Merry Christmas: kiss under the mistletoe

Collection of JenSoo Short Stories

Hey everyone, Merry Christmas! Here is a short fic to celebrate this festive season!


"You've made it Jisoo! Thanks for being my last minute plus-one. Sorry, Jungyeon has last minute meeting with a business partner."

Jisoo entered the house with her bestfriend, Nayeon, and was greeted by blaring of loud party music.

"Don't mention it. I am free anyways. Gosh, it is loud here!" Jisoo almost shouted at her friend just because the background music was too loud for her liking. It was some kind of house EDM music mixed by the DJ at the 2nd floor balcony. Not that she hated it, it was just too much for a house party for Christmas.

"Chaeyoung likes it! Anyways, come, let me introduce you to the organisers, Mina and Chaeyoung. You know, you might even meet someone new, you know, on Christmas!"

Jisoo just gave a half-smile at that comment of finding someone new. She knew it in her bones that she would not find someone else new after breaking up with the most beautiful girl, inside and outside. Nonetheless, she agreed to meet the organisers since she had some gifts for them.


Nayeon and Jisoo approached Mina and Chaeyoung, who were at the bar, observing from afar to make sure that all of their guests are enjoying the party.

"So Nayeon, who is this?" asked Mina and Chaeyoung chimed in, "is this your new date?"

Nayeon laughed, knowing that her friends were teasing her as Jungyeon wasn't with her. She then introduced her best friend to the owners of the house. "So this is my friend and date for the night, Jisoo." Nayeon then introduced Jisoo to Mina and Chaeyoung. While they were chatting for a while, Chaeyoung spotted her friend from afar, waving her ruight hand and said, "Park Chaeyoung! Over here!"

The said friend brought her date over to where Chaeyoung and Mina were. Chaeyoung welcomed her same-name friend and hugged the taller Chaeyoung counterpart.

"Guys, meet my friend that has the same name as me, Park Chaeyoung, or you can call her Rosé."

Rosé introduced herself to Jisoo and Nayeon, and also did not forget to introduce her beautiful date. Jisoo could not focus whatever the other was saying and only focused companion that is beside Park Chaeyoung, who shifted uncomfortably to avoid Jisoo's gaze. Sensing the uncomfortable and tense situation between Jisoo and the girl in front of her, Nayeon decided to diffuse the tension, "so nice to meet you, Rosé, and good to see you again, Jennie. Jisoo and I will just get hit the dance floor. You know, great music." 

With that, Nayeon dragged Jisoo away to the other side of the bar instead of the dance floor. Making sure that they are far away from the other four, Nayeon apologised to her friend, "I am sorry, Soo, I didn't know that she would be here."

"It's fine you know, can't believe we even have mutual friends other than you," replied Jisoo, grabbing a free drink from the counter and chugged down the drink in earnest.

"On the bright side, you know that you should move on," said Nayeon as she looked at Jennie and Rosé laughing with Mina and Chaeyoung.

Jisoo traced Nayeon's line of vision, taking another glass for a second shot and said,  "I am glad that she is over me. I was a total jerk."



"How could you!" said Jisoo's girlfriend angrily, who stormed out of the office building with a box containing her personal belongings. Jisoo could only look at her girlfriend apologetically as she was the one who revealed classified information about a celebrity scientist from her girlfriend's email. She saw that her girlfriend had picked up a paperweight from the box and throwing it at her direction. She quickly caught it with both hands, putting it in the box again.

With how mad her girlfriend was at her, Jisoo knew that she had screwed up big time and whatever she said would not change the fact that she betrayed her girlfriend's trust and made the girl lose her job. 

"I am sorry, Jennie. I need this information. I need to take him down. You know how unethical his studies were!"

"I lost my job because of you. You are the jerk here!" Jennie stood in front of Jisoo, dropped her box and began to hit Jisoo on the chest and once she was done venting her anger, she took her box and walked away. Jisoo continued to follow Jennie but the younger turned around and told her off, "stop following me. We are done." 

All Jisoo could do was to watch Jennie walk away and do nothing.


"Jisoo, I am going to say hi to a few friends over there. I will find you later," said Nayeon, as she saw her friends, Sana and Jihyo, waving at her from dance floor. 

Jisoo, not drinking anymore but busy keeping her eyes on a certain ravenhead, nodded and ushered her bestfriend to head to her friends. The older knew that she was being a creep to her ex-girlfriend who had clearly moved on from her but she couldn't help herself. It was as if Jennie was a magnet and she couldn't stop looking at the other. She knew that she still love the other no matter what.



Jisoo boarded the train and was glad that there were empty seats but decided to take the empty seat next to a passenger because it was the nearest one to the door. As her landed on the seat, she could hear someone sniffling next to her. She whipped her head towards that sound and was greeted with a girl with her head low and black hair basically covered the girl's face. Knowing that the girl was crying, Jisoo actually wasn't quite sure on what to do. She almost wanted to move to another seat but she decided against it to not be rude and took out a packet of tissue from her pocket. With the tissue pack still on her hand even though the train had already headed to the fourth station, all Jisoo could do was to stare at the empty seat right in front of her and continue listening to the girl next to her sniffling. She mustered the courage to do the right thing and used the tissue pack to tap on the girl's shoulder. 

