Asking for prayers

NCT Fanfic Library
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I'm sorry if I'm currently not updating.

Me, my mom and dad are currently fighting COVID in our homes. We didn't know where we got the virus and we got it even before we can get vaccinated.

My anxiety levels are high right now and I don't think I will have the time to update. Please do forgive me.


Fellow nctzens, I'm knocking through your hearts and asking for prayers for my family's fast recovery! Thank you 🙏🏻 

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Thank you!
In light of Taeil’s SA news and departure of NCT, I will be removine him from the masterlist but recommended stories will remain as it will affect the whole links in the masterlist if I deleted them. Hoping those affected by him would heal.


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xiaojun8 #1
Chapter 379: 老公 链接打不开……
Khahani #2
Chapter 305: Cafe latte is the best among the best
Goshhh this list is amazing! By chance does anyone have good recommendations on noona x nct fics?
Chapter 466: Thank you for sharing fics! 💚
kirkir00 #5
Chapter 450: Dangggg the recs are so good, thank you for doing this!!
not_an_obsessed_fan #6
Chapter 315: Hii. I wanted to make a recommendation. It’s a Jeno fic. It’s part of a series with other nct members, but thus is probably my favorite one. :)
alina2442 #7
Chapter 446: Please update and add more 🙏
Chapter 27: I have been searching for NCT ff especially Jaehyun’s, thank you very much for giving these recommendation! 🫶🥹

p.s I’M SO SAD 😭 most of Jaehyun’s ff are deleted or “This story is currently in draft status” I wish I found this sooner
NCT_cray1000 #9
Chapter 2: Thank you for giving these recs for me to look into and read ^^ It is very helpful
Chapter 426: Hi! Thank you for doing this. I really like all your recommendation💚💚💚🙆