how it happened

seulgi's sure jealousy isn't something new to her.
in the course of her 10-year relationship with eunae, there have been times she was jealous of some people, particularly those who threatened their relationship.
and she couldn't forget about this specific person who almost successfully ripped them apart.
but that was a long time ago. after their marriage, everything went smoothly. the wedding band on eunae's finger seems to ward off potential courters. there's no reason for seulgi to feel jealous anymore.
it was until joohyun came.
seulgi knows she doesn't have any right to feel jealous of the situation.
but she is. and she's never been this jealous over someone her entire life!
"hi! fancy meeting you here!" eunae greets joohyun and seungwan, whom they met around the airport.
it was eunae who spots the pair first. seulgi felt the rage in every cell of her body at the sight of the two walking together, joohyun's arm linked with seungwan's.
joohyun looked surprised to see them there. "oh. hi!" she looks at seungwan, then back to eunae. "um. by the way, this is seungwan, my colleague. and seungwan, this is eunae, my client, and her wife seulgi."
"it's a pleasure to meet you two." seungwan shakes their hands, giving seulgi a knowing look.
yeah. they've met before. so, seungwan's playing her role, huh?
"pleasure's all ours," eunae says. "are you two departing as well?"
"ah. no. we just arrived," joohyun says. "seungwan and i attended a client's birthday party two days ago. we just got back here."
seulgi's ears perk.
two days ago.
they were alone for two days. probably sharing a room. seulgi can't dismiss the fact that joohyun looks extremely comfortable around her ex-girlfriend, clinging on the other woman like they were married.
ugh. seulgi takes a deep breath in.
"oh. that's nice." eunae checks her wristwatch. "anyway, we have to go. it was nice meeting you, miss seungwan."
"likewise." seungwan smiles. "take care."
seulgi didn't say anything. she didn't spare her soulmate a glance even if she can feel joohyun is looking at her.
she bows and drags her wife away with her.
she keeps reminding herself of what heeyeon told her before, about joohyun having every right to date whomever she wants because unlike seulgi, she isn't married.
and seulgi hates the fact that she can't do anything about it, that she can't stop joohyun from doing that.
shouldn't joohyun be only happy with her? that's how it's supposed to be, right?
would it be selfish to ask joohyun not to look for anyone else because seulgi will be there for her?
seulgi's mind is still afloat when her wife kisses her and waves goodbye.
she wonders where joohyun and seungwan could be now.
are they together?
in joohyun's apartment, maybe?
seulgi bites her lower lip. the weight in her chest is still there.
and she feels worse by the second the more she thinks about seungwan and joohyun.
she takes in a deep breath and walks away, determined to find the answers to her questions.
seulgi stands in front of joohyun's apartment, waiting for any sign that would tell a person, or two people, could be inside.
she's not even sure if joohyun's there or not.
but the jealousy she's feeling is affecting her rationality. she can't think straight anymore.
sighing, she opens her phone and calls joohyun. her soulmate picks up immediately on the first ring.
"seulgi... hey..."
the cheerfulness in joohyun's voice is like a dagger to her heart. is she really that happy? did seungwan make her happy?
"are you at home?" she asks.
"yes. i went straight here from the airport. has your wife already left?"
"yes. are you alone?"
"yes, i am alone. why?" there was no immediate response, so joohyun speaks again, "seulgi, is there something wrong?"
"i'm... i'm in front of your door now."
"what?" there was a movement inside before the sound of the locks getting unlocked follows. the door opens to a worried-looking joohyun. "hey. are you okay?"
joohyun grabs her hand and pulls her inside. "you should have informed me you were planning to drop by. i could have ordered takeouts for us."
"it's okay." seulgi scans the room, seeing the travel bag on the couch's side. luckily there's no sign of seungwan anywhere.
"i thought you'd be with your wife until evening like the usual." joohyun skips to the kitchen to get a glass of water. she eyes seulgi. "how are you feeling now? you don't seem to have marks."
"i have some on my arm." seulgi gestures to her clothed arm. "but they aren't many."
"oh. good." joohyun drinks the glass of water and puts it down. "water?"
"nah. i'm good."
"seulgi, what's wrong? you don't seem okay."
seulgi looks at the travel bag. "so, you still went to that party, huh?"
"well, they scheduled it earlier than the original plan. and since i didn't hear from you since our call last week, i thought, i might as well go."
"alone with seungwan?"
"yeah. i remember i told you she's invited too."
seulgi hums, nodding. "so, did you two share a room?"
joohyun props her elbows on the counter. "we did. they got a nice hotel room for us."
"mmm. did you two have fun?"
joohyun raises an eyebrow. "seulgi, if you think something happened between me and seungwan, there's none. we had separate beds."
"but last time you said you two were casual around each other."
joohyun stands up straight, confused. "yes, we hooked up for two years after our breakup. but it's over now."
"i'm sorry?"
seulgi closes their distance, standing on the other side of the counter. "when did it stop?"
joohyun leans away, looking uncomfortable with the topic. "we stopped when..." she hesitates, "i told her that we should stop after i saw you again."
seulgi doesn't respond, but she stares deep into joohyun's face.
"i couldn't do it with her anymore," joohyun admits further, shyly. "i don't want to put pressure in you because you're married. but for me, i am no longer interested doing it with anyone else anymore."
seulgi swallows a lump in . there's a pulsing, beating sensation in her temples apart from her thumping heart.
she clenches her fists and grits her teeth.
this doesn't seem right, she thinks.
she shouldn't be here. she should leave now while she can control herself.
but it feels right.
joohyun's standing just a foot away from her, looking perfectly beautiful in her shirt and jeans.
and seulgi's imagining how it feels like to take those clothes off piece by piece.
like what seungwan used to do before.
no. she won't allow it. she needs to claim what's hers.
it's inevitable, she reasons to herself. as much as they pretend to be friends, they won't be able to deny their growing attraction towards each other.
but this isn't right, she tells herself again.
but how can it be not right when it's the spirits who are urging her?
how is she supposed to know what's right or wrong anymore?
seulgi shakes her head, focusing on her soulmate who's looking at her worriedly.
there's no way out. if she leaves, she's sure this jealousy inside her will haunt her.
maybe the only way to conquer it is to follow her feelings.
"soulmate time," she says, her chest heaving.
she watches joohyun hug herself before nodding, urging seulgi to continue.
seulgi gulps. after this, there's no stepping back.
she finally says, "i want to kiss you... right here and now."
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checked the stats and i'm in awe of how chapter 23 got higher views from the others. and when i looked...

ooop! that's the rated m chap ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


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1055 streak #1
Rereading! 🥹
Chapter 45: Thank you for this wonderful story, author 🫶🏻
Chapter 45: Where are you my soulmate? 🥹
Reading this again 🫶🏼
427 streak #5
Chapter 47: Welp... That was a rollercoaster of emotions... the spirits really work in mysterious ways huh
427 streak #6
Chapter 39: All this while ive been cursing grandma for being such a but i take it back. She's a legend 😂
427 streak #7
Chapter 38: Finally omg. And that bish.. even after all that the only thing she thinks of is money. Really is her parent's kid alright
427 streak #8
Chapter 26: This zen and spiritual sooyoung is really throwing me ngl lol
427 streak #9
Chapter 7: Screaming rn how did i not see this coming 😂😂😂
My goodie goodness I love you author very much 💕