
The Elzard


Hyuna cried out, rushing to him while glaring at the emotionless man ‘’You don’t have to be so brutal Yang!’’

‘’He needs to get stronger’’ Yang said coldly ‘’We’re already in college, you need to get used to it Hyuna’’

Jinyoung snickered ‘’She won’t understand because she’s an elementless’’ He said smugly

Clare smacked Jinyoung with her sword, glaring at him with distaste ‘’She’s an elementless but she can definitely beat your when it’s needed’’

Jinyoung bristled at that but Jisung’s sudden gasp for air caught their attention, which was alarming because knowing Jisung, he has strong defenses and wouldn't be gasping for air like that as if he's injured deep inside.

‘’Can’t…breath’’ Jisung’s face is in pain because he’s struggling in getting air that made Hyuna panic even more, there's no on in their group that knows how to heal...except for one person that can heal at least basic wounds. 

‘’Jinyoung’’ Hyuna clenched her fist and looked at him with restrained anger ‘’Please, heal him. I know you can heal basic injuries as a grass element user so please’’

Jinyoung crossed his arm ‘’Why should I heal him?’’

‘’He’s our friend you idiot!’’ Mason said angrily ‘’Are you really going to let him be in pain?!’’

Jinyoung grumbled and one look from Yang finally made him move his feet and placed his hand on Jisung’s bleeding chest. His hands glowed green and started healing Jisung’s chest from the medical components of herbs that’s available in the grass element.

‘’Not…’’ Jisung wheezed ‘’working…still…can’t…breath’’

Hyuna walked to Yang and grabbed his shoulders angrily ‘’What the heck did you do to him?! Why can’t he breathe properly?!’’

Yang looked at Jisung, a hint of concern now on his voice after seeing Jinyoung's spell not working so he whispered with a guilty tone.

‘’I…I think I may have accidentally slashed his lungs’’

‘’!’’ Marco cursed and kneeled beside Jisung ‘’So it’s internal bleeding?’’


Hyuna harshly let go of Yang’s shoulders ‘’You should have controlled your element better! What the Yang!? Are you trying to kill him?!’’

Everyone flinched at the rare curse word from the usually bubbly woman

‘’I…’’ Yang mumbled, his tone apologetic ‘’He needs medical attention, asap’’

‘’We’re in a middle of nowhere so how the heck are we going to heal him?!’’ Clare yelled and that started a fight among them

‘’If you didn’t slashed him too hard, this wouldn’t have happened!’’

‘’Oh whose idea was it to train in a middle of nowhere? It was Chittip’s idea so that we could let out our powers more freely!’’

‘’Oh so now it’s my fault?! You should have controlled yours better!’’

‘’It’s not Yang’s fault that you guys are weaklings!’’

Hyuna ignored the shouting between them and walked closer to Jisung, closing her eyes as she placed her hand in Jisung’s face, her eyes releasing tears

‘’Please Jisung…fight it, we’ll bring you to a medical center soon’’


Hyuna looked at Jisung with teary eyes

Jisung smiled weakly ‘’I love you…and I’ll definitely survive this don’t worry. I...just...need to eyes for a bit...’’ He said softly before finally closing his eyes


‘’No…’’ Hyuna thought with fear ‘’No Jisung don’t fall asleep’’


She remembered the day Jisung bumped into her in their high school days and became her first ever friend...




The way Jisung always supported her in and out of the school; helping her learn the basic elements and cheering her up when life's gets too much...his looks, his stares, and most of all...


His love




Hyuna shouted and instantly, everyone covered their eyes at the sudden white light enveloping Hyuna’s form.

‘’I will not let you die!’’ Hyuna gritted her teeth, her whole being glowing white. She placed her hand on Jisung’s chest and immediately, the wound started healing in a rapid pace!

Jisung’s breathing finally regulating back to normal as Hyuna continued on healing him; everyone’s eyes widening seeing Jisung’s wound healing up and the internal bleeding that Jisung is experiencing is now being extracted by the glowing white woman.

‘’A-amazing’’ Clare whispered

‘’S-she’’ Jinyoung started stuttering in disbelief ‘’S-she’s a-a’’

Jisung slowly opened his eyes and was stunned to see a glowing white Hyuna hovering above him ‘’H-hyuna? Are you an angel now?’’

‘’Dummy…’’ Hyuna sighed in relief seeing the light in Jisung’s eyes coming back to life and stood up, offering her hand to the shell-shocked Jisung who accepted the offered hand while steadying himself. He could feel the very warm sensation that Hyuna is emitting and he only knew one thing

‘’My future wife is a light elzard…’’

‘’Good day class!’’ Bom exclaimed cheerfully ‘’So for today, I’m going to teach you how to heal using the grass element’’

Lisa looked confused and raised her hand ‘’Grass element? Isn’t the light element used for that?’’

