Home Is a Person Not a Place

Collection of JenSoo Short Stories

A/N: Hello! An update for the week~ Enjoy~

Special mentions:

Thank you, reader, bernadethbacolinao, for suggesting Jenlous and giving me the creative freedom. Hope that you will enjoy the short fic! ^.^

Also, this is inspired by a JenSoo video on YouTube, jensoo is real - home (part 14) (check out the JenSoo videos from this channel, Fall ForJensoo, if y'all have not watched it before). Credits to the content creator for the idea whereby home is a person and not a place.


Jennie has a huge problem. She gets uneasy whenever her Jisoo unnie goes off talking about someone or hangs out with someone that isn't her. Sometimes, she wonders if she isn't enough for Jisoo.

Earlier, during a radio show, Jisoo mentioned that she would date Rosie if she was a guy because the other would sing and play the guitar for her all day long. During the interview, Jennie's face almost turned beet red and her hands clenched into tight fists, ready to tear her dear unnie apart. However, with the cameras, the radio host and staff around, she could only keep a straight face and hide her fists under the table. It's not like Jennie doesn't know how to play the guitar or that she doesn't know how to sing. Trust that her unnie said all those in a live broadcast.

After the radio show, instead of going into Jisoo's arms while the latter waits for her, she goes to Lisa instead and links her arm with the taller girl's arm, dragging the other to the company van.

"Jennie unnie, what is with you?" asks the maknae, who is clearly stunned by actions of the princess of the group.

"I just want to spend some time with my favourite maknae," replies the other, with an innocent smile, which hides her pent up anger and frustration well.

"You are jealous, unnie," the other reads situation well and decides to lay everything out on the table.

"What? No, of course not." Jennie is ready to unleash her scary tiger face at the tall maknae for mentioning the incident earlier.

"You know that Jisoo unnie adores Chaeyoung like a little sister. Loosen up," Lisa coaxes the other as she put her arms around Jennie's shoulders, lightly soothing the other.

"Easy for you to say," the other mumbles under her breathe but soon tells the other, "ok, are we going to go on about that or are we gonna talk about how much I adore you?"

Lisa senses that Jennie is about to explode and decides to go with the latter's request instead. Before she entertains the other, she turns back to look at her beloved Chaeyoung to reassure her that she would cool the ice princess down first before returning to her arms.

- Back at the dorm -

As Jisoo reaches home, she goes to her room to get her Nintendo switch, ready to set a new record on her game, while waiting for Jennie to be done with her shower and snuggle into her bed. Unknown to her that her interview response had caused some trouble in her relationship, she didn't expect that Jennie would get so angry with her that the former would not be sleeping with her tonight.

"Unnie, aren't you going to shower?" asks Chaeyoung, who pops her head into Jisoo's room, to call the other to use the bathroom.

"Oh, what time is it right now?" Jisoo looks at the time and it is almost 12am. That is weird, it has been 2 hours and Jennie hasn't come crawling into her arms. She thanks the younger and tells the other to quickly sleep after wishing the 2nd maknae a good night. She switches off her device and heads off to the bathroom for a quick shower.

After her shower, she walks to Jennie's room and opens the door slightly, noticing that the room is pitch black, indicating that the other has gone to bed. Before heading to her room to sleep, she whispers, "good night, my love."


- The next day -

It is a beautiful day, bright and sunny, with white fluffy clouds peppering the clear blue sky. This also means that Jennie has already calmed down from the huge fiasco and is ready to head off to Jisoo's room to spend their free day together. As she enters the room, she sees that the other is preparing to go out.

Curious, she asks, "oh, are you going out, unnie?"

"Yea, I am meeting Nayeon today. Do you want anything? I will get it for you while I am outside," replies the other, as she turns around to face Jennie after putting on her lipstick.

Jennie clenches her fists and instead of replying, she turns around and slams the door shut before heading back to her room. She sits on her bed with her arms folded and frowns at the thoughts of her Jisoo with someone else. Ok, she personally knows Nayeon. But still, Nayeon unnie is hanging out with her Jisoo unnie and she is a little insecure because number 1, Jisoo is so attractive and number 2, she tends to attract all sorts of people towards her. That means trouble in Jennie's heart.


