BP High #3: 1st Confession

Collection of JenSoo Short Stories

A/N: Hello! An update is ready, enjoy! Anyways, can't wait for Friday! Do to stream 'Lovesick Girls' on youtube! The next update will prob be inspired by the new title track and if I am ambitious enough another story based on The Album. Saw the titles of the songs, and it seems kinda doable to write a story based on all or most of the songs (but I would need to analyse the lyrics), so stay tuned!

Seeya in the next update!


It has been 3 months since Jisoo has tutored Jennie. Jennie has been improving so much that she couldn't believe that she doesn't mind studying.

"Unnie, see you later!" says Jennie as she walks past the older on her way to class from morning assembly.

"See you!" the older gives a quick reply.

"Jisoo, you have been hanging out with her more often," whine Hwasa and Wheein. On the other hand, Nayeon is clinging onto Jisoo's arm, missing her best friend, who indeed has been spending too much time with the junior.

Jisoo feels bad. She has been declining their invitation to hang out after school. She replies, "I know... But, this is the only time I can give my all in this project. Besides, I am going to meet Principal Kang soon. Maybe, if Jennie has better grades during the mid-year test, and she can study on her own, I think I can stop and focus on the CSAT."

However, Jisoo thinks back about the time she spent with the younger. It has been a blast and especially the younger has changed her attitude towards her. Rather than the obnoxious and bratty Jennie, the younger has been such a dear little dongsaeng.

She remembers the tutoring session yesterday.


"I don't like mathematics..." whined the younger as she put her stack of math homework in front of the older. She laid her head on the stack of papers and continued to whine, knowing that Mr Bae is also Jisoo's math teacher, "tell him to stop giving homework."

Jennie sighed when the older flicked her on the forehead and pulled the edge of the papers, trying to get her to sit up straight and focus.

Jisoo nagged, "I do get uncomfortable with mathematics but still, math is quite beautiful. It is a language of science, a way to communicate ideas."

After hearing the older's wise words, she chuckled and teased, "I do get why you said that you love literature."


- After mid-year test -

It has been a week since the mid-year test and after hearing good news from Jennie, who has received Bs in most subjects and an A in literature, she has decided to meet Principal Kang. It seems to be the best time and besides, she has some reasons to back up her stance.

She is standing in front of the Principal's office, contemplating on whether to knock on the door but the door opens, revealing a shocked Principal Kang.

"Oh, Jisoo, what are you doing in front of my office?"

Jisoo didn't mean to startle the other, and apologises, "I am sorry for startling you, Principal Kang. I wanted to speak to you."

Principal Kang looks at his watch and notices that he still has about 5 minutes to spare and decides to listen to what the student has to say.

"I still have some time left before my next meeting. Come in." Principal Kang goes back into the office and sits comfortably on his seat before leaning forward and asks Jisoo, "what brings you here?"

Jisoo doesn't know where to start but looks around before saying, "Principal Kang, Jennie has improved a lot, all Bs and an A in literature. Can I stop tutoring her? I have been spending a lot of time with her. Not that my grades are affected. I have done well the mid-year tests as well but still, I want some free time to hang out with my friends and to rest on days when there are no after school classes."

He thinks for a moment and understands. It must be too much on her plate and replies, "I understand. It must be hard but I suppose you can stop now since she has improved so much. Have you spoken to Jennie about this?"

This is what she is worried. She hasn't discussed it with Jennie at all. She may be taking things into her own hands but she believes that Jennie wouldn't mind as well. It is a win-win situation for both of them since they would have more free time.

"I haven't but if you give me the green light, I am sure that Jennie would be alright with it too. Maybe, we can have a final session on Friday, to wrap things up."

Principal Kang has been keeping tabs on this mini-project and he is really impressed by Jisoo's effort to help her junior. He even intends to help Jisoo apply for a sponsorship from the Ministry of Education to major in education.

"I think Jennie would be fine on her own. No worries, you are allowed to end the tutoring session. If there is nothing else, I shall run for my meeting."

Jisoo bows to Principal Kang to express her gratitude and leaves the principal's office with the other while heading off to different locations.

"I think Jennie would be happy," Jisoo thinks to herself and can't wait to share the great news with the younger.


