
Red String
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It was right after RedMare Toronto when their manager went to them at the back stage and congratulated them for another successful night in their North American Tour.

“I have something to say. Gather up here.”

They obediently assembled while looking on the floor not wanting to make eye contact with their manager for they know what it is about.

Irene heaved the heaviest sigh knowing that they will probably get an earful after what they did. It was Wendy’s birthday and at the same time it’s their first time to visit her hometown which is miles away from Korea. Not everyday Wendy gets to perform in front of her very much missed friends and family.

“We’re sorry, we’re not gonna do that again.” she spouted while crossing her arms and rolling her eyes. Of course she didn't mean any of what she said and just for the sake of “apologizing” for the “trouble” they caused.

“What you did up there…..”

They closed their eyes anticipating for the long sermon they are gonna get.

“Was amazing, I’ll try to take all the scolding from the higher ups.”

They raised their heads unintentionally in synchronization, shocked from what they just heard. Yeri shouldered Seulgi who was beside her and whispered “Am I dreaming?”

“So for now just celebrate our Wendy’s birthday”. She pulled Wendy and placed her arms around her shoulder giving her a reassuring smile. Which soften everyone's expression.

“But I have bad news.”

They narrowed their eyes, giving off a wary look.

“Due to some unexpected reasons, Vancouver was moved three days from now instead of tomorrow. Now, we have to stay here in Toronto until our next flight.”

“Whaaaat?” the maknae squealed in surprise.

As part of the unnie line Seulgi felt a responsibility to encourage the maknaes to see the brighter side “It's okay, I mean we also need a rest considering how much our Sooyoungie cried earlier." she reasoned out cheerfully.

“Yah!!” Joy who was past exhaustion still managed to use all of her remaining energy to smack her .

Amidst the chaos between Seulgi and Joy, Irene calmly suggested "Also, it would be nice for Wendy to have more time with her family, and we can visit her house finally." Meanwhile, Yeri bombarded their manager after hearing the news.“Can we stay with Wendy unnie? Can we? Can we? Can we?”

“Calm down, little one. I was just about to say that.” Their manager replied as Wendy’s still confused as ever as if she heard something so surreal.

“I’m giving you guys the choice. Well, of course this is against SM rules because your company is a bullcrap but I’ll cover up for you guys. So, do you want to stay at the hotel prepared by the company or you want to stay at Wendy’s home?”

“WE’LL STAY AT WENDY’S HOME!” the four girls shouted.

“As expected. Go prepare yourselves, guys. The van is waiting for you outside. Just go there whenever you guys are ready.”

When they finally settled down in their respectful spaces inside the van, a short chatting of course wouldn't be absent between them. Joy started while massaging her temples, she complained “I’m so tired. I can’t believe I’ll cry this much for a concert.” she let out an exasperated sigh.

“I mean yeah? Right after saying that 100-point-like speech? I almost bawled my eyes out. Tsk, you sure know how to make everyone cry, Miss Park Sooyoung?” The sleepy bear's voice dripped with so much sarcasm, enough to start an uproar inside the vehicle. Up until now, Yeri wouldn’t stop mocking her, giggling “You cried way more than Wendy unnie’s mom.”


And when the two of the youngest got tired from teasing one another (which Seulgi was thankful for she can finally sleep, even though it was her fault at the first place). The silence took over inside the van and Wendy decided to play some of their music. But not long enough...

“Thank you for what you did for me, earlier. And I can’t believe I’m finally going home. After seven long years. I’m finally home.” The hamster said out of the blue with her voice almost cracking.

“And we’re with you, unnie! We also got to celebrate your birthday!” Joy shouted, waking up the sleepy bear beside her who was ready to throw her hands only to see Joy, who was the culprit for waking her up. There is nothing she could do but understand and have a never ending patience for her loudass girlfriend. With one eye closed, she searched for her hands, intertwined it, which solved everything.

Being the leader Irene is, she advised the members “Go rest first, kids. I know it’s a draining night so you guys can sleep first. I’ll wake you up when we get to Wendy’s house.”

The three chaotic musketeers automatically fell into a deep slumber. Irene on the other hand, looked at Wendy who sits just opposite to hers, she held the latter’s hand.

“My hands are cold and sweaty again… I’m sorry” she timidly apologized withdrawing her hands but Irene only held on to it tighter.

“Do you know why?”

“Uhmm I havent asked the doctor about that yet…” knowing how concerned Irene can be to her members health she felt the need to give out an apologetic smile and ask for forgiveness in advance.

“It's because people with cold hands have warm hearts.” She was taken aback and tried to hide how her cheeks had gone red so she shied away and bit her lower lip. There’s no way Joohyun doesn't know that she gets flustered easily, after all the years they've been together. So she just let Wendy calm down for a while, it’s cute anyways.

“My warm hearted Seungwan.” and she massaged her hands, while their eyes locked, Wendy sure received the message that Irene’s trying to convey; that she deserves it and she’ll always be with her no matter what. The bunny didn’t let go of the hamster’s hands and cherished it until they reached their destination.


As soon as they arrived at the Shon’s cozy home, Mama Shon and Papa shon were there to welcome them. They sure are the parents of Wendy, the warmth they give off to everyone around them is undeniably perfect in the cold weather of Canada.

“To be honest, we’re quite not prepared…” mama Shon said weakly.

“Anything would be fine Ms. Shon! As long as we can stay with Wendy unnie.” Joy thoughtfully said while embracing her loving unnie’s arms.

“The three of you can sleep in the guest room, then the other one can stay in Wendy’s room.” Mama Shon announced as they entered the house.

“Okay let’s settle this. I have a good idea!” the youngest announced.

“Yeri? Good idea? Doesn’t match.” A straight up mockery from the tired bear who was shaking her head like it’s about to fall off.

“Come on, I’m tired. Just listen to m

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This story is a product of a late night random messy prompt so we apologize for being cliche but we really just wanted to post this one for the 6th anniversary. Anyway, team fluff rise! Happy 6th, fam!


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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 1: Ooooo I like it
Chapter 1: She's not Son Seungwan if she's not cheesy. Ho ho. Like it! Thank you!
Love03 #3
Chapter 1: Thanks for sharing this!
1704 streak #4
Chapter 1: This is so cute! But damn Seungwan is so cheesy here
Chapter 1: Well, you did say it's a cliché and it is written full of cliché and in the end it falls short as a cliché.