Chapter 15

The Last Hunt

"I guess we need to address the elephant in the room," said Yunho as he turned his head to look at Dongmyeong. "You know how I hate being called by that name," grumbled Dongmyeong.

"Xion," said Hwanwoong. "You know you'll have to move on eventually," he said softly, trying not to set off Xion as he looked concerned. "Can you just call me Dongju?" Asked Xion. "Whatever it takes to move on," said Hwanwoong. Xion, now going by his real name Dongju nodded, leaning back in his chair and closing his eyes.

"It'll take a bit," said Yunho as he sighed. "I know," said Hwanwoong.



"Why take on your brother's identity?" Asked Yonghoon when Xion finally got to meet Dongmyeong's old pack. "I feel like I'll never be the same," said Xion as he looked down at his feet.

"Hey," said Giwook as he patted Xion on the shoulder. "We understand, don't worry," he said. "We'll tell you all about him!" He said, grinning, earning a laugh from Xion as he looked up. "Thanks," said Xion, a genuine smile appearing on his face for the first time in weeks.

"What's your real name anyway?" Asked Kanghyun. "My human name? It's Dongju," said Xion. "Ah," hummed Kanghyun. "Who started calling you Xion?" He asked. "Dongmyeong did," said Xion. "It was just a nickname but I kept using it after being put in a new pack," he said. "Makes sense," said Yonghoon.

"So," said Xion as he tilted his head to the side. "What was my brother like with you guys?" He asked. "Man do we have some amazing stories!" Said Giwook as he grabbed Xion by the arm and dragged him to sit down.



"Why did you even do it?" Asked Dongju as he looked at the drawings of the packs hanging in picture frames in the livingroom. "Why did you take the fall for me?" He asked, staring at the finished drawing of the werewolf pack, more specifically at himself and Dongmyeong's wolf forms.

"I think I know why," came Yunho's voice as he walked over, putting a hand on Dongju's shoulder. "I think like San was doing for me, your brother wanted you to live," he said. "Even at the cost of their lives," he said.

"Why would they do that?" Asked Dongju. "I don't know," said Yunho, being honest. "I really don't," he said. "But I think it's because they wanted to protect us," he said. "San was a hunter, but I was a soldier," he said. "You are a soldier, and Dongmyeong was a tracker," he said.

"Soldiers aren't supposed to live," said Dongju. "No," said Yunho. "But our brothers wanted us to," he said.



"Why?!" Shouted Xion as he held a heavily bleeding Dongmyeong. "Why didn't you just let me kill you?!" He asked. "You deserve to live," coughed Dongmyeong as Xion tried to stop the bleeding. "Please hyung, p-please," said Xion. "Live for me okay?" Asked Dongmyeong as he caressed his brother's face before his arm dropped to the floor.

"Dongmyeong!" Please!" Screamed Xion as he started sobbing. "Please," he sobbed, wanting nothing more than for his brother to wake up.



"You snapped out of it," said Gunhak as he sat in front of Dongju as he ate breakfast. "It seems so," said Dongju as he nodded. "I'm sorry," said Gunhak. "For snapping at you when you returned," he added. "It's okay," said Dongju. "I would've done the same thing," he said.

"I'm sorry," said Dongju as he looked at Gunhak. "For what?" Asked Gunhak. "For everything," said Dongju. "What is there to be sorry about?" Asked Gunhak. "It's okay," he said.

"You should apologize to the others too," suggested Gunhak. "Because Youngjo wants the old you back, and Hwanwoong just wants his mate back," he said. "I will," said Dongju as he nodded.



"I'm sorry," said Dongju as he sat next to Youngjo outside. "It's okay," said Youngjo. "You were grieving," he said. "Well, you still are but," he said, shrugging. "Grief changes people," he said.

"Those times where you were talking about life before, was it to try and help me?" Asked Dongju. "We were trying to get you to snap out of it with that, yeah," said Youngjo. "I guess it didn't work too well," he said. "I think it did," said Dongju. "But my mind just didn't want to deal with it at the time," he said. "I guess that makes sense," said Youngjo.

"It's good to see the old you back," said Youngjo. "Yeah," hummed Dongju.



Hwanwoong looked relieved as he sat down in his usual spot, Dongju joining him a few minutes later with Yunho in his usual spot. "Well, this makes more sense now," said Yunho as he looked at Hwanwoong and Dongju.

"It's funny because Dongmyeong and I found our mates in the same person," said Dongju as he shrugged. "So I guess it worked out," he said. "I guess so," said Hwanwoong.

"I'm sorry," said Dongju. "It's okay," said Hwanwoong. "I know you were going through a lot," he added. "So I understand," he said. "I was just here to help you," he said. "You've done more than that," said Dongju. "You stayed when I pushed everyone else away," he said. "So, thank you, for staying," he said. Hwanwoong nodded.



"Can you describe what San looked like for me?" Asked Dongju as he was sitting at his desk in his room with Yunho relaxing on his bed. "Why?" Asked Yunho. "I want to draw him," said Dongju. "Since I guess you'll be returning home soon," he added. "Well," hummed Yunho as he had to think about it. "He was like this..." He started, and Dongju started drawing.


"I don't know why you wanted to come back out here," said Yunho as he stood at the pond with Dongju. "I wanted to see the fox," said Dongju. "It makes me think that it really is Dongmyeong making sure I'm doing okay," he said. "I'm sure it is," said Yunho as he nodded.

The fox made its appearance again, walking into view and causing Yunho and Dongju to turn towards it. "It's been a while my friend," said Dongju as he leaned down and held out a piece of jerky for it. The fox took the jerky and moved away, going to eat it a few feet away.

"Dongmyeong," said Dongju as he got up and turned to the water. "Where ever you are, I hope you're happy," he said. "I've moved on," he said. "I hope that with time, I'll be able to see you again," he said. "But for now, I'll continue to live life to the best of my abilities," he said.

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Chapter 16 edit: For those who were wondering what kind of image Xion drew, I commissioned a friend to make the drawing come to life :D credits in the author's note at the end!


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1876 streak #1
congrats on winning the bid!^^
Congrats on winning the ad bid!
This looks interesting, so I'll definitely have to sub and check it out soon!
Congrats on winning the bid!
Congrats on the ad bid!
Damia_Song123 #5
Congratulations on winning the bid ^^
congratulations ♥♥ this is definitely worth it
692 streak #7
Congrats on winning the bid! ^^
I'm down for this ♡♡♡♡