Is this how it ends?



In my head, all I could think about are reasons as to why all of this had to happen? Reasons why this happened to us. Reasons why this terrible thing happened to her. Why her? Is it selfish if I'd wish for that terrible thing to happen to somebody else? Who cares, right? When the world ends up crumbling down, all you have are people who are important to you and yourself anyway. 

There was a split second that was pure silence, it was like time slowed down. I could still remember it, the scene kept playing inside my head. Over and over. Three consecutive gunshots, not more than two seconds apart. It happened just like that and then we heard two thuds. Blood all over the pavement, blood, gushing out of somebody. That was when I fell to my knees, shouting, crying, and feeling like my world had crumbled right before my eyes. I knew it wasn't just me who was crying at that time, I heard the others too but I didn't care. 

"Minari." Jihyo was trying to call my attention, she sounded gentle, her voice still raspy from all the crying that has happened. I didn't want to look at her, I didn't have the energy to do so. I felt drained. "It's all over. You have to go now." She adds, it seems like she's just trying to be rational. 

But why? Do I really have to be rational right now? 

"No." I tell her, refusing to follow her orders. I didn't look up, I was still looking at the floor. This is the only comfort I have right now, why do I have to give it up? 

"You don't have to stay here. We can come back in the morning." She tries to persuade me. 

Everyone was seated in one row, eyes puffed, noses red, and backs slumped. Everyone was tired of crying. I understood why Jihyo is acting this way, I do. But the thing is, I don't want to go. I want to stay. I can't leave. 

"I have all the reasons to stay right where I am." I stubbornly reply back, my head was throbbing, and my whole body aches. All I want is for these people to leave me alone. Is that such a complicated thing?

"Mina---" I knew Jihyo was about to scold me, I knew. She's like that. Thank goodness someone stopped her from speaking though because I knew in my heart that I will fight back if she insists on taking me home. 

"I can handle it from here, unnie." Says Dahyun in a calm but firm voice. Jihyo knew better than just to insist on taking me far from this place. 

It didn't take long for the girls to stand up and start gathering their things. They gave me pats and hugs before leaving, telling me that they'd be back first thing in the morning. The whole time I was just staring at the floor, unable to process what just happened hours before. Sana was the last one to go. 

"Minari." She called my attention. She sounded sweet and kind, she didn't sound hurried, I knew I had to look up. The moment our eyes meet, I saw her, staring at me, smiling at me weakly. That was when the tears started falling back again, I couldn't hold it in. My eyes have always stung, tears trying to escape, but I held it in. I couldn't let myself cry while the others were around. Sana immediately went in to hug me, in her arms, I sobbed like a child. It hurts. Everything hurts, it was like I couldn't accept what just happened.

"Life is unfair." I sobbed, at this point, I didn't care if I looked ugly. I didn't care, I was hurting too much. Dahyun was there too, she's seated right beside me, her palms on my back. She's trying to soothe me. No one said a thing after that, we just hugged and I cried. I didn't know what to do and Sana and Dahyun comforting me was the only thing that kept me going at this point. 

"Minari, I'll bring you everything you need in the morning. Okay?" Sana said this before she was about to leave. I just nod at her, I was too weak to talk, well. She gave me this brief stare, one last squeeze, and then off she went. I was left with Kim Dahyun. She was seated beside me, all quiet, she had nothing to say too. 

"It's almost three in the morning, unnie." She says this softly. I just stare at her, feeling resentful towards her. She's lucky, truly lucky to have been with Chaeyoung for two years. How the hell did she ever let their relationship fizzle out like that? I feel resentful because I might not be able to spend as much time with Chaeyoung. The thought just tugs at might heart, I feel like . When will all this be over?

"It's okay, I don't want to sleep." I knew what she meant when she mentioned the time. 

There was just silence, a deafening amount of silence that surrounded the hospital halls at dawn. To me, the silence isn't comforting. I would rather listen to something noisy than dealing with all this silence. Too much silence forces me to deal with my thoughts. As of now, I've got too much in my mind. All of this is too much, too much.

