You Got Me


“So, is it an advantage or a disadvantage?” Minhyuk asked as he leaned against the table, Chaeyeon took another sip from her drink before replying.

“If your…girls are on the bigger side, then the seatbelt will stay in place, like lodged between the cleavage. But it looks, you know, too suggestive. However, if it doesn’t get lodged there,”

“Less suggestive looking girls, yes.” Minhyuk nodded along.

“That, but then the seatbelt will just end up sticking to your neck, and that seems painful and itchy.” Chaeyeon continued, she looked down and checked her chest, Minhyuk shook his head at her.

“I guess, it really depends on what’s better for you.” She continued, her friend chuckled.

“Is…this your normal daily conversation, or should I be concerned?”

The two turned, Shownu was standing just a few steps from them, Minhyuk chuckled and waved his cousin over.

“I see the elders have finally loosened their claws on you, have you met everyone yet?” The younger Shinhan son said jokingly, Shownu rolled his eyes and looked around them.

“So, another set of fifty people?” She asked, offering her drink to him.


“Thanks.” Shownu murmured as he got the glass of champagne from the girl and finished it in one go.

Chaeyeon let out a small yawn and wrapped her arms around herself.

“I told you to dress warmly.” Minhyuk pointed out, the girl was about to reply when someone suddenly joined their circle. Shownu put his drink down on the table and glanced beside him.

“Chaeyeon-ssi, it’s been a while.” The male cleared his throat as he faced her, Shownu looked at the girl. Minhyuk was already grinning like the devil as he inched towards his cousin.

“Watch this, hyung.” He whispered, Shownu’s brows rose as the girl nodded back at the newcomer.

“Yes, hey, how have you been doing?”

“I know, you might not remember my name. But we were introduced last month, it was at IBK’s new release party.”

“Yes, yes, sure.” Chaeyeon was eyeing Minhyuk warily, the latter was trying to suppress his laugh. Shownu looked on as the male continued to speak.

“I was wondering if you’re free this weekend. Maybe we would grab lunch together or, coffee.” The male spoke excitedly, he was trying to catch Chaeyeon’s gaze.

“O—Oh, I’m sorry. I don’t…I’m quite busy for the rest of the month.” She said as she chewed on her lower lip.

“It doesn’t have to be a date, just a casual lunch.” He pressed on, at the word “date”, Minhyuk and Shownu could see the horror in her eyes.

“Okay, now I have to intervene.” Minhyuk said in a half-chuckle as he stepped in, the male’s eyes went to him. Shownu picked up another glass of champagne from a passing waiter and offered it to the girl.

“Sorry, Chaeyeon’s honestly busy. And, don’t take this the wrong way, my intervention has saved you.” Minhyuk stated, Chaeyeon took a sip from the glass, she scrunched her nose and handed it back to Shownu.

“Saved me?”

“Trust me, you’ve been saved.” Minhyuk said, the male still clueless, walked away from the three.

“You know, that was a missed opportunity, babe.” He blurted out, he was staring at the male’s retreating figure.

“What are you talking about?” She questioned, Shownu eyed his cousin, somehow having an idea that what he was about to say was going to annoy Chaeyeon, as usual.

“We should have offered the impressive boyfriend position to him!”

“I swear to~”

“Okay, so dessert?” Shownu stepped in between them and carefully steered Chaeyeon away from his cousin, Minhyuk chuckled and went back to their table.




Chaeyeon stretched her arms and leaned further back into her seat.

“Are you sure that everything has been straightened out with the venue?” She asked, her secretary looked up from her laptop and nodded back.

“Yes, there’s no longer an issue regarding security, ma’am.”

“Good, some of our guests can be quite picky over that. What about the media we’ve invited?”

“Oh, you invited reporters?” Minhyuk asked from the couch, the male had arrived about an hour ago, unannounced and armed with snacks.

“I did. I’m still a little worried about the whole venturing into this new….line.” She murmured, she stood up and gestured that the meeting was over. Her secretary and two managers politely left the room, Minhyuk grinned as Chaeyeon plopped down beside him, she shook off her heels.

“Your phone’s been vibrating nonstop,”

“I know.”

