Weather and Seasons

Collection of JenSoo Short Stories

A/N: Hello! Another Jensoo one-shot, this time inspired by songs from DIA's album, Flower 4 Seasons. Credits to DIA and the song production crew for their content, creativity, and hard work.

Not much to write for the outro, so this will be the only A/N. I might be taking a short break, maybe a week or so since I do not have any idea on what to write for the next chapter. Hope that something good will come out of the break.

Hope that you will enjoy the one-shot ^.^ Take care and happy reading, have a great week ahead!


-Jennie's POV-

Just like the changing weather and seasons, we experience different moments that make our lives much more interesting than ever. Looking back, having you is the greatest highlight of my life.


I was a trainee at YG back in 2010. Even though there were other trainees, they were so driven that they would do anything to get that A grade. It was tough but I always wanted to be an entertainer, that was my only goal. No matter how hard it was, my passion was my only comfort. But when you came along, everything changed. My trainee life became fun and you became one of the driving forces to continue pursuing my passion.

Many call you that ‘pretty trainee’. You were really pretty back then (and even now). Beneath that pretty face, everything about you is pretty too. You are just like a walking sunshine. You smiled when training was difficult, you took care of those around you, no matter if they were older or younger than you, and you always put others first. Maybe it was your kindness that pulled me into you.

We were all gathered around you at the practice room after a gruelling training session, curious to find out more about you, the pretty trainee, Kim Jisoo.

“Ok girls, we got everything and thankfully no one bothered to notice us,” said the senior unnies, who snuck out to get snacks. A big rule for us, trainees, was no snacks but maybe just once, we are all willing to sacrifice for this.

“Thank you unnies, they all look good!"

After the self-introduction, we all started to play ice-breaking games, and many wanted to pair up with you. I too, but I didn’t dare to express myself. My usual confident self dwindled down in front of you, my perfect goddess.

“You are Jennie, right? You have been really quiet, come on, let’s team up!” You stood in front of me, your hand on my shoulder.

If I knew that this first interaction set the stage for future events, I wished that it had come earlier, but still, I was glad that it happened.



16 January 2013, it was D-Day I would confess my heart. Even though we are comfortable as best friends, my heart wasn't content with being just that. I wanted more. I wanted to be your other half, ever since that Sauna day, when we shared our dreams and aspirations in life. When I opened my eyes every morning, my heart pounded really hard because I would always think of you.

Sometimes I wonder if you knew about my growing feelings for you. Anyways, don't you want to know?

I think of you all day. You come to me daily, just like the blowing wind that caressed me gently and I looked forward to that moment all the time. I knew that on that day, I would promise you love.

As I walked out of the room, you gave me a huge hug and whispered, “happy birthday, Jennie!” Even though you had wished me early at 12:00, but still, that was the best way to start my morning as a 17-year-old.

“Thank you Jichu unnie,” I returned your affection with a great big bear hug, not wanting to part. I wanted to open my mouth to confess but I couldn’t and instead, you broke the hug and pushed me to the washroom, “come on, let’s prepare for training.”

The training was fun, everyone wished me well and some even gave me presents. I felt really blessed but just being with you and the two maknaes was enough to warm my heart. But still, I haven’t found the courage to say what I wanted to say. I was frustrated at myself but still, I had to continue the day. Maybe later would be a better time. Soon, it was the end of the day and the 4 of us decided to head out for a short birthday meal.

After the meal we had with Rosie and Lisa, we went to the park near the dorm. I guess, when we were younger, we were able to do anything, like sitting out there, in the coldest month in Seoul.

"Jennie, here you go. Your birthday present," you said, as you gave me a beautiful necklace. It was the best gift of that year but what's even better would be you saying yes to my confession. You put the necklace on me, and my heart was trembling from your sweet scent.

"Why are you trembling? Are you that cold?" you asked, and you hugged me in that cold season and I smiled because of you, who warmed up my heart.