She asked and held the tissue next to the girl's side, "Are you alright?"

The girl took the entire pack and it disappeared into her hair. She could hear the girl taking a piece the pack was passed back to her. Jisoo wasn't expecting that and instead told the girl to keep it.

"Thank you," replied the girl and they sat in silence until Jisoo alighted at her stop.

- A few days later - 

Jisoo was almost done being on air for the university's radio show. After saying her goodbye and ended the show with a song, she switched off the microphone and took the headset off her head and placed it on the table for the crew to pack them up. She decided to take a break outside to stretch her leg, she opened the door and was greeted a beautiful ravenhead holding a tissue packet.

"Here, you are the one that gave me a packet that day right?" said the beautiful ravenhead.

Understanding the situation, she smiled and said "I am Jisoo and what about you? I have a better deal. If you want to repay me, be my girlfriend."


She was feeling sad that Rosé was making Jennie smile all night, but she was glad that she was able to see the smile. She missed those gummy smile so much. As she was about to get another drink, she saw Jennie walking away from her gang and decided to follow the other. 

While navigating through people who were clearly having too much fun, she almost lost Jennie from the crowd but managed to catch up. Noticing that the other is headed towards the main door, she continued to follow the other until they were both out of the house and headed towards the nearest playground. Seeing that Jennie was making her way to the swing and sitting on the swing with her head down, she mustered the courage to stay with Jennie. 

The older girl took off her jacket and placed it on Jennie's shoulders. 

Recognising the familiar scent, Jennie clutched onto the jacket even tightly.

Jisoo smiled at the familiar scene and tried her luck to ask, "hey, why are you out here?"

After a moment of silence, she finally got a response, "it's getting a little too crazy there."

This time Jennie was looking at her, giving her the soft smile that she also loved. 

"I get what you mean. All I did was drink there. Can't stand the crowd," said Jisoo, as she pushed Jennie lightly. 

The younger laughed and told Jisoo to push harder and they spent a while playing at the swing, just like the old times.

"I can't anymore. Let me take a break," said Jisoo, who was already panting and sat on the ground beside Jennie's swing, with her back leaning against the side of the said swing.

They were enjoying the quiet night and staring at the stars that were twinkling above them. Jisoo, being the brave one, broke the silence by gambling her one and only chance. This was the only time that she could try to make things right.

She then turned her head to look at Jennie and confessed, "I miss you, Jennie."

Jennie turned and faced Jisoo, and replied, "I miss you too, Jisoo."

The older girl started to apologise, "I'm sorry for," but was stopped by Jennie. The younger shook her head telling the other, "it's fine Jisoo. It was a long time ago and I am over it."

Jisoo was thankful that the younger forgave her and tried to ask carefully, "thank you. So... you and Rose, are you guys planning to you know spend the rest of your lives together?"

Jennie chuckled, "of course not, we are just colleagues at work. She just needed someone to be her plus one. I would say, the same situation."

Jisoo heaved a sigh of relief which made Jennie raise her brow and smirked at the older saying, "I guess some things just doesn't change."

Jisoo looked up and stared at Jennie's eyes, telling the other, "I am still madly in love with you, Kim Jennie." 

The younger placed her hand on Jisoo's right cheek and carressed it lightly before standing up to make her way back to the house. Before running back to the house, she turned around and urged Jisoo to chase after her. Knowing the younger's intentions, the older got up, dusted her pants and headed straight for the ravenhead. By quickening her pace, the older ravenhead managed to catch younger by her waist. She grabbed hold of the younger's right hand and admiring how their hands fit perfectly as she raised it up towards the sky. They smiled at each other and walked back to the house, with a sweet smile plastered on their faces. As they enter the house, Nayeon was standing right in front, smirking and nodded towards the mistletoe above their heads. 

Not remembering that there was a mistletoe under the door, she stared at Nayeon suspiciously but her bestfriend was clearly enjoying it as she taunted them,  "guys, you know the rule."

Jennie's hands immediately held onto Jisoo's cheeks and confessed, "I am still madly in love with you too, Kim Jisoo." Soon a pair of familiar lips pressed against Jisoo and the two girls shared a passionate kiss under the mistletoe on a Christmas day, which healed every heartbreak that they had gone through previously.


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wywhere #1
Jensoo4everlove #2
Chapter 17: awww this was so sweet
1124 streak #3
Chapter 1: After 6mns here I am again rereading it hehehe🤣
Ash-LaoSiow #4
Chapter 1: This is litttttttt
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1124 streak #6
Chapter 22: happy birthday Queen Jisoo and advance happy birthday Queen Jennie and a happy new year to all of us
Erika1987 #7
Chapter 22: Sooo cute
bp_blunt #8
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that was so adorable 😖🥺 thank you 🥰 how about like a 2nd shot for this? 😬
1124 streak #9
Chapter 21: merry xmas and a happy new year for us
Chapter 21: geh very geh ☺️ merry christmas yall