
beautiful morning
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"What some nice group mates", a little but surely a giant girl remarked as she let out the biggest sigh. Falling into the dreamland, failing to fight her tiredness and exhaustion from countless of sleepless nights. From what? Of course from all those supposed to be a group damn projects required for school. "Sorry Wonyoung-ah" "I'm feeling sick right now" "You can do it alone, right? You're smart afterall" A really nice set of worthless group mates with their bull excuses.

Jang Wonyoung despite having an angelic face, a heart of gold and a straight A+ grades never had any friend. She doesnt mind tho, she prefer having none than a bunch of plastics surrounding her labeling themselves as friend.

"Ackk!!", Wonyoung yelped in pain as the books she used for reference just fell directly into her head waking her up. She cursed under her breath before puting roughly 3 fallen books back into their places. She's still sleepy, however the familiar sight of the yellow-orange hue excites her. She missed this.

Whenever Wonyoung have free time or randomly wakes up early in the morning, she definitely would see the sunrise. Watching the dark blue sky turning into orange-like shade, slowly revealing the bright star beaming its glowing light. It's a perfect healing for her. The only view she wouldn't get tired of seeing.

The girl excitedly ran outside her apartment with coffee in hand and phone on the other (taking pics is a must) "Being hit of those thick books ain't that bad afterall", Wonyoung said with a small smile. The sun is now shining brightly and some chirps of bird nearby can also be heard. "Good morningg", Wonyoung said as she takes some photo of the sight and of course a big smile is plastered in her face. She then went back to her room (to sleep again) after doing some stretches and finishing her drink.

Wonyoung lives in an apartment alone. She prefer living like this because she can be free to do whatever she wants given its inside her apartment. Her parents don't mind as the place is also much nearer her school than their house and it could give their child some independency.

Wonyoung wakes up at 3PM having much more energy than earlier. Her tummy growls as if it can't wait to have its treat. Wonyoung went to the kitchen to get some cereals. She munches while scanning the photos she took earlier. A smile plastered in her face again, "You're the only view I'd prefer seeing than the sunrise", she remarked.




Jogging at 4 am has been Yujin's morning routine during weekends since she started highschool 2 years ago. She's part of the running team in her school so jogging is a must for her. She's hardworking ever since and she doesn't want to laze out just becuase its weekend so she planned on jogging early in the morning which she still do now. 

Ahn Yujin unlike Wonyoung is well-liked and has a lot friends. She doesn't do well in academics but her athletic skills and her face beats it all. She's been sweeping medals and trophies even during her early days. She'd also receive love letters daily. She has a life many would want to have.

Yujin ties the laces of her shoes and bids goodbye to her Mom who is now cooking breakfast for the family. She's welcomed by the beautiful view of the sunrise which brighten her face. Yujin's not a fan of sunrise (she preferes sunsets) but she cant and wouldnt argue that it's not a pleasant view because it really is. Plugging her earphones and playing her favorite song, she's set to go. 

Despite being so used in running, Yujin still find it tiring. But today's different.

She went home with a whole big smile plastered in her face no trace of tiredness at all. Why? Because she just saw the most beautiful sight of all, sunrise nor sunsets wouldn't compare. "I don't mind running earlier and longer than I usually do if I can see that sight again", Yuj said while reminiscing the view she saw earlier with a small but sweet smile. 





2 years ago.

Wonyoung woke up from a nightmare, she was alone and that didn't help at all. She couldn't get back to sleep even after trying so hard. "It's already morning..", she said while reading the clock that says 4AM. She just decided to start her day, she couldn't sleep again anyways. She's drinking coffee in her kitchen as she saw the beautiful sight of the sunrise. She fell inlove with it. She went out to have a closer look only to be welcomed by a much more pleasant view. A girl jogging while clearly enjoying what she's listening. Cute, Wonyoung thought. A ray of sunlight hits the girl's face making it shine more. And Wonyoung suddenly felt her cheeks turning into a pinkish shade and her heart doing an unfamiliar thing, she, herself doesn't know what is. Wonyoung chuckles, "Should I be thanking the nightmare for this?" She smiles while following the sight of the girl jogging. 

Wonyoung just fell inlove to 2 different sights this morning.


And starting from that day, Wonyoung wouldn't want to miss those sights. However, she just fails to do so.

Wonyoung is naturally a sleepyhead, failing to wake up before lunch time is a norm for her. No matter how many alarms she had set, she just fails to wake up early like she wished. 

She would wake up before 5 on random days tho, allowing herself to see the most pleasant sights of all. The kind of feeling she felt the first time she saw both the sunrise and the girl never changed. The way her face brightens up, the way her lips unintentionally forms a big smile, the way her cheeks keep on getting hotter and the way she'd always wish for time to slow down or stop as she cant get enough of the sight.

"It's nice to see you again", phrase Wonyoung would always say during the random times she'd wake up on time. It's not simply a phrase, it is simple but the emotions Wonyoung would have while saying those won't be described as simple at all. Or if it'll be described then "love" would be the closest.


Unfortunately, it's been a year since she last saw those sight. 'High school is the most fun phase in school' Wonyoung could only laugh on that phrase. School is the major stress provider for Wonyoung, and it just gets worse during high school. School works are getting harder causing for all the students, including Wonyoung to long for more sleep and relaxing time. So when she saw the sight that's far more important than slep and surely relaxing earlier, she felt really happy? ecstatic? delighted? Everything. She was on cloud nine. She could only wish for her to see that sight again and again.


Yuj on the other hand, saw what she described as the best view for the first time. It made her thank everyone above for sending such a beautiful masterpiece. And of course, motivated her to jog during weekdays.




"Its finally weekend!!", Yuj announced excitedly after waking up. She hurriedly change into her sport tracks expecting to see that beautiful sight again. She bid goodbye to her mom, plug in the earphones and played her favorite song. But what she expected didn't show up. No trace of any beauty at all. She was saddened. She went back to their house with a tired look but purely sadness when looked closer. She ate breakfast and went directly to her room after showering. She usually play video games or hang out with her friends after a bit rest but it's not the case today. 

"I wanted to see that again..", Yuj said before falling asleep. She woke up at 9PM, clearly tired. She was planning on cancelling her morning routine today but she wanted to witness that sight again so she didnt despite being tired and all. But odds weren't on her side.




2 years passed by like a speed of light. Both busy on school to forget about the morning routines. The 2 last high school years was hectic and stressful as expected but both are glad it's now over. 

Nothing much changed over those years except that Wonyoung has friends now (real ones) and Yujin, unfortunately, sprained her ankle causing her not to only stop jogging but to also leave the team. Yujin still has friends nonetheless.

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smolredmarker #1
Chapter 1: 🥺
Chapter 1: This story so overwhelmed~ thank u author-nim, you're amazing