
Place to Call Home

When we reached the restaurant, they walked straight to a table where was already 2 people sitting. They looked at me, then Key and Jonghyun, and their eyes looked like they were silently asking who the heck I am. Jonghyun was the one to introduce us, the tall guy was called Minho, and the other person was Onew. I reconized them from the poster. Key shared the story of how we met, and after that everyone just comfortably chatted, they were rather intrested in how a foreign person like me ended up staying in Korea. I just coolly brushed the topic off by saying that I just wanted to see Korea, and that there wasn't anything holding me back so I was staying for a while. It wasn't exacly a lie, but the whole truth is more complicated than that.

I had wanted to travel ever since young, and so I did. I worked to gather up money for the trips and then I just travelled to see the world. But then something unexpected happened, back then I was in France, Paris. i met someone, with whom I spent alot of time with. A man, whom I also fell in love with. I kept on traveling for a while even after meeting him, but I always wanted to return to his side. And so I did. We spent 2 years together, everything was going smoothly, but then one day, without any warning, he left me. Just the day before he had told me he loved me and wanted to build a future together, and then, poof, he left. It crushed my heart, and I still don't believe I could possibly trust a man enough to fall in love again. I returned home, to Canada. But it felt very lonely, since it had been almost 3 years since I left, life there had moved on, and I didn't feel like I fit in no more. So I randomly picked a country to "escape" to, and that's how I ended up in Korea.

As I was thinking about the past quietly by myself, another person appeared in our table. It was the fifth guy from the poster. He smiled brightly, and introduced himself as Taemin. He was pretty, little too pretty to be a man. I smiled and introduced myself. Once he had sat down, and we ordered food, and everyone was cheerfully chatting, I forgot about the dark thoughts I had just a moment ago..

As we were eating and chatting, I felt like that boy with beautiful smile stared at me little too often. And it annoyed me for some reason. After a while, I just boldly stared back at him, and he smiled shyly and blushed a bit. "I'm sorry, didn't mean to stare so much." He said and focused on his food. The rest of the guys started laughing and teasing him. I didn't understand why'd he stare at me like that, but I just ignored it for the rest of the evening and finished my food.

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BigBootyJongin #1
Chapter 16: Lol this story is really badly written and kind of annoying idk it wasn't that great maybe put in next time?
MeganxD #2
Chapter 23: Cute story~
MeganxD #3
Chapter 12: Jae Rin's a little bit of a brat for being a player and looking through someone's phone!