- Tutoring Session -

"Unnie, you look so happy. Any good news to share other than all As for the mid-year exams?" asks Jennie, seeing Jisoo grinning from ear to ear as she meets Jisoo in front of the library.

Jisoo shyly smiles at the fact that she indeed gotten all As for the mid-year exams but brushes it off as hard work. As both of them enters the library together, she replies, "anyways, I have spoken to Principal Kang earlier and he allows us to end the tutoring session."

Jennie freezes and tries hard to not express her disappointment. However, it does not go unnoticed by the older. Jisoo frowns and thought that Jennie would be happy to know of this news and expresses her curiosity, "aren't you glad? You get to study on your own and enjoy some free time."

"I..." Jennie begins to tear at the thought of not spending any time with the older. The only time she gets to spend time with her favourite senior is during the tutoring session. With this coming to an end, she really doesn't know what to do.

The senior on the other hand begins to panic and starts to rummage for a packet of tissue from her bag and quickly pass it to the younger, "Hey, don't cry."

"Didn't you enjoy this?" Jennie asks as she wipes the tears that begin to form.

"I did, but I haven't been able to spend time with my friends and I do miss my free time. It's not like this is the last time we will be seeing each other. We can study together, but not so often, maybe once a week, or we can hang out. Don't worry, I won't forget you." Jisoo explains immediately and she feels really bad for misinterpreting everything. Turns out that Jennie likes the tutoring session as much as she does.

"We will hang out together once a week?"

"Yes, we will."


"So, unnie, who will you be going to prom with?" asks Jennie as she lies on Jisoo's bed, watching the other burying her head in a mountain of books. Jisoo has indeed kept her promise and has invited the younger to her place to hang out. More like just watching her study.

"I haven't thought about it. Maybe Nayeon, since Hwasa is going with Wheein," says Jisoo, as she tries to focus on her work. To be honest, Jisoo is a bit jealous that the younger is on her term break. Jisoo is also on her term break but she has to study since the CSAT is less than a month away.

"You like her?" asks Jennie. She knows that Nayeon is the senior's best friend among her clique. She has seen the other senior cling onto her favourite unnie on several occasions. It did not feel good whenever she sees Nayeon with Jisoo.

Jisoo thinks that it is rather amusing and laughs. She clarifies, "no, she is my best friend. Besides, who says that it is a must to bring a significant other to prom? Besides, I am still single."

Jennie knows that Jisoo is single but why hasn't the older look at her in another way.

"Unnie, you do know that I am free on that day right?" Jennie tries to give the other a hint and fortunately for her Jisoo catches the hint (or maybe not).

"Do you want me to ask you out?"

"Just saying that I am available."


Jennie sighs at how oblivious the older is and turns to her side, taking out her phone to watch her favourite shows.


Jisoo looks at her phone to find a text from the younger.

From: Jennie

All the best for CSAT!

She gives a quick reply, slightly puzzled as to why the younger is awake so early when it is a holiday for the underclassman.

To: Jennie

Thanks! You are awake already at 6.30 am?

From Jennie:

busy with something

To: Jennie

what is keeping the princess busy?

From: Jennie

You will find out soon

To: Jennie


The older smiles and puts her phone down before continuing with her morning routine. She can't wait for the CSAT. The day that has been preparing for has finally come. Not that she is really confident but she is sufficiently prepared for it. She continues to prepare for the day and heads off to school at 7am.


"Kim Jisoo!"

Jisoo hears someone calling out for her and it sounds really familiar and she can pinpoint exactly whose booming voice it belongs to. She thinks that she is imagining things because only seniors need to report to school today. The underclassmen are having home-based learning to facilitate a conducive environment for the CSAT.

"Kim Jisoo!"

"Jisoo, someone is calling you. Don't you want to stop?" asks Nayeon, as she stops the slightly older one on the arm while Hwasa and Wheein are walking ahead, talking about what they are going to do after the test.

"You heard it too?" Jisoo asks Nayeon. So, she isn't hearing things.

"Yea, it is obvious that someone is calling out for you. I don't think there is another Kim Jisoo in our batch." Nayeon replies.

Jisoo turns around to find a certain someone running towards her and soon, the other is leaning over, grabbing her shoulder while catching her breath. Nayeon waves to the junior and excuses herself after telling Jisoo that she will wait for her by the stairs to the exam hall.

