

A/N: Hello all! The last chapter, yay! Thank you for reading 93°C! Really appreciate you all for subscribing, reading, commenting and upvoting! Hope you all have enjoyed the story so far (since I feel it is very different from my 2 prev fics) and I hope this last chapter is a good ending to this fanfic~

Just a side note, I hope that everyone is coping well. I am not well-aware of what is going on worldwide, so I hope that everything is alright for you all, no matter where you all are. Those who are blue because of the pandemic or something else, cheer up, maybe finding something that you want to focus on every day would help~

Anyways, enjoy the story!


"Hi, what would you recommend?"

Jennie can't believe her ears. That voice... the one that she misses very much. She tears her eyes away from the screen and looks at the customer in front of her. Jisoo is standing in front of her, with a smile on her face, wondering if Jennie can recommend her something. She almost wells up. She can't believe it. For 6 months, she has been missing the other and she is finally in front of her. She looks into Jisoo's eyes fondly, showing that she misses her but Jisoo's eyes seem different. The hazel brown eyes that she loves and that eyes that always look at her with tender love and concern are not visible anymore.

Jennie wonders to herself, "do you not recognise me." She wants to ask but she is afraid that Jisoo is trying not to acknowledge her. Instead, she replies, "93°C is our signature drink."

"I will get that. Thank you," says Jisoo, as she makes her purchase and walks to the collection counter.


"Omo, Jisoo..."

Mrs Kim drops a cup as she sees her daughter standing by the collection counter and the younger Kim goes to her mother, making sure to clean the mess and also makes sure that the other is ok.

"Jisoo, why didn't you contact me for the past 6 months?" asks Mrs Kim, holding onto her daughter's forearms. She has been worried sick about her daughter.

"Omma, I got into a road traffic accident and I lost some memories from the past 5 years. I only managed to get some information from the Korean Embassy at Australia before coming back here," says Jisoo as she summarises everything that happened while cleaning the broken glassware. From the other end of the counter, Jennie has heard everything. She can't believe that Jisoo has lost a significant amount of memories. Maybe it is a blessing in disguise. Maybe it is better for the older, who has clearly suffered the most and maybe for herself to, to finally give up on her love for the other.

"It must be hard for you," says Mrs Kim as she cups her daughter's cheeks that have lost its cheek fats and almost tears up at the recount.

The younger Kim holds onto her mother's hands and tells her, "Omma, why don't you rest while I do something here. I can take orders while the other staff makes the coffee."

In return Mrs Kim shakes her head and only wants Jisoo to take a good rest from everything and replies, "Omma is fine. You must be tired from the long flight. Sit down first. We will talk later."


Jisoo takes a seat after getting her cup of coffee, enjoying the drink as she watches a particular person at the counter. That person looks like the girl from her photo album. She tries to think hard but no memories are resurfacing. She takes a deep breath to calm herself down and then takes a sip of her coffee, still watching the cute girl at the counter working.

"Hey, Jisoo."

She turns around to see who it is and it is Rosie, who has come back from her pilates class that she has signed up for. Jisoo smiles and asks the other, "what do you want? I will get it for you."

The other shakes her head, eyeing Jisoo's coffee and says, "let me try yours."

"Get your own cup!" exclaims the Korean, not wanting to share her drink. In response to that, Rosie points to a spot behind Jisoo, telling her to look at that direction. As Jisoo turns around, Rosie sneakily takes Jisoo's cup and drinks it. Soon, noticing that there is nothing, Jisoo turns around to see the Korean-Aussie drinking from her cup and can only laugh heartily. That loud laughter doesn't go unheard from the girl at the counter. Jennie looks at Jisoo's table and is surprised to see someone that looks exactly like Chaeyoung, except that the other is blonde.

"Am I a step too late? But... I am glad that you are happy."


The two have been sitting for almost an hour and Rosie asks, "are you going to stay here all day?"

Jisoo doesn't have plans for today, other than coming back to her supposed workplace and replies, "I suppose so."

"I will just shop around on my own then, see you."

With that Rosie leaves the cafe, bumping into a tall, short-haired lady.

"I am sorry," says the short-haired lady as she turns around to look at the person she just bumped into.

"No worries," Rosie replies in English, with her heavy Australian accent, beaming at the other before walking away. This leaves the short-haired girl stumped by the door, as the other walks away.


