Where We First Met (END)

Meant To Be: The Full One-shot

Bae Joohyun, or widely known as Irene, just wanted to escape from the city life just for a bit, with how demanding and stressful her job as a CEO of her own company was. That's why she cancelled all her afternoon appointments and went on this mini road trip.

But she never asked to be stuck in the middle of nowhere. Why did she think it's a good idea to bring the very first car that she had in the first place. It was her favorite that she even named it 'Reve', though at the moment it wasn't her favorite anymore.

Irene decided to pick up her phone after trying for the third time to start the engine and failed every time she did. She might as well send an S.O.S message to her secretary/best friend, only for her to discover that her battery died out already and she didn't even noticed. That explains why it wasn't blowing up with calls and texts from Wendy.

How can she escape this hell now? With the road bare from any other cars except her own which decided to die on her. This is certainly not her lucky day, or that maybe the world was up to get her after pulling a stunt of escaping her duties.

She dropped her head on the steering wheel in frustration, trying to think of a solution. Maybe by some miracle she can find what was wrong with Reve and she can finally go home and rest on her pent house, and forget this happened...


...except it was totally the opposite of what she imagined it.

When she got out of her car in hopes of fixing the problem herself, the heat immediately attacked her, it didn't help that she wore only a halter top and pencil skirt -- her choices for today was never the wisest she did. Once the hood was popped open, she lifted it up and pulled the hood strut to keep it up and stared hard on every part of the car's engine.

Everything seems to be in place, at least that's what she thought having no idea what's wrong why it wouldn't start.

Okay so it's more complicated than what she initially imagined.

The heat was starting to get to her, and with the situation she was in now, all she wanted to do was trash around and scream out her misfortune, or maybe she could talk some sense into Reve and maybe she'd be up and going by then -- she knows that won't work though.

Before she can express her feelings by kicking Reve's wheel, a truck stopped by beside hers. Irene didn't noticed it coming when she was preoccupied with her thoughts -- and by thoughts means she's thinking of when she'll be starting walking and maybe she'd chance a civilization in this deserted place, the only repercussion though was her probably dying from dehydration, so maybe that's another bad choice she'd make.

Anyways, when a loud beeping of a horn startled her out of her reverie, she almost cursed at the person, except she was left speechless instead.

A gorgeous blonde with mesmerising monolid eyes stepped out of the unusually big truck, unusual since its driver was a lean woman who looks anything sort of a person who would drive such car. But that's not important right now -- the woman could be driving a rusty and old car and Irene would still think she's attractive -- not when the monolid woman spoke with the most appealing voice she heard in her life.

"Hi, I'm Kang Seulgi. Did your car broke down?"

The blonde asked with a polite smile. Only, Irene continued to stare at her in awe.

Is she an angel in disguised that would save her from this mess? Or did she unknowingly died from all her frustrations and she's here to bring her to heaven? Not that she's sure if she's even qualified to be there.

A clearing of throat cut off her musings, "As much as I'd like to be an angel too, I'm sorry to say that I'm only an ordinary person who wants to help you with your car," Kang Seulgi said, an amused smile appearing on her face.

Irene has never been so flustered until now, she can't believe she said it out loud like that. She's a dignified CEO for goodness sake, so why does this monolid woman reduced her to a blushing mess with just her presence and words.

She gathered her bearings back enough to meet the woman in the eye again, "I-is that so? Maybe the lack of seeing another human for the past hours now is affecting my logical thinking, and the heat too. Y-yeah, that's probably why," she excuses, stuttering along the way while awkwardly laughing.

It made Seulgi smile wider. This woman intrigue her so, past her intimidating beauty lies this adorable traits. Honestly, she expected her to be sarcastic and show her attitude when she first saw her looking so annoyed and glaring at her own car. Who would have known that she'll unexpectedly call her as an angel instead, when Seulgi thinks the title was suited for her, with her milky white skin that's starting to get a little bit redder from the sun but attractive still, black obsidian eyes that could drown you in, pretty pink lips that looks so soft and an adorable ears just poking right out from her silky black tresses.

Glad that she decided to leave today, for she had met this goddess stuck in this deserted road -- she knew little to none travelled on this road, having been traveling here to and fro from her parents' house from the province and in the city where she resided. If she had heeded to her mother's advice that she should stay a little longer, then maybe another lucky fool that was not her had the chance to meet the beautiful woman and rescued her instead. But Seulgi would like to think that she's destined to see her, she could feel it from the first time she connected her eyes from hers. There was something akin to fate and it was pulling her towards the black-haired beauty.

Her serendipity.

"What happened to your car again?", she decided to end their staring contest and went on the opened hood, the still unnamed woman following her.

"It suddenly broke down and when I started it again it just won't," she explained, side-eyeing the monolid. She's honestly uncertain if she can get Reve running again, for all she knows she's like her that has no idea how car engines works, but her mere presence eases her. Who cares if she can't fix it as long as she's there with her, it would make her ten times better if she can fix it though.

Irene was proven wrong once again when after a while of analyzing, the blonde hummed and went towards her truck bringing tools with her.

Seulgi chuckled when she saw the woman with wide eyes and slacked jaw, "I'm actually a mechanic and I always brings my tools with me in case something like this would happen," she explained and started tinkering the engine.