Jennie is still catching her breath. She had to push through a massive herd of seniors that were in front of the school gate. She complains, "I have been calling out for you since like forever."

"What are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be at home?" The older asks the younger, clearly still confused as to why the other is here.

"Here, for you. Hwaiting!" Jennie doesn't answer Jisoo's question directly and passes a 3-tier lunch box.

The older looks at the lunch box, turning it around, touched and also impressed that the younger has prepared it for her. She asks, "what is inside?"

The younger points to the box and says excitedly, "great ingredients for the brain. Salmon, abalone, nuts and seeds, vegetables. I made it myself. Hopefully, this helps you to do very well!"

"I didn't know you can cook. I hope that I can at least finish the afternoon papers."

Jisoo is genuinely surprised but decided to tease the other. Jennie catches on the meaning and hits the older's arms and whines, "you are so mean! Trust me, I am a really great cook."

"I will enjoy this. I really wish we can stay here and talk but I got to go. Thank you. See you when I see you!"

"Bye," the younger bids the older goodbye and walks back to her butler's car. Jisoo smiles as she watches Jennie leaves. She then stares at the 3-tier lunchbox and wishes for lunch to come quickly so that she can try it. It is really rare to see the younger do all this for her. Her train of thoughts is disrupted by a heavyweight on her back.

"We saw everything!" exclaims Hwasa as she jumps onto Jisoo's back.

"She is really sweet. What do you think of her, Jisoo? She looks as though she is so into you," teases Wheein.

"What nonsense are you saying? I thought you guys will be waiting by the stairs." Jisoo quickly puts her lunch in her bag and walks ahead, trying to escape from the teasing of her friends.

"You took too long. Anyways, you should totally ask her out for prom," Hwasa remarks, slightly starting to feel that one of her best friends is really compatible with the junior. Over the months, she starts to have a better impression of Jennie and doesn't mind if Jisoo dates the other.

Jisoo almost rolls her eyes but the thought of asking Jennie out for prom is starting to be on the back of her mind. She makes a mental note to think about it after the test.

"You should ask her out. I think that girl really likes you. She has heart eyes shooting at you," Nayeon tells her best friend sincerely. She really hopes that the other does consider since Jennie reminds Nayeon of someone she knows.

Jisoo laughs at how Nayeon describes Jennie's supposed infatuation for her and decides to best friend, "only if you ask Jungyeon out."

This time, it is Nayeon's turn to blush and the quartet heads to the exam hall, ready to conquer the first paper of the CSAT.


- After morning CSAT -

"I didn't think that there will be an entire section on pansori. The school should fire Mr Lee," grumbles Hwasa, as she walks out of the exam hall with her clique.

Jisoo on the other hand finds that the paper is manageable. An entire section of pansori was the last thing she expected for this year's paper. It did throw her off initially but spending the first 10 minutes to digest the passage made it worthwhile. She tries to encourage the other, "I think it was alright. Not something we are familiar with but we are still able to argue our way through the text. It should be fine. Don't worry too much."

"It will be embarrassing if we don't do well since we are in the literature stream. Gosh, Mr Lee! Why did he predict that classical poem will be tested," Hwasa once again worries herself with her infinite thoughts racing in her mind but it will probably end after she walks out of the exam hall.

"We all know that we shouldn't believe him. He is rather unreliable." This time Wheein tells her best friend and smacks the shorter girl on the back of the head for believing their most unreliable literature teacher.

Hwasa leans on Wheein and stops thinking about the literature paper, begins to dig into her lunch.

"Wow, looks really good."

"We can share it. My mom also prepared lunch for me."

"We will take your mom's lunch. You can enjoy your love bento."

Wheein takes the lunch box made by Jisoo's mom and opens it, beckoning the others to take some. Jisoo, on the other hand, opens the lunch box made by Jennie and starts her first bite on the salmon and is rather impressed. The grilled salmon tastes really good, rich in flavour. The fat from the salmon blends well with the eggs and vegetables. Next, she takes a bite of the abalone. It tastes really expensive but enjoys it. She wonders if this is what the younger eats every day. She has been to Jennie's house once. It is a huge mansion. It kinda terrified her knowing that the younger is super-rich that she usually invites the younger to her place instead.

She quickly takes out her phone and snaps a picture of her half-eaten lunch and sends a quick text to the younger.

