Chapter 13

falling in and out
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It's been too long, hasn't it? Apologising for the typographical errors ahead. Please enjoy. 🤟😊


Seungwan knew this day would come. The day she had in her mind the moment she entered college. Back then, overthinking would be her favorite past time and she would have all these scenarios in her head. One of them, where she'd end up not having friends and the only relationship she would have would be with her books. She was right with the last part. Today, and for the most part of her week, she was a having a very intimate relationship with her books. 


Seungwan had her plan set in motion after her conversation with Seulgi. She was up for a whole night thinking how this should go. How can she stay away without exactly telling anyone else about it? She's not too excited about confronting Joohyun and wearing her heart on her sleeves again. It would be pathetic the second time and she knows it would end up the same. She's made her conclusion: they cannot be friends. So she just needs time away. 


She's sorted her response for every possible conversation she could have with Joohyun and she thinks she's doing well. Now, she's at the library, nose buried in her books because she made the excuse of studying, might as well live up to it, right?


Sipping on her coffee, she was about to highlight another part of her note when her phone rang to notify her of a text message. 


My Lovely Joohyun Unnie: Are you still studying? I'm buying you coffee. 


Seungwan pouted. This was a tricky situation. She already has her coffee with her and she wouldn't be lying if she told her not to come because she was almost finished anyway but the truth sounded very much like avoidance. She was intently staring at the keys on her phone, formulating the series of characters that she should input that she did not notice people settling in front of her. 


She was driven out of her dilemma with a cough. Almost dropping her phone, she frowned at two smirking devils. 


"Hello there, unnie," greeted Yeri rather gleefully who sat beside Joy. 


"How'd you find me here?" Seungwan narrowed her eyes, witnessing the two donning their sinister smile. 


Joy held one finger up in reason. "For one, you're not that unpredictable. You're either here or your apartment or the Den, there's no in between." Seungwan was ready to spurt her protest because no, she had other places to go. She had Seulgi's place, the gym, which she had been visiting frequently, or the club, which she had not been visiting frequently. She could be at that place Joohyun shared with her but they don't need to know that. 


Joy held her palm in front of her face before she could even talk. "Second of all, Joohyun unnie told us. And we both thought, aww, she knows where you are! At this rate, you're going to be this campus' most boring couple in no time. Exactly how we want it." 


She rolled her eyes. It still did not make sense why they were there so Seungwan wasted no time to voice out her confusion. "What are you really here for?" 


"Well, you and Joohyun unnie were supposed to be at the Den with us to hang out but Joohyun unnie told us you couldn't come," sighed Yeri, acting like a disheartened child. The space between Seungwan's brows ceased to exist, still not getting where the conversation was heading. She quickly questioned, "So why are you asking me again?" 


"I'm not finished yet." Yeri quipped, "Anyway, Joohyun unnie bailed too. And that's just too bad. We gotta have at least one mom to supervise us, right? So we're here to tell to you to come because let's be real, you're easier to convince," the youngest shrugged. 


"You mean easier to force?" 


"Your words not mine."


"And why do you need at least one of us?"


"Because who would buy us food? We're only poor little children who depend on their mothers," Yeri pointed, her lower lip jutted out and trying her best to portray an innocent girl behind a smirk that was moments to be unleashed.


Seungwan deeply sighed while closing her eyes. What choice does she have? These little monsters are getting what they want one way or another so it's better to give up now. To save the hassle and whatnot. She can even be thankful Joohyun won't be there. "Fine." 


"What, that's it? The fight haven't even started yet." Joy asked, tone laced with mirth. 


"What's there to fight for? You're winning it anyway. I'm going against two spawns of some despicable creature," stated Seungwan defeatedly, raking her hands through her hair. She was taking her time to observe the two, feeling there was more to this visit than just forcing, or well, informing her to go to the Den.


"Good thing you know. Now to another topic." 


The two switched from a relaxed stance, once glued to their chair and now leaning in nearer to Seungwan as if they were dropping a bomb. "You're avoiding Joohyun unnie, aren't you?" 


Wendy's eyes widened and she was gaping in surprise. Joy scoffed. It wasn't that hard to put two and two together especially when they approached Kang Seulgi. She was just as soft and dazzling as Wendy had described her, even joyfully hugging them as if they'd known each other their whole lives. Her character however, took a sudden 180 when Yeri proposed for them to make their ship "sail". At first, they had to explain and when Joohyun's name was mentioned, it was like Seulgi was a completely different person. "Please don't take matters in your own hand. This isn't your problem to solve. If I'm too tired to even think of what your friend's intentions are, how much more my own best friend." Seulgi stated, arms crossed and lips set tight. 


They couldn't blame her, really. They understand where she was coming from. If anything, she admired the older for showing much care for their Seungwan unnie. It's even more amusing when she sheepishly apologised after, when the two decided it best to not push her to do their bidding. Since then, they couldn't help but notice Seungwan being a little reserved, though still being the kindest to walk the earth. 


Seungwan's still gaping, mouth going comically wider by the minute. "W-what?!" 


"Gosh, you're so obvious." Yeri sniggered beside Joy. 


"W-what are you talking about? What are you two on? Y-you're both talking nonsense."


"You just declined Joohyun's invitation to hang out. Even that's a big sign. And for what? To study some topic you probably would not be taking 'til next week? When you can spend time with her?" 


Seungwan was blinking furiously, fumbling to show the material she'd been studying that was filled with highlighted phrases. "N-no, this topic's just a little hard to understand. So I—" 


"Please save us the BS, you're smart as ," interrupted Joy. 


"Hey, language," the eldest of the two warned, brows shot up, pointing her index finger. 


"Oh, you're acting like Joohyun unnie now? Last time I checked, you curse too." 


"Well she wouldn't like hearing you—" Seungwan stopped herself. She knew whatever comes out of next would just give the two more ammo. 


She groaned deeply. She hated how she's once again cornered by the two. Now that she thinks about it, they may have set this up, saying Joohyun couldn't come so she'd be there. "I know what you're doing. You're tricking me. Joohyun's going to be there." 


"No, I don't think she'll be there. She was all excited but when you declined she looked like a deflated balloon. We knew she was going to bail, she just needed time to find an excuse. Like you did, except you had the situation perfectly planned." Yeri casually spilled, nonchalantly blowing on her nails after checking it out. After doing so, she rested her two elbows on the table, resting her chin on her hands that were clasped together. "So to answer your question, no. You better be there, unnie."


At this point, does Seungwan even have a choice? Unfortunately knowing the answer to that, she shook her head, grumbling a low "fine". 


She was left to read a bunch of paragraphs and texts that to her brain was even more in

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towonderandwander #1
Chapter 16: I forgot to check if the story was tagged 'completed' and now I'm yearning for the continuation of their story. 🥺
re-reading this again 🫶🏻
redeubelbet5 #3
Chapter 15: Re-reading again
TaeSicaDaisy #4
Chapter 13: Damn this is heavy
Forgetfulbrat #5
Chapter 16: please update if you can, i really want to know what happens next
wenwrites #6
miss this story 🥹
weninkorea #7
Chapter 6: Manifested WenSana, I just know it
Chapter 16: I re-read this and man i missed it a lot
I hope you finish it author-nim and don't abandon it .
Gonna re-read this T___T
I really miss this
Hoping that you finish it author-nim