Jisoo continues to sit at her seat for hours, still staring at the girl at the counter. She recognises the girl and is convinced that it is the same person from the picture of her photo album after pulling out her phone to compare. Also, from their interaction just now, while ordering, she managed to notice the girl's name on the nametag.

"So, she is Jennie." Jisoo thinks to herself and the string of monologue continues, "she is the one that wrote the letter. I guess we might have a history together."

Soon, she is feeling the urge to do something, maybe to help out at the counter, after just sitting there for hours. She goes in and grabs an apron from the storeroom, putting it on before coming out. She looks around and sees that Jennie is making hand dripped coffee. However, the girl's hand is shaking while pouring the flask of water into the funnel filled with coffee beans. She goes to Jennie, standing behind her. Jisoo uses the tips of her fingers on her right hand to lightly prop up Jennie's right elbow, lifting it up slightly to adjust her posture.  

"The pot of water may be heavy but just remember to increase your surface area. This helps to relieve the tension on your shoulder and you can then pour much more stably and with a more consistent flow."

Jennie turns around but can only focus on how close Jisoo's face is towards her and stares at the beautiful face that she misses for 6 months. Jisoo soon notices it. Her cheeks are starting to heat up and quickly step away, covering to give a dry cough, to relieve herself of the weird tingling she feels inside her. She also puts one hand on her chest, calming the heart that is beating quickly.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to stand really near you. I thought you just need some help. Anyways, it is a small tip I learnt from my part-time job recently, wait no, 5 years ago," Jisoo begins to ramble on but she stops after seeing Jennie's shy smile, and a soft, "it's okay." This stops Jisoo from rambling and her heart skips a beat at that sight.

For the rest of the day, Jisoo continues to tag along with Jennie, helping the other with her task.


Soon, it is already time to close the cafe and Rosie has stopped by to go back with Jisoo.

"Hey, are you done yet?" asks Rosie.

"Soon. Why don't you go back first?" Jisoo replies.

"You are my tour guide but you haven't brought me anywhere. Supper's on you tonight." laments the blondie and decides that Jisoo has to treat her supper.

While they are busy organising their supper night, Jisoo's eyes have not left Jennie and seeing that the girl is done with her task and is preparing to leave without saying goodbye, Jisoo quickly stops the other by calling out to her, "hey, Jennie! Good night, see you tomorrow!" She flashes her eye smile and is looking forward to seeing the other tomorrow. Her heart begins to feel warm when Jennie replies back and gives her a gummy toothed smile.


- The next day -

"Hey Jisoo, the disposable cups are running low, I will go and take it from the storeroom."

Noticing that Jennie has been out for long, she goes into the storeroom, seeing that the other is trying to reach from the carton of disposables at the top shelf. Even though the other is using the ladder, the box is too high up for her to reach. The slightly older one holds onto the ladder, hoping that she would help to provide some stability and she reminds the other to be careful.

Jennie stretches out her hands, pulling the big bulky box down with her upper body strength. However, she loses her balance, letting go of the box and her body leans backwards, falling off the ladder.

That goes unnoticed by Jisoo and she quickly let go of the ladder, catching the other to break her fall and in the process, the older hits her head on the door behind her but thankfully Jennie is fine. Jisoo groans in pain and grips onto the back of her head but it is too painful. She crouches down, hoping that this would ease some of the pain away.

"Jisoo, are you alright?" Jennie exclaims as she notices that Jisoo is on the floor, groaning in pain. She apologises profusely and has her hand on Jisoo's head, trying to rub the pain away.

While Jisoo is groaning, many fragments of memories start to flash by her head. She watches the major events from the past 5 years coming back to her. Her memories with Chaeyoung, her first encounter with Jennie and subsequently, all their keystone moments that they shared together. A lone tear begins to fall and Jisoo is glad that she has finally regained back the memories that are precious to her.

Jennie panics as she sees the teardrop and begins to fluster. Jennie doesn't know what to do and says, "I am going to call the ambulance."

Jisoo almost wanted to laugh at the cute flustered reaction of Jennie's amidst all the pain. All she feels is pain but it isn't so serious that she is bleeding out. To not make a mountain out of a molehill, she pulls the younger girl into her embrace and whispers into her ear, "don't worry, I am fine. Just let us stay like this for a moment, until the pain subsides." Jennie lets go of her hold on Jisoo's head, instead, wrapping her arms around Jisoo's shoulders, snuggling into the warmth that she misses so much.

