Like Water

Kill em with Jealousy
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Wendy’s finding it hard to breathe. She’s gradually regaining consciousness because she finally noticed the weight on her whole front becoming heavier. What the ? She thought as she groaned.



“Unnie, stop moving. Five more minutes,” said a husky voice in which Wendy suddenly found herself more alert because who wouldn’t?



Not when Kim Jennie’s front is pressed on her face and the girl is basically lying on top of her.



What the (2)




Wendy’s used to Jennie sleeping over at her house. They sleep mostly on Wendy’s because Jennie says her bed can fit 5 people either way. They always utilize the space so they never really had a problem invading each other’s personal space especially with how tiny they are.



Until now.



This is definitely a level up.



“I can’t breathe,” Wendy’s voice came out muffled given that she’s still crushed by Jennie package. Jennie just giggled.



What the ?(3)



“Unnie, it tickles. Stop moving,” The woman had the audacity to press Wendy’s face further in to her bosom and Wendy can’t decide whether to be red from embarrassment or blue from the lack of oxygen. She used what strength left in her to flip them over because her gay spirit has passed out too early in the morning. Jennie only gave a yelp of surprise as she suddenly found herself under Wendy.



“I can’t breathe you mongrel,” Wendy was about to catch her breath so it was a huge mistake looking at the girl under her. It’s still too early and Jennie has no right to be this alluring in loose pajamas and a disheveled head but there she is, looking like breakfast— 






“You’re so dramatic,” Jennie drawled as she stifled a yawn, not noticing Wendy’s internal struggle to not do anything that would definitely scar her for life.



“I-I did! But you ignored me. You're heavy,” Wendy said all her excuses to distract herself.



“Yah, I’m not heavy!”



“Says the oomf who just crushed my face with her s.”



They continued bickering and didn’t even notice that their faces are too close to each other,only when they heard a knock on Wendy’s door that they both flinched.



“Wannie dear? Breakfast! And bring Jennie with you while you’re at it,” came Mama Shon’s voice behind the door. Wendy sat up straight, trying to hide her blush.



“Y-yes mom! Coming!” She shuffled out of bed and look back at the girl who further buried herself under the duvet. “Let’s go. Breakfast,” Wendy gather the material in her arms but Jennie pulled it back. A silly game of tug of war commenced.



“Unnie, I wanna sleep more!”



“You either get back to bed or we won’t hang out for today,” Wendy threatened. The hold immediately went lax and Wendy shook it free.



“Where are we going?” Said the girl who suddenly sat up, eyes twinkling.



“I’ll tell you if you can catch me,” and Wendy bolted out the door.



“Yah! Unnie! Yah!”











“What is it?” Jennie looked back at her companion. They were walking back to the parking lot of the mall. They picked up Wendy’s phone before going to their destination for the day. Wendy shook her head. “Have you ever had a feeling that someone’s watching you but there’s no one there when you look back?” said Wendy as she matched the younger’s pace.



“Are you talking about dispatch? Because I do not want those pests a kilometer near me,” she puffed as she lowered her hat and adjusted her mask.



“No kitty, you know what, nevermind. Let’s not ruin this day with crazy people,” Jennie nodded and they went on their way to their car.






“Hurry up Seulgi unnie! We’re going to lose them!” Yeri dragged a helpless bear, opening the door of Seulgi’s car and proceeded to tail the vehicle containing her unnie.



“This set up is sus and we’re getting to the bottom of it,” Yeri mumbled behind the wheel. Seulgi grabbed on to her seat for dear life.



She took her driver’s license right? Right?!














Seulgi didn’t know how it came to this. For all she remembered, they were walking and they just somehow went to discussing Wendy and Jennie’s relationship at first or lack thereof, according to Yeri. The topic was brought up when they saw an ad about the two’s upcoming show when they were wandering around the mall while on break.



“Those two must’ve been awkward as hell,” Yeri said as glanced at the ad. The show is finally airing some time soon and they were all excited to see Wendy’s new show with Jennie. Seulgi looked at the screen. It showed a picture of all the contestants with Wendy and Jennie side by side. She would’ve agreed with Yeri if she haven’t seen the sickeningly sweet display a couple of weeks before.



“They must’ve but I guess they’re way pass that now,” Seulgi commented.



“What does that mean?” Yeri asked, not missing Seulgi’s comment. “They’re—“ Seulgi thought about what she saw. " I actually don’t know." Besides from the surprise mic drop of a friendship, she knows there’s something Wendy wasn’t telling her. She’ll have to wait til her bestfriend opens up.



“They’re friends,” Seulgi said instead and Yeri just hummed, not believing it. 



“What?” Seulgi asked and Yeri chuckled.



“Maybe you’re right, unnie. But I still can’t see it,” Yeri laughed and Seulgi frowned.



‘Is it so hard to believe Wendy can be friends with Jennie?’ She herself didn’t believe it at first, she admits. But they’ll eventually get to it, given that they did worked together, right? And it’s not like its hard to befriend Wendy. Even Jennie would be drawn to someone as kind as her best friend. And Jennie’s not as tough as she appears to be. If Wendy have to quote her that time: “She’s amazing”—Wendy Son, 202*.



“Would you believe it if you see it?” Seulgi asked and Yeri continued merrily laughing.



“I guess. But it’s not like they’ll just appear in front of us like—“



“For the last time, I do not want a taste of that disgusting flavor!” A familiar voice suddenly stopped the two girls. They scanned the faces of the people near them. That voice was definitely someone they know.



“Unnie, let’s swap. I don’t want it.”



“Then you shouldn’t have begged me for it,” there it goes. It was much closer.



Then out of nowhere, the culprits emerged from the crowd, adorning caps and masks that would generally hide their identity but Yermseul instantly identified Wendy And by the sound of it, they knew who she’s with too.



“Jennie,” Seulgi swore she heard Yeri gasped.



"What the actual fuc–“



" For the last time, I do not want mint chocolate,” Wendy hid away her own cup from Jennie as the latter try to reach for the vanilla flavor ice cream.



“Unnie,” Jennie whined. And just like that, they passed them with hardly a glance, continuing their merry way.






“Well, I’m not surprise that those two are at it again,” Seulgi just looked at them walking away.



“They’re going to bump into something if they don’t watch where they’re going,” Seulgi chuckled, happy that Seungwan found a friend in Jennie. When she looked at Yeri however…



“What?!” Yeri shouted, earning them glances from passers-by. “Yerimah,” Seulgi tugged Yeri’s sleeve but the younger one wasn’t listening. Seulgi sighed.



“I told you they’re friends. Now that that's through, where are we eating?”



“Parking lot.”



“I’m sorry?”


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O_rul82_ 0 points #1
I always come back to this one, just to see if there is an update 🥲
KLXRYU 0 points #2
Still checking up on this fic if in case you drop an update authornim. Please don’t give up on this, i love this au so much 🤧
Id3993 #3
What is that mean of quote in the poster? Jennie Kim, chapter 21? Is that a hint for this ship sailing?
Here I expect you will update 3 chapter soon!!
danedanedane #4
cptncat #5
Chapter 18: hihintayin ko kung kaninong black jeep sasakyan ni mareng wendy dito
dear author nim if you're going to jump off the timeline and straight to WYH era from LW era I wouldn't mind but I'm expecting jendy already married and have at least 2 kids 😭😭😭
I miss jendy 🥲🥲🥲
Chapter 18: can we go back in time when Jendy Agenda was ruling over wr?
Wendy243 #9
Chapter 18: God I love this story😤
Congratulations on becoming an MD, author! I hope one day you'll get to finish this beautiful story. Stay safe and hydrated!