To Jennie:

It is really good! Enjoying it right now. Going to finish the entire box!

She soon receives a text almost immediately and giggles.

From Jennie:

As expected from a foodie. Did you do well for the first paper?

To Jennie:

Yea, it went great! Mr Lee predicted that poems will be tested for CSAT, it turns out to be pansori. Your batch is definitely safe from pansori.

From Jennie:

Gosh, pansori... You didn't fall for his words, right?

To Jennie:

Definitely not!

From Jennie:

Such a genius. No one is insane enough to believe Mr Lee

To Jennie:

Hwasa did

Jisoo chuckles after sending that reply and that makes the others around her stop and .

"So what is going on with you and your little lover?" Another tease from Hwasa.

"Nothing, just talking," she brushes it off and looks at her phone for any incoming message from Jennie.

Nayeon leans over towards Jisoo, wanting to take a look at her phone but Jisoo quickly hides it and continues to have her lunch. She almost chokes at Wheein's comment, "guys, she didn't deny that Jennie is her little lover." With that Hwasa gives Wheein a hi-five.

"You two, watch out. I will find something to tease you two about," says Jisoo, but she feels her cheeks heating up. Is her brain accepting the fact that she likes Jennie? She mentally shakes the idea off her head and finishes up her meal before preparing her mind for the 2nd half of the CSAT.


- After afternoon CSAT -

After a long gruelling 4 hours, she is finally out of the examination hall, confident that she can at least graduate and choose a few colleges to major literature in.


"Principal Kang," Jisoo sees the principal in front of her and greets the other.

"How did you do in the CSAT?" asks Mr Kang, smiling at Jisoo, hoping that everything goes well for the other.

"It went well. I am confident that I can get into a few colleges and major in literature." Jisoo smiles after responding.

"Oh, you seem to have made up your mind already. I have secured sponsorship for you from the Ministry of Education to major in education but you can definitely specialise in literary studies. Here are the application form and brochure. Take it with you and do consider. You seem to have a flair in teaching. Feel free to approach Mr Kwon. He was in that track at Sunkyungkwan University. Even so, if you are still interested in majoring in literature, you can always consult Mr Lee. He majored in literature before getting a post-graduate diploma in education," says Mr Kang after passing the brochure to the young student.

"Thank you, Principal Kang. I am very grateful for this opportunity."

"I should thank you. Jennie's parents are impressed by your effort to tutor their daughter and you managed to save the school. At least they still investing in the school. We can even consider designing a new program with extra funds."

Mr Kang is too happy that he is revealing too much to the other. Jisoo looks around as she hears sensitive information and thinks to herself, "this is TMI..."

Noticing that Mr Kang is almost done, she once again bows to Principal Kang to excuse herself and meet her friends for a celebratory dinner.


Now that Jisoo is officially on her winter break, she decides to work part-time at her school to gain some experience before considering her major for college application. She is tutoring her underclassmen who failed the year-end examinations. She has just finished her class and meets with Jennie in front of the school gate. She is sharing her first teaching experience with the younger.  Unfortunately for the younger, instead of being glad that she isn't in the programme, she is upset that she is over-qualified for it.

"To be honest, I would rather fail the year-end exams to spend more time with you." This time Jennie is bold enough to express her desire to spend more time with the older.

"At least we get to meet up during lunch and after school." The older as usual flicks the younger's forehead. Jennie rubs her forehead and her face scrunches up in pain. After the pain has subsided a little, she asks a question that she has been curious for a while now, "so, prom is in a month away. Are you prepared for it?"

Once again the prom topic is up and Jisoo remarks, "you seem so excited for my prom."

"It's prom you know."

The younger tries to make prom sound like it is the most important event of one's life but to be honest, she is more interested to find out if Jisoo is still going to prom with Nayeon and is kinda worried if she stands no chance in being with Jisoo. She reckons that she has to work harder to get the attention of this oblivious senior.

"Come on, let's go," says Jisoo, as she holds onto Jennie's wrist and pulls the other, walking out of the school gate to get a cup of bubble tea.