"I need to be somewhere right now." I tell Dahyun, she had this look in her eyes that made it seem like she understood me. She nodded, not really saying anything, and then off I went. 

Being in that place was suffocating. I needed to clear my head so that I can process everything better, understand what's happening. I decided to go to the ground floor, to a room where it is mostly silent. To the place that I could think properly. I get inside, close the door behind me, and is greeted by silence. The place had dim lights, no one else was around. It was only me. 

Walking to the nearest seat felt like nothing, it felt I was in a dream. But that's not the case, I am not in a dream. I am here. All alone. I then decided to use the kneeler, all that I can see is that thing on the altar. The cross is illuminated by this dim light and I just had to stare. I couldn't believe I'd actually come down and do this. 

"I haven't seen you in a while." I start off, just staring at the cross. I just felt like I needed to talk to whatever is up above. The cross is the closest thing to a higher being in the hospital right now. I clasp my hands together. "How many years has it been?" I jokingly ask the cross, trying to figure out when was the last time I visited an actual church. 

"Yeah, three years? Three years." I sigh, trying to collect all my thoughts. I just stare at the cross and observe how illuminated it look in this dim setting. "I guess I've been ignoring you all this time." I tell the cross, realizing how I've never really thought about religion for quite some time now. I felt awful, this weird thing tugging to my heart, I don't know. I'm just so confused. 

"You know, I'm not the type of person who would ask a lot." I start off, my voice shaking as I uttered each word. My heart beating loudly, I could hear it. It felt weird inside my stomach like I want to throw up. Both my hands and feet are cold. I just stared at the cross, feeling as if it's the only thing that could understand me. "Ah, am I supposed to pray like this? I've completely forgotten how to, I'm pretty sure there is an order. But you'd understand, right?" I ask the cross, hoping in the slightest bit that it would answer back. 

"Right?" I ask again, feeling like a tiny shred of sanity has already left me. I felt hopeless like I'm drowning, I don't know what to do. 

"People say you're real." I try to talk to the cross like it's a person. "That you listen and understand. That you know what people's hearts want before they realize it." I add, feeling hopeless as I continue to talk to the cross. 

Ah I feel like I'm going crazy. 

"Can you hear me?" I ask the cross, hoping that I'd hear something from out of it. But of course, it didn't say anything back. Nothing. This thing inside me growing and almost consuming me whole.


It felt weird, everything felt weird. I don't know how I got into this situation in the first place.

"But why?" I ask the cross, implying that I blame the gods above. "Why her?! Why didn't the police do their job right? How the hell did Minwoo escape?! And why Son Chaeyoung? Of all people, why her?" I ask it, feeling like I just wanted to fall on the floor and cry. 

One tear fell.

"Can you please give her back to me? Please?" I ask the cross, feeling this burning thing inside my chest. It felt painful right in there. It was like I was going to have a heart attack. 

"I've spent so little time with her." That was when the tears started flowing non-stop. I realized how much of a I am. I am a terrible person. If I was upfront with her, I would've spent more time with her. 

"I've only started spending time with her. Please." I cry, feeling like I was already wailing. I wanted to curse everything. "Is this where it ends? Is this how our story ends?" I ask the cross, wanting it to answer me back. Hoping that I'd at least get some answers. "How could I have possibly known? How the hell could I have known you'd do this to her?!" 

"She's a good person." My hands fell to my sides, I felt weak. "Please, she doesn't deserve any of this." my voice seemed weak, but it was all that I could do. Cry and ask. That was it. 

"If you're real, please give her back to me." I seemed arrogant, questioning the higher being like I am somebody. But what does a person who is hurting know? I don't know better. My head was flooded with the thoughts of her, smiling at me. I couldn't handle it, I'm scared. I wanted to hold her in my arms, tell her how much I love her. How much I'd give up for her, how much all of this killing me and driving me nuts.

