Random day 02

Why can’t we be friends?

As a vampire, Jeongyeon moves quickly and silently. But when she started to room with all of the other girls, particularly one wet dog smelling werewolf. She had to be extra, extra, silent and fast. But sometimes. Or. Most of the time. she got caught. 


“Watchu doin’?”


Jeongyeon froze on her spot several feet aways from the refrigerator. Obviously ignoring nayeon’s presence with all her might. The stench that slowly invading her nostrils. Since nayeon didnt get any response, she knew exactly what to do.





Momo slides Jeongyeon a cold beer after her unfortunate encounter with Nayeon. The witch just enjoys watching her fellow housemate in misery. 


“Can you like mix some potion for, well, I don’t know, turn Nayeon into a chair maybe?”


In the distance. “I heard that!”


”If I can do it I would probably did it a long time ago.” Momo jokingly said. “I can turn her into a rabbit though.”


“Man you guys really hate me huh?” Nayeon appeared. Pouting. 


Momo burst out laughing at her joke and Nayeon follow suit. Jeongyeon sat there covering her nose and made a face.

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