the day after

joohyun wakes up to the sound of a ringing phone.
she decides to go back to sleep, thinking it's just a dream, given that she's not familiar with the ringtone. but the sudden movement on the other side of the bed completely pulled her out of sleepiness.
the ringing stops, then she hears seulgi's sleepy voice.
"boo? yeah... i was... asleep. have you landed?"
eyes squinting and bleary, joohyun turns her head sideways to look at seulgi.
she blinks a few times, absorbing the situation as she stares at seulgi's back.
so last night wasn't a dream. it really happened.
she and seulgi did it, and it felt so good.
"okay. you go have fun. but don't forget to eat something, okay?" seulgi says.
joohyun turns away. all the beautiful feelings building up in her chest suddenly fade. she pulls away from the blanket, ready to get off the bed.
the movement made seulgi turn.
"ah. yes. i may sleep more. i stayed up late last night playing video games." seulgi reaches out to grab joohyun's hand, intertwining their fingers.
and joohyun follows along when seulgi pulls her back to bed.
"yes, i will. you take care. i love you too." seulgi hangs up and puts the phone down. she turns back to joohyun. "morning."
silence settles in as they both stare at each other's ness, the reality finally sinking in.
"joohyun, i--"
"can we not talk about it?" joohyun says softly, looking at their intertwined hands. "i am fully aware of the situation... but i..." she caresses seulgi's hand with hers. "i don't want to think it's a mistake, seul. last night felt right, didn't it?"
seulgi nods.
"i am not going to force you into doing anything." joohyun watches as their hands play with each other. "but i hope you won't avoid me after this." she looks at seulgi. "i'll go crazy if that happens."
"no..." seulgi scoots closer, kneeling in front of joohyun. "hey. i am not going anywhere, you hear me?"
"but it'll be hard for you if--"
"i am not going anywhere without you." seulgi cups joohyun's cheeks. "i... i'll find a way to fix this. i'll..."
"no. please don't say that." joohyun looks away, sighing. "just... just stay."
seulgi gazes at her for a moment, eyes piercing through her. joohyun doesn't know what to say or do in their situation. what matters to her is for seulgi to stay.
"i'll stay." seulgi pulls joohyun into a hug and cups her head. "i'll stay."
the warmth of seulgi's hug and the softness in her voice eases joohyun's worries. she closes her eyes and smile, nuzzling into seulgi's neck.
"last night was the best i've ever had," she whispers.
"same." seulgi chuckles. "and it's like we are meant to do that, aren't we?"
joohyun hums. "i love your abs."
seulgi falls on her back when joohyun attacks her with tickles on her tummy and sides, laughters filling the room.
"yah! hyunnie! stop!"
joohyun stops. "hyunnie?"
"yeah. hyunnie." seulgi grabs joohyun's wrists and shifts their position by pushing her to lie on her back.
"seulgi! i am not done tickling you!" joohyun tries to pry away from seulgi's firm grip.
"oh. let's stop with the tickling part." seulgi leans closer. "you know what i'm thinking right now?"
"breakfast in bed." seulgi kisses her cheek softly.
"literally or metaphorically?"
seulgi grins, her eyes disappearing. "can be both."
they shared a long and deep kiss to start the day.
they would not have left the bed if it weren't for the unbearable hunger by noon.
joohyun is heading back to her apartment when she spots the new tenant across her room, bringing boxes inside the opened door.
"hello!" the woman greets her brightly.
joohyun takes in the features of the woman; a few inches taller than her, probably younger by a few years, long dark hair. she seems nice, joohyun thinks. won't hurt to be friends with a new neighbor.
she smiles back. "hi! just moving in today?"
"yeah. almost done with the tedious work." the woman glances at some more boxes on the side of her door.
"need a hand over there?"
the woman looks at joohyun. "well, if it won't be a bother, sure."
"yeah. would be glad to help."
they manage to put all the boxes inside, and the woman was kind enough to offer joohyun a glass of water.
"does every room here look exactly like this?" the woman asks.
"yeah. mine looks the same." joohyun's eyes roam the area.
"how long have you been here? if you don't mind me asking."
"couple of years. almost five. transferred here because of work," joohyun says. "you? is it also work-related?"
"well, kinda. just got a job as an assistant vet in the animal hospital just around the corner."
"ahh. you're into pets, huh?"
"yeah. they are much nicer than humans," the woman says, and they both laugh. "but i also have another reason for transferring here."
joohyun looks at the woman, waiting for her to spill the beans.
"do you happen to believe in soulmates?" came the woman's question.
