Chapter 1

The Man Who Plays The Flute At Night

"p-please~...l-let m-me g-give b-birth t-to m-my b-baby-AKH!"  gasped at the pain in his abdoment as he was stuttering, begging for those cruel people to let him give birth to his baby that is about to come anytime around at this moment...

It was heavily rain, in the middle of the forest of the border of Northern Qi, a group of men in black suits, the downpart of their face was covered with black cloth, only showing their eyes, surrounding a beautiful feminine face young man wearing a majestic black robe....

The beautiful man was in a helpless situations, enduring the torture of child labour pain, while , at the same time, his body being torture by the men in black..kicked, beaten with a stick, , his belly protected by his arms, preventing the violent kick from those evil men touching his belly or else it will put his baby inside in danger. The violence abuses he receives on his body adding more pain with the pain of childbirth torture he felt right at that moment.

His hand was clutching on his aching belly, feeling his baby insides him is going to come out at any moment, He is begging for the men to stop hurting him and let him gives birth to his baby first, then only he wont care what they are going to do to him later....he dont care what his fate will brought to him after this, but he have to save his little girl first...all that he wants right now~....

bloods stained on his robe streaming down his legs, his body fills with wounds, only his face didn't get abused...

Even how many times he had pleaded and begs them to stop they still wont stop, they are torturing him without even a little mercy at all...his cries, sobs and screams in pain, was just like nothing to them...they are enjoying it...they were enjoying his pain....well, what could you expect from an assassins~...

"P-please~...l-let..m-me...h-have..m-my...b-baby~-HMMPH!" he shutted his eyes as another wave of pain on his abdomen attacking him again...his baby is crowning insides him, he could feel her is making her way down to his birth canal, he had to give birth prematurely right now...but it's impossible when the assassins wont stop their torturing on him....

"Do you really think we will let you give birth safely??~...." the men in black suits, that seems to be a leader of the assassins, asked in mocking tone, then he continued, "We wont, and THAT cursed baby of yours must die!..." he said then chuckled evilly...

Tears and sweat formed on his eyes and forehead, quickly forgot what the leader said, as he felt wave of pain sending to him, he screamed in outrage, as he felt his baby's is crowning, he dont care about the tortures he receiving from the assassins, he have to push his baby out safely....he have to endure this, he have to fight for his baby,though he feels like he is going to meet the gods anytime soon....

He speak in his thoughts to his baby, 'don't worry, My little XiuRong~...mother will be strong and bring you out to this world safely~...Your mother will protect you with all his life~...I'm sorry, baby, your mother might wont survive this~...but mother will try his best to bring you out to this world~...if i cant't survive after this, find your father~....'

As he speaks that in his thoughts, he gathered his strength, as he screamed and push with all his might overcome all the torture he receiving, he pushed the baby's body, the baby slid out to his birth canal, the 's out, followed by the entire body, in full of agony, He gave his last 2 push as he screamed in more outrage, and push the baby's shoulders which follows by the neck and head....

As the baby have slid out of his body, the leader prompted the other assassins to pull up tormenting the beauty....Wei Ying fall on his back on the ground as he felt the baby have been pushed out of him, he weakly smiles as he heard the most beautiful cries, from his baby girl, despites all the tortorous pain in his entire body right now....hearing the most beautiful wails from his newborn, have made him forgotten the pain in his body right now....

"XiuRong~...My baby~...Your majesty~, our baby is here~..." tears of joy felt on his cheeks, smiles of joy and relief appeared on his face, at the same time his heart felt trouble because of what will happen next, but he put that aside, and try to sit up, to take his baby, in between his spread legs...but before he could take the baby, the leader of the assassins, quickly snatched the infant away from him, not letting him to hold her, Wei Ying eyed at the assassins leader in glares but could see he is trembling, fear for his daughter and his life...

"G-give me m-my b-baby~..." 

The leader smirks, then his eyes admiring the small figure of an infant in his arms...

"How beautiful~...she got the emperor's fair skin, and your eyes~....How perfect~...Indeed they said, a girl born of male's womb, is the most beautiful creatures amongst all creatures on earth~...however, they are a cursed and a threat to all men~...they will be a powerful and stronger figure, that could surpassed men's strength~...that's why they are threat to us...they are dominant woman that could make men, even the dominant men pregnant, and when the time comes for those men to give birth to the dominant woman's child, it is the time they will be having the last day of their life on earth~....This child must die, to avoid such tragedy to happen~...and men like you must also die to avoid you producing another like you are cursed ones!..."

Wei Ying sobbed hard, "p-please~...let go of my daughter~...she's innocent~...let go of XiuRong~...i beg you~..." tears keep streaming down his cheeks, with his pleading eyes begging to let his baby go...

The baby cried non-stop as if she wants to be hold by her mother, she missses his fragrance and scent, that she cry loud, even when the leader snapped at her, but she wont stop...

The assassin leader sighed in frustration as he reached the red scarf that belongs to wei ying that have a rose fragrance, the one the emperor gave him when they were still courting, that was stranded on the ground, he took it and used it to wrapped the baby to cover her from the cold whether...although he will kill her later, since she's a princess, Emperor Wang Ji's daughter, she deserves an honor and respectful death... 

"'re happy now??~..." The baby stop crying as she could scent her mother's fragrance...

Wei Ying who is now thinking of a way to get to the assassin's leader, and snatched his baby away, take the courage despites all the tortorous pain in his body, he get off the ground and attempted to run towards the man to get his daughter, unfortunately, an assassins blocked his leg as he was closed enough to reached for his baby, caused him to fell on his knee, right away without hesitating, a sword stabbed on his stomach, that extreme pain on his stabbed stomach made him suffocated to breath, alot of blood come out of his mouth and from his stomach, since he just gave birth seconds ago, blood streamed down his legs, and staining on his black robe, he was now surrounded by a pool of blood. the swords was pull out from him, his hand clutched on the stabbed abdoment, trying to catch his breath and endure the pain, that is going to last any minutes....

The leader smirks, and walks over to him and bent down to his level, 

"Your're trying to fight me??...worry about your daughter??dont worry~,after you're dead, your daughter will follow you to the after life~..." he smirks...

Wei Ying hold on to the pain on his stomach, as the blood keeps coming out of him, his eyes landed to the infant wrapped in a red scarf, in solemn expressions, he speaks in low voice but the leader and assassins could hear him, 

"Xiurong, my daughter~..please forgive your mother~....mother can't protect you~..." then his mind thinking of his husband who is right now probably waiting for him to return like how he promised to... "Y-your Majesty~, L-lan Zhan~...forgive your wife~...forgive me...for breaking my promise~..."

as he said that, he eyed at the chenqing flute that was gave by his husband, and looked at it with outrage, then eyed all of the assassins with the same expressions, his eyes fills with vengeance, grudges, and anger, the assassins started to feel a different vibe from that looks as if bad things going to happen after this, but they keep their coolness and mocked him...he started to speak in a low but clear trembling voice for all of them to hear...

"L-listen here, a-all o-of y-you, e-evil p-people~...."

"...I-I w-will r-return f-from this c-cruel and i-injustice death~..."

"I-i w-will h-haunt th-this land..N-northern Q-Qi...t-to..a-avenge m-my...d-death!"

"a-as w-well th-the l-life th-that w-was t-taken a-away fr-from m-me~......"

"I-I w-will... p-play this... f-flute... e-every n-night... i-in t-the s-same h-hour... i- i w-was t-torture and.. killed~..."

"A-anyone wh-who is ch-chosen...t-to l-listen t-to t-this f-flute pl-played b-by m-me~...w-will s-suffer a... t-terrible c-consequences... t-that w-will....l-lead t-them t-to... t-their...death~..."

"N-no..o-one..w-will g-get..a-away...with this~...I-I sw-swear~..."

As he said this the assassins started to feel their chills running down their spine, because that warning seems to be bad luck for them after this, some of them started to shivers in fears, as strong wind suddenly passes through them, the leaders feel the same way, but he hold it and smirks mockingly at the dying beautiful rose of Northern qi...

"You think i'm a afraid of you, ?? you thinking of haunting me as an unrestful spirit after your death?!!...YOU THINK I WILL BELIEVE YOU?! will burn in hell!there is no such thing a dead man will come back from death and haunt people!'re a cursed one, for giving birth to a cursed daughter, you empress!..." 

He stood up and kick wei ying at the spot where he was stabbed, makes him jolted and groaned in pain, then eyes the leader with glares in between the pains...

The leader bent down again, and grabbed the weakening and helpless Wei Ying's jaw, "you stay here, and suffer a slow in peace, your majesty~..." then he laughed evilly, as he got off, "let's leave, boys~...we will have to deal with this little wench next~..." 

All of them left Wei Ying who is lying on the ground, suffering alone right now, waiting for his death to call on him...he reached for the chenqing flute and brought it closed to his chest, as he flashback all the good memories he had with his beloved Husband, Emperor wang ji, from the first time they met, when they were courting, the time when they bethroted and married to each other, the happiest time when they discovered they are expecting a child, their cuddlings, their bondings, the songs he invented during his time as gisaeng, he always played on his flute to eased his husband's stresses due to the court issues, sometimes they will have duets on the songs, where he played the flute and his husband will play his Guqin, those are the happiest times, every seconds, every minutes, every day~......much to his dreams, to be with his husband and daughter and be the most happiest man on earth, till the day of his death, but all of that was ruined by those cruel people...He swear he will not let them off, he swear he will come back and take revenge of everything belongs to him that was ruined.....


"Master, what are we going to do with this child??~..." one of the assassin asked in panic voice, because he keeps remembering those last words wei ying said...

the leader look at him, "you will finish it~...remember, to kill this little curse and do not let her live!" he smirks and warned the trembling assassins in serious tone,  he shoved the child to the assassin, the asssassin surprised, but took it regardlesssly....

"b-but, m-master~..." he stuttering, before he could proceeds to talk, the assassins leader and all the other assassins had already left him in that that he is alone with Wei Ying's baby in the forest...Wei Ying's words were still fresh reminding him at the back of his mind, and that makes him shivers and afraid...strong wind gushes through his skin, makes him shivers more....

He looked at the newborn infant and sobs in fears...

"P-please~..t-tell y-your m-mother~...i-i'm s-sorry~..."I-I'm s-sorry, p-princess~...I-i h-have t-to d-do th-this~..." 

he walked to the cliff with the baby girl, as he reached to the end of the cliff, he hold the baby with both of his sweaty palms which he extands it to the end cliff. He was shaking badly, he knew he will bear the bad consequences if the Emperor knew about this, however, he have to do this or else, his son will suffer the consequences from his superior who was the mastermind of all this biggest crimes. He let go of his hands, and the baby was dropped off to the cliff and died.


Tomorrow morning, Wei Ying's corpse was found at the spots where he died last night, the first ones who found it were a group of commoners teenage boys...they immediately recognised it as the 1st empress of emperor lan a.k.a Beautiful rose of Northern Qi. Everyone crowding the spots when they heard the news of Wei Ying's sadistic death, shocks, murmurring, wondering and everything...wei ying's friends and loyal fans are mourning for him, devastated of his death....this shocking news reached to the emperor, who suddenly passed out because of the shocking truth about his wife

when he awake from his passed out, he suddenly remember of his wife and also his daughter...he wanted to bring back his wife's body and give him a proper funeral at the palace...and looked for their missing daughter, but the empress dowager stopped him, and told him to prepare himself to be bethrothed with her niece,
Princess Rong Le since Wei Ying have died...he cant believe his mother insisting him to get marry with another woman when he just knew his wife have suffered a cruel death from whomever the cruel people is...

When he keep insisting to disobey his mother, Fu Yuan(empress dowager) threatened him that she will stop calling him her son if he trying to disobey her....and so he have to obey his mother, because he loves his mother...

Back to the forest where there were still crowding the spots where wei ying was killed, no one wants to go near the corpse as they are afraid of a bad luck...

But they are stunned by wei ying even when he's already died yet his beauty still stays on him...

Out of nowhere, wei ying's bestfriend from the gisaengs house, and his most loyal fans, Mimi, mei xiu, ling ling, luhan, yixing,yifan, tao, and kai run through the crown and fell on their knees, as they got to where wei ying's lifeless body laid...they cried devastatedly, with mix emotions of sad and anger...

Mimi, "wei ying-ahh~...tsk!~ tsk!~ who did this to you?!~......huhuhu~..."

Mei Xiu, "Wei Ying~..please dont leave us!~ tsk!~tsk!~..."

