just like you

sleep talk

prompt from an anon: wr adopting a dog. ssw helps bjh and the puppy be comfortable with each other. puppy reminds bjh of ssw so she got comfortable real quick. ssw comes home to find them cuddling on the couch waiting for her to get home. uwu galore.


the familiar beep of the electronic lock, her arm pushing against the door, and finally, being able to kick her shoes. a small sigh slips from joohyun as she cracks her neck to release the tension; having to walk through a heavy downpour to get home . stripping her coat off, she shuffles into the brightly lit apartment.


despite the long day, she always looks forward to coming home, especially when she knows her girlfriend is going to be around for the night. she wants nothing more than a quick dinner before unwinding with some cuddling, though that’s a lot to bargain for tonight.


she’s too busy dealing with her mildly soaked coat to notice how her girlfriend’s things are haphazardly strewn all over the floor. 


“seungwan-ah, i’m home!” joohyun calls out as she always does, and like routine she expects seungwan to come greet her with a wide grin. 


no response, that’s odd. the brief beat of silence sends a wave of unease through joohyun and her eyes settle on the soaked belongings of her girlfriend. her phone and keys are on the ground next to her muddied jacket — what the hell is going on?


she isn’t given the luxury of time to put the pieces together. something at the corner of her eye, a small dark shape as she can briefly make out, begins barreling towards her at full speed. her legs move as a shrill cry rips from , she has no time to rationalize her movements but somehow she deems the couch a safer place than the ground.


seungwan comes sprinting out of the bathroom, face caked with mud and her hair tied back in a loose ponytail. swiftly scooping the shapeless mass into her arms, she shoots her girlfriend a sheepish smile — the one reserved for moments where she knows she is already in trouble but is going to weasel her way out of it.


“son seungwan! get that thing out of our house!” joohyun’s pitch rises as she tries her best to stay away from the intruder, armed with a pillow as she stands unsteadily on the couch. 


“unnie, it’s a puppy,” seungwan calmly explains the situation, taking a slow step towards joohyun, “someone abandoned her and it was raining and she was shivering, i couldn’t just leave her.”


“i don’t care! get it away from me!”


“you’re not that heartless, are you?” seungwan bites her lower lip as she raises the puppy to allow joohyun a better look, “you can’t just make me abandon her again, it’s so cold tonight. i’ll get her cleaned up and i promise she won’t be anywhere near you.”


a pout brings joohyun’s downfall, she has never been able to resist one from son seungwan.


“you’re on thin ice, son seungwan.” joohyun caves, “one night.”


seungwan bounces on her feet excitedly and normally she’d give her girlfriend a little kiss but the puppy leaps out of her grasp and begins making a break for their bedroom, distracting the both of them entirely.


“if i see a speck of dirt—” joohyun doesn’t get to finish her sentence before seungwan sprints after the puppy.


“you won’t! i’ll clean everything! i promise!”



even when she’s covered in mud and drenched in soapy water, joohyun doesn’t think she’s seen a wider smile on seungwan’s face. her sleeves are rolled up to her elbow and she’s kneeling over the bathtub, attempting to give the puppy she’s brought home a good bath.


seungwan was on the way home when she noticed a tied-up trash bag shifting around strangely. a mix of curiousity and concern led her to investigate, and the aftermath? rescuing a puppy who leapt towards her in a panic, causing her to land in a muddy puddle. the poor thing was a shivering mess so how could seungwan ever walk away without doing anything?


joohyun watches from the bathroom entrance, not wanting to get too close out of fear. the little menace can barely sit still, without seungwan’s firm grip on the scruff of its neck, it would’ve trashed their entire apartment.


“what are you going to do with it?” 


seungwan turns her head slightly and the pleading look in her eyes tells joohyun everything.






“need i remind you that our carpet is now ruined?” little paw prints dot the once pristine white carpet in their bedroom, ruined might be too strong of a word but getting it cleaned would be a nuisance.


“i’m sorry, i’ll get it cleaned, promise,” seungwan murmurs apologetically as she rinses off the puppy to reveal a soft coat of white fur, almost the same as the white carpet it’d ruined.


“she’s adorable, unnie, won’t you reconsider?”