Bom chuckled ‘’Yes Ms. Lisa, but from way before grass element is also used in healing basic cuts and injuries however it cannot heal major injuries or excessive bleeding. Cuts like this’’ Bom cut her arm for a bit making it bleed slightly

‘’Can actually be healed by the grass element. This is due to the fact that herbs are a part of the grass element, and they have healing components in a maximum of 5%, which is quite low but enough to heal irritating injuries like this.’’ 

‘’What if we have the light element though? Can we use it?’’ Wendy asked

Bom nodded ‘’Yeah you can use it so you can easily pass this assessment, is anyone in the class a light elzard here?’’

Wendy raised her hand and Bom looked amazed ‘’Wow Ms. Wendy, you got the light element?’’ Bom said in an impressed tone

Wendy nodded and opened her palm to emit a small ball of light energy swirling inside ‘’Yeah, but I’m not that much of an expert using it so I mostly use  it for healing.’’

Bom nodded happily at that and looked around ‘’So is Ms. Wendy the only light user here?’’ Seeing that no one is raising any more hand, Bom started explaining the spell

‘’So this spell is obviously a grass element, one of the basic element in the elzard world. Can anyone explain the energy of the grass element?’’

Bom looked at the raised hand and nodded at her ‘’Ms. Seulgi am I right?’’

Seulgi smiled shyly and nodded before opening to answer

‘’The grass element is a calm energy, they sway with nature and you need to be relaxed in order to reach it. Be patient and let it come to you; it’s a kind element unlike the others so you just have to wait for the grass element to come to you so that it knows that you’re worth it of wielding its energy.’’

Bom clapped ‘’Amazing explanation Ms. Seulgi!’’ She commended ‘’Follow what Ms. Seulgi said and the grass energy will come to you. Once it comes to you, direct it to your hand lie this’’ Bom closed her eyes and her hand started emitting a light green glow

‘’Usually the grass element's color is green; some can be darker or lighter depending on your energy. Mine is light green since my main element which is light, is mixing along with it.’’ Bom explained ‘’After that, place it on the injury. Do not and I will emphasize it once again, do not use your grass element to slash or harm what you’re healing even more. Focus on the healing components and this will happen’’

Bom placed her glowing hand to her cut and after a few seconds, she put her hand away revealing a perfectly healed arm ‘’Healing is not easy, even if it’s through the use of the grass element. That’s why I’m giving you this day to practice and tomorrow, we will start the grading of it with your partner. I’m also going to let you choose a partner of your own so that you’re comfortable at healing them. Your grass energy might harm a person that you’re not comfortable with so it’s better if it’s someone you know.’’

Chaeyoung and Jisoo immediately clung to each other with Chaeyoung giving a glare to Joy whose actually almost running towards her

‘’No.’’ Chaeyoung said coldly

Joy pouted and went to giggling Seulgi instead ‘’Meanie…’’ She sniffed

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes at Joy’s dramatic action and looked at Jisoo ‘’you ready?’’ Jisoo chuckled ‘’Let me grasp the element first would you?’’ She said with amusement before closing her eyes to focus.

Chaeyoung snickered and looked around; Wendy and Irene already starting the activity with Wendy healing a self-cut on Irene’s arm, Jennie impatiently waiting for Lisa to heal her own injury, Yeri glaring at Joy for not partnering up with her because Seulgi is a grass elzard, and other students’ hands are growing with different shades of green signifying they’re reaching out to the grass element.

‘’You pass Ms. Wendy, you don’t have to come tomorrow if you like’’ Bom smiled, seeing Irene’s perfectly healed arm

Wendy shook her head ‘’Nah it’s okay Ma’am, I’ll teach this bunny here to make sure she passes this assessment’’

Irene blushed and punched Wendy’s arm for the bunny remark which made Wendy burst into laughter ‘’Just kidding babe’’ She said cheekily

Bom chuckled and left the two lovebirds on their own world to check on the progress of others. She came across Chaeyoung and Jisoo’s side and something bought her attention immediately that she exclaimed quite loudly

‘’Ms. Chaeyoung!’’

The others looked at the commotion and there they saw Chaeyoung having a deep wound that’s already bleeding continuously

‘’That’s a deep one...’’ Bom said in a worried tone

Chaeyoung shrugged, as if her bleeding arm is not that painful ‘’It’ll be fine, Jisoo can do it.’’