- Break time -

Jisoo is now sitting at the swing outside of the cafe with Rosie and her eyes never look away from Jennie as she watches the other through the transparent glass door.

The Korean-Aussie follows the Korean's line of sight and begins to piece everything together, "so, she is the key to your past right?"

Jisoo turns to look at Rosie giving the other a confused looked. After regaining her memories, she finds that Rosie and Chaeyoung do look almost the same but still, they are clearly two different people with different personalities.

Rosie chuckles and says, "I am sure that you know how I feel about you, but it is her right?"

Jisoo can only reply, "You have been quite obvious but yea, it is her. By the way, I regained some of my memories."

Though Rosie is disappointed, she is happy that Jisoo finally regains her memories, "that's great! but aw man, I wish you all the best."

"I'm really sorry but thank you for everything." Jisoo thanks Rosie. She is really grateful for the wonderful hospitality she received from the other.

"No, I should thank you. Out of all the 7.8 billion people on earth, I get to meet you. I am happy to spend time with you even though we will not be together. You know the saying that goes, 'don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened'. I am really, really glad to know you," says Rosie, as she gives Jisoo a hug.

Jisoo chuckles internally remembering that this is also Chaeyoung's favourite quote. Who knows that someone who looks exactly like Chaeyoung would also have the same philosophy on life.

"Go and get your girl," says Rosie as she shoos Jisoo into the cafe, smiling slightly as she sees the other walking into the cafe after giving her a fist bump.

She returns to her seat at the swing, looking up at the sky, taking in a deep breath of fresh spring air, hoping that she can start anew.

"Hey, what is your story, Sunshine?" says the short-haired girl as the other sits opposite of her.

Rosie gives a slight smirk at the other and says in a sing-song voice, "a beautiful person just walked up to me and called me Sunshine."

"And this beautiful person is called Lisa. Nice to meet you," says Lisa, as she puts out her hand to introduce herself.


Jisoo goes to the counter and queues up.

"Hi, what would you like to get?" says Jennie and she is shocked to see Jisoo at the counter, about to order something. She begins to panic, hoping that Jisoo did not become even more amnesic after the knock her head just now.

"I want caffe mandorla."

Jennie freezes and her mind begins to wander back to their first official date.

"Hey, I want caffe mandorla," Jisoo waves her hand in front of the other and repeats her order, hoping that Jennie is fine.

"You..." that is all that Jennie can utter at the moment.

"Are you the one who is amnesic now? Did you forget about caffe mandorla?" asks Jisoo as she chuckles, hoping that the younger can make sense of things right now.

"You... you remembered something?" asks Jennie, unsure if that knock of the head had triggered something in Jisoo.

Jisoo pulls her over the counter, such that Jennie's upper body is leaning over and Jisoo kisses her, hoping that the younger gets the hint. It is a blissful moment for Jennie. The lips that she misses. She savours the kiss and forgets that she is still working at the moment, with their co-workers (especially Jisoo's mother) and customers around.

Jisoo pulls away and goes into the counter, takes Jennie's hand and tells the rest of the staff, "let me borrow Jennie for a while. We will be back in an hour." She then pulls the other to an empty seat at the cafe.

"That knock on the head, it brought back some memories." Jisoo grins, finally glad to have regained some memories from the past. But still, she has some issues that she has to resolve.

She takes a deep breath and asks, "Jennie, that day. What did you want to tell me about? I am all ears for it."

Jennie puts her hands in front of her, fingers interlacing together as she plays with her thumbs, to soothe herself from this talk. She takes a deep breath and starts to recount the incident that happened, the truth that Jisoo wants to know about.

Jisoo listens to it attentively. Even though the accident could have been avoided, it isn't Jennie's fault. It is just an accident and that many of the stakeholders involved at that time could have done something to prevent all this. There is no point putting the blame on anyone else and that it is time to put an end to everything, to relieve herself and Jennie from the burden that they have carrying. She reaches out and holds onto Jennie's hands. "Jen, promise me that from now on that you don't blame yourself for that accident. It was never your fault. Stop apologising, okay?"

Jennie blinks her eyes, trying to stop the tears from forming. This time, her burden from the guilt that she has been holding has finally been lifted. Those words from Jisoo is something that she wanted to hear for a long time and she is glad that everything goes well. She promises to never blame herself for an accident and promises herself and Chaeyoung that she will take care of Jisoo.