joohyun smiles. what an interesting topic. "i used to be a non-believer for years until i met mine. so, to answer your question, yes, i believe in soulmates now."
the woman's eyes grew wide. "really? wow. that's amazing! is she the one you're with earlier by the elevator?"
"oh. you saw us?" joohyun tries to recall, but she doesn't seem to remember seeing the woman earlier when she walks seulgi down.
"yeah. you didn't see me because you were busy looking at each other with heart eyes." the woman giggles, making joohyun blush. "anyway, the other reason i transferred here is related to that. my great-grandma was a shaman. before she died several years ago, she told me i should move into this city once i reach the age of twenty-seven because i will find my soulmate here."
"oh. i didn't know shamans can predict things like that."
"it's because they have closer bonds with the spirits." the woman shrugs. "it's sort of a gift that runs in our family. i kind of feel some things around too, you know. my skills aren't honed as a shaman, but i realized it could be the reason i have connections with pets and animals in general because they are much closer to the spirits."
joohyun nods. "so, you moved in here in hopes of meeting your soulmate? or have you already met them?"
"yes and no." the woman shakes her head. "i haven't met her yet."
"oh. and it's a her, huh?" joohyun smirks.
"i know, right!" the woman giggles. "it was weird when i felt it was a woman because i've never been with a woman before. but yeah, what can i do if it's the spirits who destined us to be together?"
"i totally agree with you on that one." joohyun points a finger. "sometimes the spirits plays funny games, don't they?"
"yeah. but i think it all boils down to us humans having our free will. one way or another, the spirits are creating ways for us to meet up with our soulmates," the woman says. "we're not realizing it because we're not as connected to them as before during the ancient times. also, we humans have been busy with different distractions, with immediate gratifications and pleasures. we are not patient enough to wait for the right one and would jump onto the next person we are attracted to just because it makes us feel good."
something in those words made joohyun blink. "wait. are you saying there is a chance that my soulmate and i could have met before but didn't realize it yet? like we're supposed to meet before we actually met?"
the woman nods. "there's a possibility. but your supposedly first meeting may not have happened because of some decisions you made--you know, the free will. so, the spirits are finding other ways for you two to meet up again."
that made joohyun think. if she and seulgi are supposed to meet before the resort, what could have had happened?
"i seriously think everything that's happening around us happens for a reason," the woman adds. "like us meeting now. who knows, we could be a way for someone else to meet their soulmates, right?"
"it would be better if i'll be the way for you to meet your soulmate."
"that would be much convenient." the woman chuckles.
joohyun looks around the room, realizing she's been there for long now. "so, umm, i think i'll leave you alone to do stuff here. thanks for the drink."
"thanks for the help. i promise i'd serve you something with flavor next time."
joohyun chuckles. "looking forward to that. don't hesitate to knock on my door if you need help with anything."
"thanks. i surely will." the woman walks her to the door. "i'm glad i am already acquainted with one of my neighbors. i'm kind of feeling we'll be good friends in the future."
joohyun smiles and offers a hand. "i'm bae joohyun. it's a pleasure to meet you."
the woman smiles and shakes her hand back. "my name's park sooyoung. it's a pleasure to meet you too."
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checked the stats and i'm in awe of how chapter 23 got higher views from the others. and when i looked...

ooop! that's the rated m chap ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


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0 points #1
Chapter 11: my heart raced so fast omg...
1061 streak #2
Rereading! 🥹
Chapter 45: Thank you for this wonderful story, author 🫶🏻
Chapter 45: Where are you my soulmate? 🥹
Reading this again 🫶🏼
434 streak #6
Chapter 47: Welp... That was a rollercoaster of emotions... the spirits really work in mysterious ways huh
434 streak #7
Chapter 39: All this while ive been cursing grandma for being such a but i take it back. She's a legend 😂
434 streak #8
Chapter 38: Finally omg. And that bish.. even after all that the only thing she thinks of is money. Really is her parent's kid alright
434 streak #9
Chapter 26: This zen and spiritual sooyoung is really throwing me ngl lol
434 streak #10
Chapter 7: Screaming rn how did i not see this coming 😂😂😂