- Year-End Music Festival -

They are at a music festival, ready to sing the finale song and enjoy the fireworks with the other groups on stage. Jennie is hoping to watch the fireworks with Jisoo, however, as she turns to look for the other, she sees her Jisoo unnie talking to someone next to her, that is from another group. Though the two of them have just met, Jennie already sees them talking and laughing when it hasn't even been 5 minutes into the interaction. Jennie stares at a particular person like a jealous cat, hoping that her stares would be noticed by that one person. However, to no avail. Once the random girl that Jisoo had been talking to has left, she quickly goes to the other and loops their arms together, resting her head on the slightly shorter unnie's shoulder. She quickly marks her person by lighting grazing on the other's neck and purred slightly, almost like a territorial cat.

"Hey there," Jisoo beams at Jennie, missing the close contact between the two of them.

"Finally, you've noticed me..." the younger mutters but not loud enough for the older to hear.

"What did you say?" asks Jisoo patiently, wanting to listen to the other.

"Nothing," Jennie quickly replies and snuggles closer, enjoying the older's warmth as they watch the beautiful fireworks display, spending the end of the year with a beautiful bang.

However, Jennie's happiness does not last long. While wanting to steal a small kiss from the other, she sees Jisoo starting to engage in a conversation with someone else instead. She gives up, letting go of the other and walks to find the maknaes.


Jennie turns around as she hears a familiar voice. It turns out to be her favourite unnie from Red Velvet, Irene.

"Unnie!" she lightly jogs over to hug the other. Also, great timing. She could use some advice from the other. Irene would definitely be able to help her since Seulgi is also very popular around guys and girls.

"Happy New Year! Hey, you alone? Where is Jisoo?" asks Irene and Seulgi who is beside her, gives Jennie a huge bear smile and a wave before heading off to find Wendy, so that the two can spend some quality sister time together. Noticing the similar expression that Irene used to have on Jennie's face, Seulgi makes a mental note to talk to Jisoo later.

"Happy New Year, unnie! Don't mention her, probably out flirting with someone else," says Jennie bitterly.

Irene chuckles at how Jennie looks and responds, "you remind me so much of myself back then."

Jennie sighs and asks, "really?"

"Yea, Seulgi is so popular and she has many friends that she hangs out with. It is inevitable to not get jealous and insecure," explains Irene, in her motherly voice.

Jennie's ears perk up and she asks, "how do you come to terms with all this?"

"Think back about the times when you two were together. What drew you into her? You two were the closest even though she has other friends right?" continues Irene.

"Yes, but it isn't the same anymore now that we are together," asks Jennie, still not understanding where the conversation is going.

"Nothing has changed. You two are still the closest and she has other friends right?" Irene repeats again, hoping that the other can understand for herself.


Maybe something starts to click inside of Jennie. Even though they are together, the older still has her own social life. She has to respect that.

The older advises, "trust her. She will always come back to you no matter what. You just have to trust Jisoo. I can tell that the girl only has eyes for you but she is a social butterfly. The more you hold onto her, the more she flies off to socialise before coming back to you."

"You can write a song about butterflies already," the younger jokes, somewhat feeling better after listening to Irene's advice.

"Come on, let's go and have a drink after this."


Jisoo feels a tap on her shoulder and turns around, seeing that it is her Seulgi unnie. She excuses herself from her new friend and greets the other.

"Hello, unnie!"

"Hey, your girl is jealous," says Seulgi as she puts her arms around Jisoo, telling the other and laughs at the thought of Jennie's sour face.

"Oh really?" says Jisoo, as she glances over to see Jennie with Irene and starts to laugh at how cute the other is with her puffed up cheeks and slightly reddened face.

"Now that you have mentioned it, she does look like she is jealous."

Jisoo can't believe that she hasn't realised that until now. She must have been too clueless when it comes to such things. To her, Jennie is cute all the time, even if the latter is a green-eyed monster, albeit a very cute one.

Seulgi laughs at the comment and says, with her eye smile forming as she looks at Irene and Jennie, "I guess we can get clueless at times when it comes to those two."

"Don't remind me. No wonder she has been giving me the cold shoulder for the past few nights," Jisoo heaves a sigh of relief, finally realising what is going on. The sunbae and hoobae interact for a while until the event is over.