Irene held back the question, "So you help pretty girls when you randomly see them having car problems too?", she knew it's not her place to ask that kind of questions, she should be glad that she's helping her instead. When her wild thoughts settled in though, she decided to just see what the woman was doing then maybe she'll learn something regarding fixing a car, instead, Irene had been gawking at Kang Seulgi so openly like she's doing right then and there. But her reasonings seems to put her unabashed with her actions, who could blame her when the blonde mechanic was just so hot -- hotter than the sun, Irene thinks -- when she's in her element. She's considerate too, telling her to find a shade because it's indeed too humid, but Irene was far too entertained in blatantly eyeing her work to care about the sun frying them, not when those flexing biceps seems like calling out for her attention, the woman's endless biting over her lips was mesmerising Irene. And God, the dripping sweats that would trail down her neck to her collarbone as if it's teasing, was also making Irene wet somewhere else.

"You know, we've already spent half an hour right now and I still didn't get your name."

Irene was startled when she suddenly spoke, thinking that maybe she was discovered but was relieved that she's only asking for her name, which she realised that the monolid was right.

"I'm Bae Joohyun, but you can just call me Irene," she introduced and was answered by a hum again.

"Why Irene though?" Seulgi asked without taking her eyes from what she was doing, it doesn't mean that she didn't know how Joohyun or Irene was burning holes on her. She's well-aware of the stares, she knows when the woman wasn't even being discreet about it. (Because she thinks you won't notice!)

"It's the name I use when I'm doing business, I guess it kinda stuck now. Rarely someone called me Joohyun."

"Joohyun it is then. I can call you that, right? I wanna be that rare one," she says with a winning smile on her lips, how can Irene refused it, so she can only nod and blush again.

Seulgi got back to work on silence again, and the only time she talked again was when she instructed her to revved up the car, which she did and it worked. Reve was fixed that it made Irene happy that she thanked Seulgi and offered her a good amount of cash, only for her to decline.

"Why don't you punch in your number, that would be more than enough payment," she requested instead, passing her already unlocked phone on the woman's hands.

Irene had never typed and saved her contact info to someone's phone that fast, though she knows Seulgi wasn't just someone. She recognizes when she's attracted to a person, and when it comes to Seulgi, she can't even try to deny it. She just hopes she's attracted to her too.


That was the start of their endless communication, from texting that upgraded to calling, with their topics ranging from everything under the sun, their funny experiences, and how their day was. It was so natural for them, every conversation was a delight that their friends noticed how smiley they were after checking their phones for any messages or every time their calls ended. There was also nights where they go out for dinner or a quick lunch dates.

Seulgi and Irene was thankful for that day, where they meet each other. Sure, the situation wasn't really ideal but are they supposed to be picky about it? Not really, they wouldn't trade it for the world.

It was serendipity.


When Seulgi asked Irene for a road trip at night after four months of knowing each other, the woman was quick to say yes. She was supposed to be afraid of road trips by now after what happened, yes? But not when she's with Seulgi though, her very own hot mechanic that could fix any cars.

It helped that they're not riding Reve and that Irene made sure her phone was at full capacity when they went.

Now, the two were seated at the back of Seulgi's truck, gazing at the stars painting above the sky, with Irene caged inside the monolid's warm embrace. The raven beauty nuzzled on the crook of Seulgi's neck, contented at where she was now. Where she was meant to be.

It wasn't long ago when Seulgi finally asked her to be her girlfriend, which she said yes to. Who was she kidding though, she can't deny Seulgi anything.

They were silently enjoying the peaceful and silent night, Seulgi would occasionally plant kisses on Irene's head and temple that always made the older woman giddy with love.

Seulgi was hers as much as she's Seulgi's and she can't ask for more.

"Imagine if Reve didn't decided to act up and you wouldn't found me here, we were never be here by now. I wouldn't be able to hold you like this and kiss you like this," Irene mused, kissing her lover's lips softly.

Seulgi returned the kiss and hummed when it ended, pleased, "I'd like to think that we were meant to meet, somewhere, someday. Maybe not here in this exact road, but in other places no matter where it was. Because you belong to Kang Seulgi," she was now the one who initiated the kiss after her declaration, pulling the smaller woman further into her.

Irene can only swoon more from the woman's words. She could agree to her too, cause when she found Seulgi, everything seems to be perfect after. Like a puzzle being complete after she finds the missing piece. Thanking that particular misfortune that turned out to be the turning point in her life for she met the most amazing person she was wishing to find all her life, she deepened their shared kiss by pulling Seulgi by her neck. She knows she could spend her forever like this.

It's destiny's play and their very own serendipity.

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69 streak #1
Chapter 1: Reread so flufffffyyy
69 streak #2
Chapter 1: This is so fluffy!!!!
Taitai84 1230 streak #3
Chapter 1: Loved how it was joohyun who thirst over seulgi first, n so sweet how they came together
Chapter 1: .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·. this is so good <3
Chapter 1: oh seulrenedipity, what an absolutely beautiful thing. i am so in love with this, thank u so much! (。•̀ᴗ-)
Chapter 1: (༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ) ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽
I need more of these seulrene contents
rish08 #7
Chapter 1: unexpected instances can l3ad to the most precious moments of your life... I love how simple and sweet their meeting was.
Chapter 1: gah this is just so adorable <3
Chapter 1: Beautiful <3
Sweettt <3