You are OPPA but I am NOONA

My parents said it was just a minor accident but I don't remember my past at all. It was a scary moment when I can't remember anything. Everything was new for me and they explain who am I , how I was and my environment, how old I was, wow wow! It's such a relief that I don't forget how to speak my language. When I think like that, I wanna laugh. It's my problem even when I met a problem, I laugh but I like laughing for problems too. I laugh alot. My parents admit that it is one of my speciality. Thanks God for that. Thanks myself for being like that. 
The sad thing is that I am only one daughter and have only a few friends. Was my life boring? I wish I have a big brother to cling. Why don't I want a big sister? Dunno! I looked around my room to know how I was before. There's a lot of books on the table. May be I like to read. And alot of CDs too. A good watcher too! And my cosmetics are spreading. Oops! May not be a girly person. Ok! There's a window beside the book table. I can see the outside very well from here. 
Wait! He's there. That OPPA I saw yesterday. He is sitting in the garden like yesterday and looking at our house. Can he see me? It's far enough from there. He can't see me. So, I watched him in details. 
In my point of view, he is a good person. I have no more than that. I feel dizzy enough to guess who I was already. 


It is a good day to have a walk. The weather is nice and the sky is blue. Cool air fresh my mind. I breathe deep till my chest once. And start my walk.

"​​Are you walking?" 
Someone is greeting me. That's him. He is smiling softly. 

"I'm sorry. Do we know each other?" When I ask him back, he looks happy and 

" if you don't know, then we don't know.  If you know, we know. " he answers back. 

What's that mean? 

"Are you our new neighbor?". "It's ok to talk if he is a new neighbor. This guy is really strange but I decided to introduce myself. 

"Ok!I am Lisa. And you are...". 


"Excuse me~". 

" Yes, my name is OPPA." 


" Do you like to call me OPPA?" 

" Yeah~ it's ok." Not surprise anymore. 

" Let's walk together. It's not safe to walk alone. " He is right. I nodded back at him. 


Me and OPPA become a good friends during a few days. His name is OPPA. His age is as I think. His everything becomes as I think. "As you wish! " That's what he says. He looks like my old friend but not. He acts like we were very close but not. What's that? My head becomes dizzy from thoughts. I press my head for stress relief.

 "Are you ok?" He asks. 

"Yes, just a little bit dizzy. It happens when I think too much for something I don't know."

" How about music? Don't you think it can make you feel better?" 

" Do you know how to sing or will you play some instruments? " 

He took out his phone and play it.

It's strange that how did he know about me so well. Like as he said, all of my dizzyness gone away after listening to the music. 

We don't talk anymore and just listening to the music. Everything except music is silent.  He was very patient on me. Are we really close enough to be this much. I was thinking again. My head was thinking and thinking how we become friendly. 

"Are you sure we didn't know before?" I ask him with a doubt. "I lost all of my memories after accident. If you know me, don't lie to me." 

"Why are you thinking  I am lying to you?"

 " First, you don't answer me clearly about you and you know me very well than myself. " My face might look ugly enough since I was full with doubts. 

" "

 " Don't say as you wish again! I am serious." 

He didn't reply anything . 

"Music is the best medicine  right?" I don't get the answer I want. I just sigh and get up from the chair. 

" Coming Tuesday!" I said. 

"What?" He asks back. 

"We have a family dinner. Come and join with us. " 

" I can't. Thank you but sorry." 

" Why? Our house is just in front of your house. Any plan for that day? Then, I will change to another day you are free. I wanna introduce you with my family since we are friends now."

 " No! I can't come to your house. If possible, I don't want you to let know about me to other people. I apologize!"

 He sways his face away from me. I step toward him and he steps back. He looks afraid. What is he afraid of? I was looking at him but he didn't look back at me anymore. 

" Thanks for today. It really helps. I am going now."

 " " He just nodded back and don't say anything at all. His trademark of smile disappear too. 

Did I do anything wrong? I just invited him to my house for dinner. During these days, I feel like I got a big brother I want for real. Funny thing is that his name is "OPPA". My steps to my way home back were heavy. 

When I reached home, I was thinking myself that no one knows about our friendship until now. He denied to let know other. Why? Is there anything he can't show his identity? Is he a bad guy? No! He is not. Then why? Is he running away from his debt? But He looks fine. Oh he makes me think too much. Dizzy again. Let's wash my mind with a fresh of tea this time! 



I can't see him anymore. The door is closed and there is no sign of him anymore. 

One day, two days and three... 

" Mom~ Do you see the guy in front of our house?" 

" Who? There's no one. " 

" There he is. " 

 "No honey! There's no one." Mom answers back and keep doing what she did. 

If there's no one, have I met a ghost? It gives me a goosebump. Am I being friends with a ghost? He touch my hair and hair dry too. Am I crazy right now? I forgot to scare more. Where are you OPPA? His house is completely silent under the dark of night. I just lay back at my bed and close my eyes.

 In my dream, he is smiling at me and I was asking who he is. He is laughing again. Damn! I wake up from bed.

 May be he is a ghost. 


I was picking the flowers in my garden. It's so beautiful and smells really nice. 

I nearly forgot about him since it's two months already. I don't wanna find out about him anymore. 


A knock to our fence door and when I look, there's no one. OMG! The knocking sounds is making although there's no one. All of my nerves are  feeling like freezing. I took a few steps near the door since it's day time. Around 5 to 6 years old cute little kid is standing in front of the door.

 "Whew~~" I sigh really deep this time and my scary thoughts turns to a funny thing. The kid is smiling at me. Wait a minute! That smile on his face is the same. OPPA~

 " NOONA!" "Huh~" without knowing myself, I reply at him.

 "Here!" He is giving an envelope to me now.

 Inside of it, it's written " You are thinking about me now right? Dizzy from thoughts? Music is the best medicine right?". My knees were weak.  

"You! You are!" The kid is smiling.

 Please don't smile like that! I steps back quickly.

 "NOONA! Are you okay?" 

Is he OPPA? The kid? Reincarnation? Can't be... It's only two months ago. The kid is about 5 to 6 years old. Huh! What's that? 

"Are you ok?" This time, I heard a man voice. He is standing next to me. I was shocked and jump back a little once or twice.

 "What's that face? Don't you remember me anymore? That's too much. It's only two months. "

 "A ghost can speak? Can you walk under the sun? How?" 

" What are you talking about? Who is the ghost?" 

"You! And this kid too!" I scream. 

"Am I? Do I looks like a ghost to you? Ow~ Even the kid? Hahaha" he is laughing at me now.

 " Are you breathing?" I put my index finger to his nose. He is breathing. Then, he is not a ghost. 

"Tell me you Pabo girl! Why do you think I am a ghost?" 

"My mom said there is no one in front of our house and you denied to make a greet with my family. No one knows about you except me." He is just staring at me. 

"Oh that's why? Sorry if I scare you. I have my own reasons to be like that at that time. You can introduce me with your family now." 

"Why? Why can't I make an invitation at that time? Why it becomes possible now? Why not and why now?" "As you wish!" 

Oh no~~~ he did it again.

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I like simple things . Because sometimes, simple is the best.


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