Chapter 2

The Rapper and the Rockstar
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Yesung sighed as he got out of Siwon’s car. Their gig finished late and he was sure that he would get a maximum of 4 hours sleep only since he had class at 8 in the morning. “Thank you Teuk-hyung, Siwonie,” he thanked as he bowed his head.


“Goodnight, Yesungie!”


“Goodnight, hyung!”


Both said before leaving. Yesung turned around and was about to run back to his apartment (because it was dark, and he knew there were lots of dangerous spirits lurking around) when he saw Kyuhyun – he still couldn’t believe he now knew his name, that was a big progress – with his friends loitering in front of the building entrance. He stood rooted in his place, not knowing what to do.


Yesung was sure that Kyuhyun still remembered him, from earlier when he fainted. Why did he have to have such a weak heart! His bandmates mentioned that Kyuhyun carried him, bridal style, to the clinic! How embarrassing! But he wished he was a little conscious for he wanted to know how it felt to be held so dearly by his long-time crush. He half-expected, half-hoped that when he woke up, Kyuhyun would be there, holding his hand, but he frowned, and he couldn’t hide the disappointment in his eyes when he saw his bandmates instead. Leeteuk and Siwon almost smacked him (if they didn’t think that he was weak) at his insulting reaction.


So back to his current situation, Kyuhyun and his friends were obviously blocking the building entrance. Why were they still awake at this time? Yesung didn’t know but he had to quickly go back to his apartment so he could sleep. He took a deep breath, reminding himself to just walk calmly because whenever he gets nervous, he becomes impossibly clumsy. He made sure the gang didn’t have any drinks in their hands (for ’s sake, he spilled three drinks in one day!) before walking carefully to the entrance. He silently prayed that the group wouldn’t notice him.


Really, he walked really carefully but why did he tripped over thin air when he was near the gang and almost fell face-flat on the floor, but Kyuhyun, his long-time crush, caught him. OMG. He internally screamed, thanking his clumsy side.


“You’re the emo guy earlier?”


E-emo? Yesung was wide-eyed when Kyuhyun called him that. He wasn’t an emo! He was a Rockstar! He wanted to glare at the taller but Kyuhyun was holding his arms and their faces were so close and he could clearly see Kyuhyun’s absolute perfection and he couldn’t, he couldn’t glare because his knees suddenly felt weak and his cheeks were blushing. .


Kyuhyun looked at the shorter for a moment and when he saw those cheeks burning red again like earlier, he grabbed both arms of the emo tightly. “Are you gonna faint again?”


“I—” Yesung wanted to faint. If he did, Kyuhyun would probably carry him to the rapper’s apartment and take care of him but… why wasn’t he fainting now? His body was always betraying him. “No, I have to go now,” he said as he finally stood up properly, brushing Kyuhyun’s hands off him as he tried to get away.


“You live here too?”


Yesung looked up at the taller man in front of him, wondering why the younger was even curious, but he brushed it off as well, seeing his friends already glaring at him. “Y-Yeah,” he answered before running away to his unit.


“W-What was that?” Yesung held a hand over chest as he slid behind closed door. He panted. The distance between the entrance and his unit on the second floor wasn’t far and he shouldn’t be panting this hard but because of Kyuhyun, he felt like the air around him wasn’t enough. Would his days be like this every day? A close-up with Kyuhyun every day? He wasn’t sure his heart could take it. He wasn’t prepared for this at all. He was sure he would have a heart attack if this continued.


Yesung sighed. What was he doing? He shouldn’t be doing this. He should be focusing on his studies and his blossoming career in rock ballad for his little brother’s future. He stood up from where he was sitting, fixed himself and went to bed. He looked at the picture of his little brother, smiling and kissing it before going to sleep. He should only be thinking about his sweet, little brother.



Yesung should only be thinking about his sweet, little brother. That’s what he said. But everywhere he turned, Kyuhyun was there. He didn’t know if it had always been like this or if he was just more aware of the man now. But Kyuhyun was everywhere and he wasn’t sure his heart could take it whenever his bandmates would give him a knowing smile, sometimes speaking his thoughts like ‘it must be destiny’.


They were having lunch in the school cafeteria again, Yesung silently munching on his vegetable, when Leeteuk suddenly spoke, his ears perking up at the sound of Kyuhyun’s name being said.


“I heard Kyuhyun has a big performance later at ‘that place’,” Leeteuk spoke, smirking when Yesung acted like he wasn’t interested by not looking at him. But Leeteuk knew better than to believe that because the younger had always been too obvious. Yesung stopped munching on his vegetable obviously just to listen to hear what he was telling.


“Are you going, Yesung-hyung?” Siwon asked and they hid a smirk when said man almost choke on his hal

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402 streak #1
Chapter 6: Rereading all of the chapters 😊

I wish you're here 😭

Where are youuuuu~
402 streak #2
I just want to let you know, we're still here, waiting 😉😁
Chapter 6: please 🥺
Chapter 6: nOoooooo CLIFFHANGER RIGHT AT THE CONFLICT?!?! i need to know how yesung confronts kyu about his insecurities !!!!!
Kukhruf #5
Chapter 6: I've been fallen in love with this imagination story. It's a pleasure if you can upadte this story....

Fighting in everything positive you do now 💪
402 streak #6
beib~ where are youuu? T^T
402 streak #7
Chapter 6: uh-oh, Yesung and his brain >___<
402 streak #8
Chapter 5: OMG! I'm so late to read these 2 latest chapters! Smekseh time for this chapter hihihii
Chapter 6: update plz
amazing story
Chapter 6: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1457531/6'>Chapter 6</a></span>
Ohh it's getting more and more interesting now 😆😆😆 love your fic, looking forward to the next update