My feelings for you - 2 (SHUQI)


The next morning, Yuqi woke up with an unusual feeling of heaviness in her chest and hips. Opening her eyes, the girl groaned from a sharp hit of light in her eyes, closed them again, grabbed her head:

- Shu, how much did I drink yesterday? she asked, expecting a quick response from the friend who should be with her (as usual since their debut), but silence answered her.

- Shu? - again ventured to open her eyes, ran around her room, then along the bed, noticing that there was no one besides her. - Oh, how my head is splitting - I sat down on the bed, stretched, found slippers downstairs, put them on, looked around my room again.

There was water in a glass and a headache pill on the nightstands by the bed. Yuqi drank gratefully, feeling relieved.

- Why didn't Shuhua sleep with me? - her fingers accidentally touched the corners of her lips, that scene with a kiss flashed through her thoughts, Yuqi blushed. - Is it because of the kiss? But she's my first...

- Woogie, get up! - the door to her room opened with a roar, Miyeon , led by Soyeon, rushed to her. - Oh, you're not sleeping anymore. Great, go clean yourself up, after we have breakfast and go to the company. I have an idea for our return!

- Cool, - Yuqi said not cheerfully, with difficulty getting up on shaky legs, getting out of the room. - How can you feel normal when you also drank yesterday? By the way, where is Shuhua?

- She spent the night with Minnie, now they are both preparing breakfast, - Miyeon shared information, pushing the leader out of the room, following Yuqi out.

Yuqi stopped halfway when she heard laughter coming from the kitchen and then a loud shout:

- Minnie-unnie! - again laughter.

- My Shuhua is so cute! - a voice with adoration from Minnie.

- Unnie! Unnie, burning up, faster, faster, unnie!

They have fun even without me - a thought flashed through, Yuqi decided not to go to the kitchen yet, but to go to the bathroom, you still have to go through. “Shuhua won’t notice me because her beloved unni is with her.

As soon as she passed the kitchen, looking enviously at the cute scene in front of her (Minnie hugged Shuhua from behind, put her chin on her shoulder, watched the maknae cook), she was called out.

- Woogie! Did you wake up yet? "How do you feel?" Shuhua's voice asked solicitously as she peeked around the corner of the kitchen, Minnie behind her. Did the tablet help?

- A little, thank you, Shu. -Yuqi smiled, feeling the oppressive feeling dissipate inside. - What will be for breakfast? - She sniffed the air, trying to smell it.

- What you all need right now - Shuhua said ambiguously, pushing Minnie away from her, but she clung tightly, did not let go. - I dragged you home again yesterday, but you promised something completely different! You didn't keep your word, especially you, Yuqi!

- Sorry, - Yuqi lowered her head guiltily, shifting on her feet, - I don’t know why this happened. Everything was fine until...

- Until someone asked for help to get rid of a persistent girl,- Minnie finished for her, rubbed her nose against the open area of her neck, kissed her quickly, and released Shuhua.

- Do you know why I slept with you tonight, unnie? - Shuhua interrupted her in all seriousness, with an intense expression in her eyes.

Because you love me the most? - Minnie blinked innocently, knowing full well that the joke would not work now.

- And why did you spend the night with Kim Minnie today? Yuqi asked curiously. - Why not with me?

Shuhua's answer hanging on the tongue was lost in the onslaught of Yuqi's question. She would say that...

...with Minnie, I felt safe. What I told her, she will forget tomorrow, so I thought, but now I'm not sure....

.... "if I stayed with you, I'm afraid I would just take advantage of your drunken state and kiss you again. This could not be allowed."

“Just because you took up your entire bed, leaving no room for me.” I thought about returning to my room, when Minnie-unnie caught me in the corridor and dragged me to her - Shuhua got out, thinking up on the go. - I couldn't get out.

- Oh, so that’s why, -Yuqi relaxed, smiling wider, the smile even touched her eyes. - I'm sorry, Shu.

- Nothing, - she waved her hand back to the kitchen when she heard the squeak from the microwave. - Go wash up, call the others, 10 minutes and the food will be ready.

A little later, when Minnie heard water pouring in the bathroom, she came up behind Shuhua, hugged her from behind, said softly:

- I will keep your secret, Shuhua, - adding to himself: if I can judge by Yuqi’s look, then I can say with certainty that your feelings resonated in her soul. If I push her a little towards you, you won't be angry, will you?

- Thank you, unnie, - the girl whispered softly as she snuggled closer into a warm embrace.


Having taken a calm shower, it did not work, the hot water that poured on her body created a completely different effect than relaxation. Closing her eyes to keep the water out, Yuqi remembered Shuhua's kiss, every detail, from beginning to end.

Had she forgotten about the kiss? Was it all a game for her? But most importantly, Yuqi, why are you so interested in whether she forgot about him or not? Forget about him already! Shuhua is your friend, just a friend.