Jisoo is at home, thinking about what Jennie said. Actually, she knows Jennie's feelings towards her. It starts to become really obvious ever since Jennie gave her the lunchbox on CSAT. She did reflect on her own feelings for the younger and maybe she does like the junior too. Her heart grows fonder every single day after the tutoring session but with her mind focused on CSAT previously, she didn't think about it and thought that Jennie is just like a little sister. Now that CSAT is over, she realises that she spends more of her free time daydreaming about that little brat she knows (though the brat has been better, still, Jennie is her little brat).

"Maybe I should do something about prom..." she thinks about it out loud and decides to give Nayeon a call.

"Hey, Nayeon."

"Hello, why did you call?"

"I am thinking about asking Jennie out as my prom date. Are you alright with it? You can always ask Jeongyeon out. You like her, don't you?"

"Ah about that, go ahead. Jeongyeon asked me out for prom."

"What! Why didn't you tell us?"

"It was kinda sudden. Remember when I went home early after our meal?"


"Jeongyeon texted that she was at the park near my place and she asked me to be her prom date."

"Damn, she's bold. Anyways, finally! Are you two together already?"

"I don't know..."

Jisoo is amused that Nayeon doesn't know about her relationship status and what is amusing is that afterwards, she hears a response that clearly isn't from Nayeon and that it wasn't directed to her as well.

"What do you mean you don't know?"

Jisoo definitely recognises the voice. It is Jungyeon from science stream. She decides to hang up quickly to not disturb the couple.

"Oh, she's with you? Alright, enjoy your date. Bye."

Jisoo looks at the time and since the night is still young, she decides to grab some materials from her craft supplies shelf to makes a board. She thinks about how to ask the other out and memories from their first meeting surfaces in her mind.

"How about... to be or not to be... my prom date?"

She is impressed with her creativity and starts to trace the letters out on coloured paper, " To be or not to be" in white and  "my prom date" in a striking neon pink paper. She pastes everything on a black board and is satisfied with the outcome. She looks at the clock once more and decides to head to Jennie's mansion immediately.


- At Jennie's mansion -

The senior student is standing in front of the huge mansion. It still terrifies her up to now but she takes a deep breath before approaching the guard to introduce herself. Thankfully, as she is Jennie's friend, the guard lets her in and she heads to the lawn that is right below Jennie's room. She calls the other on the phone and waits patiently.

"Hello, Jisoo unnie?"

"Hey brat, look out of your window."

"Unnie," Jennie whines at the nickname but walks out of the window, opening it slightly, looking out to look at the stars, thinking that it is one of the astronomy fact that Jisoo has called to share ever since the latter has picked up these days during the winter break.

"Yah, look out of your lawn."

Jennie looks out and down from her window to see the older waving at her and afterwards, she sees the other bending down to pick something up. Soon, it reveals to be a black vanguard board and she reads the words, mouthing each word.

"To be or not to be... my prom date?"

"Oh my goodness..." that is all Jennie can utter and she hears Jisoo shouts, "will you go out to prom with me!"


Though the words clearly state her intentions, Jisoo frowns at the lack of response from the younger and shouts out her desire, "will you go out to prom with me!"

Instead of a response, she sees the younger turning around and walks away. She is dumbfounded. She thought that Jennie has always been hinting at it.

"Why didn't the younger respond?" she asks herself and as she is about to put the board down and head back home, she hears the door open. Jisoo's brown hazel eyes light up as she sees Jennie practically rushing towards her direction and throws herself onto the older. This made her fall backward with her back lying on the grass with the slightly taller junior engulfing her in a huge hug.

"Finally! Yes, I will!" Jennie is so excited and snuggles into the older's neck even closer.

"You scared me for a moment. I thought I misunderstood your intentions and that you got frightened away just now. Thank goodness." Jisoo is so glad that everything went well and gently the younger's soft hair, savouring the first hug after the success of her ever first confession.

"I like you, for months already. It took you quite some time to realise it." The younger states in a matter-of-fact tone and this makes the other chuckle sheepishly, and explains, "It is my first time, you know. Totally clueless."

Jennie takes this chance to unnie, "my first time liking a nerd too."

"Yah brat, I am your unnie."

"It still doesn't change the fact that you like studying and be glad that I allow you to call me a brat."

Jisoo leans in and places a peck on Jennie's forehead. This made both of them grin, staring at each other with fondness, with the light from the moon and stars illuminating on them. It is a night that they will not forget, their ever first confession.

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