
Saudade (Hiatus)
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Yesung’s world felt like it was revolving around rainbows and unicorns. Call him selfish, but he really hoped that all of this wasn’t just a dream. Hell, even if this was just a dream, he hoped he would never wake up. As much as he hated changes, but he wouldn’t mind this one. He would love to have all of this lovey dovey moments to last forever. As egoistical as he sounded, he just loved Siwon so much to the point he never wanted to lose Siwon from his life. 


Yesung had been experiencing nothing but sweetness and happiness in his life lately. 



‘Dear, what’s your shoe size?’ 



‘What’s with the sudden random question? lol’ 



‘Nothing, I just wanna... read your luck? I saw this one website where they can read one’s luck by their shoe size.. Please tell me T.T’ 



‘You sound so suspicious *.* My shoe size is 8 ^^’ 



‘Now that’s my boy :*’



‘So, what does the website says about my luck?’ 



‘Erm... They said that something nice and good will be coming you soon!’ 


That conversation still left Yesung with confusion, as long as he remembered, there was no such thing as reading luck by your shoe size. Or perhaps Yesung was really behind the nowadays trends, he didn’t watch television that much anyway. There was nothing fun for him to watch as he got older, the smartphone being his only resource for informations. 


His history teacher, Mrs. Jung’s teaching just went by his head as he kept on daydreaming, again about all the recent things that happened. 




School hours were over, as the class monitor, their homeroom teacher, Mrs. Im, asked him to stay behind for a bit to discuss about the upcoming school festival. Donghae can’t send him home today as the boy had something came up, family matters he said. 


That was how he ended up with Leeteuk accompanying him to the teacher’s office. Leeteuk, his seat mate, was always there, ready to send him home anytime Donghae wasn’t able to. 


Mrs. Im and Yesung’s discussion didn’t take that long, they were always quick to jump into agreement with each other’s opinions. One could tell that they got along pretty well, considering Yesung was the top of the class and the teacher’s pet. 


“Ah, Yesung-ah. I have one more favour to ask. Can you go with me to the laundry to send the table clothes and curtains to wash? Please?” Mrs. Im pleaded her best student. 


Yesung being a soft-hearted person he was, of course accepted the request right away without even thinking twice. “Anything for you, Mrs. Im,” 


“That’s great! Alright, I have to settle some stuffs first and pack my things before we go. You can wait for me outside okay?” “Noted, Mrs. Im.” 


Leeteuk and Yesung walked out of the teacher’s room and moved their steps towards the direction of the school’s pavilion. In front of the pavilion was the second main assembly square for the students. The teachers always parked their cars there after the students dissembled to their respective classes. 


As they reached there, they found Kangin, Shindong, and Key there waiting for them. Henry must’d gone home first since his aunt always picked him up from school. 


It was like an unspoken promise for the six of them plus Donghae to always go home together. Unless it would take too long to wait for everyone, they would never miss the opportunity to go together.


Yesung’s eyes went towards the huge blue plastic container that was seated on the ground besides his friends. The turtle lover’s quick guess was that the container must be filled with the equipments Mrs. Im told him earlier. His best friends must of had Mrs. Im asking them to help bringing those here. 


The five of them kept on talking their usual nonsense, throwing a little joke here and there. Usual crazy stuffs. 


While talking with his non-sane friends, his dark brown orbs suddenly caught the all way too familiar figure walking towards him and his friends’ direction. 


Red crimson crept up to both of Yesung’s cute cheeks as he observed his whole world. Yes, his whole world, the stunning Choi Siwon.


There beside his lover, stood Onew, his best friend (?) As far as his memory could take him, he was sure Siwon said that him and Onew weren’t that close anymore. 


Ah, mayhap they got over whatever problem they probably had back then? Yesung didn’t know, and it didn’t matter. It wasn’t his business anyway, even though the taller was his boyfriend. 


