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It was late, a thunderstorm raging outside as Mina and Dahyun slept. Both girls sound asleep as the lightning decorated the sky following the loud claps of thunder. The raindrops dropped fast, hitting against the roof and windows loudly. Covering almost every sound that they could possibly think of.

The footsteps of the intruders were quiet, well hidden in the thunderstorm. There were only three. Three men sent in to infiltrate and kill the one person in the palace that was close to the king. They worked quickly and quietly. Moving through the palace with ease, all because one had been posing as a guard the entire time.

“This way.” Their leader whispered, waving them through before the real guards came through.

Mina had always been a light sleeper, but with the thunderstorms and the rain hitting the window, it was the perfect night for her to fall into a deep sleep. Until she had woken up to the sound of a giant thunderclap. She frowned when looking out the window, seeing that the rain was slowing. She stood up to walk into the connected bathroom, letting out a small sigh.

She knew the morning was filled with meetings and knew that it was going to be horrendous. She just wished that there could be something that prevented her from going into the meetings. Maybe the king would just call them off. Something so she could spend more time with her own wife.

“Remember, the silver haired one.”

The door to the bedroom was pushed open quietly, revealing that the only one in the room was the silver haired girl. Dahyun. She stirred in her sleep, beginning to wake up when she felt the bed was cold next to her. They drew their guns, each one refusing to hesitate.

Three shots were fired, startling Mina in the other room. They were close and she was scared. Until she heard footsteps leaving the room, sounds of yelling and the alarm going off throughout the palace. She ran out to see Dahyun clutching her chest, gasping for air.

Blood began to pour from her wounds, staining the bedsheets. Mina ran to her, tears in her eyes as she climbed on the bed, trying to keep her alive.

“Dahyun no.” Mina whispered. “Stay with me baby. It’s going to be okay.” She grabbed the blankets, trying to stop the wounds from bleeding so much. “Baby.. I’m here.. Stay with me please.” Mina cried, trying to keep her composure.

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babySavie #1
Chapter 29: Oh god Jeongyeon :(
14 streak #2
Chapter 30: This story had me going up and down with my emotions. I really enjoyed reading this and I will definitely read from you again! Thank you!!
22 streak #3
Chapter 30: And yup called it

Ugh if only she killed the man as well before she shoot herself

Sad Sana had to die and it’s rather unfortunate tht the old king couldn’t let go of an old feud
afernanda12 #4
Chapter 29: My heart is hurting
Wivern #5
Chapter 29: Fudge. :(
22 streak #6
Chapter 28: Doesn’t surprise me tht mina is betraying Sana

Sad tht it’s the route she’s taking after losing dahyun

22 streak #7
Chapter 24: Wow that’s bittersweet af
Chapter 24: *CRIES*
Wivern #9
Chapter 23: Devastating. TT
22 streak #10
Chapter 21: Bittersweet