Ling ling, "wei ying-ah!~ tsk~ tsk~..."

all of them embraced the corpse, who cares if it's bad luck...

the boys crying too like a little boys who cries for their mother....

"huhuhuhu~...gege~ please dont leave us!~ huhu~..." -Luhan

"Come back, gege~..." -tao

"tsk!~ tsk!~...gege~..." -yifan

"Gege~, you should have marry me instead of the emperor~...huhu!~...tsk!~ tsk!~...then, you wont be ended up like this~...huhuhu~.." yixing cries...

"even in time like this~, you're still have the nerves to talk nonsense~..huhu~..tsk!~ tsk!~..." Kai cries while mocking yixing...

After their cryings over, they decided to take Wei Ying's body to Luhan's household, to give wei ying a proper funeral. Even in his death Wei Ying perfection still stays flawlessly on him, they couldnt have the heart to cremated his body, so Luhan who is the wealthiest noble of southern qi brought a luxurious and granded glass coffin with ice underneath to keep the dead body preserved, and so they cleaned up the blood and washed wei ying before they weared him a clean and majestic black robe. they did a little bit of touched up on his face to make it looks fresh and beautiful, after they have done, they put his body into the glass coffin....

Luhan owned a secret garden at his house area compound. the secret garden was a huge space, and there's an empty spots at the centre of the space. That's where the glass coffin was kept, with the stone altar decorated with roses, and framed portrait drawing of wei ying was displayed on it, along with his birth date and date of death was carved on the stone. Inside the coffin where wei ying had been laid, he was surrounded by roses petals, and the frangrance are as simillar as how wei ying's scents when he was still alive, the one that attract people to admires him, and also the fragrance that have capture the heart of the emperor...the flute that wei ying always had with him was put neatly on the altar...little do they know the flute have become a cursed flute.

Wei Ying died, Emperor Lan have already been married with Princess Rong le who is now held the title as the 2nd Empress even though Wei Ying have died but still hold the position as the 1st Empress, Emperor Lan Himself had declare that anyone trying to protest will be punish to death. Northern Qi must regard wei ying as their 1st empress if anyone trying disregards it could leave northern qi right away. This drives the 2nd Empress and Empress Dowager mad~...but what can they do the emperor still an emperor of the land. 

Wei Ying's death devastate the emperor so much, he had been ordering his palace men to look for information of wei ying's tomb or where could wei ying's body could probably be right now, he also ordered them to find information about his daughter's whereabout, acrossed the border, sometimes he would go out of the palace, dressed up as commoner to look for them himself. 

Wei Ying's vengeance started to bother northern qi after 2 days of his death. People started to hear a flute being played at night started at 8. The songs and the similar sounds that wei ying used to play...also his presence around them will be known by the smells of the frangrance of rose that he always had during hsi lives. Alot of people had been chosen to be his victim, to hear his flute played and some ended up insane and some ended up their own life as they cant stand being haunted by the evil spirit of wei ying. 

Rumours of it started to spread throughout the land of Northern Qi and outside of Northern Qi, till it reached to the palace to the emperor's ear, also to the 2nd empress and empress dowager's ears. 

The eldest begin to warned their children to not wanders around the night and get back home before 8 to avoid being haunted by wei ying's ghost. This prohibition continues as 16 years goes by. The story about Wei Ying becomes a popular folklore of the Northern Qi, and one of the interesting tales that is very popular amongst the teenagers who loves horror story, amongst the lovers they are touched by the romance tales between Emperor Lan and Empress Wei Ying. Wei Ying's beauty being admired and jaelous by women, also his gracefullness and talents, at the same time it is goosebumping as Wei Ying have become an evil spirit of Northern Qi who kills whoever is chosen to hear his flute. 


Xiao Yang a commoner teenage boy, a local Northern Qi, of 16 years later, narrate the story of how Wei Ying was tortured and kill in cruel and monstrous way by the group of assassin, how Northern Qi started becoming the cursed and haunted land after 3 days of his death, how the ghost of wei ying started to haunt the people of Northern Qi and more....

3 of his fellow teenage friends were concentrating heartily of the story being shared by him. Some of them started to shivers in fears, and felt goosebumps just by listening to the story being told, which seems very thrilling and interesting, not to mention, the story that was told in fact is a real story. This is the first time they heard about it, because those trios are foreigners who came from the Southern Zhou to Northern Qi to visits their one and only friend, who is right now telling the story....

"So, heed this,lads~, this story is not a joke, it's provened really happened~, during your stays here, try not to wandering outside home, at or after 8. Because, Wei Ying will started to play his flute around that time, and will choose a victim~, so, be careful~..."

 Xiao Yang ended his story telling with a short but meaningful advice as he think it is just right for him to remind them, plus he is like an older brother to them, cuz three of them are a year younger than him.

SiZhui, one of his friend, who have a cute babyfaced looks, but never be fooled by his looks, he is actually very manly and skillfull in martial arts, unfortunately is afraid of ghost, "Xiao Yang~...your story makes me makes me lose my coolness, hearing this~..." 

The young teenage nobleman, who was in disguise as a commoner scoffed, "tch!, you just have to follow the rules here, nothing bad will happen to you~..."

Jin Ling, "So, wei ying's daughter really have died?or just missing??~..." with full of curiosity...

Jingyi added Jinling's sentenced, "if his daughter were still alive, she must be around our age, right?'s 16 years ago when she was born and wei ying died, so that's mean she would be 16 this year??~...she's the same age like us, bros!~..."

"Yup! one knew about his daughter's whereabout~, whether she's alive or dead, i heard that the Emperor is looking for her and wei ying's tomb~...and yes!she would be around our age, this year she would be 16 years old, the same age like you three~.." Xiao Yang explained...

"but come to think, the fact girls born of a male's womb are very dangerous, their beauties could trap us into falling in love with them and eventually the outcome will be worse if we're not strong enough to handle our minds and hearts. Once you obsessed of them, you wont be able to get out of that trap, and you will be ended up seduced, and probably ended up having one night stands with them, that could caused you to get pregnant...that's when the cursed begin. And when you give birth to their baby that's mean you will be meeting the gods at the same day??~....whoaa!, I think it's better that his daughter died, so that those kind of things wont happen~..." sizhui speaks with his logics, although it sounds offensive...

Jin Ling agreeing to Sizhui, "Si Zhui's right, though~...if she still live amongst us, i'm afraid the consequences could be bad. I dont mind if she have the strength that could surpassed men, but the bad things is that, she could make even the dominant men pregnant~..."

Xiao Yang nodded, "yeah~...that's the only thing, men, if we saw this kind of girls we better avoid from falling for them, fallin in love with them, has it's bad consequences, and it cost our lives~...unless!you're a man who was sent from heaven, with a big heart, then happened to fall in love with them, and willing to sacrificed everything of yourself for them, including your life, then only you are worth to have their hearts~"

Jing Yi, "but then, how can we tell which is the dominant girl or not?? know, just in case??" ask out of curiosity...

Xiao Yang responded, "well~, i never seen a dominant girls before~...we have alot of beautiful and feminine men here that born with womb, like Lord WuXie~...ahh!~, do you remember DaiYu, my friend?? guys met her earlier~..."

Si Zhui smiled dreamily as the name of his crush being mentioned, "hehe~...y-yes~..."

Everyone looking at Sizhui -_- then shook their heads, with all same thoughts...

'wow~, he'd really had fallen for that demon lady~...Love indeed is blind~...'

Xiao Yang looked at si zhui, scoffed and shook his head at Si Zhui's sudden changed behavior...

Jing Yi, "just ignore that guy~...Xiao Yang, what about DaiYu, that demon friend of yours??~..."

Jin Ling, "I always terrified by her, although, her beauty is magnificent, but her personality isn't as beauty as her physical feature~..."

Xiao Yang, "hmm~, well, a dominant woman is you could say almost like DaiYu~...magnificent beauty and strong figure, their physical strength could surpassed men~...."

Jing Yi asked again, "yeah~, i can see that, DaiYu does possessed an extraordinary beauties, she wont get the "Face of Northern Qi" for nothing~...and this is the first time i saw a strong girl like that~...but is she a dominant girl??~...judging by her physical feature, she do possessed that criteria~....and she called Lord Hua Wu xie mother, rite?? he her real mother who gave birth to her, if he is, wow!~...she's lucky to be born safe and grow up well, unlike other unborn baby girls who had been discovered and their male mother was forced to get rid of them~, or more worst the baby was born, and been burned alive..."

Xiao Yang shook his head, "no, he is not~...Lord Wuxie took her in when she was an infant, probably DaiYu was abandoned by her female mother, then one of Lord Wu Xie's loyal handmaiden found her and give her to Lord Wu Xie, after 2 days, Lord Wu Xie had lost his daughter whom he was forced to get rid of of by his relatives of hua household~...poor him~...and yes, DaiYu was took in by him, cared and raised her like his own daughter~...."

Si Zhui exclaimed with full of excitement, "wow!~..thank god! that's mean i have a chance to be with her??~.." he smiles brightly showing his bunny teeth, with his wide shimmery eyes...

Xiao Yang with his lazy eyes trying to explain to Si Zhui who seems to be admiring his bestfriend, "Sizhui~...alot of young noblemen of northern qi and outside of Northern Qi went to her household to meet Lord WuXie for her hand in marriage, and they ended up either immobilize or lose one of their part of body as they returned back to their home~...Si Zhui-ahh~, i know you are great in martial arts, but you know the most strongest nobleman in northern qi proposed to her and lost both of his legs and had his neck broken~...yah~,i'm advicing you to forget about her~...."

Si Zhui still smiling, "hehe~...seems scary but still i'm happy~..."

Everyone shooked their head at SiZhui strange taste of women...With that charming face of his he could get thousand of submissive girls, but this guy is something, he really dont care about his life at all...

SiZhui, Jin Ling and JingYi are 3 friends who came from the Southern Zhou to visits their one and only friend in Northern Qi, that is Xiao Yang. Those trio, Xiao Yang's friends are one year younger than him, are the sons of the most wealthiest noblemen of Southern Zhou, but they are born to a lowly mothers, just like Xiao Yang.

Si Zhui of Wen Clan of Southern Zhou, charming, feminine and babyfaced looking guy, however, his abiliy in martial arts is a gods level, and he is a dominant guy(you know what i mean??)

Si Zhui of Wen Clan of Southern Zhou, charming, feminine and babyfaced looking guy, however, his abiliy in martial arts is a gods level, and he is a dominant guy(you know what i mean??)...He have been in Northern Qi for three days, and he had met DaiYu, Xiao Yang's bestfriend that he had introduced them to...Her beauty really stabbed him hard to his heart, moreoever when he sees DaiYu's other charms that makes her different from any other girls.

Here is Jin Ling        

Here is Jin SiZhui he is too of a noble family background, a Jin Clan. Like Si Zhui too, he is born to a lowly mother. He is judgemental, but kindhearted. he is a good friend to Xiao Yang. He fell for DaiYu the first time she was introduced to him by Xiao Yang but after seeing her real personality, he quickly forget about how he'd ever fallen for her....He is good in martial arts and write poems...

Mo JingYi, player, outgoing, and love to flirt with girls

Mo JingYi, player, outgoing, and love to flirt with girls. He is the son of one of the wealthiest nobleman of Southern Zhou, Also like SiZhui and Jin Ling, he is too born to a lowly birth woman.He is too have fallen for DaiYu, like Jin Ling, he cancelled her from her list of girlfriend lists, when he sees her true violence personality.

As for Xiao Yang, he is just like the three of them, his father is of a former Xiao Clan Leader who had affair with a lowly woman(Xiao Yang's mother) and had him

As for Xiao Yang, he is just like the three of them, his father is of a former Xiao Clan Leader who had affair with a lowly woman(Xiao Yang's mother) and had him. His parents have died when he was 7, so he was raised and taken care by his tsundere uncle Xiao Jiang Cheng, the clan leader after Xiao Yang father's death. He was always outcasted by his relatives. 

His brothers looks down on him, for his lowly birth and for being an orphan. So, instead of staying home just to be insulted by his monstrous relatives, he preffered to mix with the commoners and with the other fellow outcasted noble teenagers and share his favourite story to them about the Ghost of Wei Ying, or most of time he would hang out with his bestfriend, DaiYu, and alot. He always unveil his happy go lucky and friendly personality to everyone, although insides him is dying because of the lack of love from his family, even his uncle always act cold towards him.