He trusted Siwon and he hoped that the other would do the same for him. He wasn’t the type to be jealous over stupid little things like the typical high school teenager who is in love anyway. Though that, yes. Back then when they weren’t a thing, he had bet in his mind that the two best friends were probably gay for each other or they at least must had something going on. It didn’t matter, those turned out to be false, anyway. 


“Ooohhhh here comes the lover boy!” Shindong twit after seeing Siwon. 


Ah, here starts the teasing. He might be all used to the teasing he got from his friends. But he wasn’t all sure about Siwon, though. The other guy was pretty sensitive after all. 


“Did you come to fetch your prized possession?” Kangin sided in, smirking his playful smirk to Siwon. 


Siwon ignored the two clowns and stood there, sometimes saying something to Onew, none they could heard of. 


“Yesung-ah, what are you doing? Go talk to your boyfriend!” Shindong taunted him. As usual, Yesung just laughed it off while trying to look at other directions. Where’s Mrs. Im anyway? 


“Yah! Siwon! Why are you guys so silent, talk to each other we want to see all the lovey dovey actions!!” “Don’t be a coward!” “Do something!” “You guys talk like there’s no tomorrow in text but why are you guys so shy in front of each other?!” 


The never ending one sided bickering kept on resounding at the pavilion. Yesung just sighed and wiped the cold sweat that fell from his forehead using his tissue. 


“Ohhhhh! Look, look! Both of them are even wiping their sweat at the same time!” 


Yesung snapped his head towards Siwon, his face dumbfounded as he saw the taller was just wiping his sweat, just like him. But, how could Choi Siwon still look that good while having sweat all over? It was still an unsolved mystery to Kim Jongwoon. 


He turned his gaze away even more after that, embarrassed to look at him any longer. His already blushed cheeks turned even redder than possible, his shyness creeping up on him. 


“They’re even blushing together kkkkkk, such a sweet couple,” the teasing duo clapped their hands together. 


Sounds of high heels clicking on the ground silenced all of them. Finally, Mrs. Im showed up, much to Yesung’s glad. 


Kangin, Shindong and Key left after they saw Mrs. Im coming to take the blue container. Their job was done, might as well take the chance to go home. 


The ones left were Leeteuk, Onew, Siwon and Yesung. Siwon probably was there as a companion for Onew. Onew’s mother, who was also a teacher at that exact school, tend to be late at times. 


Siwon and Onew bowed 90 degrees at the teacher as a polite greeting. The teacher just flashed her usual smile as a response to the two students. She then turned to face Yesung and Leeteuk who were waiting for her since earlier.


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Will update right after the concert ends today! Please look forward to it 💙


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394 streak #2
Chapter 5: couldn't stop smiling while reading this <3
Chapter 3: I can truly tell this was based on real experience ... the flow of story truly follows one side of the character's POV ?
I wonder what's with Siwon's confusing behavior..
And can't wait to know more what happened next
car148 #4
Chapter 3: I'm actually still confused if Siwon likes Yesung back.. with all the texts it seems that he does but then.. guess, gonna wait for the next chapters to find out. ^^
394 streak #5
Chapter 3: OMG, I was smiling ear to ear when I read about Siwon and Yesung, they're really cute~
394 streak #6
Chapter 1: MacD&E??? XD well, that's quite interesting name XDDD
394 streak #7
oh? based on true story? and it's yours? Can't wait to read it <3
Chapter 2: Wait wait.. so Siwon actually used 'my dear ❤' to a supposedly friend of his xD Ain't that basically a confession? did something happen between the time they're having classes together till Yesung fainted? Since its based on real experience idk what to expect since we can't exactly wish for a fairytale or made up fluttering moments. And I'm worried about Yesung's condition here
Chapter 1: Ahh I'm curious by reading the foreword, the start is really cute.. I wonder what'll happen
car148 #10
Chapter 1: Wah, another YeWon fic for me to read, thank you! I'm excited to see how the story progresses. ^^