Surprise, Surprise

Give Love a Second Chance
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It's been three weeks since Lisa and Jennie had the talk in the living room and the Thai girl was slowly but surely moving on. It certainly helps that Lisa was talking to Miyeon non stop. Or well, whenever she could, since the Korean was currently doing promotions for Oh My God. 


Speaking of Miyeon, she had invited Lisa over to her dorm to hang out and to meet the rest of her members. Lisa was kind of nervous, she always was when she met new people. That's the reason why it was hard for her to make friends in the industry. She might be popular and well known around the world but she could never get over her shyness. 


And this will probably be the last time Lisa would see Miyeon for awhile since their comeback was coming up soon. She couldn't believe that she was getting over Jennie this quick, considering how long she loved her. 


Lisa sighed as she knocked on the door of the Miyeon's dorm. She was nervous to say the least, it was like she was meeting Miyeon's parents. Maybe having Minnie there would help.


She was brought out of her thoughts when she heard the door open in front of her. 


"Lisa-yah!" Miyeon squealed as she hugged Lisa tight. "You're here!"


"Mi... unnie... I c-can't br-breathe."


"Oops, sorry. It's been awhile since I got to see you." Miyeon smiled at Lisa, causing for the Thai's breathe to catch in . She's seen Miyeon smile plenty of times before, why was it having such an effect on her now?


"Is that Lisa?!" Minnie yelled as she walked towards the entrance of the dorm. "You bamboo stick, you didn't tell me you were coming over."


"Uh... surprise?" Lisa shrugged, giving a sheepish smile.


"Come in, Lis. The members are waiting in the living room, they're so excited to meet you!"


Lisa suddenly felt anxious, she was always like that when she met new people. 


Miyeon seemed to notice Lisa nervous state as she held one of the Thai's hands. "It's okay. I'm here and so is Minnie, they're just my members."


"Why do I feel like they're gonna eat me alive?" 


Miyeon giggled, "Silly. It'll be fine. Come on."


Once they reached the living room, Lisa waved shyly to the other girls, who in turn smiled back.


Soyeon, being the leader stood up and introduced herself. "Hey, Lisa, I'm Soyeon, (G)I-dles' leader."


"I'm Yuqi."


"Hello! My name is Shuhua!"


"Hey, I'm Soojin."


"And I'm Minnie!" 


Lisa laughed at her dorky Thai friend.


"Hey, we got her to relax!" Yuqi shouted. She smiled towards Lisa. "We won't bite! Promise!"


"Enough, all of you. Now that you've met, I'll be taking Lisa to my room." Miyeon said as she pulled on Lisa's sleeve, almost dragging her towards the hallway where the rooms were located.


"That's not fair, we want to get to know her!" Shuhua shouted as she watched them disappear around the corner.


"Man, she really is in love with Lisa." Soyeon commented, as she looked at her other members.


"I mean, practically for years, yeah she is."


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1191 streak #1
Chapter 18: Thanks for the update even if it's been a minute
2am_reflections #2
Chapter 14: I really hope lisa will end up with miyeon bc at this point jennie is just ughhhh
Aboubeid #3
Chapter 14: I’m a jenlisa shipper, but bro, i hope the end game is gonna be lisa and miyeon. Jennie’s really selfish
Chapter 13: OMG can you update?? I really want to see jenlisa together because it's my OTP and lisa and miyeon are really disgusting together
Chapter 13: Lisa and Miyeon are so cute with each other! I just hope Jennie doesn't try anything else or try to somehow break them up :/
Chapter 13: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1448420/13'>Blackpink X (G)I-dle FT. ...</a></span>
Well Lisa and miyeon combo is definitely something else!

Jennie is just WOW lmao
Aboubeid #7
Chapter 12: welp, i’m really on for lisa x miyeon, what jennie did was very selfish and inconsiderate.
Aboubeid #8
Chapter 11: ngl a lisa x miyeon endgame would be nice
erik190 #9
Chapter 11: Wow the twist plot , i wonder what YG is going to do rn.
Chapter 10: This is soooo cuteeeee