Saudade: A 2Kim Fanfiction

KIM CHAEWON. I met you through a common friend and in an instant we clicked. I liked your company and you like mine and on that night we called through the phone. It all started with a simple "Hi!", a moment of silence then followed because I was so immersed in your voice. I couldn't believe that we talked day and night that time and now we're on the phone already. It happened so fast that I didn't realized I'm looking forward to further talks with you. 


You know how to make me smile, to make me laugh and your presence makes me calm. It goes on for days and weeks that I didn't realized time was moving so fast. You had a sweet voice and in my ears, you sounded like an angel. I can't possibly believe that in such simple words, you can make my heart leap out of joy. In simple talks that I have with you, I wished that this would never end. 


But I know that in every beginning, something in exhange must've reached their ending. I put an end into just being your friend and I gather up all the courage in myself and confessed. At first, I think things didn't sink in for the both of us. I like you. That's what I said. You muted your mic and told me "Hold on a sec." I thought that maybe I messed up so I told you to put down the call but then you spoke. "Don't."


I smiled upon the thought that you don't want our calls to ever end. There was even a time that both of us took a bath while the call was still ongoing. There was also a time that we watched our favorite idol's comeback. How I wished I could be there beside you, staring at you while you squeal for them.


There was also a time that I called you early in the morning to wake you up. But it looks like you were half asleep and you were telling me random stories. About your likes, your family and many other stuffs and then after an hour or two of you sleep talking, too bad you came back to your senses.


Oh, there was also a time that I was being too playful and asked you to play a game with me. "Truth or Dare?" Since I knew you were that bad at asking, I gave off a rule that if you won't be able to come up with a question in 5 seconds you have to take a dare. And eventually you did take one. "Give me a hundred kisses and if you take a break, you have to start from the top." You didn't knew I wasn't going to make it that easy.


You counted while kissing me through the phone and I was intentionally distracting you. You were just too cute to let the chance slip away that easily. And it happened for quite some time. Maybe you repeated it for about five or more times, I couldn't even remember.


And with those happy times, there come a depressing one. A past of mine wanted me to come back and so I told you about her. At first you were really fine with it and I thought that maybe, just maybe I could give it a shot because that's what you wanted too. And when I was about to call her, you messaged me. "Can I be there when you call her?" I mentally laughed and told you. "I'll be quick."


And so I called her quick and after a good five minutes, the call dropped. I get back to you and the first thing you told me was "How was it?" I wanted to make fun of your reactions but you know me better. "I told her that I already like someone." And your first reaction was "Oh I see." I mentally scoffed. "Silly, ofcourse I already like you and I don't have any business to do with her." And that was by far the first and last night that I let my heart decide.


I thought that we were doing just fine, Min. We always talk just like the usual but then one day, you ran away from all of us. Leaving me in the world that I created for the both of us. But whatever reason it may be, if it's going to save you from me then I'm letting you go baby.


Wherever you are, I wished you all the best. Wherever you may be, I wished that you will always be happy and safe. I'm finally going to let you go, Min even if there wasn't an us to begin with.

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