After the music show, Jisoo quickly finds Jennie walking down the stairs and holds onto the other's hand tightly, interlacing them as they head off to their waiting room.

"Hey," says Jisoo, sheepishly.

"Hey there, made new friends?" asks Jennie, this time, with softened features.

"Yea, Bona from WJSN. She's 1995, just like me. Turns out we went to the same high school, but we were in different classes. Just reminisced about our high school times since we had the same teachers," says Jisoo, as she tells the other about her day.

"That's great," Jennie starts to play with Jisoo's fingers.

"So, did you catch up with Irene unnie earlier?" Jisoo lightens up too since she finally understands why Jennie has been blowing off hot and cold with her.

"Yea, we did. We talked about some stuff, you know work, food, and such. We are going to meet at the cafe later, for a while. Don't stay up to wait for me. It's already really late. Catch some Zs afterwards," Jennie tells Jisoo and quickly steal a small kiss on the side of her unnie's lips.

The older smiles lightly, unable to hold back her grin and replies, "it's alright. I will wait for you. We haven't slept together for a while. I will just play my game, a tough round. Stuck for ages. When you are back, you could help me too, if I am still stuck."

"The pro-gamer is stuck? You need to pull your socks up."

"Pulling really hard. Have fun, see you."

Before they parted ways, Jennie to RV's waiting room while the rest heads back to the dorm, Jisoo pulls Jennie into a back hug. She turns the younger around and plants a kiss on the other's soft plump lips briefly. Though a short and brief kiss, it leaves Jennie satisfied as she heads off to find Irene unnie for their cafe date, with an obvious lovesick smile and pinkish tint on her two full cheeks.

- Back at the dorm -

After the 3 of them reach their dorm, Jisoo goes to her room to wash up. Afterwards, she grabs her laptop and Nintendo switch, ready to play her games while waiting for the other.

"Unnie, aren't you going to sleep?" asks Chaeyoung and Lisa, who are out at the living room to wish their unnie a good night before retiring for the day.

"Nope, waiting for Jennie. Go to sleep, you two. We had a long day. Good night!"

"Good night, unnie!" the two maknaes say in unison before going back to their rooms.

Jisoo is so engrossed in playing that almost 2 hours have passed. She begins to feel sleepy and stops playing, looking at the clock. As she is about to give the other a text, she hears the door open and quickly heads off to the front door to welcome the other home.

"Welcome back," greets Jisoo, with her arms wide open.

Jennie, who thought that Jisoo has already gone to sleep given how late it is, is so touched that she throws herself into the other's arms. As she hugs her Jisoo unnie, she says in a very sweet tone, "I am finally back home. I miss you so much." Jennie doesn't let go and both of them are still hugging by the door.

The other gives her a questioning look and that makes Jennie giggle before explaining, "you are my home. To me, home is a person, not a place. No matter where we are, I always feel at home as long as I am with you."

"Alright, go and wash up. We've got some cuddling to do," Jisoo hits the younger's lightly to get the other to wash up quickly.

"You owe me more than a night of cuddles," says Jennie, almost smirking under that innocent wide gummy smile.


A/N pt 2: Hehehe leave the rest to your imagination :) Hope that this is fluffy enough, if not, I am open to pt 2! Anyways, no plans for the next update but I am confident that I can post something next week. See you all in the next update! Cheers, have a great week ahead!

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wywhere #1
Jensoo4everlove #2
Chapter 17: awww this was so sweet
1124 streak #3
Chapter 1: After 6mns here I am again rereading it hehehe🤣
Ash-LaoSiow #4
Chapter 1: This is litttttttt
1124 streak #5
Chapter 30: I wonder from who's pov is this authy? Ah welcome back 😁😁😁
1124 streak #6
Chapter 22: happy birthday Queen Jisoo and advance happy birthday Queen Jennie and a happy new year to all of us
Erika1987 #7
Chapter 22: Sooo cute
bp_blunt #8
Chapter 18: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1451693/18'>Fallen Kitty Angel and Th...</a></span>
that was so adorable 😖🥺 thank you 🥰 how about like a 2nd shot for this? 😬
1124 streak #9
Chapter 21: merry xmas and a happy new year for us
Chapter 21: geh very geh ☺️ merry christmas yall