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Yoona found herself in a puzzling situation. She knew that Jennie had started to feel something more, but she initially brushed it off as playful teasing. Even with Jennie being in a relationship, Yoona couldn't help but wonder if those feelings would lead to a breakup. And then, unexpectedly, it happened – Jennie and her boyfriend parted ways.


This twist left Yoona stunned. She never thought that someone like Jennie, who seemed unlikely to develop romantic feelings for her, would actually do so. Jennie was a mystery, hiding her true self until she decided to reveal it. It was a bit like what Yoona was going through lately. Jennie's sudden and sincere interest in her had caught her off guard. Cooking meals and constant texts – these were things that hadn't been their norm before.


Jennie's sudden affection for Yoona was perplexing. How could someone like Jennie Kim, who seemed distant, grow such intense feelings so quickly? It was puzzling for Yoona. She wondered if Jennie's attraction was rooted in her past unkindness towards her. Could that be what drew Jennie's interest? Or maybe Jennie's previous relationship left her unsatisfied, and that's why it ended – otherwise, she'd still be with her ex-boyfriend.


On the other hand, there was a possibility – considering their close living arrangement and the time they spent together – that Jennie's feelings were genuine. Yoona pondered her own behavior towards Jennie, admitting that she hadn't always treated her well. There were only a few instances when she had been kind to Jennie.


Perhaps that's why she hesitated to address things with Jennie. She feared their bond could be harmed by facing their situation. She enjoyed their current dynamic of playful banter and didn't want it to change. Yoona had expected Jennie to persist, believing Jennie would ultimately win. However, Jennie's quick surrender disappointed her. 


Why did Jennie have to develop feelings for her? Yet, feelings were beyond control. Yoona had seen Jennie as strong-willed, and this situation left her feeling disappointed.


"I've just remembered that I need to meet someone," Yoona muttered, her voice barely above a whisper as she edged toward the door.


But Jennie's stern voice froze her in her tracks. "Stop right there, Yoona. Turn around and sit down on the couch in front of me."


Yoona hesitated, torn between fleeing to avoid the impending conversation and staying to confront whatever issue Jennie had. The last thing she wanted was for things to become awkward or worse between them.


"Don't test my patience," Jennie warned, her tone laced with menace. "Sit down, or your magazines will suffer.


At the threat, Yoona reluctantly turned back, her neck stiff from the sudden tension. She noticed her magazines resting on Jennie's lap, a clear indication that Jennie meant business.


"How did you even find those? I didn't see you going through my cabinet," Yoona remarked, rubbing her neck to alleviate the tension and earning a cold glare from Jennie.


The intensity of Jennie's stare made Yoona swallow hard. She cautiously took a seat, ensuring there was a safe distance between them.


"You looked ridiculous earlier, lost in your daydreams, completely oblivious to me standing right in front of you," Jennie retorted, her gaze flicking to the magazines with evident disdain. ", seriously?"


Yoona felt a surge of offense, noticing the clear disgust on Jennie's face. "Everyone has their own preferences, Jennie, and mine includes those. You have Harry Styles' albums—did I ever comment on his public image as fake or attention-seeking? No, right? So don't judge my interests."


Jennie was momentarily taken aback by Yoona's assertive retort, briefly considering a comeback but ultimately deciding against it. She was familiar with Yoona's strategies—usually, Yoona had a way of avoiding confrontations, but this time seemed different.


"Don't think you can change the topic and expect me to let it slide,"  Jennie began. Leaning in, she locked eyes with Yoona, determined. "You're avoiding the main point here. I'm not here to discuss your preferences. I'm here to talk about us."


Yoona rolled her eyes, an exasperated sigh escaping her lips. "There is no 'us,' Jennie. Can't we just drop this and move on? You're making things unnecessarily complicated."


Jennie's heart sank, feeling crushed. Hearing this rejection from Yoona hurt more than she thought.


"No, Yoona. I can't let it go. I've been trying to talk to you, but you always run away. So, I won't let this conversation slide. Not until you hear me out." Jennie took a deep breath, tapping her fingers nervously on the coffee table. "I know I caught you off guard with my confession earlier. And you might think I'm just ually attracted to you."


Yoona's eyebrow shot up in surprise. She hadn't expected Jennie to address the elephant in the room so directly. "Well, aren't you?" 


Yoona needed to hear that Jennie's feelings weren't solely based on physical attraction. Considering their history of flirty banter, it was understandable for Yoona to have that idea.


Jennie's lips tightened into a thin line, her determination not faltering. It's something Yoona admired from the woman. "It's not just ual attraction. I've spent enough time with you to know there's more to you than that. I care about you, and it's not just some passing infatuation. The breakfasts and constant texting, aren't they signs enough?"


Yoona let out a sarcastic chuckle, clearly uncomfortable with the situation. "Well, well, Jennie. Looks like you've really planned this out. So, are you telling me you're in love with me now?"


Jennie's gaze remained fixed on Yoona, her voice unwavering. "Yes, Yoona. That's exactly what I'm saying."


