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“Smile!” Jeongyeon laughed while snapping photos of Aisha riding her first horse. Sana was already sitting on her own, a new one since Moonie had passed on earlier in the year. She now sported another white horse, this time with grey going down the legs discoloring the hooves to a dark grey color. The mane was the same, white at the top, but greying as it got towards the ends. She found the horse beautiful and loved her with her entire heart.

“I don’t like him!” Aisha frowned, throwing the reins down and crossing her arms over her chest.

“Don’t say that!” Sana gasped, stopping her own horse before sliding down. “He works very hard.” She frowned while holding the reins so he would stop. “Why don’t you like him?” She asked. Aisha let out a small whine, shaking her head. On the verge of a full tantrum. Jeongyeon helped her down, holding her to see the horse’s face.

“But, he wants to be your friend.” Jeongyeon frowned.

“No!” Aisha frowned. Sana gave her a sorrowful look, looking back at the horse.

“I know. She won’t even give you a chance.” Sana sighed.

“What are you doing?” Jeongyeon asked.

“I’m talking with him. We’re having a conversation.” Sana scoffed.

“Mommy can talk to horsies?” Aisha whispered.

“Your mom talks to trash cans.” Jeongyeon chuckled.

It wasn’t long before Sana had gotten Aisha back on the horse, hearing her giggling while leading her horse. Jeongyeon snapped more photos, smiling at them when she heard a loud bang. It made her jump, looking around the grounds before she heard another one, seeing black smoke in the distance.

“Your majesties! They’ve declared war!”

Sana hurried with getting Aisha off of her horse, allowing the stablehands to take their animals to safety while they went back into the palace. Jeongyeon stayed close to Sana and Aisha, frowning when she heard another loud bang. This time, closer to home than she would’ve liked.

It wasn’t long before a full fledged meeting was in place, both queens barking orders at their captains. Everyone in mass chaos. It seemed as if it was never going to stop.

By sunset, the sky was blood red, black clouds, and a nice layer of ash covering most of their kingdom. Most buildings were either collapsed or still on fire. Sana and Jeongyeon held onto Aisha tightly, making sure she was taken care of over themselves.

“What about the stars?” Aisha whispered, a p

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babySavie #1
Chapter 29: Oh god Jeongyeon :(
14 streak #2
Chapter 30: This story had me going up and down with my emotions. I really enjoyed reading this and I will definitely read from you again! Thank you!!
21 streak #3
Chapter 30: And yup called it

Ugh if only she killed the man as well before she shoot herself

Sad Sana had to die and it’s rather unfortunate tht the old king couldn’t let go of an old feud
afernanda12 #4
Chapter 29: My heart is hurting
Wivern #5
Chapter 29: Fudge. :(
21 streak #6
Chapter 28: Doesn’t surprise me tht mina is betraying Sana

Sad tht it’s the route she’s taking after losing dahyun

21 streak #7
Chapter 24: Wow that’s bittersweet af
Chapter 24: *CRIES*
Wivern #9
Chapter 23: Devastating. TT
21 streak #10
Chapter 21: Bittersweet