(G)-idle Neverland stories
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My happy ending Shuhua came into her flat, took off her shoes as she placed her belongings at the reception desk at the entry of the place, she walked lazily to her living room finding an image of two girls in the middle of a hot make out session, a blonde girl straddling the lap of a black haired one who's hands were going inside the blonde blouse as the mentioned one hold the face of the bottom one grinding on her slightly. Shuhua made a disgusted face, feeling annoyed at the moment throwing a cushion to the couple to made her presence noticed. - yah! stop doing that on my couch-  she expressed taking a seat between them, making both of the girls laugh - our couch - the blonde girl said back taking the cushion threw at them and placing in on her lap as she hugged it, a smile still on her face. - yeah but you don't see me doing naughty things on it, do you?-  Shuhua replied showing a not so pleasant expression. - we are sorry shushu, we just got caught up in the moment, you know how irresistible is Miyeon to me- the other girl on the left, who had her lipstick smeared, explained placing an arm around Shuhua's shoulder. Making the blonde girl on the other end  blush madly, who in revenge of the embarrassing explanation slap the girl on the left hand. Shuhua just struggled the arm around her feeling still mad for the scene displayed before.
- just don't do it here-  was her short answer as she took the control of the tv and played a movie. -should we go to my bedroom- Miyeon suggested to her girlfriend, feeling the tension of the moment receiving an effusive no in reply by Shuhua who was the guest of four curious eyes - I'm already at home and I refuse to hear Miyeon , I do not need that- the Taiwanese girl overexplained herself emphasizing her point by crossing her arms. Miyeon gave the youngest a well deserved slap on her shoulder as her significant other died of laugh on the floor. Once Miyeon's girlfriend calmed down, she excused herself. - I better get going, it's late already- she stood up seeing her girlfriend pout. -why don't you stay, it's already late babe- Miyeon tried to convince her girl but they were interrupted. - let the girl go Miyeon, she had been with you the whole day- Shuhua stood up to walk the other confused girl to the door. - Shuhua don't be mean- Miyeon also got up following them to the door  - she can stay if she wants - Miyeon continue hugging her girlfriend adding
- you don't have to leave babe ignore Shuhua- the oldest kept on talking pouting at her girlfriend who just pinched her cheeks as she said "so cute"  - I'd love to stay and cuddle with you babe, but we better let Shuhua rest this time, ok-  the girl said kissing softly her girlfriend pouting lips who instantly smile again -ok, see you tomorrow?- Miyeon asked and received another peck on her lips as an answer making her smile once again -ok!,  thank you Minnie! have a good night- Shuhua talked again pushing the mentioned girl outside and closing the door - you girls will be the cause of my dead giving me diabetes-  the Taiwanese girl kept on talking not realizing the change of humor on Miyeon. The blonde girl followed the black haired girl, arms crossed and stomping her feet sitting next to her roommate by the living room. - you owe her an apology, you were really mean today - Miyeon scolded Shuhua looking at her sternly - I'm sorry I just had a bad day, I'll apologise to her later- was all Shuhua said looking as a sad puppy which made Miyeon's smiled at her as she caresed her cheek. - wanna talk about it - the korean girl said referring to the bad day Shuhua mentioned but this one just denied snuggling closer to Miyeon's neck. -just hold me-  she said hugging her tighter inhaling the sweet essence of Miyeon. The next day the routine came back both girls went to their respective majors and kept being normal for the rest of the week, nothing much could be changed both of them were busy women Miyeon and Shuhua were acting students, both wanting to be actress in the future, Miyeon being a senior while Shuhua was a freshman. They were in the same campus and their schedules collide sometimes specially on Friday for their luck, where not only they could see each other but also hang out with their friends, Soyeon, Minnie and Yuqi who were under the music department and Soojin who was studying a major in dance. But even though it was the only day Shuhua could see all her friends for some reasons she hated it. Friday was there, an excited Miyeon was walking hung on Shuhua's arm towards their cafeterias, anxious to see their friends and girlfriend while Shuhua somehow just wanted to go home. - Miyeon- - Shuhua- 
were the screams that welcomed them as Minnie and Yuqi ran to their side pulling them apart to hug each of them, Minnie kissing her girlfriend while Yuqi showed a new game to Shuhua on her phone. -yah! Are you listening to me?- Yuqi brought Shuhua back to earth as she pushed her slightly  -yah yeah- was all the Taiwanese replied looking straight to certain someone
Yuqi followed her vision landing on Shuhua's distraction and being the black haired girl's best friend she did her task, ashamed her in front of her crush. - yah! could you stop checking Soojin out and pay attention to me- Yuqi spoke slightly louder of what was needed considering their distance -yah you, shut up!- an embarrassed Shuhua replied placing her hand on top of Yuqi's mouth watching how Soojin became shy, her face redder than before, the scene was fun for their friends who were laughing because of them. They had some lunch Minnie by Miyeon's side feeding her while Shuhua couldn't hide her disgusted face. - stop it - she cried out, standing up, when Minnie cleaned a stain of food from Miyeon's cheek with her thumb just to it afterwards. Receiving five astonished faces. - they are too much and...I am eating here - Shuhua continue explaining herself. - why so agitated? They are always like that, sweet lovey-dovy couple,- Soyeon spoke tried to ease the slight tension - you and Yuqi ain't any better- Miyeon defended herself - at least we keep it to ourselves- Yuqi fought for her girl - guys guys, calmed down, let's just eat in peace and hang out later alright, it's Friday- Soojin finally spoke calming everyone down, luckily all of them listened to Soojin and agree with her plan. After that scene, the day went smoothly, they hang out after class, stopped at a grocery store and bought some alcohol and chips and then went to the Tom and Jerry's house, they drank, talked, and had dinner once the delivery guy arrived,  With their tummies full and their heads slightly dizzy due to the two bottles of soju they drank - non of them being good at handling alcohol- they opted to watch a horror movie much to Miyeon and Soojin's dislike. The six of them sitting on the chaise longue sofa,  on one end Yuqi on Soyeon's lap, Minnie and Miyeon in the middle next to the yuyeon couple and at the end Shuhua who had Soojin's back leaned against her chest. Shuhua was really trying to focus in the movie but she had Soojin's in front of her, the girl almost on top of her as the older kept looking for a refugee on Shuhua's chest
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Still sad for Soojin, without inspiration cause SooShu is dead …but Suayeon is helping me to keep going.


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Chapter 55: this is so sad and painful I really hope soojin is doing fine..
1193 streak #2
Chapter 55: Oh this hurt 🤕
Zhappy #3
Chapter 3: this is just sad ngl
Chapter 1: ahh why so sad
1193 streak #5
Chapter 54: Oh my heart wasn't prepared for this, but at the same time it was kinda needed, like bringing peace to me at the same time
Chapter 54: T-T
1193 streak #7
Chapter 53: I can completely understand, because she was my favorite too, it's heartbreaking to hear she's gone
twiceonce999 #8
Chapter 52: Mishu juseyoooooong..... :D
Shushubao #9
Chapter 52: This chap was hella confusing but cute story othornim!
1193 streak #10
Chapter 51: Oh wow 😳 l😮