
Stranger Tales n.1: Not A Vampire Story
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Disappointed but not surprised. This was Hyukjae’s mood for the last thirty minutes after they left Shiklah’s castle. Was he thinking as memes? Yes. His whole life was a joke anyway, especially in this exact moment.

Donghae kept looking at that watch-like thing he had on his wrist through which he was supposed to call his team, but no one was answering. And he just kept trying and trying, for thirty minutes. Honestly, if it wasn’t a matter of pride at this point, Hyukjae would’ve left already.

“Why aren’t they picking up…” Donghae mumbled, distressed.

“Can’t we just go home and leave this all behind?”

“Shiklah would hunt us down.”

“Who cares” Hyukjae whined. “I just want to go home”

“I care” Donghae replied, looking at him. “She’s dangerous, Webs. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

That shut Hyukjae up for good. Not that Donghae was expecting an answer since he already turned back to his watch. Hyukjae didn’t know why he felt a shiver down his spine and why his heart started beating a little faster. Just a little though.

“Oh, come on” Donghae almost screamed.

“Look, I can call someone” Hyukjae said. And he knew it was a mistake, he knew the person he was about to call would just tell him to right off and deal with his mess on his own, but he could try. He couldn’t hurt him through the phone, could he?

“Really? Who?”

“A friend.”

“Who?” Deadpool asked again, curious.

Hyukjae hesitated a bit. “Yesung.”

“Yesung? Yesung as in Black Widow Yesung?”

He shrugged. “It can’t hurt to try, can it?”

Deadpool just yelled and threw himself at Hyukjae, hugging him with so much strength that the latter almost felt like suffocating, before he released them while keeping a hold on his hand. “Thanks Spidey! You saved me!”

“Yeah, yeah” he replied, trying to free his hand. “Let’s see if he answers first”.

He had to try twice before Yesung picked up his phone but at the third try he eventually did and Hyukjae couldn’t hide the fact that he kind of hoped he wouldn’t answer at all. A faint noise was heard through the speakers and then there was Yesung’s deep and husky voice. “What.”

“Hi Yesung! How are you?” he tried to chat.

“I was doing fine but I suppose your call will only ruin my day, am I right?”

“Well… I kind of need your help.”

Yesung huffed. “For what?”

“Deadpool and I…”

“Bye” Yesung interrupted, almost closing the call.

“Wait!” Hyukjae screamed. He knew most of the superheroes didn’t like Donghae and he couldn’t blame them for it. Donghae was a mercenary and he was a person who didn’t know loyalty or any true value whatsoever. But he could be nice sometimes. Deep down. And well, he knew convincing other people that this side of Donghae existed was hard, especially people like Yesung, whose trust was already difficult to gain in normal circumstances. “Hear me out first. We just need your help with finding a person.”


Hyukjae looked at Donghae, who was looking right back at him expectantly. “What’s the husband’s name?”


Hyukjae looked at him for a few seconds “What.”

“Dracula.” Donghae repeated, like it was the most normal thing in the whole word.

Hyukjae gulped and told Yesung the exact same thing, knowing very well he was going to really end their call now. “Is this a ing joke?” he indeed replied.

“It isn’t. Please help us” he just said, with the most pitiful voice he could muster.

Yesung sighed heavily. “Where are you?”


It took another half an hour before Yesung arrived and Hyukjae pleasantly noticed that he wasn’t alone: Kyuhyun was with him, as always. Black Widow and Hawkeye always worked together, but Hyukjae didn’t expect him to tag along since they were going to help Deadpool and the two didn’t exactly have the best relationship.

“Who did you kill this time?” was the first thing Kyuhyun said to Deadpool, with a smug smile on his face.

“No one yet. Want to find out?” Donghae replied, with a hand on one of his katanas.

“Okay, that’s enough” Yesung said, rolling his eyes. He was totally unimpressed, exactly like a teacher dealing with primary school kids. “So. He’s in a bar.”

“Who’s in a bar?” Hyukjae asked, confused.


“You found him already?!” Deadpool screamed in surprise.

Yesung just raised an eyebrow. “Of course I did”

“Not to be rude but… why are you here then?” Hyukjae asked. He really wasn’t expecting them to help them through the whole thing, he just wanted to know where this Dracula guy was and they would take it from there. Not that he was complaining, though.

“Yesung insisted to help you. He didn’t trust you with him” Kyuhyun said, moving his gaze from Hyukjae to Deadpool and eyeing him from head to toe.

“Hey!” Donghae yelled, offended. “What the ?”

“You can’t really blame me, can you?” Yesung provoked him, with a hand on his hip and a raised eyebrow. He was smaller than Donghae but more intimidating. At least to Hyukjae. “You go around killing people for a job.”

He knew Donghae was pouting again. “I don’t kill just anyone. I kill the ones who deserve it.”