"Please..." Tears wouldn't stop flowing and I liked it better that way. "I can't lose her again." 

I  was awoken by Dahyun at six in the morning, she had this concerned look in her eyes. I was scared why she looked like that, my heart racing, I felt like I was about to go haywire. I immediately sat straight up, not caring what I looked like.

"Did something happen?! Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask her, I almost wanted to cry. I was scared. I didn't know what was happening. 

"No, nothing happened." her expression suddenly softened, she sat next to me. She seemed concerned, she was just eyeing me. Watching my every movement. "I looked all over for you. This was the last place I thought you'd be." It seems like she's trying to be careful. Do I look like somebody who needs to be taken care of?

"Don't give me that look." I know it wasn't right, but I hate it when people make it seem like they pity me. I hate it. I can't stand it. "Stop that. I don't need your pity. I hate people who make it seem like I'm weak." I didn't know why those words came out of my mouth, but they did. Just like that. Those words spilled like water overflowing a ing dam. 

"I don't pity you. That's the last thing I'd feel for you, don't flatter yourself." She seemed annoyed and rightly so. I'd be annoyed too if I was talking to someone and they'd just go off like that. 

I'm ing dumb.

"Go get dressed." She lightly threw a paper bag to me. "Sana made an effort to bring you all that." She sounded cold. She was about to walk away when I decided to talk.

"I'm sorry." I look down, realizing how impatient I was getting. 

"I loved her once too." She said this, she sounded pained too. "You're not the only one hurting. The others are hurting too." She added.

"I know." was all I could say. I knew I was wrong, I wish all of this would be over soon. 

"Don't be like that when the others arrive. Be a to me but not to them." That was what she said before completely walking away, leaving me with the paper bag. 

I got dressed, I knew I had to. I can't be in the hospital looking like a homeless person. Getting dressed took all of my energy, that's how sleep deprived I am, I guess. When I finally get to see Sana in the waiting area, I hurriedly sat beside her. I felt like she was the only one who understood me. 

"An hour more, Mitang." She whispered, I was just sitting beside her. I nodded, I knew she's waiting too. I have been waiting since last night, I miss her so much. 

"You look so beautiful." I whisper, slowly trying to intertwine our hand together. She was there, motionless. I couldn't help but just cry because of the sight. My thumbs were gently rubbing the back of her hand, hoping that she'd squeeze my hand too. Just hoping. That's all I could do now. 

"I miss you." I try to talk to her once more, I've read this helps. I've read they hear it. I've read they dream about it. "Are you dreaming about me?" I ask her, gently leaning down to kiss her hand. It hurts to see her like this, she seemed peaceful, not lifeless. She looks like she's in a deep sleep. Well, she is in a deep sleep. 


"The patient is stable now." Said the Doctor, this was right after midnight. Everyone stayed to know the results before going home, we were all shaken when we saw the pool of blood on the pavement. Both their blood mixed, no one could tell which one is which. "Airflow was restricted for quite some time which caused her to collapse. That person might have choked her too hard." When the Doctor said this, he sounded casual. It was like he was reciting words that he'd read from a book. It seemed like he didn't care at all. He pisses me off.

"But the blood, there was so much all over. Even in her clothes." Says Jihyo unnie, she seemed quite concerned. She wanted answers. We all wanted answers

"The patient is lucky, bullets only grazed her right by the cheekbone." Says the Doctor. He seemed bored like he was tired of explaining so much to all these girls. I wanted to confront him, but it seemed like Tzuyu noticed this. I felt her holding me back. "A good plastic surgeon can fix her right up, it's a minor wound. She'll be pretty again, don't you worry." He smiles. It seemed like he was having fun explaining all of this to us. 

"Motherer." I whisper, I feel Tzuyu grabbing my hand tighter. 