“one night, son seungwan.” joohyun clicks her teeth, “or you’ll end up in a trash bag too."



the puppy did not stay for merely a night.


a quick trip to the vet has the puppy cleared of any illnesses or diseases, and a plausible theory as to why she’s been abandoned comes up. she was a runt, and despite being a samoyed, her breeders must’ve thought her unworthy of keeping around. 


each day, seungwan would come up with an excuse to keep her around for another day, tugging at her heartstrings and making use of her kindness. and each day, somehow, joohyun gives in despite her immense fear of dogs.


it takes some effort but seungwan gets them from being on opposite ends of the house to being able to get them in the same room together. slowly, without joohyun realising it, the couple has practically adopted the puppy. their house is filled with the presence of a dog, mainly colorful dog toys that the two are guilty of overbuying and white fur on just about every surface.


a fortnight passes, and despite seungwan’s best efforts to help joohyun get comfortable with the puppy, there is little improvement after the first few days.


on days when seungwan is working the night shift, joohyun has to brave the trials and tribulations of being home with the puppy. she treads quietly through the front door but no matter how quiet she is, the accursed electronic lock will always give away her presence. the puppy comes spriting from whatever corner of the house she’s in, skidding to a stop a distance away from joohyun whilst her tail wags ecstatically. at least there’s still someone to greet her when she comes home , joohyun muses.


then comes the matter of dinner, which joohyun tries to prepare as quickly as possible. seungwan had it all figured out in a few days and instructing joohyun on what to do is the easy part, the hard part is having to dodge the overly excited puppy while she sets the food down. once she handles all of that, joohyun scuttles to the side, keeping a comfortable distance between the two. seungwan asks for pictures sometimes, and joohyun has gotten used to taking a video every time she isn’t around.


the revelation comes with the tap of every character on the keyboard, a lop-sided smile creeping onto her face as she sends seungwan a video of the puppy demolishing her food. crumbs of food are left all over the ground and around her face, a cute sight to all, including joohyun, though for slightly different reasons.


‘she eats like you.’


ah, it seems that a spell has been lifted. without giving much thought to her fears, joohyun crouches in front of the puppy, reaching a hand out to give her a soft pat on the head.


surprised, startled or perhaps just excited, she gives joohyun a loud bark, which in turn makes joohyun jump and clutch her chest.


“you’re as loud as her too,”  she mutters after recovering from her shock.


seungwan trudges into an unexpected sight upon returning home at dawn. with faint sunlight pouring through the windows, she spots her girlfriend on the couch, snoozing away. the best part? a white, fluffy mass rests on her chest.


stripping herself of her jacket, seungwan wastes no time squeezing right beside her girlfriend. it doesn’t matter if she’s hanging off the couch for dear life, she’s much too blissful to care. 


joohyun stirs, cracking open an eyelid to acknowledge her girlfriend. in a soft whisper, seungwan smirks, “i thought you didn’t want to keep her.”


“i changed my mind, she’s grown on me.”


“if we’re keeping her, are we allowed to finally name her?”


“mhm,” joohyun absentmindedly runs her fingers through the puppy’s soft fur, “i have a name in mind.”


“what is it?”


“you’ll find out.”


and find out she did. within a day, their little puppy had a blue collar dangling around her neck with the name ‘wannie’ engraved on it.


end notes:

man. i forgot i had this collection for fluffy drabbles. figured it was better because my other collection is full of whatever brain rot i happen to suffer from. posted it on twitter last month but i finally got around to editing it a little and i didn't wanna repost it because the changes were pretty minimal.

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Riscark #1
Chapter 2: I'm safe and sound in the arm of my of my girlfriend 🤣
zzzzzzz1 #2
Chapter 11: A samoyed puppy, I almost cried, I almost did 🤧 I love this much, it was just so cute. Thank you for this!
Riscark #3
Chapter 11: I bet Joohyun is like every father who said they don't want a dog but ended up loving it more 🤣
WluvsBaetokki #4
Chapter 11: Oh man floofiness to the highest level!!!! Looooove it
Chapter 11: Broooooooo I looooove this
1694 streak #6
Chapter 11: Samoyed doggy with Joohyun always making me smile.
2072 streak #7
Chapter 11: Thank you for the update
Chapter 11: THIS IS SO CUTE?!?!?! OH MY GOD A LITTLE SAMOYED PUPPY 😭 A MINI-WENDY 😭 I can see why Irene's heart got stolen 😭 so so cute omg thanks for this, i really needed to read something fluffy 💙💗
Cyrell #9
My favourite author is back with another fluff. Thanks
Chapter 11: The dog was named after wendy. 😭