“And the ones you’re paid to kill.”


“Okay!” this time it was Hyukjae’s job to stop the banter. “Can we just move now? Or are we going to stand here the whole night… well, morning, arguing?”

They exchanged a few more heated glances between each other, but then finally decided to go with Hyukjae’s suggestion.


Hyukjae and Donghae swinged to the place Yesung found, but it was more of an abandoned place than a bar. Hyukjae was confused, so he waited for Yesung and Kyuhyun to arrive with their motorcycle to ask for an explanation.

While they waited they fell into an uncomfortable silence. Hyukjae was restless, and he didn’t know why. He was usually cheerful and cracked jokes almost as much as Donghae, but he was upset. Honestly he had been since he had come to know about Shiklah’s existence. The more he thought about her, the more it bothered him. What right did she have to be this close to Donghae? He didn’t like her, nor her kingdom or her attitude.

He looked at Donghae, who was still trying to make his watch-like thing work. He was rather handsome in his suit. Not that he could see his face, but you know. He was handsome.

He suddenly remembered how Shiklah said something about Donghae telling her that Hyukjae was pretty. How did he know that? Donghae never saw his face, he didn’t even know his real name. He only knew his costume.

He suddenly wanted to ask him about it, but he wasn’t really sure. He was nervous for some reason but he was more upset at the whole thing so he just blurted out the question.

“What did Shiklah mean before?”

“Mh?” Deadpool said, not turning his gaze from the watch.

Hyukjae took a silent but deep breath. “About me. You talking about me.”

This time Donghae decided to leave the watch alone and looked at him. “I still don’t follow.”

He sighed again. “Shiklah said you told her I’m pretty. What did she mean?”

“How many meanings does this sentence have?”

Hyukjae suddenly felt embarrassed. That was actually a stupid question and he should’ve stayed quiet. Here it is again: the Hyukjae who speaks too much and should just shut the hell up. “I don’t know… you know what, this was a stupid question I shouldn’t have-“

“You’re so cute.” Donghae suddenly interrupted him. “You’re so cute I could eat you up.”

Hyukjae’s heart almost flew out of his chest after hearing that, but he didn’t have time to reply since the engine of Yesung’s motorcycle broke their conversation.

The two stopped right in front of them and Kyuhyun got off the bike when the engine was still running, securing his arrows and bow on his back. “Found anything yet?”

“The place seems abandoned” Donghae replied. “Maybe you were wrong.”

Yesung took off his helmet and fixed his hair, before looking at Donghae like he wanted to murder him. “I’m never wrong.”

“Well there’s a first time for everything, Widow. There’s no one here” he said, opening his arm to emphasize the emptiness of that place.

“Step aside” Y

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Chapter 3: I'm sad this has ended T_T even though you had already said it will have 3 chapters but butttttt it was so cuteee and funny and perfect omg maybe they can go on more adventures xD

Anyway,,,,,,, lol emo Dracula xD SpideyHyuk probably eventually would've gotten to him him PoolHae hadn't been... Were impatient? XD BUT THE MENTION OF THE FANFIC AUTHOR IS SO ON BRAND FOR DEADPOOL OMG XDDD

AND THEY FINALLY KISSED with a little bit of groping on Pool's end but that's expected xD I will miss this fic T______T

But thank you of much for writing this fic!!! Thank you for making me want something I never realise I even wanted LMAO
Chapter 3: :( i went to see your story list but you only have one,,, looking forward to any new stories you might have!
Chapter 3: Giving my upvote because you stayed true to the Deadpool brand with the breaking of the fourth wall lol

It's so ooc for real life donghae to be so straightforward (I mean everytime hyukjae flirts right back he just runs away;_;) but damn just imagining no-filter Deadpool with donghae's face is wowzers
lilachortensia #4
Chapter 2: It's funny imagining suju as superheroes ㅋㅋ Hyukjae & Donghae are the only ones hiding their identities, and I do think Hyukjae should've just web Donghae's mouth because I can totally imagine angry Yesung XD Thank you & can't wait for the next update!!
Chapter 2: teukchul as ant man and the wasp!!!!!! also why do i get the feeling donghae knows spidey's real identity lmao but he's worried hyukkie won't like him once he sees him :((( ALSOOOO OMG yeye as black widow!!! why does this make so much sense xDD and everyone overprotective about spidey!!! he's basically their son T______T but also LMAO they know whats really up between spidey and deadpool xDDD when will hyukkie admit it LOL

on a side-note, i cant imagine donghae being taller than yeye xDD but ah well :P

thank you for the update!!
Chapter 1: eunhae as spideypool? i didnt know i needed this in my life T_T and omg hyukjae is so jealous xDDDD

looking forward to the next update!!!
lilachortensia #7
Chapter 1: This is interesting :D looking forward!!