"Right now, she's asleep and needs a lot of rest. You can visit her in the morning." He said this so casually like he was bored. I stared at him, I didn't know why but when our eyes met, he sort of flinched. Maybe I was staring a little too hard. "The patient's in a deep sleep, hopefully, she wakes up soon." He said this so hastily, walking away in the process. 


"Can you hear me?" I ask her, kissing the back of her hand once again. I didn't want to cry in front of her, she might hear me. I didn't want to cause her stress, she deserved that much. "You're brave. You never fail to amaze me, my love." I feel my voice shaking as I utter each word. I wanted to hug her, but this is all I can do right now without hurting her. 

"Please wake up soon?" My shoulders slumped, I was holding her hand tightly. I don't want to let go. I can't let go. "You'll have to get up soon, don't get too comfortable sleeping." I jokingly tell her, kissing the back of her hand again. 


The room was completely silent, Sana and Dahyun were outside. The other girls were still on their way to visit her, all I could hear was my own voice. My own plead. My own regrets. 

"You need to wake up." I try to coerce her. "Your family might arrive soon. You don't want them to see you like this, right?" I knew I sounded stupid, trying to guilt-trip someone who is in the hospital into waking up. I'm foolish. I knew none of that will make her wake up, none.

I just want to shake her awake.

"I love you, Son Chaeyoung." I finally say it again. It was unnecessary, but I wanted to say it. I want her to hear it. "Please. I can't lose you again." I gently put her hand against my cheek 

At lunch, Chaeyoung's family arrived. I didn't really come and say hello, not just yet. It felt insensitive to barge in and be there as they visit their daughter. The family was there for hours, I knew they'd be here until Chaeng wakes up. Soon, I hope she wakes up soon. Both Mister and Missis Son looked distraught like they haven't slept a wink, I understood. All parents would look the same way, Jeonghoon looked like he just cried. His eyes were both bloodshot, he ignored us on the way inside the room and I understood him. He must be preoccupied with the thoughts of his sister. 

Please wake up already.

At three in the afternoon, Sana unnie and Dahyun have decided to go home. Sana unnie promised me that she'll give the next to visit food that I could eat. Dahyun didn't really say anything to me, instead, she just gave me this look. I didn't understand what it meant, she's probably warning me of being nice to the others if they visit later. 

The whole day, all Korean social media outlets were blasting. The news about the heir of a certain company strangling and taking a freshman from Seoul National University as hostage blasted, especially in Naver. I hated it. 

"She has a name." I whisper, my fists balled in anger. "How can they just call her a freshman from Seoul National University? Stupid reporters. Stupid news outlets." I whisper once more, I felt like . How dare these lowlife news reporters just call her that? 

I was at the waiting room at six in the evening. Most of the chairs were empty, even the television was turned off. It was quiet, almost too quiet. My head was hurting and I was already starting to feel the exhaustion from the lack of sleep. That was when Nayeon and Tzuyu arrived. They had brought me food that Sana has promised. When they saw me, they immediately sat beside me. I felt comforted. But inside, I still felt hollow. Empty. I felt like something really bad was bound to happen, I was scared. I didn't know how to stop it, the feeling just kept on going inside me. I didn't know how to make it quiet. 

"Didn't I tell you to eat already?" Nayeon unnie sounded concerned, but also frustrated. I didn't know it, but I guess I was becoming very stubborn already. She had this look in her eyes that caught me off guard, this made me eat the dinner they brought for me like an obedient child. 

"What the hell." Tzuyu huffs, this immediately caught my attention. "CEO Jung is going to hold a press conference." She had this dreadful look in her eyes. I was too weak to say something, I just stared at her. I was thankful enough that Nayeon unnie was there, she immediately walked towards the television, turned it on, and switched it to the channel where the press conference is being covered live. 

", it's trending on Naver too." says Nayeon unnie, she was scrolling through her phone. 

Both Nayeon unnie and Tzuyu seemed concerned for me. They kept staring at each other, probably trying to come up with ways to protect me. But they didn't need to do that, I can endure it. Whatever was going to happen next, I am ready for it. 


