on me then? So I should be happy, right? And all I have to do is finding him?"

"Correct, but finding him won't be an easy job. The spell only wards off other suitors. It didn't help bring the soulmates together. You might even live and die without finding who your soulmate is."

"What!? No! I want to experience the joy of love and being loved!"


Your client seizes your hands and squeezes them. He also uses full-force puppy eyes to beg you. You can't help but smile fondly at him. Even if Jongwoon-ssi didn't beg you, you'd gladly help him anyway.


"Don't worry, Jongwoon-ssi, I'll definitely help you reunite with your soulmate."

"Really...? Yes! Thank you so much!!"


Your client shakes your joined hands happily and you have to exert all willpower to not bring that adorable hands to your lips and kiss it. You quickly shake your head to get rid of the inappropriate thought. You really need to focus on your job, not your client.





At a bar...



"Jongwoon-ssi, are you sure that this is a good idea?"

"Well, you said it yourself that the shadow only appears when other suitors approach me, right? And you need to see the shadow in action to know who sends it, right? What is a better way to do that than flirting around until you find the source of the spell? I don't think so!"


Your client said and blew a kiss at a man sitting not far from you two. The man blushes and shyly smiles back at the blond-haired man. For some reason, your heart reacts weirdly to the scene, and, out of nowhere, someone bumps at that man and spills their cocktail on him. While Jongwoon-ssi is sighing, you quickly turn to check on him, or, to put it more specifically, check the spell on him. You see the shadow hugging the shorter man even tighter than before. One of its arms reaches out to the unlucky man and surrounds him with a dark matter. You seize your client's hand and close your eyes, trying to locate where the shadow comes from but...


"It's gone..."


As soon as you hold your client's small hand, the shadow retracts itself back to your client. You can't track where it comes from. You sigh in frustation. Not good, the culprit is more skilled than you thought. This job might prove to be more challenging than you expected...


"Eh... um... excuse me... but..."


"Your hand..."


You blink. Then you look at your hand that still hold on your client's cute smaller one.


"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's alright," your client smiled shyly, "so? Did you find anything?"

"Unfortunately, no, the shadow retreated back too fast that I cound't get anything.."

"So, I have to continue flirting then?'


Jongwoon-ssi sighed. Then, your client makes an eye contact with a young woman who sits at the other end of the counter and winks at her. She smirks back and gets down from a stool as if she was about to head your ways. Again, your heart acts weird, and the woman suddenly slips and falls to the floor. You didn't waste times and place your hand on your client's slim waist. Again, the shadow is hugging Jongwoon-ssi while a dark matter is pulling the woman's leg. You close your eyes, ready to track where the spell comes from. However, your client suddenly leans on your shoulder and the dark matter instantly disappears. You sigh in frustation again. Why? Why can't you track it? Why did the shadow disappear so fast? Could it be that the caster is around here?


"So..." Your client glances up at you, "did you find anything?"

"No, it got away too fast, again."


Your client straigthens up and puts his hand on his chin. He looks like he is deep in thoughts now. A stray bang falls on his beautiful black eyes and something tugs at your heartstrings. You gently brush the blond bang and tuck it behind your client's ear. Jongwoon-ssi snaps his head up and stared dumbfoundedly at you. His chubby cheeks then slowly heat up as he nuzzles against your palm, and your heart instantly melts down.




"Should we try holding hands from the start? You said that the shadow gets away too fast for you to catch anything, right?"

"That's actully a great idea. Let's try it."


You and your client intertwin your hands, palm pressing against palm, fingers hooking around fingers. Jongwoon-ssi blushes again but tries to keep it together. Your client looks around the dance floor. Then, he smiles and points at a tall, handsome man who is dancing with a beautiful woman.


"You see him? That guy over there?"

"Yes. Why?"

"He is totally my type!" Jongwoon-ssi beamed at you, "I'm thingking of approaching him and inviting him to my house to spend a night together."


This time, you immediately feel it, a burning sensation that spreads from your client's soul and creeps down to your connected hands. Almost instantly after that, some drunk man surrounded by a dark matter bumps into that man and punches him out of the blue. While people are panicked at the commotion, you sieze the chance to locate the caster. You quickly close your eyes and focus. However, your client then leans on you and the shadow is gone, yet again. What the hell?