"We have some time, come on. Let's go somewhere," says Jisoo as she looks up from her watch. She holds onto Jennie's left hand, interlacing their fingers tightly and pulls the other to park. She remembers her promise to Jennie that they would come back to the park on a spring day and now, it is also the best time to renew and have their love reborn again.

They walk on the road, to the park, side by side, with hands and legs moving in sync, in a beautiful rhythm. The spring breeze passes their cheeks as though love has come to greet them.

"Where are we going?" asks Jennie as she watches Jisoo eagerly pulling them to a location. Instead of replying, Jisoo is focused on bringing them to that location as quickly as possible. Soon, they reach there and stand under the claimed spot, under the huge cherry blossom tree. Jisoo holds onto Jennie's hands, looking into the other's dark brown eyes.

"In this beautiful season of love, I, Kim Jisoo, promise to love Jennie Kim, forever and ever. So much had happened and even though we were connected because of an unfortunate incident, I want our love to reborn. I want to renew our love under this cherry blossom tree. If I don't fulfil my promise, I want to be tied to Jennie forever and ever, even in our next lives, so that I can make up to her by loving her. Even if I do fulfil my promise, I too, want to be with her for eternity, no matter what."

This beautiful speech touches Jennie's heart and she feels that she doesn't deserve all this but she will try her best to love Jisoo the same and also makes her promise and declaration of love, under their special tree.

"I, Jennie Kim, promise that I will love Jisoo with my whole heart and I want to be with Jisoo forever, no matter what."

She puts her arms around Jisoo's shoulders, pulling the other towards her and plants a soft and sweet kiss. She feels Jisoo smiling through the kiss and the other deepens further. Their lips moulded perfectly, heads moving in sync, savouring the moment that they have been waiting for. Jisoo wraps her hands around Jennie's petite waist, pulling their other closer to her, such that there is little space between them. She earnestly nibbles Jennie's lower lips as Jennie deepens their kiss further.

The beautiful pink petals of the cherry blossoms fall on them, the spring breeze blows and caresses their cheeks, and they are surrounded by the light cherry blossom aroma. It feels as if time stops for them so that the world can watch their young love renew and reborn at the moment.

After the long kiss of love, longing and desire, they both pull back slightly, but instead of lips being connected, their foreheads are connected. They stare into each other's eyes, looking at each other with pure love, sincerity and respect.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


Coffee. The world's most popular beverage indeed. A cup of coffee can tell different stories with the complexity of the taste in that one cup. We can also akin that to life.

After the loss of Chaeyoung, Jisoo locks her heart away, thinking that bitter coffee is the best. When life presented her a cup of sweetened coffee, it took her some time to adjust to that taste but she is glad to have taken it and savour it. Jisoo will never ever put that cup of coffee down. Never.


A/N pt 2:

Anyways, I am thinking of writing one-shots/ multi-shots after this writing project. Maybe a high school story inspired by 'How You Like That'. I am collecting some insights and feedback poll to help with future work and it seems that I can't put 2 polls in the chapter. There is one below and I will link down the other ( Thanks a bunch in advance for polling!

Btw, anyone watched last week's Inkigayo award stage? The Jensoo moment XD They kept switching up their heart gesture to match the other. Too awwww. Oh, and the Chaesoo pottery session from their reality show... now my Jensoo heart is confused. 

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Chapter 12: Nice story, author-nim ^^
Chapter 12: This is cute and sad story with beautiful ending. I never thought that Jennie will be a part of chaeyoung death. I am really shocked. And when Jisoo lose her memories. Wow author nim, you have a great plot. And the way you describe the coffee make me want drink one. Hehehe. GOOD JOB AUTHOR NIM
Chapter 12: So beautiful *chugs down a gallon of coffee*
Jinriin #4
Chapter 12: I like this story. Nice work authornim.
Chapter 12: Aaaah its done! And it’s beautiful and sweet ❤️
rookiex5 #6
Chapter 12: Jensoo married...periyat
rookiex5 #7
Chapter 11: I bet the person at the end is jisoo. So now there’s rosie and jennie...jisoo please get your memories back and choose one lol
Chapter 10: ahhhhhhh......... that's all I got to say
572 streak #9
Chapter 10: Noooo
Chapter 10: Omg this is devastating:((