“Is that why it’s under the coffee table?” He mused as he get the device from the floor and put it on the table before them. He saw Joori’s name flashing on the screen.

Chaeyeon sighed, she stood up and padded back to her table, Minhyuk was about to ask her if she wanted to eat when the doors opened.

“Unnie,” Joori was standing by the doorway, she looked troubled.

Chaeyeon paused, her forehead creased and she shut her laptop close. Minhyuk leaned back on the couch and crossed his legs as he looked on with interest.

“What brings you here?” Chaeyeon asked, trying to be polite. Joori walked in, she glanced at Minhyuk furtively before directing her gaze to the older girl.

“Unnie, about the other day, I…I didn’t mean to do that. We really did plan to hang out, but eomma suddenly called me and she found out~”

“You know, giving her a heads up would have been nice.” Minhyuk commented as he noisily opened a bag of chips. Joori’s pursed her lips and faced her cousin.

“It already happened anyway.” Chaeyeon murmured as she sat down, not wanting to talk.

“Unnie, can’t you just let this slide? I didn’t know that eomma would talk like that. If I had known, I would have told you to bring your boyfr~”

“You see, that’s the problem here. You wont give her a break. Boyfriend or not, it’s always that.” Minhyuk stated, still nonchalant, but at the same time, trying to get into the girl’s nerves. Joori would never snap at him with Chaeyeon around.

“Joori, it’s better if you go. I still have a lot tasks I need to take care of.”

“I’ll be at the party, unnie.” Joori said softly, Minhyuk smiled before speaking.

“Good, you should bring your mother too, in case Chaeyeon’s boyfriend shows up.” He pointed out, Joori gave him the side eye before leaving the room.

Chaeyeon snorted and plopped down beside him again, Minhyuk smiled and opened one arm to her.

“Good job, you brat.”

“Of course.”




“You look tired.” Wonho said as they got on the escalator, Chaeyeon shook her head and hooked arms with him.

“I’m fine, oppa. I need this, I’ve been holed up in the office the whole week.” She puffed her cheeks, Wonho smiled and nodded.

“I haven’t seen you around the shop, it’s quite sad.”

“Do you have a new project? Another car to fix?” She asked as they reached the men’s department. Chaeyeon started going through the denim jackets on display.

“Shownu’s been planning to update his Mustang, so, we have that. And a customer came by with an old model Supra.”

“A, what?” She said excitedly, Wonho grew amused and took the clothes she was holding.

“Will that be enough temptation for you to drop by the shop?”

“I have time on Monday.” She quickly said, Wonho followed her to another boutique.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, right, oppa?”

“At your party? Of course.” Wonho nodded along, Chaeyeon happily nodded back and went through the different suits on display.

“Ma’am, it’s good to see you again.” One of the mall staff approached her with familiarity, the lady’s eyes went to Wonho briefly and she blushed.

“I used to work here before, well, my mother forced me to.” She spoke to Wonho before facing the lady.

“This was before you started your own company?” Wonho asked her, Chaeyeon let go of him and nodded back.

“Shouldn’t we be starting to display thicker ones by now?” She asked, the lady nodded back.

“We are to change the displays this afternoon, ma’am. Can I be of any help?”

Chaeyeon turned to Wonho, the latter shook his head. The lady politely excused herself and stepped away from the two.

“Oppa, what do you usually go for?” She asked as they roamed around.

“I need to wear suits to work too.”

Her lips quirked up, Wonho almost never talked about his other work and it was kind of amusing.

“You lead a double life as well, like Son Hyunwoo. But, you kind of have it…worse.” She said jokingly, Wonho rolled his eyes at her.

“Are your cousins still bothering you? Want oppa to fix them up?”

“Can you? I mean, I’ll pay.” She joked back, Wonho picked up their shopping bags from the counter.

“Do you think I could revoke some invitations to the party tomorrow?”

Wonho let out a laugh.

“That bad, huh?”

“I figured that I don’t want to have to deal with my relatives and business partners at the same time.”

“But, you’ll have us there tomorrow, headache. Don’t worry.”

“You see, Minhyuk will be there, that is why I’m worrying. Who knows what will come out of his mouth again?”

