La concrétisation

Who are you again?

"Welcome to One cafe, what may I help you with?" Seungwan smiled to the customer

Today her day is awfully packed.

Her co-worker in part time job is sick and at the time Seungwan was forced to work with just one another employee, that left the two of them tending the whole busy cafe buzzing with overloaded customers

Seungwan grimaced inside while taking an order.

Her cheek were seriously starting to get hurt from endless hours of sporting a business purpose smile to on coming customer and she doesn't understand why she has to wear this silly outfit to begin with

It was a tucked in a cream colored polo tucked inside a black fitting pants paired with shiny black shoes. Her hair were slick, a bit way too shiny even from the hair gel her employer require them to use

Seungwan recalled the way her employer, Tiffany beamed with happiness while announcing that they had to wear this from now on for the sake of cafe promotion to get people interested and somehow she even felt the need to emphasize to the other employee that wearing these would be a cute nerd looking concept which she told everyone courtesy of observing Seungwan.

Seungwan inwardly rolled her eyes to the memory.

The woman often took a quite odd liking of things and sure Tiffany is a good person but she doesn't have to overly emphasize that seungwan is a nerd does she?

"Here is your change, thank you for coming" Seungwan stated

She even skipped lunch and dinner due to the busy demand in hand. But still she has no choice, this was her only source of money in order to put food on table and pay her on coming bills.

Seungwan was orphanaged since baby, she has no idea where and who is her parents. Nevertheless that never stop her from striving hard to achieve her dream to study in medical school

Thruthfully speaking, Seungwan doesn't even get much needed sleep last night because she had to spent hours learning how put on lenses.

Sunmi the nice lady that work in specs shop few block away from her dorm somehow got robbed and the only stock she has left was only these pair of lens.

She was quite ashamed as at that time as she doesn't have any money and Sunmi despite the unfortunate event remain being an angel and even allowed her to pay it later.

Seungwan doesn't like being in debt but it was better than spending the night in her room doing nothing and not be able to study because of blurry sight

Now she definitely regretting her decision. It was torture, Seungwan feel like some stuff are stuck in her eyes and she can't do anything. She can't rub it no matter what and it get worse whenever she feel sleepy, she learned lenses often get dry in air conditioning environment that's why the only thing she at least could do now were just twitching her eyes left and right, trying to somehow half blink continuously in order dissipate the itching she bear.

Seungwan were unaware that she got some odd look from a certain brown haired person

"Uhm excuse me are you okay?"

Seungwan blinked her teary eyes once before opening them to see who it was.

Seulgi were there trying her very best to stifle her smile as one second later she seem to terribly fail and burst out in a loud laugh earning  a few stare from customer around.

"Gosh seungwan look at you. Do you have some sort of eye disease or something?" Seulgi teased, by now her laugh continue to echo around the cashier area and on a quick look it may looked like Seulgi were crying instead of laughing. 

Seungwan blushed.



Did I just embarrass myself? She face palmed



The laugh subsided and with her right hand, seulgi bring up a rectangular shaped thing wrapped in a cloth right in front of seungwan line of vision. Seungwan raised her right eyebrows upon seeing this.

"What is that?"

Seulgi shrugged with a soft smile

"Had a feeling you haven't eat yet and I was just passing by so..." Seulgi half giggled, right hand rubbing on her nape in attempt to ease the nervousness she feel

"Sure, let me finish this real quick" when she was about to pace away and retrieve some stock from the storage room, seulgi called her catching her attention

"Uh- I- Maybe I could help? You know the more the merrier"  Seungwan lightly frown

"It's okay, my work my duty. You can seat and wait" Seungwan stated only to get startled a bit when Seulgi suddenly out of nowhere grab her right arm, the brown haired smiling at Seungwan with a playful glint on her eyes

Seungwan only sigh.

It's Seulgi she's talking about. Of course she always get persuasive whenever she wants to. Seungwan felt terrible, she was the one getting the paycheck but Seulgi here also helping her work. To say this isn't the first time seulgi has help is also an understatement

Seungwan glance at the clock



Five minute till closing. She inwardly sigh in hapiness.



Seungwan hope no one would come so she could just clean up and eat

"Seul, can you please help me bring a pack of coffee beans? Run out of stock here" Seungwan muttered, hand already busy wiping down the latte machine in order to close down the store.

Still a few minute left and she had to fill the grinder with beans before concluding that no one wouldn't come to visit

As if on cue the bell on the front door chimed loudly indicating that a customer just arrive. Seungwan immediately move to the cashier to take the order.

"Welcome to One cafe, what may I help you with Miss?" Seungwan smiled and second later try hard to hold the frown and raised eyebrows from breaking out to not show in order not to be rude.



Just who the hell wear a big specs in middle of the night? She wondered



At that time seungwan had a lot of thought occuring.

Is this person some sort of musical artist or something? She inspected her, trying to be subtle as much as she could. A pale woman wearing big black specs, bright red lipstick and sparkling silver thigh length fitted dress along with straight hair and bangs in front.

Should she ask for autograph, in case she's indeed an artist? Seungwan briefly mused

"One hot cappucino with a slice of red relvet please" The person husked.

Seungwan hold back a sudden shiver, that voice seem familiar, where did she heard it again?

After payment, the woman strolled to the nearest desk and sit back while facing away from the cashier in sight. Seungwan were about to put the money inside the machine when a tiny piece of paper fall beside her shoes. She picked it up and frown upon seeing the content


Call me
- J


Moment later, seulgi emerged from the storage room carrying a box of beans.

