I Want To Be With You

Jongho Drabble/Oneshot Collection
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Summary: Jonghyun wakes Minho at 4 am because of a silly nightly secret, this inspires Minho to share one of his own.
~ Band AU
~ Two prompts inspired me to write this fluffy Jongho drabble

'Only you can give me that feeling'
Love       Warmth       Trust       Protection


Minho groaned as he became aware of someone calling his name, his brain didn't want to wake up yet and his body felt like elephants had trampled him, he turned his head to the wall and cuddled his pillows close. 

''Minho!'' the same voice, louder this time while a hand joined the mission of waking him up by slapping his back. The taller man made a noise in annoyance and opened his eyes, afraid the light would make his eyes burn but to his surprise, the room was dark. 

''Are you awake yet?'' The voice he now recognized as that of Jonghyun made him turn his head and glared at the smaller man. ''I would still be asleep if it wasn't for you.'' He complained, sighing deeply as Jonghyun smiled with a hint of satisfaction.

''What do you want?''

Jonghyun stood upright, ''Eat cereal with me.'' 

The answer was incredibly random and it had Minho stare back with a blank expression. ''Why cereal and not pancakes?'' He asked in disbelief, Jonghyun raised an eyebrow and against Minho's wishes, threw the blankets off his body. ''Are you crazy Minho, pancakes need to be made from scratch and cereal just needs to be thrown into a bowl with milk.'' 

Minho shivered as a wave of cold air hit his warm body and rolled his eyes, ''Forgive me for asking.'' He uttered in sarcasm, ''Don't blame me for suggesting tastier food.'' Sitting up in bed, he scratched his bare chest and yawned, it was cut off in the middle as Jonghyun grabbed his hand and yanked him off the bed and to the door. ''Come on I'm hungry!''

''Oi! I never agreed to come, why don't you ask Taemin?!'' 

''Shhh!'' Jonghyun placed a finger in front of his lips as they wandered the dark hall to the equal dark kitchen in the dorm rooms, ''Everyone is still sleeping and Taemin has dance practice in a few hours.'' He whispered back.

Minho frowned as he allowed the smaller man to drag him to their destination. ''Well, shouldn't they wake up by now? it's breakfast time after all.'' 

They arrived in the kitchen and Jonghyun sauntered up to the counter, standing on his tippy toes to get himself a bowl from a cabinet. ''Well...about that...'' The smaller man laughed nervously but paused as Minho pressed up against his back and grabbed the bowl for him. 

''Thanks.'' Jonghyun chirped, turning his head to press a kiss on Minho's lips. Minho kissed him back and caressed his sides as the smaller man turned around to wrap his arms around him. Jonghyun battled with his tongue and on it for a bit before letting go and grinning mischievously. Minho grinned back and pulled away from him to grab a carton of milk from the fridge, ''What were you trying to say?''

''Before you rudely interrupted me?'' Jonghyun smiled playfully whilst chucking the cereal in a bowl. ''As if you mind.'' Minho huffed and looked around at all the darkness, ''Why is it still dark in here?'' He walked to the window above the sink and pushed the curtains aside only to be met with darkness.

''What the hell!!''

Jonghyun glanced up startled, almost dropping the cereal box, ''What?'' 

''It's still dark out!'' 

''Oh yeah, I was about to tell you but...'' Jonghyun laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his head, ''It's 4 am...'' 

Minho dropped the curtains and spun around staring Jonghyun down as if he was gonna smash his face into the cereal. ''Please forgive me but did I just hear you say it's 4 am?''

Jonghyun opened his mouth then decided against it and took a mouth full of cereal, looking anywhere but his angry boyfriend. ''Jonghyun...'' Minh

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I'm back with a fluffy drabble featuring our Tom&Jerry couple ♡ I hope to add a Christmas fic to the collection soon too!


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792 streak #1
Chapter 10: Oh my goodness, so cute~ It started out all angsty, that Minho was sad. But of course his friends are there for a reason. they wouldn't let Minho be sad, especially on Christmas. I'm glad that Jonghyun wasn't busy for the season, he was able toc ome visit. And Minho had a lot of courage to say all of that. It was super adorable with the star scene, when Minho picked Jjong up XD I can just imagine it now, Jonghyun moves into Minho's apartment when he graduates. Then Minho will have Jjong all to himself~ <3
You did so wonderful with this!! I'm sorry I was late to read it, but it's still cold where I am heheh
Chapter 10: So damn cute! Merry Christmas, Jenn! Miss you! ♥
Chapter 10: so cute
792 streak #4
Chapter 9: Awwww such a cute little secret Jjong has. I used to eat in the middle of the night too. And then Minho's secret! So sweet and comforting that they can have peaceful sleep together. ❤
792 streak #5
Chapter 8: Mhm, Jonghyun is just too much. He doesn't want Minho to leave, but he knows that he needs to go. Why not make the morning interesting? Makes me wonder if he does this every time Minho has a trip, or if it was the first time he bothered Minho so much. XD and look at you advertising Fall Guys, I see you ;)
792 streak #6
Chapter 7: Oh gurl, they started out being . I have reason to believe that Minho wasn't actually drunk, or if anything, just buzzed. He remembered way too much. But with them teasing each other in the morning as if they've been lovers for a few years was too funny. And of course Jjong's still hungry. Go on and get clean and dirty in the shower lol
Chapter 8: It's so cute and fluffy :) , really love their teasing and lovely moments
Domestic JongHo is bliss, I really love this update.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for this beautiful and lovely update , it's put smile on my face in my little hard time :)
Al-Qamar #8
Chapter 7: Thank you for this ❤
Chapter 3: Honestly I'm a hardcore JongYu shiper But I enjoy reading JongHo also ;)
Thank you for little bit JongYu here <33 Haha
And yes I enjoyed this
Thank you for writing^^
Chapter 7: Wow, I always thought that if you added more hotness in this Jongho collection, and you did :)
Thank you for this update, and yes happy 3rd year also, I wish you continue writing Jonghyun fics and be always happy ♥️♥️♥️
Thanks again.