"Good evening everyone." Started the CEO. He's wearing a suit, a black suit. It's a mourning garment. We all knew this would happen today, we knew he would hold something like this. He can't keep quiet, not with all the issues surrounding his family, his company, and his son. 

The camera's flashed, reporters were all over the place with their recorders. CEO Jung is separated from the crowd of -eating reporters and paparazzi. Good for him. He doesn't need any of the unnecessary attention especially now that he's lost his only son. He held his hand up, as a sign of trying to make the crowd lower their voice. 

"I will not be taking any questions tonight." He had this stoic look on his face. It was scary, he seemed indifferent. But I understood, if I was in his place, I would probably react the same. Indifferent. Stoic. 

"Tonight, I would like to announce that I am stepping down as the CEO of my company." He said this so flatly that it made me think if Minwoo took after him. " I would like to announce that I am a separate identity, and that the company is not associated with me. Any issues about me do not reflect the company." then he stood up. 

"Things have occurred and happened lately. These things are beyond heartbreaking, I wish to grieve silently with my family. I hope everyone respects that."  He still seemed stoic, it looked like he was reading from a cheat sheet."Thank you all for being here tonight." He finished before being escorted outside of the conference room.


"It seems like his father is a nutcase too." Whispers Tzuyu, she was right beside me. I knew she was trying to make the situation seem lighter. But I felt angry, I felt furious because he didn't even mention his own son. He didn't even acknowledge the mess that his own son has created. Son Chaeyoun's in a room here, still asleep, and that can't even acknowledge what had happened last night? 

"I bet he's as terrible as Minwoo was." I whisper to Tzuyu, Nayeon just stared. None of us knew what to say after that, it was just silence. A maddening silence followed. But it was okay because they were there with me. The silence became bearable, I guess. 

"I can't. I don't think I can do it." I was running my right hand through my left arm, Nayeon and Tzuyu were there standing in front of me. They were trying to convince me to go home, I didn't want to. I'm afraid Chaeng might wake up without me, I don't want that. 

"It's been a day, Mina." Nayeon unnie sounds reassuring, like an older sister. "You need to sleep." She reached out for my arm and I automatically flinched. Then I remembered Dahyun reminding me to be nice to the other girls. 

"I'm sorry but..." I trail off, trying to find an excuse to stay here. 

"Look, even Chaeyoung's family booked a room at a Hotel. You don't have to do this, unnie." Says Tzuyu, I knew she was just concerned. But the thing is, I don't have the heart to leave her. 

I smiled weakly at her as I shook my head.

Mister and Missis Son came and greeted us, they were polite enough to ask us how we were doing. At that point, I had to restrict myself from crying. I had to. I can't let them see me crying, right? They're the ones most pained because of this situation, I can't be an . I politely conversed with them for a while.

It was calming, to talk to them. Seeing them react that way made me feel like everything's going to be fine. 

But is it really going to be fine?

"Maybe you're right." I finally surrender. "Maybe I'd go home tonight." I give up, I wasn't allowed to visit her room this time anyway. 

"I promise to accompany you first thing in the morning." Smiles Nayeon unnie, she and Tzuyu then nicely guided me out of the Hospital. Maybe this is for the best, right? Chaeyoung wouldn't want me to be like this. I should take care of myself too so that when she wakes up, I'll be there. 


Maybe it was a bad idea.

When everyone got inside their rooms, I snuck inside Chaeyoung's room. I wanted to have a piece of her with me. The moment my nose sniffed her pillows, that was when the tears started falling again, this time I couldn't help it, I just cried. Loudly. I didn't care anymore, everything was just too much. I miss her so much, each tear that flowed made my heart ache more, is this how a person is supposed to love?

Every time I closed my eyes, all I thought about was her. 

"Son Chaeyoung, you brat." I clutch her pillow close to my chest. I was shaking and it was getting harder to breathe, but I didn't care. It feels like I'm dying anyway.

The pillow.