His hobby is to mix with peoples from different social classes, including the commoners, amongst servants or gisaengs. He would tell them the stories about Wei Ying's horror story and romance tale about him and emperor Lan...people is so happy to be around him because of his humbleness and outgoing personality...some of them know that he is a nobleman, but some have no idea who he is, probably just a friendly and open commoner. He is very generous and warm hearted. Different from DaiYu who is quick tempered and violence. 

Everytime DaiYu had fights or have some beatings to do, Xiao Yang will calm her down. If DaiYu had really lost control on her angers over something, he is the one who will be her punching and screaming bags, and he will endure it, no matter how much it hurts him. He will calm her down in anyways that he can. Because, he loves her, more than friends. Ever since they were little, however, there's something always stopping him from confessing his loves towards her, it's not that he's afraid of being beaten,he had gotten used to her violentness towards him, it's just that, Xiao Yang actually had made a vow and promise of something to someone out of guilt, that only him and the God knows what it is.

It was still in the afternoon, people are having fun, chilling outside their homes, children are playing, aunties are gossiping with each other, uncles are doing their works, teenagers having fun and young noblemen went to buys an alcohols for tonight stalks...

Everyone doing their things outside the house, before the night comes where the terrifying and horror sides of Northern Qi took over. Where the Ghost of WeiYing will wander around the night looking for his victim to have their souls torture.

Hua Clan Household

Hua Clan or Hua Household is the 7th Rank wealthiest Noble of Northern Qi. Even they are the 7th Rank, they are the most arrogant, greedy and selfish nobles compared to the other nobles who was higher ranks in status than them. Hua Clan leader is Lord Hua Xiong, a greedy and arrogant man, who never care about anyone's feelings except for himself. Then his wife, Madam Hua Xin, a jaelous and full of herself woman, who could be the doppleganger of the empress dowager, Madam Hua Xin hate anyone, regardless, women or beautiful men who could outshined her and her daughters and granddaughters beauty, especially her nephew, Lord Wu Xie and her foster Granddaughter Young miss DaiYu. Lord Hua Xiong and Madam Hua Xin has 3 beautiful but stupid daughters, Lady Yue Hua, Lady Mei Jing, and Lady Li Hua.

 3 of her daughters were married to the sons from 6th rank nobles, which possessed a similar mindsets and personalities as the Hua Clans mindsets. Three of them are brothers, Lord FengXin, Lord JiangSun and Lord Hua Man of Li Clan. Handsome men but stupids who try to act tough around someone who is weaker and lacker in knowledge than them, and so each of the couples were given a dumbest children, who was all few years older than daiyu and the youngest are same age as Daiyu.

Lady Yue Hua married to Lord Feng Xin, the eldest son of Clan Leader of Li, their children are YinXi who is 19 years old, and Yu Fei who is 17 years old. Lady Mei Jing married to Lord jiang sun and they were given 1 son, Xu Zhong, who is a playboy, who always have fun with the gisaengs at the tavern. Xu Zhong is known to be a wicked bully, he will bully those who is weaker than him, or lower status than him, sometimes he will ually harrassed submissive men if he sees ones.

 He never bully DaiYu, although he wants to, as DaiYu is not someone he could messed up with. He always felt inferior around DaiYu. lastly, Lady Lihua was married to Lord Hua Man, they were given 1 daughter, who is the same age as DaiYu. their daughter's name is RuiXi. RuiXi is a spoilt brat, who always get what she want, through crying and whining if she dont get what she want. She hates Lord Wu Xie and DaiYu because her whole families hates them, she especially hates DaiYu, because she, a lowly noble got the title as the "Face of Northern Qi" instead of her, the higher status she had been grudging on DaiYu just for that petty title.

Lord WuXie, is Lord Hua Xiong's nephew. Hua Xiong's younger sister is Wu Xie's mother who was accidentally was found pregnant with a commoner child and got married with him, and gives birth to lord wuxie. Due to his lowly birth, he had always been outcasted and abused by his uncle, aunty, his cousins, nieces and nephew. He had always been bullied by them, only Yanli, his handmaiden who had always been loyal to him. Wu Xie is one of the men who was born with an ability to conceive and gives birth to child. 

Because of him being different from other men, he was looked down at and was considered a cursed by his family, so his life wasnt that good even, even he lives in wealthy lives. However he still being respected by the villagers and fellow good nobles, because of his mother is one of the most respected woman in Northern Qi and because he is very famous amongst dominant men for his beauties, women wanted to become his friends, but some women are envy of him.  

DaiYu came into his life, replacing his death unborn daughter, who was forced by his uncle to get rid of as they found out that he is carrying a baby girl. DaiYu grow up and raised under his care in the hua household.

 Even they only had each other with loyal yanli of course, they are the happiest mother-daughter, although DaiYu had always been a pain in the , had always gave Wu Xie headache, because of the trouble she caused and how she always bragging about her strange and impossible dream of being a flutist. He would always nagged at her because of her habits that always wandering at night in the forest, always ignoring the advices of the elders. But DaiYu just never listen to him, she is too brave and too ignorant about what's going on in her country, to arrogant to care about everything especially about the famous weiying ghost that had been haunted the northern qi for 16 years.

Before DaiYu came into his life, his life was tormented, suffering a long time of depressions. He was by the son of the 3rd Rank Noble, Lord Yehua, a nobleman, who have been obsessed with him, and got him pregnant. Ever since that day he was , he suffered trauma and months of depressions along his pregnancy, but he never hated his baby, not a single thought of getting rid of it, he wants to give birth to it secretly, but too much of plan he have made in how to raise his child in the future, his cousin, Li Hua discovered about his pregnancy, and tell it to madam Hua Xin and Madam Hua Xin tell it to Lord Hua Xiong. 

Wu Xie was summon to see Lord Hua Xiong, and he was flogged, 50 strikes on his back as a punishment, for carrying a wedlock child and bring embarassment to their family. Lord Hua Xiong ordered a shaman to checked the gender of Wu Xie's baby since it have reached 8 months where you can check the gender of the baby, they discovered Wu Xie is carrying a daughter, which is a cursed and threat to everyone especially men. 

Lord Hua Xiong forced Wu Xie to abort his child by drinking a poisonous tea, which made the baby being killed inside wu xie's womb slowly, which also caused Wu Xie to suffer a tormenting and tortorous pain inside his belly, forcing him to give birth to a dead baby that night and lost alot of his blood. The dead of his baby really added to his depressions. After 2 days of the dead of his unborn baby, that's when his loyal handmaiden, Lady Yanli found DaiYu and brought the infant DaiYu home and give it to Wu Xie who was still devastated at the lost of his baby, that he always attempted suicide. However, DaiYu's existance in his life, have changed everything.

Hua Xiong let DaiYu be raised under the Hua Household, and registered her as the new family member of Hua Clan, as the foster daughter of Hua Wu Xie, even though he actually reluctant to it. However, to eased his guiltiness for killing Hua Wu Xie's unborn baby, to make himself feel better, he let Wu Xie raised DaiYu. 

Even though Hua Xiong let DaiYu be raised under the hua household, Hua Xin, and her children, never like it one bit. As they set their eyes on DaiYu, they were so triggered, because this is the first time they'd seen a very beautiful infant, they could feel a different aura and vibe of her, and could see how she become as she grew up in the future. So, they are envy of her. But never fights back at her, as DaiYu is not someone to be messed with although she is Wu Xie, the lowly useless nephew's daughter

As for Wu Xie, even though, Hua Xiong have let him keep DaiYu, he never forget how these cursed family of his have killed his unborn baby and made his life like hell along his life. But he put that aside, and rathered busied himself to pay attention to his foster daughter, and raised her with care and love.

Now, we'll talk about DaiYu, one of the main character of this story...

"DaiYu", were given many nicknames by the peoples of Northern Qi. A very famous girl in Northern Qi, because of her exquisite and magnificent beauty that could be stood in the same level of the late WeiYing. Since Wei Ying have died, DaiYu replaced him as the Face of Northern Qi title after years has passed.

 She was also being called as the Wei Ying's Reincarnation, which she really hated the title so much, as she despises Wei Ying also everything involves with WeiYing except the flute, reasons??well, no reasons, she just hates everyone and everything that exist in the world, except the flutes, her mother(not when he try to ruin her mood) and her mother's handmaiden YanLi. Her other names, which people calls her usually is, the "Black Jade Lady" or "Black Jade Beauty" or "Demon Lady/Princess". Amongst all social classes even amongst the royalties knows her, even more than they knew the 2nd empress of Emperor Lan.

Although she have the beauty of Wei Ying, but her personality and characteristic is very far from Wei Ying who is gentle and warm. DaiYu is more obnoxious, violence, materialistic, quick-tempered, ignorant, rebellious and etc. However she is full talents, she is genius, very skillfull in martial arts, skills in fighting,tough, good in hunting and etc. Even if it's higher ranks nobles or royalties who try to messed up with her, she will make them pay in a very tortorous way in a ways they couldn't imagine. She started to train herself martial arts ever since she was 4, her one and only purpose is that, so that she could protect her mother from being insulted and harmed, and also so that she could protect herself from being harm or being messed up with.

Ever since DaiYu was an infants, she was known as the most beautiful infant that anyone ever seen. Just by looking at her fragile and small face, even as an infants, she could give a very different vibe and aura than any other normal babies. There's a powerful and mighty vibes in there, as if they could see a good future in her when she grow older. 

Even her grand aunt and aunties are envy of her, that they never wanted her to be around their household. Along her growing up, she's becoming more beautiful, more cleverer and more stronger although she's becoming more and more of a negative vibes than the positive ones. Possessing a darker and aggressive characteristic and personality than the bright ones. Though it is not of Lord Wu Xie's upbringing, it's as if she had that kind of attitude ever since she was a baby, as if something happened to her in her past times, and she have kept a long grudges insides her.

She trained herself martial arts ever since she was 4 and it's one of her interests, also hunting, and knowledges. Lord Wu Xie taught her how to illiterate and she read all the books at Lord Wu Xie's library, in all types of books, like books about leaderships, arts of war, arts of communications and etc.

 Although she is ignorant, but she have to learned all that for her own benefits so that no one could looked down on her. She have a strong mindset, and always very curious to learn everything. She likes to wander outside the house by herself too, even when she was still a toddler, to challenge herself in martial arts and her fighting skills. 

Her first challenge is joining a dual fights with the strongest men of Northern Qi, her first fight caused her to wounds alot and bleed alot on her small body, and that made Lord Wu Xie was so mad at her, that she was grounded for 1 weeks, but DaiYu is a stubborn little girl, although she was wounded and injured but that didn't stop her from giving up. She went out sneakily and again to the fighting field, where she challenge a man, the most famous fighter in that land that time. 

She foughts him, and after was beat down repeatedly, but she wont give up, she got her guts up, then she gives the adult fighter a very good beatings, and knocked him down, to the people who was watching the duals, women and men they are stunned by a little girl's strength and ability to knocked down the best fighter of northern qi, from that day she got more recognitions and people are feared of her. That's when she met Xiao Yang her current bestfriend at the fighting field sides.

Being an extraordinary child with full of surprised, she also had her first bloodshed on her hands, when she was 6, where she and Xiao Yang were wandering around at the forest with only them, and a bandits trying to harm them, but as fast as lightning, DaiYu's ability in martial arts is not a jokes, she knocked down the bandits and when the bandits trying to kill xiao yang, DaiYu killed all of them in one go with her crossing bows. 

There's also times when she and her mother was asleep, 3 robberies barged into their mansion, and one try to Lord Wu Xie the 2 of them try to robbed anything precious in the mansion. DaiYu who always looked for victims to fight and strengthen her skills, she likes it when people try to messed up with her, because that way she could have another bloods in her hands and improved her fighting skills. So she fought those robbery and killed them with her crossbows and her sword.

 Lord Wu Xie was shocked at his daughter's surprising abilities, and dont know how, it makes the whole family of the household including the maids went to see what's happen in Wu Xie's mansion, and they shocked what Dai Yu have done. But not only that, she have been dealing and killing group of assassins too who try to harm her and Xiao Yang, and when she sees someone been messed up with a ruthless noblemen, she will fight that men and broke his arms.

 Her ruthlessness being spread throughout northern qi, and more and more years she grew up to be a very magnificently beautiful girl of northern qi, till she got the titles of Face of northern qi. People started to give her many title. Some says, she have the resemblance of the Late Wei Ying, till they gave her title as the Reincarnation of WeiYing. Some says about her physical features that, she have the looks that was like the mixes resemblance of late wei ying and emperor lan zhan, that they would call her the lovechild of emperor lan zhan and wei ying. They would talk about how DaiYu could possibly be the daughter of weiying that had been dead or lost 16 years ago, however, remembering the terrifying sides of it, they try to not talk about it. They gave her many nicknames, good and bad.