‘’You need to have a stronger surge of the grass element if you would heal an injury like that’’ Bom scolded her before sighing at Chaeyoung’s recklessness

‘’Let me do it’’ Bom was about to press her hand to Chaeyoung’s arm, but Jisoo stopped her with her already glowing hand

‘’Let me handle it’’ Jisoo said as if this is a normal occurrence ‘’I can do this.’’ She reassured Bom which made her nod and let out a small smile seeing Jisoo’s determination in doing this.

‘’Sure Ms. Jisoo, go on ahead.’’ Bom said calmly and watched as Jisoo placed her hand in Chaeyoung’s arm, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath


Chaeyoung closed her eyes, feeling the soothing touch of Jisoo that she almost wants to fall asleep. It’s always like this whenever Jisoo used this technique on her, especially after training.

Bom and the other students watched in amazement seeing Chaeyoung’s injury stitching up and definitely healing from Jisoo’s green glowing hand that Bom applauded, clearly impressed, when Jisoo put her hands away to reveal Chaeyoung’s white skin meaning that she healed it perfectly

‘’Amazing job Ms. Jisoo!’’ Bom exclaimed so happily that made Jisoo chuckle a bit ‘’I didn’t know you know how to heal that kind of injury, do you already have your element?’’

The question perked up so many ears and they waited for Jisoo’s answer

‘’Nope, Chaeyoung always get injuries like this so I have to learn about this technique years ago. I’m not saying I mastered it but I used it enough for me to get comfortable at using this energy’’ Jisoo answered and students snickered, looking away since it's not interesting anymore.

Bom looked at her student with a bit of a mysterious look before nodding, accepting her answer ‘’Okay then, you passed this assessment. I’m certainly impressed that an elementless like you immediately got the hang of this healing technique. Surely Ms. Chaeyoung would learn a lot from you’’ Bom winked teasingly at the cold girl.

Jisoo snickered that made Chaeyoung grumble ‘’I’ll do my absolute best in teaching her Ma’am’’ She grinned toothily

Bom nodded in approval before moving on to another pair of student. Jennie looked at her sister with a critical eye ‘’Chaeyoung always get injuries like that? And Jisoo always heals it?’’

Something’s missing there…why does Chaeyoung always get injuries like that? Where did her sister learn how to heal as if she has an element of her own? Heck even Lisa right now is having a hard time healing her own cut at the arm and she's a grass elzard…

Her sister is already pretty good enough just being an elementless…What more if…

‘’What more if she did have one?’’ Jennie bit her lip and looked at Lisa who was really struggling to heal since she uses her grass element for offensive and defensive, but definitely not for healing.

Lisa put her hand on Jennie’s own cut but her eyes flickered to Chaeyoung quickly before looking back to her partner, wanting to let out something in her system that's bothering her since the start of the school.

 ‘’Hey Jennie-unnie…’’


‘’Have you ever thought that…’’ Lisa hesitated before collecting her thoughts once again ‘’Have you ever thought that maybe Chaeyoung and Jisoo-unnie already have their elements but are not showing it to us because of…you know, people discriminating them?’’

Jennie blinked ‘’I’m not sure…wouldn’t it be easier for them to just show their elements so that the discrimination would stop?’’

Jennie’s words seem to sink in Lisa’s mind, but Lisa felt a lingering feeling deep inside her that there’s more to the two of them than they thought, especially since their powers lately showing up. Not real strong elements, but rather, that they can use elements efficiently despite only grasping the idea or feel of those specific elements.

‘’Look,’’ Jennie pointed out ‘’Chaeyoung is having a really hard time healing a simple cut from Jisoo.’’ Lisa looked at the pair once again, and indeed Chaeyoung is struggling healing Jisoo’s long cut; her hands glowing a small green but definitely not helping at all to Jisoo’s cut.

‘’Yeah…’’ Lisa whispered and continued on focusing to heal her unnie

‘’Yeah maybe I’m just being paranoid…’’

‘’You really have to show off huh’’ Jisoo said in amusement as they walk towards their next class which is History

‘’What do you mean?’’

Wendy rolled her eyes ‘’Cut off the act Chaeyoung; you purposely made the cut deeper so that you could show off Jisoo’s skills despite being an elementless’’

Chaeyoung shrugged ‘’I don’t know what the hell are you both talking about, I just accidentally cut it too deep.’’