“Want oppa to step up and fix him up for you too?” He chuckled as he held the door for her.

“As much as he is annoying, I love the guy, so don’t.” She laughed while approaching the counter.




“Congratulations, my headache!” Minhyuk said happily as he shoved the bouquet to the girl and gave her a big hug, Chaeyeon let out a chuckle and hugged him back.

“Its his idea to bring you flowers.” He stated as he let go, Wonho grinned before leaning over give her a quick hug.

“Thanks for coming you guys, the party is to start in a bit so, I was worried that I’d have to sit with other people.”

“Is that how you address your other investors?” Wonho said jokingly as the girl walked them towards a reserved table. Minhyuk held hands with her as they moved around the crowd, he saw Chaeyeon’s cousins and aunts at the other corner of the room, he rolled his eyes.

“Be nice.” Chaeyeon murmured, Minhyuk then began to point at them.

“Those are the people who made your headache cry, why don’t you go over there and crush~”

“I give up.” Chaeyeon pinched his arm before moving away from them, she roamed around the room, greeting the rest of the guests with familiarity. Her secretary trailed not far from her, constantly checking on the party.


Chaeyeon paused, her brows went up slightly, seeing Joori approaching her.

“I know, I know, you still hate me. But, this…I saw your whole line, unnie. You..You are a genius. I remember that you always raved over men’s fashion, it’s always been your favorite.”

Chaeyeon chewed on her lower lip before nodding.

“It is, it’s easier to understand.”

“Look, unnie, what I did was wrong. And, I’m the worst. I promise it won’t happen again.” Joori pressed her palms together as she looked at the older girl, Chaeyeon was thankful that Wonho had Minhyuk distracted.

“Thanks for coming, Joori. I’m glad you’re here.” Chaeyeon said with a small smile. Joori let out a breath before hooking arms with her cousin.

“It felt weird not being able to talk to you for days, unnie. I’m sorry I .” She went on as they walked together. Then the two stopped as one of Chaeyeon’s business partners approached them.

“I have to say, Chaeyeon-ah, you’ve outdone yourself again. All the reviews online are positive, and they can’t wait to see our products at the stores.”

“Yes, director Shim, I’m excited as well, also anxious.” She let out a small chuckle, Joori remained politely quiet, she glanced around the room. It was already almost full, meaning the event was going to start in minutes. Everyone had settled down on their seats, the girl was also surprised that her cousin invited a number of reporters too.

“Unnie, did you~” Joori paused as her eyes went to the doors, a tall young male had walked in. He was dressed in a black and white Houndstooth pattern suit that was paired with a black turtleneck shirt inside. Joori’s mouth opened slightly as she watched the male move, he looked a little lost as his eyes scanned the room. He stood out amongst the crowd, in a good way.

A very good and attractive way.

“Tall, buff and handsome. Nice.” Joori whispered to herself, feeling her cheeks heating up.

“I had a hard time with the sizing, you know. I didn’t realize how men’s bodies can be so confusing as well.” Chaeyeon said, Joori was nudging her, but she chose to ignore her cousin.

“Well, it’s your first time, Chaeyeon-ah. But, you really did well.”

Joori was still staring back at the newcomer, and then she froze when she realized that he was looking at their direction.

“Yes, thanks~”

“Chaeyeon-ah,” He spoke, Joori’s eyes widened briefly, he looked familiar to her. But she couldn’t point where she’s seen his face.

“Son Hyunwoo.” Chaeyeon paused and she let out a small smile.

“I hope I’m not late.” He said as he walked towards her, she shook her head at him.

“You’re just in time, thanks for coming.”

Joori couldn’t help but continue staring at the male, Shownu didn’t seem to notice but he reached out to brush Chaeyeon’s hair away from her shoulder, some of the strands were sticking to her cheek.

“They told me not to bring you flowers,” He said with a playful grin and he reached for his coat pocket.

“Oh god, please no.” She grimaced, Joori looked at the two as they spoke, Shownu was smiling as he put a packet of gummy worms on her palm.

“Congratulations on your launch, Wonho’s headache.” He scrunched his nose at her, Chaeyeon let out a laugh.