Yoona reclined on the couch, arms and legs crossed, her attention locked onto Jennie's intense eyes. "That's cute, Jennie. But you can't just drop the 'L' word and expect me to swallow it. Love isn't something to be thrown around lightly."


In reality, Yoona had never been in a serious relationship before. She believed that relationships required effort, investment, and priority. While she found Jennie attractive, she considered her more of a casual fling material than someone she'd consider a romantic partner. If Jennie proposed a casual arrangement like buddies, Yoona figured she'd decline, keeping in mind what Jisoo had warned her about. She didn't want to hurt Jennie and risk her friendship with Jisoo.


Furthermore, Yoona doubted the authenticity of Jennie's declaration. It seemed hasty and lacking in understanding of the depth of love. From Yoona's perspective, Jennie's feelings could still be fleeting and subject to change. She didn't want to lead Jennie on.


As Yoona had mentioned earlier, she didn't view Jennie romantically. There were qualities and standards she hadn't seen in Jennie yet, which explained her discomfort whenever Jennie confronted her about their relationship.


"Who are you to dictate what I feel? You can't just pass judgment on my emotions," Jennie shot back, irritation evident in her eyes. Her unexpected frustration was beginning to simmer. "I'm being upfront about my feelings, unlike someone who's giving mixed signals."


Yoona let out an exasperated scoff, responding to Jennie's bitterness and sarcasm. She was ready to respond, but decided against it, realizing that Jennie had a valid point. Jennie noticed Yoona's silence and couldn't help but give a cold, triumphant smile.


"Lost for words now? How about some honesty for a change?"


Rolling her eyes, Yoona sighed, recognizing that the conversation needed to find some resolution. She hoped for a positive ending. "Have I ever led you on, Jennie? Our interactions were consensual, driven by ual attraction. Let's not pretend you didn't enjoy our little games and the tension between us. It was all about ual desire. And yes, you're attractive, and when you wore revealing clothes, well... I won't deny that I was tempted. But let's be real, can you blame me? You knew exactly what you were doing. We were playing with fire, and you were right there, fanning the flames."


Jennie's expression shifted to one of frustration, almost as if she was holding back the urge to do something drastic. "I seriously want to punch you right now."


Yoona's gulp was audible as she observed the sudden shift in Jennie's demeanor. Jennie's intense gaze seemed to pierce right through her, giving off an almost threatening aura. "Hold on, let's not resort to violence here – although, maybe you've got a thing for hitting me whenever you please, huh? Is that why you're so fixated on me now, Jennie?" Yoona tried to diffuse the tension with a nervous chuckle as she rose from her seat, stealthily plotting to retrieve her magazine from Jennie's possession. "You're not in love with me, you're in love with the idea of slapping and punching me around. I've cracked the code! Is that why you ended things with your stupid ex-boyfriend? Because he couldn't handle your violent tendencies? Unlike him, I manage to rock the injured look and still look hot. Unlike him, I –"


"Keep talking, and I'll shred these possessions of yours."


Those words sliced through Yoona's bravado, and she saw Jennie poised to destroy her cherished magazines.


"Now, sit back down, and we can have a mature conversation. Got it?"


Annoyance tugged at Yoona's conscience as she begrudgingly complied. She was miffed that Jennie seemed to have the upper hand, but she reluctantly returned to her seat.


"I'm not a fan of you denying things."


"Denying what, exactly?"


"My feelings for you. Can you just be honest for once?"


"Okay, fine," Yoona conceded, earning a perplexed look from Jennie. "Let's assume you're in love with me. But how? I've only teased and toyed with you, as you claim, and now you're talking about love. It's honestly quite unbelievable, Jennie. I've given you no reason to fall in love with me. In fact, I've mostly been a jerk to you."


"You're right," Jennie admitted, her voice soft. "You're unaware, but you're simply captivating, Yoona. You might not realize it, but you're easy to love."


The rapid thudding of Yoona's heart seemed to drown out everything else. Jennie's words echoed in her mind, leaving her momentarily speechless.


"You don't realize it, that's why you're defensive. But the reality is, it's not all that hard to fall for you."


Junior college was buzzing with activity as students hurried to and fro, their voices creating a symphony of youthful energy. The sun hung high in the sky, casting warm golden hues across the campus. Amidst the throng of students, two figures stood out—Yoona and Jisoo. They walked side by side, their laughter and chatter adding to the lively atmosphere.


As they strolled along the pathway, Jisoo's eyes lit up as she spotted someone in the distance. She tugged at Yoona's arm, excitement evident in her voice. "Hey, Yoong, look over there. That's my childhood cousin, Jennie. I've been wanting you two to meet!"


Yoona turned her gaze in the direction Jisoo was pointing, her curiosity piqued. She followed Jisoo's lead as they approached Jennie, who was standing near a group of friends. Jennie's appearance was striking—dark hair cascading down her shoulders, her fashion sense impeccable, no wonder she's one of the popular girls.


As they got closer, Yoona's eyes lingered on Jennie, taking in her features. Jennie's cold and unamused expression caught her off guard, but that only seemed to fuel Yoona's determination. She flashed a flirtatious smile, her confidence evident as she playfully bit her lower lip.