Jisoo and Wendy looked at each other before giggling

‘’Sometimes I don’t know whether to take you seriously or not’’ Wendy shook her head and pat Chaeyoung’s shoulder sympathetically

‘’…you two are just weird’’

Chaeyoung chuckled at the two of them; Jisoo’s 4D personality really blending well with Wendy’s hyper attitude, creating a bond between the three of them that no one could easily break. She still remembers the day when they first met Wendy…


Chaeyoung stiffened and protectively stood in front of an injured Jisoo; they were in the rooftop which is their secluded spot away from the jeers of their peers.

Why perhaps?

Jisoo was once again became a victim of Jennie’s arrogant showoff, ‘accidentally’  hitting Jisoo with a strong fire technique that’s a requirement for their examination. They were excused for the time being and will show to the professor their own technique when Jisoo gets healed. Thankfully, the professor is kind enough to just meet them at the field on any day they choose as long as it’s before the next term.

That means that they could perform any technique away from the eyes of their classmates…

Classmates who should be staying away from them and are one of the reasons why Chaeyoung and Jisoo are having a hard time in school but the one in front of Chaeyoung and Jisoo is different but still, they won’t be letting their guard down.

‘’What do you want?’’ Chaeyoung said coldly that made the newcomer flinch at her tone

‘’I’m…I’m just here to help’’ The newcomer said softly to show that she’s not here to hurt them. She stretched her hand out for a handshake as she introduced herself

‘’My name is Wendy, I’m actually your new classmate that just transferred this year.’’

Wendy waited for Chaeyoung to shake her hand and even introduce herself, however Chaeyoung’s reputation seems to hold true as she just stared coldly at Wendy’s warm invitation making the hamster girl cough awkwardly and retract her hand

‘’You’re…’’ Chaeyoung narrowed her eyes ‘’You’re that girl’s friend right? The one that’s been making me uncomfortable by her closeness.’’

Wendy chuckled ‘’Oh you mean Joy right? Yeah she’s my friend, best friend actually! The five of us transferred here and we’re closer than any glue out there’’ She grinned toothily that made Jisoo smile a bit at her open personality

''She's definitely different than the others...'' Jisoo thought

’Yeah well tell her to stop annoying me’’ Chaeyoung said in an irritated tone ‘’It’s making me uncomfortable’’

Wendy laughed nervously ‘’As much as I want to, Joy is a really stubborn person even I can’t convince her to do so otherwise, but I’ll try’’

Chaeyoung nodded and made it known to Wendy that she’s just waiting for Wendy to walk away however Wendy stayed, just looking at them as she spoke out

‘’You guys have trust issues don’t you?’’

Chaeyoung and Jisoo stiffened but Chaeyoung answered it quick ‘’Of course we have ing trust issues’’ She said harshly ‘’Everyone around us even some of the professors look down on us, pranks us, and even verbally insults us almost every minute in our lives in this academy. If it weren't from Jisung and Hyuna's status, we might as well be physically bullied as well’’ 

‘’Then why are you still staying here?’’

‘’Because…’’ Chaeyoung clenched her fist before shaking her head and changed the subject ‘’Why are you even here anyway?! You’re bothering us!’’

‘’I’m here to help her’’ Wendy pointedly look at the burned Jisoo behind Chaeyoung

‘’And how could you possibly help her’’ Chaeyoung spat out

‘’Because I’m a light elzard with a specialty of healing’’

That seems to snap Chaeyoung out of her mean streak as she and Jisoo looked at Wendy with shock


Wendy chuckled once again, these two girls are really making her day despite Chaeyoung’s mean attitude to her but that’s to be expected since her reputation quickly reached to the transferees and it held true right now as Wendy faced her right now.

Wendy opened her palm to show a small ball of light, emitting a warm sensation meaning that she’s truly a light elzard

‘’I’m not here to hurt you’’ Wendy softly said ‘’In fact, I want to help you’’

‘’We don’t need your pity’’ Chaeyoung said angrily


Chaeyoung looked at Jisoo as she said

‘’It’s okay…she seems like a really good person. You shouldn’t push away someone like her too much, she seems genuine’’

‘’But Jichu…’’

Wendy saw how Chaeyoung takes care of Jisoo and can’t help but wonder how long the two have known each other? She really wants to get to know them well…

‘’You don’t want pity huh’’ Wendy grinned as the two girls looked at her ‘’If that’s the case,’’ She winked at them while saying cheerfully

‘’I’ll be your friend then!’’

That was the day Chaeyoung and Jisoo let Wendy prove that she can be a really true friend to them. No backstabbing, no fake rumors, and even no spillage of secrets.

Wendy did it all

That’s why right now on their way to history class or to any classes at all, the three always walk together though Chaesoo tends to let Wendy sit next to her girlfriend, they’re not that kind of a possessive friend anyway.