This was the closest thing I had that smelled like her. "I can't go on without you, please." I whisper to the pillow, thoughts of her flooded my head but one scene stood out. 


I love you too."  She mouthed to me, she had this look on her face that suggested she meant what she said. 

I slept like a baby.

The exhaustion wasn't there anymore when I woke up, well, Nayeon unnie woke me up technically. She told me to get dressed and that we'll grab something on our way to the hospital. I didn't say much on our way, I was just silent. I wanted to be alone with my thoughts. 

"So you can visit her before her family gets in." Nayeon unnie smiled at me, a reassuring smile. 

"Good morning, it's day two." I whisper to her, leaning in to kiss her on the forehead. It's quiet, awfully quiet. 


I wish I don't have to visit you tomorrow and say it's day three.


"Hey, you can wake up now." I sit next to her, holding her hand tightly. "I missed you." I whisper as I kiss the back of her hand. She looked awfully peaceful like she was sleeping. 

"Oi, woman." I jokingly call her attention. 


I wish she'd answer me back. 


"Stop giving your parents such a hard time, wake up already. Don't you know how much you made them cry yesterday?" I talk to her, I feel a lot stronger now. I don't feel the urge to cry, probably because I sort of accept it already. "This brat." I jokingly whisper and give her the evil eye.

During my stay inside her room, nothing much happened, I was just there for quite some time with her. While we wait for her parents to arrive, I sang her songs just like she liked it. I sang her favorite songs, hoping that she'd wake up because of that. Wishful thinking, I know. But can't a girl hope? That was all that I had right now. 

When her parents arrived, I got out of her room and met up with Nayeon unnie once again. 

"You know, I wish none of that happened." Nayeon unnie suddenly said this out of nowhere. I had to stare at her, I didn't know what to say. 

"I wish the same exact thing." I tell her. "But, Minwoo would still be at large if none of that happened." I tell her the truth. 

"Someone had to get hurt just to end all of this." She was looking down at this point, I understood. 

Three consecutive gunshots were heard, two bodies fell. One was dead. It was Jung Minwoo. Some reporters said that what the police did was wrong, they said that it was an 'overkill'. I beg to differ. It is a totally different thing when you come face to face with death, Jung Minwoo, I knew he wasn't afraid to kill anyone. I knew he would do something to Chaeyoung. I knew in my bones that people like him will never change. He was a hopeless case. 

"The police ed up." I whisper. 

It was true, things could have gone differently if and only if the police informed us about the escape. But that's the thing, they didn't inform us, and for what reason? That's something we will never know. Three gunshots, one to the head, one to the shoulder, and another to the neck. The neck. That's where all the blood came from, it was crazy how disfigured he looked. He was dead on the spot, he looked like a ragdoll when the ambulance picked him up and placed him in a body bag. Utter chaos. 

"The system has failed us." She whispered back. 

It was crazy how much hatred came out of me when he died, we were there, we saw his body. Is it disrespectful that I wanted to spit on his dead body? I don't think so. 

"I miss her so much." I confess to Nayeon unnie, she stared at me for a while. I knew she didn't know what to say, giving me false hope is bull. 

"She's fighting, Minari. She is." She replied. "You know, what she went through isn't easy. She went through something so traumatic, it's only been a day. Please give it some time." She tries to explain. 

I wanted to reply something logical to her, but I just didn't know what to say. Maybe there really isn't an answer to this as of now, maybe it's okay to be confused right now, maybe it's okay to not know the answers right now. I just stare at the hospital floor, hoping that everything would be fine tomorrow. But it's a long shot, I guess?  

I wish I don't have to visit you tomorrow and say it's day three.

I didn't know when exactly, but it happened. I closed my eyes and slept. The emptiness consumed me and for once, I felt happy. There was no more ringing, there was no more heartaches, just silence. I liked it better that way, I wish I could stay like this forever. 