As much as I wanted that hug to last forever, I also wanted to get the words trapped inside my heart since morning out of my chest.

"Unnie," I said meekly. Damn, I should have been braver.

"Yes?" You replied, looking at me with those hazel brown orbs that I came to love since 2011.

"I like you, a lot," I confessed. This was not how I wanted to say it but still, the main point was there.

You replied in a very cheerful tone, as if you just ate all the sweets in the world, "I like you too, my favourite dongsaeng."

Ok, I was disappointed with that response.

"Unnie, I like you a lot," I repeated myself, in a more serious tone, while pulling you even closer to my embrace. There was a silence, but I was glad that you were still holding me in your arms. I mustered the little ounce of courage in me and continued, "more than a friend, more than a sister, as a lover. Will you go out with me?"

Confessing on my birthday was a high stake but I knew that God was by my side then. I believed that deep inside your heart, part of it contained me. I waited for 2 years and I would still continue to wait for you without hesitation.

"Yes, I do."

Those 3 magical words and that precious hug from you were what made my 17th birthday the best and the most memorable one.

After we got together, though we were practically roommates, sharing the same bed with you felt like bliss. The first time I woke up as Kim Jisoo's girlfriend, it was a pleasant wake-up call by your voice. I wondered what kind of day I would spend when I wake up and just imagining it made me feel good. This is because I knew that every moment with you was the best time of my life.

"Unnie, you look extra smiley today," asked Lisa as she directed the question at me once we walked into the practice room. I was sure that it was because I was pretty much in love and it was so obvious that people kept asking me about it.



As March 2016 approached, small grass started to sprout and became pretty flower petals that greeted us. It felt as if it was a fresh start and it was actually a fresh start for the four of us.

"You girls better start to diet soon, lose a little weight here and there. We are going to take many pretty pictures. Maybe 100 for your teaser pictures," said Yang PD with his iconic nasal voice.

Another great news to my life, a confirmed debut. Finally. Though Yang PD had been promising us that we would be debuting soon, 6 months wait turned into a year then it became two. At first, we didn't believe it when the trainers told us that the four of us would debut together this year. We thought it was another joke, to bring up our hopes high by showing some light into the dungeon and then pushing us back in again.

The two maknaes, Rosie and Lisa started to tear and hugged each other after hearing the confirmation by Yang PD himself. Instead, you and I just looked at each other. Our eyes just said everything.

"We are debuting. We are going on stage to realise our dreams."

"Yes, we will dominate the stage together."

Dieting was tough, especially for both of us who gain weight rather easily. Portion control was easy initially but afterwards, we were not satisfied with the amount of food that we were consuming. With me being the best cook, I decided to step in to save both of us.

"Wow, it smells good," I felt your breath hitting at my right ear and your hands sneaked around my waist, pulling me into you.

"Healthy food! Maybe this would save us from the pre-packed food that the company is going to give us," I replied and from then on, I wanted to cook for you every day.

After an intense week of dieting, we have lost some weight and took all the pictures for our teasers. The pictures looked amazing and we could finally give ourselves a break. We were lazing on the sofa, watching one of my favourite TV shows, Game of Thrones, while the maknaes were out to practice their dance.

"Unnie, let's go," I said, lying down on your lap and my hands playing with your fingers.

"Where to?" you asked while looking at me.

"Let's eat fried chicken!" I replied enthusiastically, knowing that you wanted to eat chicken ever since we started the intense diet.

Your eyes lit up and you immediately got up, with my head hitting the sofa that was originally on your lap. You were so excited that you wanted us to leave instantly, "what are you waiting for? Let's go now!"

After eating fried chicken, we were walking along the streets, hand-in-hand, enjoying the spring breeze hitting our skin and the slight smell of cherry blossom. The best way to spend this wonderful season of love and joy.

"Oh my!"