‘’So this is me’’ Wendy winked ‘’Don’t miss me too much!’’

Chaeyoung snorted while Jisoo chuckled as they waved Wendy to go to her girlfriend who is already giving Wendy a beautiful smile

‘’It’s kind of scary how you and Irene look alike’’ Chaeyoung commented ‘’Are you sure Jennie is your real sister?’’

Jisoo cackled at that and smacked Chaeyoung’s arm quite hard making the younger girl let out a small ‘oof’ at the force

‘’Chaeyoungie, do I have to show you my birth certificate?’’

‘’I’m just joking jeez…’’


Chaeyoung's heart jumped at the nickname but then stiffened hearing a different voice and felt a familiar headache coming up ‘’Joy… please don’t’’ Chaeyoung sighed feeling Joy’s arms around her arm again

‘’cling to me…’’

‘’Are you okay?’’ Joy said worriedly and grabbed Chaeyoung’s arm ‘’Are you sure Ms. Protector here healed your arm perfectly? Let me check it’’

Jisoo snorted ‘’As if you could fix it, you’re a fire user.’’

‘’And you’re elementless’’ Joy smirked

‘’At least I grasped the element quicker than you’’ Jisoo glared at the taller girl, lately she’s been getting on Jisoo’s nerves but she’ll not fall to her taunt.

‘’I’m fine Joy, shouldn’t you be studying? We have a quiz today’’ Chaeyoung said in an irritated voice

‘’Awww my Rosie is worried for my grades’’ Joy grinned ‘’Do you want to tutor me? You could always go to my house and we can have some private time there…’’

Chaeyoung slapped Joy’s hand that’s trailing her arm seductively ‘’Would you please stop it?’’ She hissed

Joy finally let go of Chaeyoung’s arm to laugh boisterously ‘’You’re really so fun to tease Rosie’’ She said, her eyes twinkling

‘’Whatever’’ Chaeyoung grunted, when will Joy just give up on her advances to her? It’s getting really tiring trying to push the girl off of her for the whole year

Jisoo smirked triumphantly but it lessened a bit when she saw Joy’s grin is still as wide as ever ‘’I don’t know if that’s positivity or she stupidly just doesn’t accept the word stay away’’

‘’Mind if I sit next to you Rosie?’’

‘’I do mind’’

Joy cackled once again but before she could sit on the other side of Chaeyoung, someone blocked her that made Joy’s eyes narrow

‘’Jennie Kim.’’

‘’Park Joy.’’

The two stared each other down as Joy speaks ‘’What are you doing here?’’

Jennie smiled with sarcasm ‘’This is my seat, do you have a problem with that?’’ Her eyes flickered fire to intimidate Joy which hardly did anything, in fact, Joy’s own eyes flickered fire as well to show Jennie she’s not backing down.

For a few moments, they just stared at each other until Joy finally huff and let Jennie take the seat ‘’Fine, I’ll just sit behind her.’’ She said angrily while Jennie let out a satisfactory smirk

Joy looked behind Chaeyoung’s chair and her lips curled down into a deeper frown seeing Lisa already there, smirking at her

‘’Sorry,’’ Lisa swirled a bit of water at her fingertips and flicked it Joy’s direction ‘’Seats taken’’ She said smugly her eyes glowing blue

Joy growled at the audacity of Lisa embarrassing her, her hands bursting into fire and dashed to Lisa who was already tense and ready to counterattack until someone stopped them

‘’I don’t tolerate fighting in my class please.’’

Joy felt a strong hand stopping her own which was inches away from Lisa’s face, she looked at the owner and shivered a bit at the stern look that Jisung is sporting

‘’Is there a problem Ms. Joy that you’re suddenly attacking my daughter?’’

Joy glared at him, almost hatefully, as she gritted her teeth and answered with restrained anger ‘’No sir, I just got out of control.’’

Jisung looked at the tall girl and released his hold sensing that Joy’s element is calming down now ‘’Good, now go to any open seat and we’ll start the quiz’’

Joy looked at him again and gave Lisa an angry stare that says ‘You’ll regret this’ in which Lisa just smirked at when Joy finally took an open seat.

Chaeyoung looked at Jisoo that translates

‘What the just happened?’

Jisoo shook her own head as well, showing that she doesn’t know it too. She could feel Chaeyoung’s form being really tense since three people from her despise list are all around her; Jennie on the left, Lisa just behind her, and Jisung who is already walking in the front of the class

‘’Bring out your pens, I’ll give you the quiz sheet in just a moment. After that, I have a very important announcement to make before I dismiss all of you.’’ Jisung said in a booming voice ‘’And no cheating; I’m the council head so you’ll know the dire consequences when I catch any of you cheating off this simple quiz.’’