"Mina-yah." A voice called out to me. My back felt painful like Rhinos had run over me. "Minari, wake up." Somebody was shaking me, trying to wake me up. I just had to stare, rubbing my eyes, trying to focus on whoever is shaking me awake. 

"What is it?" I ask, trying to figure out who was talking to me. "Oh, it's you Jeongyeon unnie." I huff.

"You have to wake up now." She kept on tugging my shirt, I just had to stare at her, now that my eyes have focused, I can see her expression. She seemed flushed like she just cried. My heart then started beating so fast, I stood up, almost falling back instantly. I was so disoriented that Jeongyeon had to hold me, I was starting to panic since no one was filling me in with information. 

"What the hell's happening?" I ask her, hands were shaking and my feet were growing cold. But she didn't need to answer, the moment I turned my gaze behind me, I knew. The surge of Nurses and Doctors walking past each other in such a hurried way must mean something. 

I didn't wait for her to answer, without even thinking, I walked and walked. I saw the others waiting outside of her room and I saw their eyes, everyone seemed to have cried. I couldn't take it anymore, I wanted to scold them for not waking me up. 

"Minari..." Jihyo said this so softly, my heart sank and I wanted to cry. 

"Please calm down." Momo stands up, she was trying to get a hold of my hand, but I flinched. 

"What's happening?" I was distraught as to why no one was filling me in with information. "Tell me, please..." Tears started to fall from my eyes because my greatest fear might have come true. 

"Are you guys her friends?" The doctor came out of the room, then immediately locked the door behind him. I knew Mister and Missis Son was there too, I just wanted to see her. "Your friend woke up and is already in a stable condition. Congratulations." Smiles the Doctor and this was when silent tears fells, they just fell, I was engulfed by happiness. 

Not more than a few seconds later, Jeonghoon peeks outside of the door and greets us. He then told us that we could come in and say hello, everyone was delighted. We all came in, all eight of us. Chaeyoung's family went outside, probably to give us space, I knew I said I'd want to be the first one she sees when she wakes up but knowing that she's awake is enough for me. 

She seemed weak, but when she saw everyone come in, we saw her smile. Everyone talked to her, greeted her, and told her to get well soon. I was just there, standing, waiting for my turn. My heart was beating, even if I only hadn't conversed with her for two days, I missed her so much. I felt alive again, just seeing her smile made me the happiest person. 

I walked up to her, she had this knowing look in her eyes, the same look she gave me when we first met. The kind of gaze that made you feel welcomed. I missed her so much. 

"You're awake, Son Chaeyoung." Saying her name felt amazing, it felt delightful to finally talk to her. Her beautiful round eyes were eyeing me, she seemed careful. 




"Excuse me, but, who are you?" She asked. 

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Minyeon-ah #1
Chapter 35: It's a great story thank you 😁
Reading this again coz why not? I miss SaiDa here hehe
ilikek444 #3
Chapter 35: Honestly, this story is so good!
Thank you author nim 🥰
ilikek444 #4
Chapter 34: Oh god this chapter stress me so much 😭
Chapter 31: Can authors please stop putting misleading tags? If it isn’t SaTzu endgame, dont put it in there! Same for SaiDa! Don’t waste people’s time!

There was a MiYeon part, but I don’t see the tag for it? Because it ain’t endgame!
Mineminer92 #6
Chapter 18: Crazy push and pull in this story! I got a bit scared before but I feel like this story won’t leave me to cry to much even with some thrown into the mix of the sweet story. 🥺👍
ilikek444 #7
Chapter 23: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1461431/23'>Radios are underrated</a></span>
And me thinking that the cub was supposed to be on top 😂

For sure penguin is not innocent 😏 but is she using our little cub?...
Chapter 23: Yeyy finally it’s updated here
Buddygooo #9
Chapter 13: Oh no Dahyun still likes Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung inviting her for Dinner at the last minute will make Dahyun think she has a chance
ilikek444 #10
Chapter 15: Wait did sana also give the same advice to the penguin? That's she is like that to chaeng