“Joori, I’m going to show him to his table. You should go take a seat too.” She said, Joori was about to speak but her cousin was already walking with the other male.

“You like gummy worms, right?” Shownu asked as she hooked arms with him, Chayeeon was still smiling.

“Gummy bears are a lot more adorable, but this will do. Better than flowers, actually.”

Shownu shook his head and they reached Wonho and Minhyuk, the latter was chatting with Chaeyeon’s secretary and two employees. But Wonho, was staring at the two oddly.

“What’s wrong, oppa?”

Chaeyeon’s secretary paused and glanced at her boss.

“Yes, yes, she knows how to say that word. It's not foreign to her.” Minhyuk said dryly, Shownu sat down beside his friend.

“What’s with you?” He asked Wonho, but the male only blinked at them before speaking.

“Nothing, you two look really good…today. I wish your dress was a bit longer though, headache.” Wonho said as he poked her knee, Chaeyeon squeezed his arm before moving away.

“I have to give a little speech. Please don’t let Minhyuk be near my cousins or aunts.”





This is Shownu/Son Hyunwoo, you guys.

And, just look at him.

And, listen to Middle of the Night by Monsta X too lol



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2030 streak #1
Chapter 52: I was gonna complain that the story has ended and I needed more but then I remembered that you already have a sequel. So I'll be heading there right away. I definitely enjoyed reading the story so far and I'll see you again in your sequel ^^
2030 streak #2
Chapter 50: Awwwwwwwww why are these two so damn cute??!! So much so that I want to squeeze the life out of them! And I laughed out loud when Sehun said that he would let his lawyer deal with Hyunwoo instead of straightening him out himself. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2030 streak #3
Chapter 49: These two are one of the cutest pair ever! I mean they are so supportive of each other and only have positive influence on each other. Those two were so adorable here and I thoroughly enjoyed their interaction. Can't wait to see how things would go further. But will be back later to read more ^^
2030 streak #4
Chapter 48: Wait, wait, what???? Whoa! That drama at the ending though! I was worried drunk Chaeyeon would be the one causing a scene but looks like someone else beat her to it. LoL... Also, interactions between Hyunwoo and Chaeyeon is still so sweet!! Her and Wonho's too... And talking about Wonho, him asking to hide under the tablecloth is funnier. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2030 streak #5
Chapter 47: Even when they were fake dating, their chemistry was already good. But now that they have made it real, it's even better!! And Shownu doubting Joori's intentions is the best. Can't wait to see Joori and Jinyoung get embarrassed beyond words. So, will definitely be back later to read more ^^
2030 streak #6
Chapter 46: Finally they are together!!! Yay!!! And like I wished for in my last comment, I can be sure now that whatever plans Joori has come up with, she's definitely gonna bite the dust. Yay! LoL XD jokes aside, I'm glad things turned out this way. And his secretary's reaction though when he was asked to lie about things was funny too. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2030 streak #7
Chapter 45: Ugh, Joori heard Jinyoung's blabbering and now plotting something? But since the two lovebirds are making some kinda real progress in their relationship, I just hope that by the time Joori comes up with a sabotage plan, these two have already become a real pair and so things make her bite the dust? Can't I have some wishful thinking? Also, Chaeyeon noticed Wonho eating steak while she was witnessing/trying to stop the fight? That was funny... Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2030 streak #8
Chapter 44: Ah, so that's what happened!! Wonho's reactions throughout all that chaos, you know casually eating steak and taking pics and stuff were really funny XD and with the way things ended with the chapter, I believe Hyunwoo and Chaeyeon's gonna at least have some conversation and resolve things. Can't wait to see how things would go further. Will definitely be back later to read more ^^
2030 streak #9
Chapter 43: Ooh this chapter was mysterious and sorta thriller kind. I assume it's Hyunwoo who had thrown Jinyoung on that glass wall? Wonder what happened for him to act like that, especially in a way that would damage Chaeyeon's show. Also, where is she? So many questions but no spoilers please. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2030 streak #10
Chapter 42: Ah, the much dreaded situation!! The drama has begun. And he has indirectly confessed his feelings for her. But she's pissed and not in a state to listen/read between the lines. I wonder how things would develop herein. Can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^