Jisung used a minor air element to bring the quiz sheet to each students

‘’You may start…now!’’

Everyone started to write their own answers; it was a 20 questions kind of test, all identification with some specific characters and even dates that they need from the previous lesson.

‘’Piece of cake’’ Jisoo thought and started answering the questions in a quick pace

‘’Good thing Jisoo-unnie told this story to me for some time’’ Chaeyoung nodded and started answering them in an average pace since there’s no need to rush.

‘’Stock knowledge, do your thing’’ Jennie craned her neck and concentrated at the quiz in front of her. As much as she prefers training than this kind of activity, she can’t possibly cheat on this subject due to her father probably sensing a flow of energy if she did use her element. So Jennie has to trust her luck and stock knowledge on this one.

‘’…I don’t know some of these, the one I already answered are the ones I’m not even sure of!’’ Lisa bit her lips then her eyes searched for some other questions and there is this one question that really dampen her mood

‘’When…when did Marco and Chittip Manoban, one of the greatest heroes in the magic realm, died…’’ Lisa read it and her hands slowly wrote the answer

March 27, 2004

Lisa could already feel tears b up again but she forced it down ‘’I’ll avenge you mom and dad…just you wait, I’ll do it and make you proud’’ Lisa looked at the girl in front of her and didn’t know why she senses some sadness in the older girl but she dismissed it and left a final whispery thought,

‘’…with Chaeyoung’’

Half an hour has passed and half of the class already submitted their quiz to Jisung including Jisoo and Irene. Some were caught cheating and they got quite a show when a student yelped seeing his paper turn into fire. They all looked at Jisung who has his hand outstretched while saying coldly

‘’Come to the faculty’s office later, you’ll take a different quiz.’’

Since then, no one bothered to cheat seeing that Jisung really held true to his words.

‘’I only have one question left…’’ Lisa bit her lips and struggled to hit her brain for some answers

‘’Who the heck was the first vessel again?’’ Lisa muttered. She can’t let herself have one mistake, especially since the professor is her father! It’ll be a bit of an embarrassment if she forgot one of the simplest question in the quiz!

Chaeyoung stood up and passed her paper to Jisung who nodded in approval, skimming through Chaeyoung’s paper seeing that she got them all correct. He smiled a bit and watched Chaeyoung get back to her seat

‘’Seems like my eldest is a really good influence to you’’ Jisung looked at his eldest who was napping since she passed her paper just 10 minutes after the start of the quiz.

‘’I hope the two of you forgive me…and I promise to make it up to you once issues have been settled down in the council’’

While going back to her seat, Chaeyoung saw Lisa biting her pen as she glared at the paper with her nose scrunched up; she looks like a child trying to solve a simple math problem that made Chaeyoung chuckle a bit at Lisa’s childishness that is still present despite so many years passing by.

Lisa blinked hearing a chuckle and turned to look only to see Chaeyoung quickly turning away from her and sitting down, waiting for time to pass by for others to pass their quiz.

‘’I could have sworn that was Chaeyoung’s voice…’’

Lisa looked back again at the question and she knew she needs to answer soon since others are already standing up simultaneously like her sister and even Joy

‘’Who the is the vessel anyway?!’’ Lisa growled, she was too busy on her thoughts that day that she couldn’t recall the name. She just knows it’s a man that’s a dark elzard but his name is still not registered on her brain.

‘’Come on brain search!’’ Lisa closed her eyes and tried to think but no answer is really coming to her so she slumped her shoulders

‘’Looks like I have to just pass it…’’ She whispered. She was about to stand up and pass it until a mysterious voice is heard

‘’Lee Jong-hoon…’’

Lisa was alert; that was not definitely her voice thought so she looked around if anybody heard it but looks like no one but her only heard it...

‘’Who the…heck?’’

‘’Lee Jong-hoon…he’s the first vessel of the Dark Shadow’’

Lisa nodded slowly, somehow the name gave a ding on her head so she wrote it up before passing it to Jisung who nodded in satisfaction seeing Lisa acing the quiz. Lisa just smiled nervously before turning around to pump her fist with a quiet ‘alright!’