After washing her hair, rinsing her body, the girl left the bathroom, refreshed, but as restless as before.

Shuhua was just passing by the bathroom when the doors were opened, her gaze caught on her friend's slender body, stopping at the droplets of water flowing from her hair down her neck down the collar of her T-shirt. She did not want to be seen, but Yuqi, who was following her, saw her, and when she saw her, she blushed. From the series that Yuqi watched, she knew perfectly well what Shuhua's look meant. interest and desire.

- Is breakfast ready? she asked nonchalantly.

“My breakfast is right in front of me,” Shuhua whispered as she took a step closer to her. “Yuqi, maybe that’s his breakfast, let’s go to my room and have some fun there?” – taking another step, pressing her friend’s body against the wall, resting her hands on the wall above Yuqi’s head. - You agree?

“Shu… what…” Yuqi, flustered, couldn’t answer, looking only at Shuhua’s speaking mouth, letting her face lean closer. - What are you doing?

“I want to kiss you again,” Shuhua said, striking on the last syllable, wasting no time kissing her.

The kiss is longer than the first, sweeter and greedier. Yuqi wrapped her arms around Shuhua's neck, pulling her even closer to her, kissing back with the same fervor. Her body pressed against Shuhua's, allowing her friend's mouth, lips, and tongue to completely dominate her. Her eyes closed by themselves, creating the illusion of unity, not hearing any voices in the kitchen, thinking only about who she is with now.

Over time, there was a catastrophic shortage of air, Yuqi began to suffocate, pushing Shuhua away from herself:

“Shu, I need to breathe…Shu…

"Let me be your air, Yuqi,” Shuhua chuckled, touching her bitten lips, aiming at her again.

- Then what will you breathe? Yuqi protested, pushing Shuhua back, catching her breath, looking towards the kitchen, where the same laughter was repeated. “Why am I only hearing Minnie’s laughter, it’s strange, I only hear him, although I’m ready to swear that I heard the voices of all the unnies before.

- There is nothing strange here, because you are sleeping, Woogie - the same frozen smirk on Shuhua's face, the same frozen look. - Wake up, Woogie! Wake up! Wake up already!

Yuqi abruptly jumped up on the bed, breathing heavily, looking around absently. She is in her room. She is wearing a black T-shirt, a towel in her hair, a body that has cooled down after a shower.

- Did I fall asleep after taking a shower? What time is it now? - reached for the phone, lying on the nightstand by the bed, the screen, looked at the clock. 9 hours 17 minutes. Exactly half an hour had passed since the shower, Shuhua's meeting in the hallway, and...

What happened next? How did I get here?

- You won't notice me for a long time, Woogie? - Shuhua asked with her arms folded across her chest, looking at the girl with annoyance. - You didn’t come to breakfast, I got worried, I went to look for you in the bathroom, but I found you here, sleeping peacefully in your bed. If you didn’t want to have breakfast so much, you would say, I wouldn’t put your plate on the table and wait for you like a fool - she got out of bed, about to leave, but Yuqi’s voice stopped her:

- But I really want your breakfast, Shu, if it's still warm. You rarely cook for us, so always, your breakfasts are delicious, -Yuqi honestly said, her lips while remembering the taste of food.

- Truth? - Shuhua blushed at the praise as she smiled, then grabbed Yuqi's hand, forced her to get up, and dragged her into the kitchen. - I specially warmed up for you, sit down and eat. The unnies had already had breakfast and went about their business. We are the only ones in the house.

- Just us - Yuqi almost choked on her food, - cool.

- Yeah, I think so too. We'll have a lot of fun without the unnies, Woogie. Can we do v live? It's been a long time since the maknae line got together.

- I don’t mind, - Yuqi said with full, giving a thumbs up.

- Great, then you finish your meal here, and I'll set everything up for now - Shuhua was delighted, jumping out of the kitchen.

- Now after that dream, I can’t investigate Shuhua’s eyes normally. Why did I even have such a dream?!

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dear readers attention!
i changed the name of the story from chapter 20 and added new stories by swapping them.
I especially apologize to Setfiretoawolf/
I'm sorry that it happened, but now your comments do not correspond to the story you read


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Setfiretoawolf #1
Chapter 37: I’m dying
Setfiretoawolf #2
Chapter 44: Moar shuyeon pls
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Chapter 39: Shuhua is the appointed cook now? Baby wolf has grown so much
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Chapter 35: Oh Shuhua with a group of guys? Interesting I’d like to see more of this
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Chapter 34: Now your just teasing us with shuqi
Chapter 33: Every single chapter's so interesting here, I want more! Great job, author-nim!
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Chapter 33: Oh murder
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Chapter 32: All this shuqi I am eating loads of gay bread
shuhuamybeloved_ #9
don’t be scared and do some shuqi s pls🤞