
if the world was ending (it will)
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Do good things and good things will come to you, as the saying goes.


Seulgi is a big believer of good karma that’s why everything she does in her life, she does it with good intentions.


Besides, doing good means she’s safe from all the harm in this world right?


Oh boy, she couldn’t be more wrong.


The news channel was the first thing Seulgi saw when she woke up. For a few minutes or so, she did not understand a thing but then the word zombie apocalypse was plastered in a big red font.


Seulgi, being the sleepyhead that she is, thinks it’s just a new Hollywood movie about Zombies. The movie industry has been milking a lot of films from the concept and truthfully, it’s dull now. Everything happens over and over again, like that one show The Walking Dead.


“Everyone is advised to stay home at all times, scientists are currently looking for a cure to this phenomenon...”


Okay so maybe it is not a new Hollywood movie....


And she may or may not be ed...


How can you even survive a zombie ing apocalypse?!



She was in the middle of preparing her Zombie Necessities 101 when a knock on the door was heard.


Can zombies even knock? Are they that respectful?


She debated on her decision but the knocking gets louder every second that passes by and she is easily irritated when she is going through a stressful moment. Nothing can be as stressful as this.


She swings the door open and finds a girl, roughly smaller than her by an inch, wearing a leather jacket with black skinny jeans and a combat boots. 


You’d think people will continue to have manners in the midst of the outbreak but no, this girl just went straight inside Seulgi’s unit, even bumped her shoulder on her way in.


“I don’t think you live here.” Seulgi points out,  slowly closing the door behind her. The girl in front of her can be a teeny-tiny intimidating.


“Oh? Thanks for that Captain Obvious.” 


“It’s Seulgi, not Captain Obvious. I mean I’m not a captain or anything, just a regular tenant here in Seoul.” Seulgi stammers, conversing with people is not really her forte. Especially with pretty girls who have no manners and barges in her apartment unannounced.


The girl raises her eyebrows and smirks at Seulgi, “Wouldn’t have known if you did not clarify.” She looked around and saw a bunch of stuff scattered all around the table. “Is that what you’ll use to protect yourself?”


“Can you please, uhh, leave? This is trespassing and I will call the police!”


“Sure, they’ll come to you right after they tend to the thousands of infected citizens. Which will take us about a year or so?” The girl runs a hand on her hair, “While we wait for them, can I crash on your couch? Fighting zombies really drains your energy.”


Without getting any permission, she drops her bloody baseball bat on the floor and jumps on the couch.


Two problems to think about: one is a zombie apocalypse happening right outside her door and two, a hot stranger is on her couch carrying a baseball bat with nails all over it. 


Seulgi takes a deep breath before going back in her room. She hopes none of her stuff will go missing when she wakes up.



Seulgi opened her eyes from the blinding sunlight coming from her window. Who knew she’ll sleep like a baby after that horrible dream she had about zombies and a stranger. Her mind is so creative, she’s thinking of changing careers.


“I hope you’re not thinking about me .”


She jumps in surprise causing her to fall on the floor. 


The girl laughs out loud before giving her a helping hand to which Seulgi reluctantly accepts.


“It wasn’t a dream?” Seulgi whispers to herself.


“What isn’t a dream? Was it a wet dream?” 


“No! oh God no! the zombie news and a hot strang—“ She stops herself before she can humiliate herself more.


“A hot stranger huh? I’m flattered.” She smirks, “Call me Irene, hot stranger is too long although I don’t totally oppose to it.”


Everything in Seulgi’s life is predictable. Events, problems, people, every aspect in her life goes as planned. This occasion is the only thing unpredictable for her. Well, who can even predict a zombie attack? Even the scientists weren’t prepared on the fast spreading of the disease, if they were then there wouldn’t be an outbreak and she’ll make her way to Wendy’s house.


“May I ask something?” Seulgi asks Irene. Fiddling the sheets and waiting for Irene’s go signal.


“As long as it’s appropriate.” Irene jests, “Just kidding ask me anything freaky if you want to.”


Seulgi shakes her head, “Why are you here?” then she realized it came off rude, “I mean not that I’m trying to be rude or anything, I’m confused as to why you’re here.”


“You can be rude to unwanted guests, Seulgi, and to answer your question. Well, I was being chased by a policeman and your door is the closest to the emergency exit so I figured they will immediately search for the emergency exit instead of this unit.” Irene elaborates, not missing the even more confused look on Seulgi’s face. “I stole medicines in a pharmacy and gave it to the homeless family I passed by this morning.”


“Oh,” so Miss Stranger is not totally a criminal, “That’s—that’s nice.”


“Yeah, apart from my good-looking self, I also have an amazing personality with a badass wardrobe.” Irene says as if it’s the most natural sentence she’s ever uttered in her life.


“Anyways,” Irene speaks once again, “I hope you don’t mind but I rummaged through your cupboard and saw nothing but junk foods.”


“Yeah I usually buy take-outs and I always stay in the office so I don’t see the point in buying ingredients.” Seulgi scrunches her nose when she’s reminded of how unhealthy her lifestyle is.


“We need to do something about that,” Irene gnaws her bottom lip, “Let’s go to the nearest supermarket.”


“Are you crazy?!” Seulgi exclaims, “There are zombies outside!”


“So?” Irene shrugs


“So?! We could die or worse turn into zombies!” 


Irene chuckles, “That’s the worst one? Not dying?”


“Not the point!” Seulgi counters, raising h

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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 1: cute and still wishing for more 😭
Sir_Loin #2
Chapter 1: Cute! I like the characterisation and their dynamic. Was hoping for more. But that’s ok. Thanks for writing and sharing!
Chapter 1: seulgi 🥰 joohyun 🔥 bitin lang 🥺
Chapter 1: Lmao Seulgi but Joohyun thoooo
Chapter 1: This should be full on fic, you write good! If you find the time to make this a full fic, please do update.
Baechu29 #6
Chapter 1: Badass Hyunnie is hot kkk and as usual our adorable dumb bear being.. dumb XD
saovanmai #7
Seulgi with her lamp cracks me up XD
Chapter 1: It’s starting! We hope they won’t die too!! Will we ever know their story continuation? :D
Chapter 1: currently a simp for badass joohyun
Jihnjihn #10
Chapter 1: Zombie apocalypse au isn’t really my cup of tea, but this is so good!