"Hey sorry, the box seem to be put not in usual place. I had to search it first" Seungwan nodded in return and put the piece of paper inside her apron pocket, she remind herself to dispose this along with those space occupying love letter she got from her locker. Seungwan made the order and Seulgi insist to help by serving the last order they got

Seungwan was counting today income along with her other employee when Seulgi got back with a frown and is that a scowl? Seungwan dismiss it and continue to count, she can't wait to rest her wobbling legs not to mention she has been starving since lunch time. Seungwan glance at the last customer, waiting her to get out so she can close the place

"Hey Seungwan, here the money I owe you last time. Thanks though. You help a lot" Yeri smiled gratefully, she was sick last week and couldn't work.

Like seungwan, Yeri used to be orphanaged and it's only six month since she became independent on her own. On the day she were sick, seungwan lent her some money and even took care of her by making sure she take the medicine and eat food early in the morning before Seungwan depart to school.

Seungwan softly smiled, Yeri were like the sister she never had.

In tough time they always make sure to take care of each other

"Seungwan-ah, why didn't you tell me you need money for specs? I can buy it for you, you know" seulgi half pouted, Seungwan watch in silent as she ponder. Her friend already help a lot she couldn't bring herself to say anything further considering Seulgi kind nature, she would just end up buying everything for seungwan, and she didn't like that

"It's okay, I already have this lens anyway" seungwan shrugged as Seulgi proceed to unwrap the lunch box and laid the content out only to picked up piece of beef rice on spoon about to feed Seungwan


A hand suddenly slammed in front of counter where the three of them were standing. Seungwan were startled.

What's going on with the musical artist? She tilted her head

"Uh- Miss, we're about to close right now" Seungwan stated. Wasn't this person feeling cold wearing such an open dress in these night weather?

Seungwan heard a huff and the unknown lady swiftly remove her black specs return.



Seungwan jaw dropped at the sight, how could this be?

Joohyun was standing in front of them with a furrowed eyebrow. Instead Seungwan continue to stare. Different from her usual natural look, Joohyun wear a rather bold looking make up paired with a red lipstick which make her emmit a celebrity like persona but why the hell was Seungwan feeling utterly nervous?

She herself doesn't know too but she felt mixed emotion, nervous with a hint of guilt. Why is that? She wondered

Seungwan breath hitched as another thought occur in her head



Thank god, I didn't ask for autograph. That'd be embarassing as hell.



Seungwan blushed but thankful that she bit back the urge to ask earlier.

"Uhm you must be cold, here" seungwan take out her own jacket from inside the counter, offering it to Joohyun.

The latter accept it with a hum and suddenly took out something from her black LV purse. 

Confused, Seungwan watch as Joohyun swiftly bring out a black rectangular thing and quickly invade her personal space over the counter to shove the content inside her apron.

Startled Seungwan immediately rummaged her apron to see what is it about.

It was a black specs case with ChannelxGucci written on top. She opened the content only to see black stylish specs and squints her eyes upon seeing a small letter carved on each side of the specs. Seungwan read it slowly

"JxS?" She titled her head for a moment. Is it the latest brand collaboration or something?

She was about to refuse the given specs and Joohyun sensing this immediately glare that silently said, it was nothing to be discussed and you can't do nothing about it.

An inwardly whimpering Seungwan immediately back down from speaking when seeing the look she received




Seungwan doesn't even know how the four of them ended up sitting inside cafe by the window side as if they were a regular customer. It all begin with Seulgi insisting that seungwan has to eat before they go home

Seungwan mouth watered at the sight of food laid on the desk. She was excited to pick up her chopstick when her hands are tightly bound by something? She frown and look at each of her hand being grabbed. She trail her eyes upward only to see Joohyun holding her right arm as the latter were staring right back and Seulgi holding her left. Both hugging it tightly on top of their uh- assets


Seungwan felt herself reddened a little, she frown at her heated cheek. Maybe the hunger was getting to her.


She glance back to the food before hearing Yeri snicker in front of them while sitting down. Seungwan raised her right eyebrows briefly at this and stated

"Guys, let go please I need to eat" Seungwan eyed the piece of beef awaiting in front . She can't wait to taste them, she thought.






For those who is curious of Irene outfit what I meant is the one she wear in Monster mv with bangs, red lipstick and silver sparkling dress


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I'm so sorry for the late update, I've written three chapters for both "Who Are You Again?" and "Daegu Village Flower" but the file suddenly disappear in my laptop :( asdfghjkl I'm a bit pissed and utterly sad about it...


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Rea_se #1
Chapter 9: i hope you come backkkkkkkk
Chapter 9: Such a cliffhanger 😭can't wait to read more of this. Feels like an Anime with Wendy as the overpowered protagonist 😏💙
Chapter 9: Yes make it harem please
Paparapakyaw #4
Chapter 9: I read this sometimes and it still gets me lol Seungwan harem ftw!
Favebolous 12 streak #5
Chapter 9: I've read this many times, but I never get bored. Because it's interesting
Favebolous 12 streak #6
Chapter 9: I've read this many times, but I never get bored. Because it's interesting
Julius #7
Chapter 9: Wow so who’s next in the list of Wendy’s harem hahaa
Chapter 9: I think about the meme that wendy runaway haha.
mochick #9
Chapter 9: lol seungwan the chick magnet XD
Chapter 9: Haha Yeri, you are really something in this story :p
So we will see Irene vs Seulgi vs Jennie vs Lisa? :3
Nice chapter Author, please update again soon!