With that, you let go of my hand and ran to the chicken skewer store, looking at the juicy tender meat. I was disappointed that you let go of my hand because of chicken but the innocent smile on your face made the tiny insecurity in me wash away and replaced with bliss and joy.

From that day onwards, who knew that your love for chicken intensified even more but still I didn't regret bringing you out for a chicken date.


- Summer -

In 2018, after filming for the beach episode of Blackpink's House, the four of us split up and went our separate ways. Lisa decided to bring Rosie out to eat nearby while we stayed at the beach, walking on the golden sand, letting the waves hit our feet. Though it was the hottest time of the year, it wasn't that hot at all. The bright sun ray of summer radiated on us, replenishing our energy from the long shoot, and it was funny how the sun reminded me of you. The ever so bright, ever so positive and ever so nourishing you.

You stopped walking and I immediately stopped too and asked, "what's wrong?"

"Let's stay like this for a moment and enjoy all this," you replied and your hand snaking over my back, pulling me into a side hug and leant your head against my shoulder. Soon the other hand wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to you. That hug warmed up my heart, the feeling of love fluttering in my stomach and my heart pounded ever so loudly just for you. You are like the bright warm summer that hugged me with that radiance of yours.

"I can hear your heartbeat," you said, with a teasing tone.

"It is beating just for you," I replied and complimented myself internally for the smooth and cheesy response.

You grinned like a fool but there was an obvious pink blush and you released the hug and squat down. Who knew you would grab a fistful of sand and throw it at me, running away because of your childish antics? Pleasantly surprised by the "gift", I quickly took a fistful of sand and started to chase after you.

That was how we spent a wonderful summer at the beach, basked in the warm sunshine, with me running to you.


- Autumn -

2018 was an eventful year for us. We had our own solo work, breaking through internationally and started our world tour. Maybe because we were busy and maybe it was because of the hectic schedule that led to growing fights between us.

"Are you saying no to a date?" I asked in exasperation. Annoyance laced my tone and you could probably hear it from the other end of the call.

"I am not saying no. You looked really tired nowadays and you are busy preparing for your solo debut. Just rest. We can go on dates after you are done with the preparations. This can wait," you explained patiently.

"So now, our relationship doesn't matter as much as work?" I asked, disappointed with your response. I had been looking forward to a proper date even during the hectic period.

"Forget it. You should really rest. I will text you later when both of us cooled down. Goodbye and remember to have your meals later." You ended the call and all I heard was a beeping tone afterwards. Where were the times when we bickered about who should end the call first?

After working on the song, I was finally off work and I couldn't wait to go back to the dorm to rest. I looked at my phone and there wasn't a single text from you. Like real, a text when you cooled down. I didn't bother to give you a text too and decided to take a short nap in the car to shut off the voices in my head.

"Hey unnie, you are back," greeted the maknaes as I walked into the apartment and saw that you were with them too. You gave a smile albeit an awkward one. I ignored you and went to my room, hoping to just have an early night. As I was putting my bag away, I heard a knock and turned around. I saw the door opened slightly and you popped your head in.

"Hey, do you have a minute?" You asked carefully.

I nodded and you entered, closing the door behind you.

"How was your day?" You asked again, cautiously.

"Recording went great," a short response was given.

"That's good."

You seemed so fidgety and I decided to free you from that misery, "what is it, Jisoo unnie?"

"You know, there is so much happening to us these few months and maybe, we should take a short break. Let's go out after your solo debut promotion."

You avoided my eyes as you said it, and the word 'break' had caused some anxiety to build within me.

"A break? Are you breaking up with me?"

"No no no, definitely not breaking up with you. I just thought that we could give ourselves a break or if not some space to figure out what we want for our lives and for us."

"Kim Jisoo, you know what, let's just break up."

I took off the ring and put it on the vanity table, before making my way to the bathroom. I leant against the wall and my back slid downwards against the door, curling myself up and all the conflicting emotions began to well up into sadness. My eyes felt hot and tears started to roll down my cheeks.