Because of her overly strong, terrifying and violence personalities, the noblemen who held a huge crush on her, who had been thinking of trying to propose her hand in marriage suddenly cancelled out their intentions, because they do not want to be like those who have one of their body parts broken by DaiYu, just because they went to propose her at her household. DaiYu was known as a lady who hates everything and everyone entirely including marriage, men, and loves. If she says she dont like you, never go further to try hard to makes her love you, or try to threatened her, if you still wants to live your life as the most handsome and most perfect noblemen on earth. But if you want to live your life as a cripple man, sure, try to threatened her or something that could make her mad and kill you at the same time.

Every men, the dominant men or the submissive men(beautiful men) are into DaiYu, but they are not dare to confess their feelings to her as they are frightened of her. Dominant men are usually the trying so hard one trying to impressed the black jade Lady, but always ended up getting scowled at or beaten, meanwhile the submissive ones, would blushed and always try to avoid eyes with her, out of shyness when she try to approach them, although knowing that she is a submissive type of woman,who should not supposed to make submissive men fall for them, cuz, usually only dominant women could attract a submissive men, if they are really exist in the societies, unfortunately they dont, because they are forbidden to be born or to live before being born into the world. 

Every man especially submissive men that are caught carrying or gives birth to baby girl, they will be forced to get rid of the child or if the baby girls had been born, those babies will be burned alive. That's why the most suffering ones in this society, are not women, but the men who was born with womb or was born as a submissive. (I will explain about this later)

Although, dominant men wish for DaiYu as their wife, but, there's also a narrow minded and egoistic men who feel threatened by her and see her as their competitor. As they cant accept it that a girl could beat and surpassed them in strength and toughness. For them, girls should just stay as a submissive, be an entertainer for men, serve men, bow to men, and be weak like they are meant to be.But DaiYu seems like against the world, especially against the mindsets of those dumb minded people, and rather doing her things that she likes, try to fight her, be ready to suffer for the rest of your life. She was known as a 2nd scariest one after, the Wei Ying Ghost.

Now enough of DaiYu's life story, we'll go back to the situations in Hua Household....

A young nobleman was groaning in pain, at his broken fingers, that was caused by none other than the Black Jade Lady herself, everyone who were presence at that hall who was witnessing the proposal to DaiYu by a young nobleman of 2nd rank, especially Lord Hua Xiong and his family, and Lord Wu Xie, gasped at the youngest miss of the Hua Household who made that Young noble man broke his fingers. DaiYu smirks enjoying the pain the young nobleman felt, while combing her hair like a baddass...

"ARGH!" he groaned in pain at his broken fingers, while grasping it, then his eyes glared slowly at that young noble lady infront of him... "you! dare you breaking my fingers?! you even know who i am for you to try to use violence against me?! you have any idea, what this hua household will faced because of your insolentness towards a 2nd rank nobleman?! you think i cant use violence against you just because you are a lowly woman?! ungrateful woman being disrespectful to a man, you were raised by a man, how would you like it, if i do the same thing to your mother?!..."

"hmm~..let's see~"

DaiYu hummed, then continued by answering all the questions the nobleman asked with a mocking tone...

"let me answer all your questions~...there are 8 questions, if i'm not mistaken~..."

The nobleman was holding the pain on his finger...Lord Wu Xie Sighed at his daughter's usual behavior...

DaiYu continued, 

"I have so much fun breaking your fingers, and i know who you are~, YOU are the spoilt brat son of the 2nd rank nobleman of Han Clan, but i dont care who you are. You try to irritate me, i will make you suffer for the rest of your life, one of them is...this~, dont tell me i didn't warned you. Violence is my weapon, me and violence cannot be separated. Go ahead if you like to ruin this hua household, i dont care~(this triggered the Hua families that present except Lord Wu Xie) and lastly, yes i was always been ungrateful, and had always been disrespectful, a man raised me but you did not raised me, so, why should i respect you again??..and lastly!, if anyone do the same things to my mother, especially by you, i will make sure that person will meet the gods earlier than they expected~...." as she answered all those absurd questions by the young nobleman, she smiled sweetly and speaks calmly, "did that answered your questions, Young master HanYu??~..."

HanYu, "y-you~.." he said in his gritted teeth, but DaiYu who have been holding her tempers insides her head, suddenly outrageously, she grabbed the nobleman collars, then banged him against the wall nearby as he winced in pain, makes everyone shocked and not dare to say anything, she eyed him straight as if wanting to kill him....she speaks in a low but anger tone in gritting teeth...

"how dare you irritate me, and try to interupt my days??~....I was supposed to went hunting for animals in the forest right now, but YOU! RUIN IT, YOU SON OF A !..." she scream in outrage in her last sentence, as she using her knee to kick his stomach makes him gasped, then she push him to the floor...

She stood there eyeing HanYu, still with the same look...

HanYu cant believe this, this lowly woman is this outrageous, is not afraid of anything, even she knew he is higher status than her...he glares at her, but her glares seems to be something that he should be terrified of...because who do not know DaiYu, a girl who have killed many people and injured many people who try to mesed up with her??....

he didn't say anything, DaiYu, after eyeing at that nobleman for few seconds she then eyed the nobleman's two right men who flinched as she call both of them...

"both of you!.." Daiyu with her cold tone, "y-yes, young miss?~.." both stuttered at daiyu out of nervous, their head lowered as she speaks, as they remember their place...

"take your young master and leave my residence right now~...take all those things that you have brought, and never return again~" She speaks in a cold tone of voice, then she bent down to the nobleman who was still on the floor, refusing to meet her eyes, that is right now, eyeing him with with her smirks, "if~" she lifted his chin forcing him to look at her, then she continued in a low outrage tone, "i ever see you again coming to my house for the same purpose, i will not think twice, to have your head displayed infront of the gate of my house~....understood??~.." she smiled sweetly before she screamed in outrage when the nobleman didn't replied to her, "ANSWER ME!.."

HanYu already shivers, "u-understood~..."

DaiYu smirks, "hm~..good boy~.." she patted his head before she stood and looked at those unfamilliar peoples who came to the hua household to witnessed Daiyu being proposed earlier, with her hostile looks, "everyone that is not the members of this household, leave this house right this instant, before i order the soldiers to execute all of you here~...."

they looked at each other stutteringly, DaiYu lifted her eyebrow, "are you seriously trying to get on my nerves??~..i count to 3, you're still here, i will call the soldier to take your heads~..ONE! TWO!-"

before DaiYu could even get to three, all those busy bodies have already scram away off the Hua household...DaiYu smiled, "3~..good~.." then she eyed back at that nobleman, with her last glared, then walked out of the hall of hua household then, straight away back to her and lord wuxie's mansion.

Lord Wu Xie, walk away followed his daughter to their home....

The young nobleman was helped by his right men to get up as he do not want to get up himself for embarassed that his pride have been trampled by a girl, they brought the dowries they brought for daiyu earlier and also their young master, out of the household and went back home. So much braggings about DaiYu will be his wife, but at the end he got nothing but embarassment....He was always spoiled in the family, all he wants he got. But today is a culture shocks for him, a girl of lowly ranks have stepped on him just like that, and made him she understands why most of young noblemen who have interest in DaiYu have never try to propose her hand in marriage, even the most egoistic nobleman in northern qi had never dare to think about that. they could just daydream and admire her from afar.

Lord Hua Xiong, Madam Hua Xin, lady Yue Hua, Lady Meijing, Lady LiHua, Lord FengXin, lord jiangsun, lord Hua Man, and their children, who is in their teens right now was frustrated at how DaiYu could escape easily off the proposal..

Lord Hua Xiong was mad, because he really wants that DaiYu to get married and leave the house immediately so that he could sell Wu Xie off to the gisaengs house. They need to sell him off, because they want to open a store at his mansion and they need alot budgets in doing so. Having him staying with them longer, didn't bring any goods, just a burden, and eyes sore...

However DaiYu always rejecting the proposals with her violentness, that makes most men in Northern Qi terrified of her, this isn't the first time a man came to propose her hand in marriage, this is like 50th times. The Hua family couldn't stand this longer they need to do something...


Lord Wu Xie and DaiYu at their household...

at the living room...

Lord Wu Xie leaned his back against the wall, with his arms folded across his chest, staring at his daughter who was busy sharpening her blade with some things(i dont know that things name), while, handmaiden yanli was sitting at the chair closed to where Lord Wu Xie's standing, with an awkward expressions on her face, glancing at the beautiful feminine male mother and his daughter...

The atmosphere was silence, no ones talking, as for DaiYu she knew her mother have been staring at her, but she preffered not to say anything, and just focusing herself on sharpening her blade, while doing her things, she wished her mother wont say anything as well, as she dont want to hear any naggings from her male mother at this moment...too much of wanting to stay silence, her mother started to speaks...

"do you really have to do that??~..." Wu Xie started to speak to his daughter in his low tone...

Daiyu sighed and rolled her eyes 'here he go,mr. nagging~...'

She mumbled in lower voice, but Wu Xie could hear her, "i could hear you~..." he let down his folded arms into his sides, then walked to where DaiYu's sitting, he sits near her and eyeing at her with serious looks, DaiyU flinched abit when Wu Xie said that he could hear her mumbling about him..She slightly glanced at him, then focused back on her blade...

she simply replied, "yes~..." as if no guilty at all....

Wu Xie sighed, "this is the 50th times you have rejected the proposals~...50th times too you have injured many peoples~...dont you afraid of being punish??~..."

DaiYu scoffed, "I'm not~..those who proposed me are losers, anyway and believe me, mother, they wouldn't dare to punish me~...why must i be afraid??~.."

Wu Xie, "DaiYu~..." he sighed, he have to say the same words everytime, but nothing will change the black jade lady anyway....

DaiYu suddenly speaks in serious tone, "I heard granduncle and grandaunt's conversations~..."

Lord Wu Xie looked at his daughter, waiting to hear what his daughter is going to say, it seems serious... "What did you hear??~.."

DaiYu, "they want to open a store near our residence, IN our quarter!.." she told him, Lord Wu Xie, "wh-what do you mean, DaiYu~..."

DaiYu sighed, "they have been wishing to have me leave this house immediately by waiting for me to get married, so that they could sell you off to the gisaeng house, which will cost alot of prizes~...You're this beautiful, mother, you could cost 100 golds~...alot of benefits arent it??, if Xiao Yang was a handsome man, i would probably sell him off to the most wealthiest merchant of Northern Qi, if he try to messed up with me like he usually does~...." speaks in nonchalant tone...

Lord Wu Xie shocked at that fact...he cant believe his own family wants to sell him off, to be a gisaeng...although he have been used to this kind of treatment, but he cant believe hsi uncle and aunty would stoop this low...his eyes started to get glassy, tears started to trickled down his beautiful cheeks...

"I-i c-cant b-believe could they??~.." he wiped his tears...

DaiYu scoffed, "what do you expect??they would let you stay under their household forever??~..."

Lord Wu Xie sighs, "what should i do??~..." he shutted his eyes as another tears rolled down his cheeks....

DaiYu looked at her mother, she sighed, she put aside her blade and turned her position facing her mother, who cant resist himself from tearing up...

DaiYu let out her sweet sides for she keep her cold face, she stood up off her sits, and walk behind her mother, then hugged his neck from behind...

"shh, mother~.." she kissed her mother's neck and caressed his shoulder lovingly with a possessive vibes...

Wu Xie hold her hand that was hugging, "D-daiyu ahh~..."

Daiyu she speaks in cold with loving tone of voice, "in this house, we only have each other~...I will protect you, long as i am here, they wont dare to do harm to you or even mess up with dont need powers to against them, you have me~, I am the powers, I am the danger~..." with her eyes eyeing Wu Xie, even Wu xie was nervous by her words, although it is a good thing, his daughter is very scary sometimes, there's a strong and huge possessions of protecting her mother laid in her eyes....well, that's our's not easy to get her to like peoples and things, but once she loves, it will turned into possessions and obsessions,which shwill never let go or let that got hurt except that things or that someone was hurt by her own hands.

Wu Xie stuttered, "s-sure, sweetheart~...I-i believe you~..."

DaiYu smiled and hugged her mother and burried her face in her mother's neck, few seconds, she let go of him, and walk back to her seat, and focused back on her blade...

Wu Xie wiped his tears, then eyed at DaiYu, as he sighed, then reached to caressed her hair lovingly...

"Thank You for existing in my life, my daughter~.."

