
Place to Call Home

I was standing in front of the concert hall, waiting for Jae Rin and her boyfriend. But little did I know, she actually came with 2 guys. Both good looking ofcourse, as expected from her, but what suprised me was that she announced loudly that the other guy, Jae Sung, was actually my date. I didn't know how to react at all. He grabbed my hand, and gently kissed it, and I was just standing the like an idiot, unable to say a word. I hadn't even thought of dating after my boyfriend left me. I decided to just go with it, it's just one evening right? Nothing bad in that. But when the guys weren't looking, I whispered: "I'll definetly get you for this." Into Jae Rins ear. She just laughed it off.

We had good seats, close to the stage, we'd be able to see everything. And as the first sounds of SHINee world came out of the speakers, I started feeling weirdly very excited. Was it the mood of the place? Or was it that I was actually on a date after such a long time? Or was it maybe I  was excited to see that annoying beautifull person again? That can't be. It had to be the first option. But when that person came to the stage, I found myself smiling, a silly smile. What is this? I don't even know that person. At the same time my date grabbed my waist and held me closer. It felt weird. But I went with it, and started paying attention to the other things on the stage, instead of that person who even dares to show up in my dream.

The show was amazing, I was very amazed by it. I managed to keep my eyes off that person most of the time at least. It didn't matter anyway, not like I'm gonna see him again. We were walking away from the concert hall, and a car stopped by us. Someone rolled down the window, and then I saw Keys face, he was smiling. He looked exhausted but happy. "You came to see us perform? I'm very happy!" I smiled and nodded. My date had been little futher away, but as he saw me talking with a guy, he came closer and grabbed my hand. Key looked suprised and said: "Obviously I'm getting in the middle of your date huh, we'll get going then. Call me anytime!" I stood there watching the car leave, and, was it my imagination, or was that pretty person looking back, at me? Must've been my imagination.

After our dates had dropped us off, Jae Rin started questioning me how do I know SHINee, most importantly Key. He was her favorite. I explained everything since start, and she started planning how we should all hang out and how she wants to date Key. This is how quickly she forgot the guy she kissed just half an hour ago? Even I was suprised. Then I recalled that she had said she's not coming home for few days. I asked her and she replied that she had to come home to question me about SHINee. Yep, definetly like her. Changing intrests like a person changes their socks. 

After she was done with her questions I went to bed. I was so tired that I again fell asleep very quickly, but this time. the face looking at me, wasn't pretty, nor smiling.

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BigBootyJongin #1
Chapter 16: Lol this story is really badly written and kind of annoying idk it wasn't that great maybe put in next time?
MeganxD #2
Chapter 23: Cute story~
MeganxD #3
Chapter 12: Jae Rin's a little bit of a brat for being a player and looking through someone's phone!