"Hey there, gorgeous," Yoona greeted with a wink, her voice dripping with charm. She had a knack for drawing attention, and she reveled in it.


Jennie's gaze remained icy, and Jisoo nudged Yoona discreetly, a knowing smile on her lips. "Um, dude, Jennie actually has a boyfriend, so..."


Yoona's charm faltered for a split second before she quickly recovered, her smile now laced with an apologetic touch. "Oh, my bad. I didn't know. I'm sorry."


Jennie's eyes narrowed as she scanned Yoona from head to toe, her judgment evident in her piercing gaze. She took in Yoona's appearance—the tattoos on her biceps that hinted at a hint of rebellion and the undeniable beauty that had earned her attention from both men and women.


As much as Jennie recognized Yoona's undeniable attractiveness, she also knew the reputation that followed her. Rumors whispered that Yoona was not one to settle down, that she had a penchant for casual relationships with women. Jennie couldn't help but wonder if this was just another one of Yoona's games.


Despite Yoona's charming smile and alluring presence, Jennie couldn't shake off the skepticism that lurked beneath the surface. She had seen this kind of charisma before, the kind that was alluring and addictive but left a trail of heartbreak in its wake.


Despite the warnings that flickered in the back of her mind, Jennie couldn't help but find herself drawn to Yoona. It was as if an invisible thread connected them, tugging at her curiosity and sparking an intrigue that she couldn't quell. She had seen her type before—dangerous, a wild card, a bad girl who thrived on breaking rules and hearts.


Jennie wasn't naive; she knew that getting involved with someone like Yoona was a gamble, one that came with its fair share of risks. She had seen the wreckage that could be left behind by those who reveled in their own unpredictability, leaving hearts shattered in their wake.


As she had mentioned before, Yoona might not be aware of it, but she has a way of capturing hearts effortlessly.


Yoona and Jennie found themselves assigned to the same dorm, a situation that neither of them was particularly thrilled about. Jennie despised the idea of sharing a living space with someone like Yoona, while Yoona couldn't help but smirk and boast to her friends about having a popular, hot cheerleader as her roommate. Jisoo, who introduced them in the first place, could only facepalm at Yoona's antics.


One day, in the bustling cafeteria, Yoona animatedly bragged to her friends about her new roommate, conveniently emphasizing Jennie's popularity and stunning looks. She laughed while describing how everyone in the dorm building would soon be envious of her for sharing a room with such a catch.


As Yoona's words carried through the cafeteria, they reached Jennie's boyfriend, who happened to be nearby. Intrigued by the conversation, he approached their table with a determined expression. All eyes turned to watch as he confronted Yoona, a small audience forming around them.


"Hey, you're Yoona, right?" he began, his tone firm. "I overheard your conversation. What's this about Jennie being your roommate?"


Yoona looked at him with raised eyebrows, clearly unfazed by the sudden confrontation. "Yep, that's me. And you are?"


Ignoring her question, he continued, "Do you have a problem with Jennie or something?"


Yoona leaned back in her chair, a playful smile playing on her lips. "Problem? Not at all. In fact, I see why she's so popular. She's quite the eye candy."


Jennie's cheeks immediately turned a shade of pink, caught off guard by Yoona's candid comment. The surrounding crowd couldn't help but chuckle at the exchange.


He narrowed his eyes, not quite satisfied with Yoona's response. "You better not be causing any trouble for her. She doesn't need distractions."


Yoona's smirk remained intact as she shrugged, appearing nonchalant. "Well, what can I say? I see a beauty when I see one."


Jennie, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and flattery, covered her face with her hand. She mumbled something incoherent, avoiding eye contact with both Yoona and her boyfriend.


As the boyfriend walked away, the crowd slowly dispersed, leaving Yoona and Jennie in an awkward silence. Yoona turned to Jennie with a mischievous glint in her eyes, clearly enjoying the situation she had stirred up.


"Looks like your boyfriend has quite the protective streak," she teased, her lips curving into a playful grin.


Jennie huffed, rolling her eyes and trying to brush off her embarrassment. "You're impossible, you know that?"


Yoona chuckled, leaning back in her chair again. "Just telling the truth."


Little did they know, this encounter marked the beginning of

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Chapter 13: the slow build up is too harsh for my liking knowing that this one is not yet finished
This one looks promising
reveluv316 811 streak #3
nice we got an update
Chapter 11: Okay okay... now I get to see bolder jennie omfg yoong wtf are u doing? Just do it lol she'll come to her senses too..no one can resist jennie for that long. Keke
Chapter 11: So funny if nini see Yoona and Chaeyoung .. woohoo drama drama hahahah
Chapter 11: Wow Confident and bolder Jennie is hot 🥵
reveluv316 811 streak #7
thanks for the update
oungie87 #8
Chapter 9: Why are you so dumb yoong hahaha. You scared of Jenny but her death glare, I can't handle it haha
Chapter 9: Dun dun duuuuuuuuun lol OMG next chap will be a treat. Jennie, chaeng, yoona hmmmm. YoonJen FTW always lol I cant wait now that jennie hhas gotten bolder lol