DaiYu, "yeah~.." back to her usual cold


The time strikes 8...

At one of the mansion's rooftop, stood a creature, a figure of a pale feminine man standing, holding on at his right hand a black chenqing flutes...

His black beautiful silky hair, he was wearing a black robe, wearing his cold expresionless facial expressions eyeing down slowly then up at the emptied streets from the highest rooftop he is standing...

That man doesnt seems to be a human, as he gives a different vibe of being an other creatures....

His skin was cold like corpse, no heartbeats of him...

The fragrance of roses as a sign of his presence begin to spreads it scents to the whole land of northern qi....

Slowly eyeing all of the places, until his eyes meet the same young girl he usually seen at the forest holding sword, walking on the night street, it's like she is heading to her usual the forest....the same place where he was tortured, was forced to gives birth and the place where he died...he was eyeing that ignorant girl with sharp stares that could kill anyone and make anyone frightened....

he uttered in his cold voice,

"This girl~...have no fears at all~..."

The Black Jade Beauty was heading to the forest, the place where she usuallly do her things and chilling

The Black Jade Beauty was heading to the forest, the place where she usuallly do her things and chilling....

The scents of fragrance rose, which always strucked into her nose every night, so she used to it, although, she's really allergic of that smells, as she really hates flowers.

She was wearing a black training robe, and her upper hair was braided and tied into ponytail, and her fringe was decorated nicely on her forehead...her make up giving a darker vibe of her...

Her sword sheathed attached on her sides, as she headed to the forest to enjoy herself, unrealisingly that someone is watching her with his sharp stares....

She remembered Xiao Yang once told her even though she always ignored the topic he always talked about...

"the rose fragrance scent is a signs of the presence of Wei Ying's ghost~..."

She thought of that, but scoffed at it...

" wonder it's irritates me~..."

Then she proceeded to her destinations...

Wei Ying who was observing her from the rooftop, heard her mocking things about him, that makes his eyes get sharper out of anger...

Meanwhile, The Black jade lady had just arrived at the forest, she settled down her weapons for hunting and fighting practices under the one of the huge tree in that forest...and to be exact the same spots and place were Wei Ying had been tortured and died sadistically, the place which no one in northern qi dare to go even it is in the day time. Unless you're really trying hard to get yourself trouble by being haunt by the the chenqing flute's spirit.

Daiyu the took her swords, and started to warmed up before she started her swords move dance. 

Her eyes was burning in fire as if she is facing her enemies right at the moment, then she started her moves that gives charismas, powerful and mighty vibes. Seems fierce and fast as lightning, swinging her swords, kicking, backflipped, and letting out all the skills she got, in her mind, she think about her enemies, especially the hua family, that have been bullying her mother and makes his lives miserable...and other things that she, herself have no idea about...revenges??past times??....unrealising that a terrifying creature have been watching her with his eeri smiles, and his red blood eyes, watching her closed...

Finally to end her practices, DaiYu flipped back and ended it as she landed on the ground like an avengers, her swords was stabbed on the ground...

She smirks as she feels that her skills have improved..she get up off her knee, and went to sit under the tree, taking a bottle of water, and drinked it, closed it then put it back insides her backpack she brought with her...still holding her unsheathed sword, dangling on the ground, while she herself was daydreaming...

speaking to herself, not realising "someone" is watching her....

"I dont know why people are afraid of going out at night, just because they are afraid of that stupid Wei Ying~...tch!, if only they just ignore it, stupid people~...what is there to be afraid of a flute, anyway??~...even mother forbiding me to get one, but who cares?i'm going to get it anyway!...That Wei Ying trying to haunt me?let him try,then~, I'm not afraid one bit of that creature, he has the flute, i have my sword~...tch!just thinking about him, frustrates me!,because of him, mother always nag at me, everytime i mention about being a flutist!...." expressing her frustrations who cares if people said she's insane for talking to herself, while she was mumbling by herself suddenly...




"tsk~ tsk~...tsk~ tsk~...huhu~"

The sounds of wistful and quiet sobs heard from behind the tree she was sitting...fill of sorrow in it, DaiYu turned her head, to listen intendly to that sound, "someone" was weeping nearby, it's like right behind the tree she's seating, it's behind the bushes...she cant see who is it, because the grass is long and thick...

'yah~, isn't this a forbidden place?~...why is there somebody here??...and!'s like the sound of man, a submissive one??~..'

Lifting one of her eyebrow, then scoffed, "tch!, what do i's his problem, not mine~...cry all he wants, i want to sleep~..." she settled her backpack on the ground, and lie down on the ground with her head rested on her backpack as a pillow...not long after, she'd drifted into her dreamland.

a creature glared at that ignorant sleepy young lady, then smirked sinisterly..

'it's alright, young an ignorant all you want~...but, you can't never escape from me~...." 

The creature dissapeared from there.....

Meanwhile, in other place, in a not so dark alley, A masculine teenage boy was bothering an feminine looking teenage boy. The feminine boy is one of the submissive boy that lived in Northern Qi. He seems like a commoner, very beautiful and innocent looking. The masculine boy seems like a noble background from the way he dressed up.

The feminine boy was so scared that the masculine boy will do something that could lead him to his doom. He have no way to run, the masculine boy is in front of him was looking at him lustfully, as if he going to assault him in anytime soon...there's no way to run, behind him is a wall, which he had his back against it, as he walk backwards, and now the masculine boy have locked him to prevent him from running away....the feminine boy was begging to the masculine boy to not harm him while sobbing...

"p-please~...don't hurt me~...tsk!~ tsk!~..." The boy sobbing harder out of scared...

The masculine boy sniffing on that feminine boy's scent that makes him more hungrier looking at him, he smirks, "i wonder~...a man-ahh?, no~..a CREATURE like you are also good on the bed or not~....I've always played that things with girls, but i have not taste a beautiful submissive boy like you yet~....but you look love~...." he touch the poor boy, make the boy more scared...

"dont be scared~...hehehe~....just give me a little bit love??~..." he smirks..

The boy shook his head tremblingly... "P-please~..l-let m-me g-go~...tsk!~ tsk!~...."

Suddenly the masculine boy harshly grabbed both of the feminine boy's wrists, and brought them and locked them against the wall above the feminine boy's heads, make the feminine boy gasped, he wants to fight back but cant, as the masculine boy is more tougher than him...

He cant do anything right now, the masculine boy started to kissed his neck, making love bite on his neck, kissed his thin lips, sniffing his good smells hair and evrything...

"you do taste more delicious than girls, arent you??~....hehehe~..." he chuckled evilly as he continued making love bites on the poor boy's neck, the boy keep sobbing and begging in pain...


but the masculine boy did not listen as he proceeding assaulted the boy, but it did not last long, when suddenly he heard a sound of flute from behind him....

(The sounds that was played)

he stopped what he was doing to the poor boy, he frozed as he heard at the sound of the flute being played from behinds him, that sounds very familliar just like the sounds and songs that had been played on the flute by Wei Ying when he was still alive...of course, the masculine boy is a northern qi people, he definitely recognised that songs....

he started to get nervous and shivering...his face 2 inch from the poor boy who was still scared, but didn't seems to react anything at flute sound as if he did not hear it....

The masculine boy asked that poor boy with his fierce looks, "did you hear it??..."

The poor boy did not answer because of scared, he was trembling, the masculine boy snapped at him, "DID YOU HEAR THE SOUNDS?!.."

The poor boy flinched, then immediately shook his head, shutting his eyes, as his tears rolled down his cheeks.... "i-i d-did n-not h-hear a-anything~..."

Yes, that's true, the poor boy did not hear anything, only that masculine boy heard it....

and the sounds getting more nearer, like it is just right behinds him..he could feel the presence of someone behinds him, chills running down his spine, he feel the wind blow stronger passing through his skin neck...he let go of the poor boy's hands off the wall behind, slowly he turned to look behind him, where the sound come from, to his goosebumps, feels like his legs being glued on the ground that he couldn't run away from there..his eyes widdened in fears as he see someone..ahh, nope, it's something, that everyone in Northern Qi afraid of...

The famous legend ghost of Northern Qi...Wei Ying was playing the curse chenqing flute of the same song that is also a curse. His skin was pale like corpse, his eyes was red like blood,he was staring at the masculine boy with an eeri and terrifying smirks bloods fills his hands which staining the flute, tht's make it even more scarier, his robe have stained blood, especially the stabbed wound on his abdoment, that streamed a fresh blood also on his legs....

The masculine man, "d-did y-you s-see that??"

The poor boy was confused on what's wrong with the masculine boy who seems like scared as if he saw something scary, but when he try to search what he was looking at , there's no one or nothing in there...even the flute sounds the Masculine boy talking about, was nothing but only the sounds of crickets were heard.

he answered stuttering in innocent voice, "i-i d-didn't see anything~...."

"How can you didn't see him?!'s wei ying!are you blind?!.." he snapped at the poor boy again but with fear tone of voice...

the boy flinched, "w-wei y-ying??~...but i didnt see anyone??~...."

The masculine boy looked at that poor angrily, and looked back at wei ying, who is walking closer to him, with his sharp eyes eyeing at him...

while he was playing the flute, he heard wei ying's voice talking to him that makes him more scared...

"He cant hear me, nor he cant see me~...Only you are chosen to see and hear ready~, from now on, you wont have a peaceful lives from today will see me everyday, young master~...HAHAHAHA!~"

he laughed eerily that makes the boy getting more terrified, as he scream in outrage fears....

"arghh!!...go away!!~...stop that sound!!...go away from me!!..." he tried to cover his ears from listening to the sound again but it only got louder , he closed his eyes as he do not want to see that terrifying creature infront of he was screaming and screaming out of terrified, he finally passed out....

the poor boy earlier had run away from the alley, whether what was the masculine boy said true or not, he thanked wei ying for saving him from almost being molested by that evil boy earlier, although he is too is scared right now. So, he quickened his pace on his way back to his residence, as he fears that he might be the victim of Wei Ying next. 


At the Gusu Palace, the dwelling place of the throne of the Emperor Lan and where all the royal family lives, there's pavillion that was located nearby his palace...he was sitting on the bench, while playing the guqin, to the song that he and Wei Ying oftenly play a duet when he was still alive, with wei ying playing his flute while he played it on his guqin. The song that was created by wei ying himself....the song was said a cursed, but for him it is a memories of him, his beloved empress and their unborn little princess who was still inside wei ying's womb during that time...

while he was in his own world playing the song on the guqin, he flashed back the time he and wei ying still togather, being happy and all...

Those memories, where he first met Wei Ying, where he saw him playing the flute of the same song which Wang Ji never get bored to hear it...he played it beautifully and gracefully....

Wei Ying's beautiful smile that makes him fall for him, his charms, and his beautiful voice that makes him fall for him over and over again....

The time when he watched him perform on stage as a gisaeng, was one of the most beautiful things ever, playing a beautiful songs, he never forget to bring along his beautiful self that could make everyone fall for him and never get bored of him....

He remember the time where he confessed his feelings to his 1st empress, the time he proposed to him, the time they got bethrothed to each other, the time they first discovers that wei ying's pregnant with their 1st little princess....

Each seconds, each minute, each days, each months, all of that, were clear in the fresh minds of the young emperor....Wei Ying death and his daughter's missing had kills his spirit, and the part of him have died....but as an emperor he have to get his gut off, also he is a father of a son who will sooner or after will become the ruler of his land..he had to eased himself to be strong for his son and his country...

He had been ordering his men to search all over the place an informations about his wife and his missing daughter, but still they failed. He have made up his mind that he will look for them himself, and investigate whose behind the death of his wife and daughter. He bound that he will punish whoever have caused his miseried and have try to ruined his family. He swear, he will not let them off.

He finished the last part of the song and ended it...then he mumbled as if talking to wei ying...

"Wei Ying~...even though you are not here anymore, I could still feel your spirit around~...My love for you will never die, Wei Wu Xian~....You still have a place in this palace, you are my 1st empress, no one can replace you in my heart~....i promise, Wei Ying my love, i will bring justice for you, I will find whoever the culprits is and have him being punish heavily~....i will find our daughter~....I'm sorry~, i couldn't protect you like i promise you before~...please, forgive me, wei ying~....forgive me, my love~..." his tears rolled on his cheeks, as he shutted his eyes, regretfully, blaming himself for not protecting wei ying...he feel guilty for breaking his promise, he is tormented by his wife's death although it have been 16 years ago...

Little that he did not realised, however his instincts was right, Wei Ying is there standing closed to him....

