Chapter 2

falling in and out
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Mondays are exhausting. They drain all of Wendy's energy during the weekends. It's been two weeks, three days and five hours since she stopped giving Joohyun all her time. Though not technically, because the said girl still lingered in Wendy's head every time, even more so during the wee hours of the night when she's all alone to contemplate her life choices. 


This is ridiculous. I'm ridiculous. I need to get myself out of this stupid trap. You have plenty of other people to fool around with, Wendy. Snap out of it.


She wanted to forget about Joohyun but right now she's on her way to meet Joy and Yeri at their "secret headquarters". Stupid, stupid. 


"Wendy unnie!" She was still halfway through their usual hangout place in a secluded area of their university when she was called by Yeri. "Were you on your way to the Den?" Wendy chuckled. The moment she was invited to Joohyun's group's secret place, Yeri and Joy had immediately insisted for it to be called the "Den". Something about making it sound like an illegal underground with ultra secret operations happening around the location. Which is quite humorous, especially if you know how the place was surrounded by trees and masked with an aura of calm and quiet. You can also see other students walking around once in a while.


"Yeah. Where's Joy?" She looked around.


"Missed me, unnie?" Wendy was startled with a rather low voice whispering in her ear. "Gosh, Joy, you will be the death of me." She felt Joy's arm easily wrap around her shoulder, being the shorter one, she really shouldn't be surprised with how often Joy does this. "Aren't you already...?" Already what?


"Dead, I mean. Joohyun unnie told us what happened." Joy's eyes followed hers with mirth. "Ah." She sighed. Silence followed with the three girls thinking of what to say next as they made their way to their place.


When they arrived Wendy was met with the usual magnificent view. Trees surrounded the wide area with the sky visible from where they were situated, sitting on a mat while under a large tree. Wendy was still silent, looking far away, as if she wasn't where she was right now. Yeri's eyes held the same amount of mirth that Joy's had. "You know, unnie..." Yeri drawled to gain Wendy's attention. "You'll never get Joohyun unnie's attention with how you're being."


Confusion filled the older girl's features as she asked, "What do you mean?"


"You're Wendy Son! Lead vocalist, top student, great baker, super popular, super rich, Son Seungwan. Why aren't you showing that to Joohyun unnie?" 


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My updates are not so regular anymore :((( I will try my best, please wait with respect! 💙💗😊


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weninkorea #1
Chapter 16: I am once again, begging for an update
towonderandwander #2
Chapter 16: I forgot to check if the story was tagged 'completed' and now I'm yearning for the continuation of their story. 🥺
re-reading this again 🫶🏻
redeubelbet5 #4
Chapter 15: Re-reading again
TaeSicaDaisy #5
Chapter 13: Damn this is heavy
Forgetfulbrat #6
Chapter 16: please update if you can, i really want to know what happens next
wenwrites #7
miss this story 🥹
weninkorea #8
Chapter 6: Manifested WenSana, I just know it
Chapter 16: I re-read this and man i missed it a lot
I hope you finish it author-nim and don't abandon it .
Gonna re-read this T___T