
Collection of JenSoo Short Stories

Hello! A one-shot featuring computer engineer Jisoo and dancer Jennie. Btw, it is a different AU from Affinity and Chicken! Something short and light-hearted. A one-shot for now but might consider extending since it feels like a cliffhanger (again, not anytime soon, sorry TT).

Have a great week while I disappear for weeks as the final weeks of college are approaching. So sorry >.< But stay happy and safe till we meet again in the next update!


- Jisoo's POV -

Finally, it is 5.30 pm! After a long day of work, I am excited about one thing.

Walking past the unit next to my company has officially become a favourite pastime of mine. There was one time when the curious side of me took a peek at the room as soft music was coming out of the room. It was a dance studio that had been built, no wonder there was some renovation work for the past few months. The facility looked really good - what you would find in a dance studio - a hardwood surface, mirrors and some bars at the sides. What caught my attention was someone dancing. All I could see was the back view but the way she moved, it was graceful, not so powerful but elegant at the same time, especially as her body moved along to the beat. Her hair also flowed perfectly, in sync with the movement and music.

The sight was just so beautiful. I could stand there for hours staring at the mysterious figure. Just looking at her washed the tiredness, hunger and other negative emotions away. It was a pleasurable sight to watch her dance. What was interesting was that whenever the music stopped, she slumped onto the floor before psyching herself rather cutely and continued to dance. I didn't know what she was dancing, but all I know that it looked good.


This had been going on for a while, for weeks. It felt good to just watch and go unnoticed. There was a time where I took out my cellphone and took a picture. I had never known how she looked like but with a beautiful back view, she ought to be beautiful too, both inside and out. It soon became an unhealthy routine, of staying rooted for hours and running off quickly as soon as she turned around.

After another day of work, surprisingly, it went well and I am feeling really good, wondering if it is a really good day. As I walk past the dance studio, the room is pitch black, indicating that there is no one there. I stop at my tracks, put down my bag and begin to peer into the small glass panel, hoping to make out a figure from the unlit room.

"Maybe... it isn't a good day today," I wonder aloud and almost ready to leave until I hear a soft and angelic voice.

"Are you looking for someone?"

I turn around and I am greeted by a beautiful figure. I am stunned for words. The person that I have been admiring for weeks might be in front of me.

"Oh, it's you," she frowns as she stares at me, as though I have committed a huge crime.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" I ask as I do not know her personally.

"I am the one who you have been staring at," says the other with a matter-of-fact tone while her arms folded in front of her. I must be in deep trouble. I gulp, ready to take my bag that is laying on the floor and make a run for it, out of the building. Within seconds, my brain seems to agree with this plan and I quickly run out of the building.


The next day, after work, I dread walking pass the dance studio but I have to exit the building. After packing all my belongings, I exit out of the office. With a few heavy steps, I am approaching the said room.

"Please Lord, please do whatever it takes to not have her there," I mutter a prayer, trying to almost squeeze my eye shut, as I start to tiptoe my way past the room. Soon, I hear the voice of someone that I want to avoid, "do whatever it takes to not have who there?"

I am seriously dead but still, manage to turn around with an embarrassed smile etched on my face, trying to wave at the said girl.

"Come on, I have been waiting for you. I am ditching dance today. Let's have dinner together, Stalker." The other is trying to keep a straight face but I swear that she is trying so hard to hold back the laughter. No offence was taken, I would also laugh at my own expense if I am in her position.

But still, I am stunned. My jaw dropped as I stand on the ground, unable to move.  I can't believe what I have heard. It seems like minutes has passed and I am still in the same position. Soon, I feel a hand holding onto mine, pulling me out of my trance.

"To be honest, I didn't know that for a stalker, you are pretty shy," says the dancer but all I am focused is the hand on my right wrist.

As soon as I am able to walk on my own, she let go of my hand and I follow her behind. We are walking to the nearest mall but the awkward silence is killing me. I want to break it so badly.

I clear my throat and catch up to her. I reach out my hand while walking to introduce myself, "Hey, let's start all over again, I am Jisoo."

"I am Jennie." The other lightly shakes my hand as she responds to my introduction. That's short but this would suffice. I mean I can just talk my way through.

I continue the conversation as I notice that Jennie isn't uncomfortable with my presence, "do you own the studio or..."

She begins to warm up to me and replies, "I rented the space to have this studio."

That's weird. My office isn't exactly the most accessible. It is almost at the other end of the city.

"The location isn't that accessible though..."

"When it comes to cheap rent, it beats everything," she smiles in response. Gosh, I am star-struck. Maybe stalking has its benefits.

"Fair enough. I am working at the office next door. I'm a computer engineer."

"Dancer by day and night. A professional ballet dancer but there are currently no shows. Stuck in the academy teaching children."

I know nothing about dance but still interested in the conversation, "that explains a lot. Your moves are very graceful and elegant."

She chuckles before teasing, "Stalker, you do know that ballet isn't all about grace and elegance. There are other dance forms that have elements of grace and elegance too."

"Cool..." I nod, trying to process what she said. This shows that I have zero knowledge on the topic of dance. Soon, we reach the eatery, I pulled the seat out for her.

After being comfortably seated, we look at the menu and order.

"Thanks for the meal," says Jennie and I beam back while waving it off before saying, "no problem."


While eating, we are talking about ourselves and I start to know something about her. It is interesting to find out that she is pursuing her interest in contemporary dance while being a ballet dancer. She can't give up either of it. Ballet brought her where she is and contemporary dance is something that she is passionate about now.

It is admirable.

The twinkling of her eyes when she mentions about her dreams. I smile widely in response and my heart skips a beat at the beauty in front of me.

"Hey," soon I am snapped back to reality with two hands waving in front of me.

"You are admirable. Chasing after your dreams."

That is all I can blurt out. I must have looked like a fool in front of her but maybe a genuine fool. I really look up to people who have hopes and aspirations for the future.

"Thank you but after this, no more stalking."


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wywhere #1
Jensoo4everlove #2
Chapter 17: awww this was so sweet
1124 streak #3
Chapter 1: After 6mns here I am again rereading it hehehe🤣
Ash-LaoSiow #4
Chapter 1: This is litttttttt
1124 streak #5
Chapter 30: I wonder from who's pov is this authy? Ah welcome back 😁😁😁
1124 streak #6
Chapter 22: happy birthday Queen Jisoo and advance happy birthday Queen Jennie and a happy new year to all of us
Erika1987 #7
Chapter 22: Sooo cute
bp_blunt #8
Chapter 18: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1451693/18'>Fallen Kitty Angel and Th...</a></span>
that was so adorable 😖🥺 thank you 🥰 how about like a 2nd shot for this? 😬
1124 streak #9
Chapter 21: merry xmas and a happy new year for us
Chapter 21: geh very geh ☺️ merry christmas yall