Wei Ying was in his human form in his black robe, looking so beautiful and gracious...he was looking at his husband in melancholy, as he speaks his blood tears form on his eyes then fall on his cheeks...

'Please, dont blame yourself, Your majesty~...You were never wrong~...and i never blame you for my death~....I love you, your majesty~....'

While the two lovers of different creatures were longing each other, Xia Yu, the crown prince, came interupting his father's moment...

He walked in the pavillion, tapped on his father's back, make the older jumped a bit, and quickly wipe his tears of his cheeks...then glared at his son...Wei Ying witnessing his husband with his son with his 2nd wife...although he should be sad seeing that interactions of his husband with the son of his 2nd wife, instead with their daughter, but seeing this makes him smile, atleast his husband have someone that could make his heart eased a bit from dwelling on the sorrow of his lost ones...and he is touched when an unexpected words that come out of the royal boy's mouth when addressing himself as his stepmother...

"Hey, father!~.."


"Yah!..could you greet me properly, instead of tapping on my shoulder like that??do you want to lose your father that soon?!.." he glared at his one and only Son....

Xia Yu showing his gummy smile, "hee~..sorry, bad~.." he pinched his father's cheek, "even you're this old, you're still looking this cute, any secrets you like to share, Fu di??~...." he winked, WangJi slapped his son's hand who was still pinching his cheeks, and glared at him, "how dare you, little punk!.."

Xia Yu pouted, "haish~...calm down~...."

Wang Ji sighed at that little punk son of his...but he knows his son is the best things that have been given to him to eased his sorrow of the death of his 1st empress and daughter...

He smirks, "what are you doing here??~...interupting your father-"

Xia Yu cutted him off, "are you thinking of stepmother??~..." his eyebrow raised...

Wang Ji sighed, "hmm~, as usual~.." he said honestly...

Xia Yu nodded in understood... "hmm~...wont blame you, though~, stepmother is too hard to resist~...honestly he is more beautiful than mother, anyway~..."

WangJi , "Why do i feel like you're in a bad term with your mother right now??~...I know that you always praised your stepmother, know??~...comparing your stepmother's beauty with your mother is something your mother hate you know??~...moreover, if your mother is not beautiful, do you think you have this kind of face??~.."

His son had always fond of wei ying even though he never met him, it is caused of him always tell him the story of his 1st empress to his son ever since he was a toddler, since the story of Wei Ying is very popular accross the northern qi, so why not, his son know a little bit about his stepmother....he didn't know that his little boy would went further to know more about his stepmother's tale. Then he would ask his father to tell him bedstory about Wei Ying every night before bed. because of that, the little crown prince grow more and more fonds of his stepmother figure, then set a dream of finding a female versions of his stepmother...which makes his mother furious...

He's a bit guilty of the 2nd empress though for brainwashing his son, but then it's not entirely his fault, his son is the one who was so interested about it...sometimes he is so worry about his crown prince being obsessed and confident about looking the female doppleganger of his beautiful stepmother, but he have to be happy for him. The things that makes him moved by his little prince is that, the boy acknowledge Wei Ying as his stepmother, sometimes he would addressed wei ying as mother wei ying~..

Xia Yu pouted when he remembered his mother insisted him to marry the girl of her mother's choice. The 2nd Empress had totally against his dreams of finding a female version of Wei Ying as his one and only consort that he had set as his goal and dream ever since he was little. He was trying to put that aside, but his father reminded him of earlier, where he have been nagged by the 2nd empress, which caused him to ruin his mood, that he could he decided to go out of his chamber to take some fresh air, he wander around the palace compound till he reached to his father's palace, then saw him sitting at the pavillion, playing guqin and daydreaming, probably thinking about his stepmother, so he went to interupted him, so here he is....

he pouted at his father's question, squishing and grasping sulkily on his white robe when thinking about the argument he had with his mother earlier...Wang Ji disgustedly looking at his son's behavior with that sulky face, he immediately tell his son off "stop making that face~..."

Xia Yu stop making that face of his then stop his sulking which makes his father looks disgustingly at him...he averted himself into normal..

"Father, please tell mother, i dont want to marry Lady Xu Ran~...You're an emperor, so she must listen to you~..." Xia Yu pleaded his father....

Wang Ji, "The empress dowager seems to agree with her, Xia the way, where do you want to find your stepmother's female version in this northern qi??~...if there is, it's you want to marry your sister??~..."

Xia Yu shuddered, "if you let me~..."

Wang Ji glared at him, "Then,no!..." he emphasized clearly that he wont let him...

Xia Yu, "tch!..i wont marry her either, i dont want to die during childbirth~...."

Wang Ji, "thank god~...then forget about it~..."

Xia Yu, "but, still, i wanna find stepmother's female version as a consort, or else, i will be priest forever~..."

Wang Ji sighed, "haish~, this punk~..." then he remember something, "ahh!~...there's a girl who were said to be mine and your stepmother's love child, what's her name again?? Yu...??"

Xia Yu, "Dai Yu??..."

Wang Ji, "shi!~, DaiYu!~...she's the Black Jade lady, isn't she??~...why not you find her and take her as your consort instead??~..."

Xia Yu, "father~...i dont want to be the 51st man being a punching bag of her~, you know she make those men who dare to proposed her crippled forever??, she's very different from stepmother, yeah, she have stepmother's beauty but their personalities are different...i preffered a gentle and soft woman~..."

Wang Ji, "you're the crown prince, why would she do that to you??~..."

Xia Yu, "she even do that to the 1st rank noble~...i dont think northern qi wants a criple king to rule the country~...i'm your only heir arent i??~...unless Xiurong jie still alive, she could replaced me as a crown princess, while i'm cripple~.."

Wang Ji sighed, "poor you, son~..." he caressed his son's head, and pouted his lips... "it's okay~, i'm sure you will get one, just like your stepmother one day~...about your mother...dont worry i will handle her~..."

Xia Yu smiled, "really??how??~..."

Wang Ji, "dont ask~...all you have to do is sit back and enjoy the upshot, understood?~.." 

Xia Yu still confused but he nodded anyway, "okay, promise??~.." he held a pinky promise so, wang ji could linked it with his, "promise~..." wang ji linked his pinky finger with his son's then locked it as they signed it using their thumb finger...

Wei Ying was watching the father and son bonding, while thinking of his daughter, XiuRong who could have been there as well, feeling the love of her father. Blood tears escaped his eyes, his eyes get reddened,his emotions melancholy as he speaks...

'You could have been there as well, Xiu-er~...please forgive your mother~'

At Hua Household...

Lord Hua Xiong, and Madam Hua xin were sitting at the living room, it's midnight, they still hadn't sleep yet...

They were expressing the unsatisfication about the event earlier, and discussing plan on how to get rid of DaiYu out of their household, so that, they could handle their useless nephew easily,...

"Husband!, i really cant stand seeing those two useless people around~, when could we get rid of them?!this is really making me frustrated!...That Wu Xie!,we should have sell him off to the gisaeng house after i have killed Wu Lin last time, but we didn't!..." Madam Hua complained in frustration... "and now we have to let her son being around us with that ugly daughter of his!.." 

Hua Xiong agreed a bit guilt in his tone, "Something must have possessed me for letting that little stay with us~...if only i had sold him off that people loves him more because of his popularity amongst noblemen, adding his daughter's recognition as the face of northern qi, it's harder for me to sell him off just like that...we cannot let Wu Lin's son to outstood our own bloods....we have to get rid of him~..." 

"we cant let anyone knows about father in-law's will of passing his heir to wu lin, if not, we will be doom~....if we cant send him to the gisaeng house, we could just kill him like we did to wulin's husband~..." Madam Hua Xin suggested, then continued, "but we cant do that while his daughter is still here~...haish!that girl is so annoying!..." hissed madam Hua....

"Wu Xie should be the leader of this clan, but i can't accept that~...i have been overshadowed by his mother, i cannot let her son overshadowed me too and let him have powers over me~...." Hua Xiong uttered.... "if we cannot forced that daughter of his to get married, we have to order an assassins to kill her~...." 

Madam Hua, "but, husband~, DaiYu is unbeatable, she even killed an assassin as a toddler, is it okay, to send her an assassin again??are you sure it wont fail??~..." 

Lord Hua Xiong, "dont worry, my wife~...I'll send a lot of assassins to attack her~...I'm sure she will be killed in that attack!..."

Madam Hua, "do it quick, Husband~...we have to take that quarter and i want to open a store know our family's assets have been going down??~....i heard your father have his property assets that was meant to handed it over to wu lin before, but no one knows where he hid it~...." 

Lord Hua Xiong, "really?!..a Property?!...for wulin??~..." 

Madam Hua nodded...

Lord Hua Xiong getting furious and determined to find those assets, he just knew all these while, his father had hid the assets that was meant for his sister somewhere....he have to find it out...

yes, another facts had revealed...

Hua Clan is actually one of the prosperest and highest noble of Northern,one of the noble family, that have been giving a lot of contribution in prospering the reign of 1st emperor of northern qi(Emperor lan's great grandfather) ever since the birth of the great Northern Qi. They were the 2nd rank. They were the most outgoing, open and free noble family. full of spontaneous and happiness. 

Lord Hua Xiong and Lady Wulin's father is the former Clan leader of Hua Clan, Lord Hua Kai. Lord Hua Xiong and Lady Wulin are siblings from different mother. Lord Hua Xiong's mother is a gisaeng woman who have been obsessed of the Hua Clan Leader, and so she slept with him, and got pregnant and give birth to Lord Hua Xiong. 

Lord Hua Xiong were put infront of the household doorstep of the Hua Clan, which later being found by Lord Hua Kai, then he was took in and was raised like the other noble. 2 years later, Lord Hua Kai married to Madam Hua Xuan, a loving and caring youn noble woman, and they become officially husband and wife, after months later, they have a beautiful daughter, that is Wu Lin, Wu Xie's mother. She is not just showering her love to her daughter but also to Hua Xiong. But Hua Xiong had always hated her. He wants his father's love all for himself but she have stole it. 

Hua Xiong's ambitions have been wanting to become the clan Hua leader, and Hua Kai sees that and have been observing him, however to his obseverence, Hua Xiong lacking of that criteria. Hua Xiong always trampled down the one who is lower rank than him, he always insulting his maids, even when he was still a toddler, and it's went on till grow up as an adult...he is always full of himself, play with women, going out at night and etc. He sees the criteria of a leader more in his daughter Wulin. 

She is very strong, wise, strict and also talented, and so he decided and confirmed that wulin should be his next heir to be the clan leader of Hua, although she's a woman. This discovered by Hua Xiong. He was furious, knowing instead of him the eldest and the only son of the clan leader, it's his sister was chosen to be the heir. that time he already married to the woman he accidentally impregnate that is Lady Hua Xin a young noblelady of 3rd rank, he sees his father had been paying a martial art teacher for Lady Wu Lin, to teach her martial arts, and bow and arrows and all..although she is a woman, she was taught to be strong as men. She also very wise and have the spirit of leaderships. Even wiser than all men. 

Hua Xiong couldn't except that. Wu Lin fell in love with a commoner man, and was pregnant with their son, her father was dissapointed, but regardless of that, he agreed both of the lovers to be married to each other, Hua Kai do not care the background of the one who marry his children, as long as his children are happy. 

Wu Lin later gives birth Wu Xie, at the same day her husband died  being killed by Hua Xiong himself. It devastates Wu Lin at the death of her husband, but she got her guts that she needs to be strong for her son. That time Hua Kai was also bedriddened, waiting for his time to be called to heaven. 

Wu Lin wasn't presence when Hua Kai announced his last will to the whole clans presence, of handing the position leader clan to his daughter, only Hua Xiong was presence, because Wu Lin have been locked in the dungeon to die by Hua Xiong's wife. the whole servants and soldiers too have turned against their loyalties to Hua Xiong and Madam Hua Xin. Right after Hua Kai closed his eyes forever, Hua Xiong ordered all his loyal soldiers to kill all his family members of Hua that was presence and witnessed Hua Kai said his last wish. All of the family members except the infant Wu Xie. 

Hua Xiong then ordered his wife to kill Wu Lin in the dungeon who have gotten so weak, because didn't being given any foods and drinks. Hua Xiong, then take over the position as the clan leader of Hua Clan. Him being the leader makes the clan begins to look bad when he was discovered commiting treason against Emperor Lan Qiren, he have joined allies with the traitors the country's enemies for the good of himself, to try to removed Emperor Lan Qiren from his throne. 