Maybe it was being together for too long that made us drift away. Sometimes, if I had listened to your wise words, maybe giving each other some space might have been better. It probably wouldn't have led to the countless unwise decisions I have made till the end of the year.

- Winter -

My solo debut and activities were finally over, and I had a day off to myself. There had been heavy rain for the past week and though it wasn't raining at the moment, the sky was still dark, and it hadn't cleared up. It was dark just like my mood and I wondered if it would rain that day, hoping that the raindrops would comfort my heavy heart. As sad songs played from my iPhone on loop, I immersed myself and my feelings in the depressing atmosphere. Soon, amidst the song, I could hear light raindrops and the sound became louder and louder. I wanted to stop listening to sad songs and instead take comfort in the rain and wished that it will rain the entire night.

Another crazy idea came to my mind. To go out and walk outside, to be one with the rain. As I prepared to go out, I looked at the umbrella lying next to the shoe cabinet. I wondered if I should bring it along. Soon, I concluded that it was annoying to carry an umbrella all day. Besides, my shoes would get wet in the rain. It wouldn't shield me at all. I bravely walked out of the house without the umbrella, just a long raincoat over my frame.

I walked in the rain with heavy steps. The droplets of rainwater hit me and with every drop, it felt like a knock on my heart. My legs brought me to the park where I first confessed to you. I sat there and I began to immerse myself in meaningless thoughts, thinking about you on this rainy day. What was it that made everything go wrong? Was it me? Was it you who have changed your heart? Surely, you could tell me everything. Nobody knows if anyone had the answer. At times, there is no explanation for everything.

I didn't know how long I have sat there, thinking about you, thinking about us, thinking about what I could have done to make everything work again. I just hoped that we could go back to where we used to be. Those thoughts engulfed me, and I felt like I couldn't breathe. Maybe it was a sign, to only be sad until today. I hoped that the rain would wash away and erase all my memories of you. It was a painful thought, with my tears running under the flowing rain. Hoping that it was a deception, to tell myself that it was the rainwater and not tears on my face. Maybe, I will let you go, and nobody have to know about it and then I can only smile again when the rain stopped.

Soon, I couldn't feel anything. I looked up and saw a huge umbrella over me. I turned around and I saw you.

"Going out without your phone is already a bad idea and sitting in the rain is the worst decision ever. Scoot over." You said and I moved aside, making space for you.

"Cheer up, breakups are not the end of the world."

There was silence. You just don't get it, do you? I am not sad because of the break-up with Kai. It is you. I don't know why you were on my mind when I went out with him. I don't know why you were on my mind when I initiated the break-up with Kai. I was in disbelief. Do you not remember the day we first got together, how we called each other that time, on that fateful day? The memories that I thought had been erased stayed in my head and still remained as beautiful as ever. What about you?

My mouth decided to speak for my heart, "It's not him that I am devastated about."

"I know, why else will you be here. This is our spot," that was your response and afterwards, a hug from you. Instead of taking comfort in the rain, the warmth emitted from your hug comforted my heart, on that rainy day.

Even on that "break", you still cared about me, you still remembered the times we shared. I was touched and at that moment, I knew that that was the spot where we will wait for each other when we move at a different pace. The secret meeting place of our hearts where we will come together and align ourselves, being whole once again.


Through the weather and seasons, we have grown to like each other, fall apart and grow close to one another. We understood our differences better. It seems that as we grow together, we constantly change and the only way to keep up is to discover something new every day. It was hard to get used to, but every moment was an enriching experience.

Also, like the changing weather and the four seasons, I cried, laughed, and experienced many emotions with you. I get so happy whenever I hear the soft whispers of the changing weather and seasons. I don't feel lonely or alone anymore because you will always hug me, no matter what. With you by my side, I can always smile. Thank you very much, I will hug you too, my precious person, Kim Jisoo.

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that was so adorable 😖🥺 thank you 🥰 how about like a 2nd shot for this? 😬
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