"So?" Your client inquires while playing with your joined hands, "did you find anything?"

"No. I don't get it. I feel like I almost got it but then it disappeared again! This is ridiculous!"


Jongwoon-ssi tilts his head and stares at you. Then, he lets go of your hand and turns away from you.


"You know what? I don't care about this curse anymore. I'll just sleep around and have fun with a fling!"

"What? Don't you want find your soulmate?"

"Nope. I just realize it. Why would I waste my time looking for a man I don't know where he is instead of enjoying a one-night stand? Hey, handsome!"


Your client calls a young bartender and his upper lip when the other man looks at him.


"Are you free tonight?"

The bartender smirks, "I always have times for a cutie like you, just wait for my shift to end first."


The bartender winks at your client and turns away to take an order from another customer. You frown. Your heart is beating so fast in your chest. Suddenly, a tall vodka bottle sitting on a shelf behind the bartender shakes slightly. Then, the dark matter slithering under the bottle slowly slides it forward. It was about to fly off the shelf when your client leaned in and kissed your cheek.


The bottle stops moving.


"Hey," Jongwoon-ssi calls the bartender again, "sorry, I was kidding just now! I actully did that to tease my boyfriend!"


Your client said while hugging your arm and kissing your cheek again. The bartender seems slightly annoyed but he just shrugs and let you two to your business. You touch your cheek and stare at the blond-haired man in puzzlement.



"I already know who my soulmate is."


Jongwoon-ssi leans in and put his arms around your wasit. He then smiles happily and plants a sweet kiss on your lips.


"It's you, Kyuhyun-ssi!"




Kyuhyun blinks stupidly at the blond-haired man who glances up at him from his chest.


"What? How?"

"You seriouly don't know yet?" Jongwoon giggles and kisses the taller man again, "silly, the shadow always disppears when you touch me!"


"You want another proof? Let me show you then!"


Jongwoon kisses Kyuhyun again, but this time, he prolongs it and even bites Kyuhyun's bottom lip teasingly, challeging the other party to deepen the kiss. Kyuhyun quickly accepts the challenge and slides his tongue in. The blond-haired man moans as their tongues rub against one another and set his body on fire. He pulls Kyuhyun further down as Kyuhyun also pulls him closer. Jongwoon is literally shaking and melting from the heated kiss.


"Check it," Jongwoon whispers after they break the kiss, "the shadow is completely gone now, right?"


Kyuhyun focuses on his spiritual sight and, true to Jongwoon's words, there is no trace of the possesion spell left, just his adoration for the blond-haired man.


"Case closed now, right?"

Kyuhyun obediently admits his defeat, "you're right. I can't believe that I didn't realize it until you told me."

"Uh-huh," Jongwoon rubs Kyuhyun's firm abdomen, "say, what if there is other spells left on me? Should we check it... more thoroughly...?"


Jongwoon bites Kyuhyun's neck and it.


"You're absolutely right. For the sake of your safety, let's go and check it now."



Kyuhyun carries Jongwoon up in his arms and heads to a VIP room upstair.

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Chapter 1: Omaaaayyyg this is so fluffy.
402 streak #2
Chapter 6: it's cute and hot at the same time!!! LOVE!!! <333333
402 streak #3
Chapter 5: #cough cough cough

Your always makes me happy~ <3333
402 streak #4
Chapter 4: a kiss scene XDDDDD

GYAAAAAA~ d >//////////< b
402 streak #5
Chapter 3: LOL!!!!

Yesung's way to get laid XDDDD
402 streak #6
Chapter 1: It's so cuteeeee!!!! OMG >____<
vpurple #7
Chapter 6: haha i loved this chapter!! that was so adorable and y too!! thank you for writing!!! <3 <3
Chapter 6: That is so hot!! I'm blushing just by reading that. ☺☺☺
And i love how you play around with Kyuhyun and Yesung personality. Power bottom Ye is the best!
vpurple #9
Chapter 5: LOL so hot and funny at the same time!! loved it!!! thank you so much for writing! <3 <3 <3
Cenya14 #10
Chapter 4: Super cute and fluffy. I would be hooked too with Yesungs voice