The country's enemies had promised to provide supports for him and help him to ascends the Northern Qi throne as the new emperor since his clan is the most closest to the king, and that time his eldest daughter Yue Hua was agreed to be the crown Prince Lan Wang Ji's future wife by the emperor and empress fu yuan. Empress Fu Yuan who was the one insisted in matching her son with Hua Xiong's daughter. But that didn't happen when Hua Xiong's crimes was discovered. 

He and his whole family was about to be beheaded except for his nephew Wu Xie, but because the empress dowager have pleaded the emperor to have mercy on Hua Xiong and to not beheads him and use Wu Xie as an excuse that the nephew was still little needs a guardian to take care of him, Emperor Lan lifted the punishment because he remember that the former leader clan Hua Kai have done alot of contribution to prosper the emperors reign along with the late Lady Wu Lin. He spared Hua Xiong because he think about Wu Xie.

 To bear the consequences of his crime, Hua Xiong's noblity ranks been downgraded to 7th ranks, been label as the traitors family in whole face of Northern Qi, however their egoes and arrogantness have not yet faded. They abused Wu Xie at home, but pretending to treat him good when they were outside, it's useless though because most of the people have knew how wu xie was treated. Wu Xie is the only Hua clan who was respected by the people of northern qi because he is the son of lady Wu Lin, who was adored by many people including the emperors, Wu Lin was supposed to be bethroted with Emperor Lan Qi Ren but was cancelled off because Wu Lin had already pregnant with Wu Xie...

The only reason he didn't chased wu xie away from the house is because he thinks that wu xie could be used to pleased the Emperor. Because Wu Xie is the only who is wise, and could pleased the emperor with his talents and his charms till he was adored by the emperor as he is his own son. Although Wu Xie's charms and talents couldnt be denied,  but since Hua Xiong's hatred and jaelousy towards his nephew have overpowered he keeps labelling him as a useless. 

Emperor Lan Qi Ren had passed away, Wu Xie started being abused by Hua Xiong and madam Hua along with their children. His lives started being completely tormented,except he get to live as a noble child, and live in a luxury quarters. Until he grew up and where all everything started to goes against his will...

In an extravagant huge chamber, dim atmosphere, stood a middle age woman wearing a majestic empress robe standing infront of her huge antique mirror....

Looking at her reflections, plastering her usual proud face, as she looks at her beautiful figure through the mirror, but as something and someone she despises crosses her thoughts she suddenly
scream in outrage.

Adoring her looks in the mirror, caressing her face as she runs her fingers of both hands through her robe, a smile of saying 'At last I am the fairest of them all'.....

Empress Dowager Fu Yuan, an evil queen who was full of herself, desired the powers and being the fairest of all creatures. She cant bear knowing that someone is more competent than her. If she knew she will find them and kill them, or if she choose not to kill she will make them suffer for the rest of their life....

She is full of hatred, envy and grudges towards one who is more beautiful
and more competent than her...

She hates beautiful and feminine born men the most, as well as the daughters that was born from them. She incited all the clans and all Northern Qi to disregards their feminine born son, and in case one day their feminine sons got pregnant, and carrying a girl, they must abort it or kill it, or if their baby girl had already born, they must burn them to death. As she told them, that the daughters who were born of a male's womb is a cursed and could caused disaster to their whole families and the feminine born sons is a sign of disaster, as what she told them. 

There's truth and false behind that reasons though but little did anyone knew, it is all to fullfills her desires and her hatred. Her desires of wanted to be the most perfect and competent one in Northern Qi, she do not want anyone to surpassed her. The rules were Implied ever since the first emperor's reign, even till the reign Of Emperor Lan Wang Ji, truthfully Wang Ji do not want this rules to be implied  in his country, because of his 1st male empress and his daughter who was born of a male's womb, however, his mother's reasoning seems very convincing the people of Northern qi, who was too supporting and agreeing the rules. 

Wang Ji unwillingly agreed to the empress dowager to implicit such cruel rules to the people of Northern Qi, although he never feels good about it, but he do not want to be a disrespectful son to the one who gave birth to her, so he just let her handles everything regarding those mentioned, while him feeling guilty about all the feminine born men, he wish he could help them. 

Every years there will an execution of feminine born men who had just given birth to their daughters who insisted to keep and raised their daughter, so they were given a very cruel and sadistic death punishment. Or, if they were discovered pregnant, and carrying a girl, they will be forced to abort it, willing or unwillingly, or if they had already given birth to their baby girl, and try to hide it somewhere, and insist on refusing to tell their daughter's whereabout when they were being interogated, they will be locked in the dungeon, and will be torture in a very cruel way. Soldiers who are guarding their cells, are allowed to enjoy the pleasures of the feminine boys bodies...

However this kind of punishment in the dungeon, the emperor never knew this, because this is run by the empress dowager herself...the dungeon is hers, and no one could enter the cells or knew about it existence, the prisoners in the dungeons are all feminine boys who have given birth to their daughters and hid them somewhere, but refused to tell the babies whereabout, at the end they ended up in the prisons, where they were being torture, ually assaulted and tormented everyday under the order of the empress dowager. 

That is the dark sides of Northern Qi especially at the palace compound. 

"at last~, i am the fairest of them alll~, no one could outshined me~....Wei Wu Xian, you died togather with your daughter, which I ordered the assassins to kill you!...hahahahahahahahahaha!!!~..." 


Indeed the cruelest being on earth. Yes, it is the empress dowager who had ordered the cruel and sadistic assassination of the 1st Empress Wei Ying and Princess XiuRong. The same reasons, the first time Wei Ying was introduced to her by Wang Ji, she have hated that Northern Qi's beautiful rose so much. Wang Ji married Wei Ying, and wei ying become the 1st empress of her son, everyone in the palace was fond of him, everyone admires him even the soldiers, even the people loves him. Wei Ying not only a beauty but also full of talent. He could give a beautiful speech, he plays the flute beautifully that could make Wang Ji fell for him everyday, very elegant, every sides of him are just perfect. Not only beauty physically but also insides as well. A warm gentle heart shone on Wei Ying, even if there is scars on his face, he still would be looking so magnificent. The empress dowager, hate it more and more, day by day...

One day, she discovered about Wei Ying's pregnancy, which Wang Ji told her about. The two marriage couple celebrating it, but the empress dowager is not happy with it. Hoping that her son in-law, would carry a girl so that she could used that excused to get rid of Wei Ying. Even in pregnancy Wei Ying still maintain a beauty, his face shone as if he was an angel falls from heaven, his pregnancy making him more elegant and graceful that everyone would be amazed when looking at him. Other pregnant mothers would be envied of his perfect looks even when he was heavily pregnant. Wang Ji had always bonds with his 1st empress, often they would duet the songs that Wei Ying invented, on their flutes and guqin. Looking at that doesnt make the empress dowager happy, as Emperor qiren never did that to her so she is jaelous of Wei Ying. Wang Ji always pay attention on Wei Ying, and always very over protective of him. 

Fu Yuan had always showed that she is happy about the couples, and love wei ying but truthfully, she really dont. As they says, haters always stay as a haters, nothing could change them, only God can change them. As Wei Ying's pregnancy have reached 8 months, where they could discovered the gender of the baby, the baby genders was discovers, unfortunately THAT's where all the miseries came to Wei Ying, he got a baby girl. Fu Yuan use this chance to silently brainwashed the people of northern qi to insist on dethroning Wei Ying from his position as the empress, because he is carrying a cursed child or the cursed child must be get rid of. Wei Ying and Wang Ji was confused at that time, they do not want to be separated from each other nor do they wanted to get rid of their child...

Fu Yuan use that opportunity to went on with her plans, at the same time to be easier for her to bethroth her son with Princess Rong Le. She warmly suggested Wei Ying to be away from Northern Qi for awhile for the sake of his health and their baby, then come back to the palace after he had given birth to his baby. But little did Wei Ying knew, it is a trap to get him attack by the assassins, on his way to his destination at that night. That's how Wei Ying had died. It's all done according to Fu Yuan's order. Her biggest sins. 

Fu Yuan scream in outrage as she think of her former son in-law, she's yelling at the mirror like a crazy person...



then her expression becomes nervous and scared...

"b-but, you are seeking vengeance on me, arent you?...n-no~, y-you wont dare!i am the empress dowager!no one can harm me!haha!you think you could kill me, wei weuxian??~....NO!YOU CANT!...."


Then her expression distorted into normal expressions...she smirks at  her reflection in the mirror...

"hmm~...let's visit our friends in the dungeons~...." she turned her face eyeing at the  door attached straight to the wall from where she's standing...she walked to the door, and opened the door knob, the doors open, the she went inside the dark room and closed back the door behinds her, which actually a secret dungeon she built.

She get down the stairs until she reached the floor. 

It was dim atmosphere. Let me TRY to describe how the room looks like.

So if you entered the dark room from the empress dowager's chamber, there's like a balcony as you stepped in the room, infront of you is the railing stairway to the downleft as there is stairs you need to climb down at your right side your standing, so as you get down from the stairs and stepped down the floor, your facing a long hallway. so, if you're walking straight through the hallway, you will notice alot of small cell, with single bar, along the way at your right and left. Now back to the stairs at your left side there's a space and two large cells meant for torturing place. At each small cells, there are alots of feminine men who was locked in the cell. The dark room was fills with screams, sobbings, mourning...there's always people who were tortured everyday in the that place by the cruel doing of the guard cells themselves. it's full of suffering and sorrows for the poor feminine men. They are begging for the tortures to stop but to their unfortunate no one cares about them, no one could hear them, no one knows about their existance in that place. no one knew about the existance of the dungeons...their cries are useless, they have to bear the sufferings and torments everyday...the empress dowager will come everyday to the dungeons, and request for one of the prisoner to be torture infront of her for her entertainment....

The empress dowager get down the stairs, while being greeted by guards guarding the cells...

"Greetings, Your Highness~..." they smirked, the empress dowager smirked back at themm, they compliment her, "you look beautiful today, Your Highness~..." 

Empress dowager chuckled, "yes, i am~..." said her proudly...

as she stepped down the floors, "hmm!~, so, how was the prisoners??~..." 

"they are good, your highness~...getting more and more delicious~..." they smirks...

empress dowager, "their screams are truely better than Wei Ying's flute~...." 

the atmosphere of the dungeons fills with the scream and sobs of one of the feminine man who was right now was forced to served one of the cell guard with his body, the cell guard was enjoying himself ing his hole and ripping him insides...

The beautiful feminine man was helpless..he is the new one in the cell, and had just gave birth to his baby girl who he had given away to someone, he was caught and was locked in the empress dowager's dungeon. He was sobbing and begging for the cell guard to stop him, but the cell guard continue what he was doing...


"STOP!!~...TSK!~ TSK!~...P-PLEASE!~...TSK!~ TSK!~..." 

"tsk!~, tsk! daughter, your mother's in pain~...h-help y-you m-mother~, tsk!~ tsk!~..." thinking about his daughter while bearing the pain of being tortured...

Empress dowager and the guards heard him and they smirks hearing him sobbing and begging and call for his daughter, the other prisoners hears him too, their thoughts thinking about their daughters who they have sent away before they were caught and locked in the dungeon, although they missed their daughters so much, they are grateful that they have let them lives well and hope they lives better outside Northern Qi. Northern Qi is indeed a bad place for people like them to live. 

Their fellows are considered the lowest being in societies of Northern qi,sometimes they will be treated like no less than a human, they will be treated worse than a dog.Even a women is more luckier than them. Some of them were lucky because they are someone's son, but still being looked down at. some of them are like Lord Wu Xie, he is a bit lucky though cuz people respects his mother, Lady Wu Lin, and the late emperor considered him as his son, most of them would be at the gisaengs house, the ones in gisaengs house, another a bit of lucky ones, cuz they are admires for their talents in musics, which sounds more beautiful and more talented than how the gisaengs women plays, however, their lives there are very unfair, because, the gisaeng women who works there had always been envious of the gisaeng men and always bully them and never been justified. 

The empress, "hm~, never stop torturing him~, i need his screams to entertain me~..." The empress orders the man who was right now enjoying the pleasures of the feminine man's body....she sits on the chair, crossing her legs, and leaned her back as she closed her eyes, enjoying the scream from the beautiful man who was right now tortured...

The guard while he was busy, answered the empress dowager, "No problem, Your highness~...." 

The feminine man is still young. he is like in his early 20s. he had been locked in the cell for 3 days, and today is his first torture. He just had his baby 4 days ago, and right away, he sent her away to his friend who lives in a foreign country. He was caught but luckily the baby had been brought away....

then she asked the guard leader, 

"Is he the newest one here??~..." 