Lisa grinned happily as she went back down to her seat while whispering

‘’Thank you mysterious voice’’

‘’Everyone passed congratulations’’ Jisung smiled before curling it to a thin line ‘’As for the ones who cheated, go to the faculty and you’ll take the quiz there’’ That elicited some chuckles around the class until Jisung shushed them

‘’So, this will be unfortunately our last meeting’’

Everyone’s eyes widened and immediately started whispering to each other until Jisung spoke again in a loud voice

‘’The council has decided to take off the History class for now and focus on combat training as well as your potion making’’ Jisung said ‘’Unfortunately the reason behind it is confidential for now, just know that the council is just making sure that this is for the betterment of everyone. Not only that, I will also be too busy handling council issues and there’s been no replacement for general history in your department so we ended up in this decision. For those who wants to take History as their major though, you can tell it to me and I’ll transfer you to a higher-level one.’’

Lisa wants to whoop in happiness ‘’No more history!’’

Jennie is shocked though, this is a sudden decision by her father especially since they only had three meeting so far in this subject. ‘’Is something going on? Is dad going to tell us what’s the reason behind it later?’’

Jisoo looked confused ‘’Taking off History? I thought this would help us understand the elements better? Why are they suddenly focusing on our strength now?’’ She thought with narrowed eyes

Jisoo looked at Chaeyoung and saw the she has the same conclusion as well

Something big is definitely going on

‘’Dad what did you mean by earlier?’’

Jisung looked at Jennie who was looking at him with suspicion on her eyes

‘’Is there something major going on?’’ Jennie continued ‘’You don’t take off a course subject just like that, we somehow got this feeling that something major is happening.’’

Jisoo and Chaeyoung, for the first time in their lives since they had this feud, wanted to thank Jennie asking the same question that’s in their head. They didn’t know how to extract information to Jisung or even Hyuna so definitely with Jennie asking the question, the subject would be focused on that.

Lisa hesitated a bit before speaking quietly ‘’Is this…is this about those shadow monsters?’’

Jisung tensed and looked at his wife, who just nodded at him. He sighed and said ‘’Yes…there have been numerous cases around the magic realm, and lately there’s been a figure showing up before those monsters attacked.’’

‘’It led us to a fact that someone is really creating those monsters’’ Hyuna added ‘’The council is on high alert; Jisung needs to solely focus on the council’s duties that’s why he left suddenly’’

‘’How about our professors in the elemental and potion-making class?’’ Jisoo also asked ''Aren't they also a part of the council? Will someone be replacing them?''

‘’They’ll still continue their duties’’ Jisung answered ‘’I assigned the both of them this area anyways, thankfully they agreed to work double time for this. I just really need to focus on other issues in the other places in the realm’’

Lisa sneaked a glance to Chaeyoung who also timely looked at her as they thought the same thing

‘’Someone is controlling them…’’

Lisa clenched her fists under the table; it’s highly possible that this figure is the mastermind behind her parent’s death, she’s going to make sure she’ll kill the one responsible for that attack.

‘’We’ll find you…’’ Lisa thought darkly ‘’And when we do, there’s going to be hell to pay’’


Lisa snapped out from her thoughts hearing Jisung talking to her ‘’Yeah?’’

Jisung’s stern face didn’t leave as he said ‘’Don’t think about going after that figure. We’ll take care of that’’


Jisung sighed seeing Lisa just not looking at him nor even speaking to him ‘’Lisa,’’ His voice softened ‘’We’ll bring justice to your family if this figure is really behind your parents’ death. Trust us on this’’

‘’…yeah, I will’’ Lisa sent her family a weak smile ‘’I’ll be fine don’t worry’’ She subtly glanced again at Chaeyoung who just gave her a small nod that’s not noticeable to others.

Lisa felt herself smile inwardly; even if everyone seems to be forcing her to just give this up, Chaeyoung really understands her reasoning on doing this suicidal mission. She’s glad because somehow despite the large distance behind them, Chaeyoung is reasonable and even still cares about what happened to their parents.

‘’So anyways,’’ Hyuna started ‘’I heard that Bom taught you the grass version of healing’’ She smiled to lighten up the atmosphere

‘’So how was it?’’

‘’It was fine’’ Jisoo shrugged but Chaeyoung just lowkey chuckled at her remark

‘’I’ve heard from Bom that Jisoo aced that’’ Jisung commented before looking at his eldest with a warm smile ‘’That’s amazing Jisoo, grass version of healing is not that easy to do.’’ He said proudly making Jisoo tense because why the hell did her father compliment her?

Nevertheless, the longing for their approval grows deep inside her heart as Jisoo felt slightly happy that her parents especially her father is finally giving her some attention, but she just nonchalantly nodded at his compliment which dimmed Jisung’s smile.

‘’You already finished the activity?’’ Hyuna asked in surprise in which Jisoo nodded again in confirmation.

‘’How did Jisoo got it so quickly unless..’’ Her eyes suddenly looked hopeful as she whispered

‘’Honey…is it possible that you’re a light elzard?’’

All heads quickly flipped towards Jisoo’s direction who just blinked

‘’Is…is it possible?’’ Jennie’s tightened her jaw ‘’If Jisoo did get the light element…I…’’ Her thoughts were cut off by Jisoo’s voice

‘’What are you talking about? I’m an elementless, it just so happens that Chaeyoung here always gets small injuries so I have to learn at least the grass version of healing because only light elzards can use the light techniques anyway.’’

Hyuna slumped, a bit disappointed that her eldest didn’t get her element. It was around this time where she finally got her element and she had that hope that maybe one of her children (maybe most especially her eldest because she misses her so much) has it so that she could teach some special techniques to her. She then looked at Chaeyoung

‘’How about you Chaeyoung?’’

‘’…it’s way too hard for me’’ Chaeyoung continued eating ‘’Jisoo-unnie is teaching me tomorrow morning before elemental class.’’ She said in a final tone so that no one would question her.

‘’Jennie? Lisa?’’

‘’We uh…’’ Lisa was cut off by Jennie though who started speaking confidently

‘’It was easy-peasy’’ Jennie shrugged, letting out a confident grin ‘’Though we were too tired earlier so we decided to just show it to Ms. Bom tomorrow in elemental class’’

Hyuna’s eyes lightened up while Jisung looked on in interest ‘’How did you feel when practicing?’’

‘’It’s kind of warm and relaxing’’ Jennie stated ‘’Kind of like my fire element but a good kind of warm’’ Jennie elbowed Lisa who just has dropped in shock but she knew why Jennie said that, and even Lisa knows to herself that she won’t let Jisoo outclass them especially when it comes to elemental class

‘’U-uh yeah’’ Lisa suddenly smirked as she spoke ‘’What she said’’

Hyuna clapped her hands excitedly ‘’It’s highly possible that the both of you might have the light element then!’’

‘’How about tomorrow after your class you’ll show it to me hm?’’ Hyuna grinned at them ‘’I want to actually know after this dinner but we have an urgent meeting after this. Tomorrow morning up until the late afternoon, me and Jisung have somewhere to go to so tomorrow night is perfect for the both of you to show me while regaining enough rest’’ She said happily

‘’Uh yeah mom’’ Jennie said with a hint of nervousness and looked at Lisa who was giving her panicked eyes

‘’We’ll show you tomorrow night then’’

Hey! I don't know how many days I was gone but I'm back! Please expect from now on that there will be lesser updates due to the fact that I'm don't have my own space to write anymore since my parents are coming home soon and we'll be a full house in a few days. But don't worry! Maybe a month from now, I'll finally have my own space to write again! Rest assured that I will do my best to write from time to time when I have my space.


Hope you enjoyed the slight history between the friendship of Wendy and Chaesoo! I love how you guys are active at reading my story and catching up even the smallest details :((( I'm honestly just so happy that someone is reading this story of mine so once again my dear readers, thank you for all your support and encouragement! It's definitely helping me fight writer's block and motivates me to give you a great chapter every update! Thank you and Godbless! For my fellow Filo citizen, please stay safe because of the storm surge :( I'm safe guys and I hope all of you are too. 



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dianawalker0204 #1
Chapter 38: Seeing this update brightened my day! This is one of the few fics that I'm waiting on and looking forward to read every time. The world building is great and I really like how Chaeyoung's relationship with each member develops
Winter_02 #2
Chapter 38: I hope it will be chaesoo end game, cause they have each other like no one else like their bond was stronger. If chaennie or chaelisa it is something wrong like maybe consider the way they treat chaeyoung in the past like no elements but now they like puufff they like her?? Ahuh so yeah i hope it chaesoo bec. Jisoo she did not leave rosé behind or what. They trained together to be strong and protect each other.
This is like blades of light and shadow from the choices game
Intersting , gonna read it and find out
Chapter 37: tô sentindo que a revelação do elemento escuro da chae está vindo
Chapter 37: Still wanting chaesoo ending!!! Hahhaa gaaaad, i miss this story!
Chapter 37: Omg!!!!!! Welcome back!
reader555 #7
Chapter 36: im here still waiting for ud😔
Afkm_07 #8
Chapter 36: Quand est la suite ?!?! 😭❤
bety_liz #9
Chapter 36: I really enjoy how you write the story :) but I wonder what happened to jisoo and chaeyoung 🤔