"yes, your had been three days, he gave his daughter to his friend who lives in foregin country~...he just had his baby 4 days ago~..." replied the guard leader...

"hm~, good~...but i'm not happy hearing his baby is still alive, but atleast, she lives far away from here, i could still be the most beautiful woman in Northern Qi. " she smirks...

"erm, let me see, the oldest prisoner here~...what's his name again??he's a prince of southern zhou is he??"

"yes, your highness~...let me you~" 

Empress dowager nodded as she get off her sits and walk her way through the hallway to "pay a visit" to her oldest prisoner.

Through the hallway, at the end of it, in a very corner, there is the last row cell. A very beautiful feminine 34 years old man, wearing a dull blue robe, his long hair was a bit messed but didn't ruined his beauty face, looking helpless and weak, his eyes swell from crying a lot, because of tortures, because of sleepless night, because of thinking his daughter, and thinking about his tragic life that have been ruined by his own father, who decided to throw him away to be a gisaeng at his 12th birthday. 

 It have been 19 years ago, he had his baby when he was 14

 It have been 19 years ago, he had his baby when he was 14. His name is Prince YunXi. He was born of a royalty but discovers that he was born with womb, so the king of southern zhou sent him away to the gisaeng house at the age of 12 in the Northern Qi, the country that is known as a bad place for people like him. Like other fellows boys like him he was suffering enough. He lost his ity at the age of 13 to one of his customer he served, and got pregnant. 

He secretly gave birth to his baby girl at the age of 14. However a gisaeng woman who had always been jaelous of him discovers about his pregnancy and told the superior of the gisaeng house, and the superior reported it to the empress dowager. Luckily he still had his most loyal handmaiden from Southern Zhou who was willingly to take his baby in and raised her like his own daughter, and take her away back to his country in Southern Zhou. The baby is safe, but YunXi was captured by the empress dowager soldiers, and was thrown to the dungeon and was locked in the cell. 

They torture him everyday(like a torture), he was tortured with wax being dropped to his skin for like hours, being forced to have with the cell guards, being stripped and spanked to entertain the empress dowager and more of it. Non-stop. He feels like dying everyday, his life is a hell in that filthy dungeon. The empress dowager is a cruel and crazy who torture others just because they are more beautiful than her. that's absurd. He just want to die, he cant go on anymore, however, his daughter is the whole reason he wants to stay alive and meet her one day. 

He was sitting on the bed, with his face facing the wall, his back leaned against the wall, both of his legs being brought to his chest as he hugs his knees...his facial expression, blank and had melancholy vibes in it, his whole thoughts, is all about his daughter and all of the hell he'd been through in his life and in this dungeon he is right now....

he speaks in his thoughts...

'Shao Qing, my daughter~...your mother will not give up his life just like that~,...mother will stay strong, till we could meet again one day~...Mother love you, Shao Qing, my little angel~...'

While he was in his thoughts, suddenly voice of a woman, he really afraid of, calling his name...


he snapped out of his thoughts, fears emerged his mind, as he sees who had came in the cell he was in. He was so deep in thought till he didn't hear the cell door was open. The empress dowager standing infront of him smiling sweet with a poisonous vibe in it...

he immediately stood stutteringly, and bowed in greeting to the empress dowager, 

"Greetings, Your Highness~..."  wait until the empress dowager told him to rise...

"rise~..." empress dowager with his proud facial expression...

He lifted his head and straightened his body, still lowerred his head a bit, avoiding the empress dowager eyes....

Empress dowager scanned him up and down, insecurity motioning her jaelous nature at how this boy still looking so perfect even when he have become this mess, triggered by it but still tend to keep her cold and proud expression, as she hissed an insult words at him,

 "what an ugly creature~..." she spat...

YunXi sighed, he heard that words everyday, so there's no use to get offended by it, anymore...

suddenly he felt his chin being lifted.

The empress dowager, lifted his chin to get him to look at her, as she walk closer to him with her sharped eyes eyed straight to his eyes, she could see his trembling eyes...

"you~, how dare you look this way, even when you have ended up like this??~..."

she throw his face in frustrated, make him fall back to his bed, holding his chin, he stay silence...he slowly looked up the queen, then stood up back knowing his position...

The queen still looking furiously at him, he just stay with his natural expression, although his heart is beating fast...



a slapped strike him accrossed his cheek, make him fall back to his bed, holding his cheek that was slapped, tears excaped his eyes, not enough with that, the queen grabbed him by the collar, for him to stand up, again she strike his right cheeks hard that he fell on his on the ground...

holding his cheeks, his tears begin to streamed on his reddened cheeks, he looked at the empress dowager with a bit glares but trembling eyes, "y-your h-highness~.." 

"how dare you looked at me like that?!.." she then kicked him again on his stomach hard, makes him groaned in pain..


"AKH!" his whole body, including his legs, was kicked, he only could gasped and groaned, he couldn't fight her back or else, something he do not want to happen to him will  happen to him...all he have to do is to wait for the empress dowager to stop torturing him...

but she didn't stop, this empress dowager seems like a psycho person, and it's getting worse day by day, poor YunXi and all the prisoners, until his body got numb and weakened from that abused, finally, he passed out.

Empress dowager feel satisfied that she have tortured that ugly beast, smirks draw on her face, 

"i want to kill you now, but i's fun torturing you, ugly beast~..." 

"Your highness~" guard cell bowed and lifted his head..

Empress dowager turned to him, and lifted her eyebrow as a sign asking what the guard cell wants...

"Empress Rong Le is looking for you, your highness~..." 

Empress dowager smiled, "hmm~, my beautiful niece~...let's go~..." she walked out the cell and walked through the hallway to the stairs, as she climbed, as she have reached the door to her room, she open the doorknob and the door open, she get inside, and there her niece with her unhappy face probably having a bad terms with her son....she closed the door behind and walked to her niece...

yes only rong le knew that her aunt owned the secret dungeon in her room. 

"hey, rong le~...what's wrong with you??~...what's with this unhappy face??~.." asked fu yuan in concerned tone, caressing her niece's face..."why arent you sleep yet??~.."

"AUnty Fu yuan!~, i cant stand this! son getting more fond of that death stepmother of his, and he keeps insisting on finding a female version of him as a consort instead the lady i chose for him!...and more frustrating is that, the Emperor support his choice!...i cant stand this, the emperor never see me as his wife but instead he keeps on thinking about his death wife!..i cant stand this!~..." She tell her aunt her angry feelings towards her husband and her son...

Fuyuan furious, but in calm ways, "tch!..that ugly beast! dare he still seduced my son and my grandson even when he's already dead~..." then she smiled to her niece again, "it's alright, dear niece~...I will talk to Wang Ji about this, i will forced him to forget about that ugly beast, and start focusing on you~..." 

Empress rong le, forced a smile, but feel relieved about, "thank you, aunt~...please, convince him, and tell him to agree on Xia Yu and Lady Xu Ran's marriage~....Wei Ying had steal my husband's heart once, i cant have another girl that looks like him trying to stole my son too!...i really hate that man!~...i'm glad that you have ordered an assassins to kill him last time~...I'm glad that he died togather with his little cursed  daughter!..." 

FuYuan, "sure~, no problem~, anything for you, rong le~..." she smiled sweetly...

Rong Le, is the the 2nd Empress of Emperor Lan Wang Ji. Yes instead of replacing Wei Ying as the first empress, she become the 2nd empress instead, because Emperor Wang Ji have announced it officially after wei ying's death, that no one will replace wei ying's position as the 1st empress of northern qi. Anyone try to rebel, will be executed to death. Rong Le again had to feel inferior to Wei Ying even when he's already dead...

She never like the idea of being the 2nd empress but what can she do, her husband is so cold to her, and probably could kill her too although she's his empress. after they made Xia Yu and Xia Yu had been born, he never again touched her. She once asked him that she likes to have a daughter, but Wang Ji always finds excuses to avoid himself from touching her again. However, her husband, although had always been cold to her, but he never been cold to Xia Yu. He always been a father to Xia Yu. Rong Le never actually love her son, but just a thing that useful enough when he sits on the throne and be her king puppet, just like what she'd been taught by Fu Yuan. Observing that of rong le, Wang Ji the one who always, been a mother and father to Xia Yu. He will company him to his sleep, tell bedtime story to his son, tell him about the tale of his late stepmother, till the boy get fond of his stepmother as he grow up. Wang Ji teach him How to illeterate, the martial arts, politics, and everything tht a future ruler should know, so that he wont be an Emperor that was control by anyone including his own mother. Howver Rong Le do not like this one bit. Her son seems to be so distance from her that it's hard for her to have control over him, even forcing him to marry the one of her own choice, he refused and insisted in looking for his stepmother's female version. 

Now she hates that 1st empress from the depth of her heart. Truthfully, she is the only one who knows that her aunt is the mastermind of the assassination of Wei Ying and his little curse, besides the fact, she also took part of the killing, as she the one who had rewarded the assassins for killing the 1st empress, a positions in the palace, as the highest minister of 1st rank, , grand general and lieutenants, others were given positions as soldiers of higher ranks.So, all of them are loyal to the empress dowager but act loyal to the emperor and actually have done a lot of treasons towards the emperor and crown Prince Xia Yu.


It's 8 am in the morning, DaiYu wake up due to the birds chirping. She groaned in a bit of annoyance at the birds who have interupted her beautiful dreams she had earlier,

"haish!you, nuisance birds!~..."  did not realised a stem of red rose was rested on her chest, as if someone had purposely put it on her while she was sleeping at night. As she have completely open her eyes, she seated up from lying down on the ground. As she seated up, she felt something fell from her chest landed on her knees, that's when her eyes stopped at that sight of the red roses on her knees. She picked it up, bringing it a bit inches far from her eyes, lifted an eyebrow, as she looks at it, then furrowed her eyebrows as she felt strange and wondering, 

"why is this grosses on me??~...who dare to put this on me while i was sleeping??damn him!" then she stood off the ground then glanced up, looking around for those erts perhaps trying to flirt with her, but they are not brave enough to appear infront of her, knowing that she will break their arms, so they just put that ugly rose on her while she was sleeping, but then she thought again, 'who would roamed around at night when they are a scaredy cat enough to go out because of that stupid wei ying??moreover in this "haunted" forest, just to put this things on me??~...' 

"Haish!whatever!~.." rather than answering that unimportant questions on her head, she eyed  down disgustingly at that rose held in her hand at her side, as she scoffed then tossed that rose on the ground, nonchalantly. She took her backpack, and her sword and left the place...

After she left the forest, Wei Ying in his normal form, come out behind that huge three, walking towards the dumped rose on the ground, he picked it up, he eyed the rose sharply, then smirked as he eyed DaiYu who had left the place...

On her way exiting out of the forest, she did not expect that suddenly asssassins from nowhere jumped down from the tree infront of her blocking her from proceeding her way...she stepped back startled at that...

Instead of flinching or get nervous or panicks, she scoffed at those assassins, "tch!, what a great morning i have today~...first that strange dirty rose then this??~.." she sighs, as she tossed her backpack on the ground...

She confront the assassins, "are you here to kill me??~..just because you're this many, doesnt mean icant take your life down~..." she smirks...

The assassins didn;t talk because their tongues have been cutted off...

Listening to that young lady's words, the first assassin started to attacked her, but she was fast to dodge down the attacks and slashed the assassin's chest that caused him to meet the gods earlier than the other assassins who was busy trying to take down the unbeatable Demon lady. Not letting the 2nd assassin's sword touch her, she dodge sides and did her fly kicks off his hand to make the sword thrown off his hand, that it almost landed of the land, which DaiYu quickly caught the swords from falling, then right away stabbed the 2nd assassin to his heart and he was killed. Now she had two swords that makes her easier to take the others down. Enjoying her morning with a little exercises, adding more sins of taking peoples life. 

At this, with two swords in her hands, she slashed and swings her swords on the assassins, kicking and flying-kicking, punches, and stabbing...after few minutes later, the fights over with the assassins have been turned into corpses...

DaiYu sighed and smirks of victory, she looked at all the assassin, then pouted as if sympathizing on them, "huhu~..poor have no idea you will be going to the heaven today~...well, you choose to mess up with me~..." she shuddered then left the forest. Unrealising a long cut on her neck, luckily not that deep due to the attacked from the assassins earlier.

She reached home at the Hua Household, entering the Main gate of the residence, before she could proceeds to her and her mother's mansion, a Young lady her age who had just came out of nowhere halted her in a rude tone...

"yah, you insolent daughter of a !~.." 







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