

A/N: Hello! Chapter 8 is ready. Enjoy~


Jisoo is at the said location, 10 minutes earlier and she is waiting patiently for the other. She ponders about what Jennie is going to tell her, but soon, her mind drifts to yesterday's event. She smiles and touches her lips, thinking about the night when she dropped the younger home. Jennie was quite jumpy yesterday and before going back to her apartment, the younger gave her a very long kiss and it was one of the kisses that she enjoyed.


"Good night," said Jisoo, as she took off her helmet and passed Jennie her bag from her case. But the other didn't respond to her. Jennie looked as though she was lost in her thoughts.

"Jen? Hey," Jisoo had her hand on Jennie's shoulders, patting on them slightly to bring the girl's mind back to earth.

"Oh, good night," said the younger and before going to the apartment, Jennie had her hands wrapped around Jisoo's shoulders, pulling the older towards her and planted a kiss. Jennie deepened it and Jisoo responded, her lips moved in sync, moulded together perfectly with Jennie's and it soon became a really long passionate one, until the older had to break it, to catch her breath.

"What is with you today?" asked Jisoo, as she chuckled. The long kiss was unexpected and it felt kind of weird, a familiar ominous feeling loomed over her but she shrugged the thought away and looked at the other lovingly, soothing the other's hair, that got a little messy from putting on the helmet.

"Nothing much. I love you, good night," said Jennie as she recomposed herself and told the other to go first, she wanted to watch her ride off and with that Jisoo complied and left on her bike.


Soon, she sees the younger from afar, approaching her and as the younger moves closer and closer towards her, she sees something familiar, a bouquet of purple hyacinths and white chrysanthemums. The same bouquet that she had seen for 49 days after Chaeyoung's death.

"It can't be..." Jisoo thinks to herself and Jennie is standing in front of her, with visible red puffy eyes. Jennie lays the flowers in front of the tree before standing in front of Jisoo again.

"I am very sorry," says Jennie as she apologises with deep regret and sadness, hoping that Jisoo would listen to what she has to say.

Jisoo doesn't want to hear anything at the moment. She is confused, with all the emotions conflicting inside her. Part of her wants to listen but deep inside she has her preconceived notion of what's going on. When she saw the bouquet, she knew what the flowers symbolise, especially the purple hyacinths... which means forgiveness.

Jennie had something to do with Chaeyoung's accident. However, what prevents her from listening to Jennie is that whether their whole relationship is a lie and it is built on guilt. She feels as though she is the most foolish person on earth. She allowed herself to open up to new love, to love Jennie, but this revelation is just too much for her to bear. Jisoo's hands are now threading through her hair, almost pulling the strands back in frustration, with all the emotions stirring inside her. She does not have the strength to stand, her knees hit the ground, and she cowers on the ground. The only thing she can do is to utter is "just go away, please..."

Looking at how distraught Jisoo is, Jennie can't take a step forward to console the other and just have respect Jisoo's wishes. The image in front of her hurts her a lot but she convinces herself to turn her back and walk away with heavy steps. Her heart aches with every step she takes and as the distance between them widens, every step feels like an excruciating jab to her whole being. Never ever did she intend to hurt Jisoo, but in the end, she did. Only if she is braver, to stop herself from loving Jisoo and to tell her the truth immediately.



Jennie hears someone calling her from behind and turns around, deep inside hoping that is Jisoo but to her disappointment, it is Lisa.

"I saw everything that had happened just now. I want to speak to you," says Lisa as she manages to catch up with Jennie.

They now sitting in a food stall. Lisa is listening to the recount of Chaeyoung's death by Jennie and enquiring on her relationship with Jisoo.

"Stop putting the blame on yourself. It is not your fault. It is just an accident, an unfortunate one. But no one has to suffer from it," says Lisa after listening to everything and can only conclude that all that was an accident. There are many "should haves" and "ifs" but since the accident had happened, there is nothing that anyone can do to undo all this.

Jennie sighs loudly, relieving herself of the guilt that she has carried within her and she is comforted to hear kind words from Lisa. However, she can't help but continue apologising for the accident. The Korean pulls out the letter and entrusts it to Lisa, hoping that the Thai can pass it to Jisoo on her behalf.

Lisa pinches the bridge of her nose and sighs, before telling Jennie, "to be honest, I don't think anyone of us can reach Jisoo at the moment. She... she has the tendency to avoid things when they turn bad. Lack of better word, maybe a coward. When Chaeyoung passed on, Jisoo didn't even bother to respond to my text. Her mother was running the business for a few months and when I tried to visit her after she was back, she avoided me as much as she could or at most, we managed to exchange a few words. I thought I would be able to meet her this year, during her birthday. But I guess luck isn't my side."

Jennie could only keep mum, she knows that she has screwed everything up and just hopes that Jisoo can get herself together.

Lisa continues to speak again, "let me just take a picture and send this to her. Let's just hope that she would at least read it and we can drop by her apartment to slip this under her door."


Jisoo can only watch Jennie walk away and soon realises that tears that formed are already rolling down her cheeks, dripping, drop by drop on her thighs. The only thing chanting inside her is, "Is everything just a lie?"

The sky rumbles and light raindrops start to fall on her, the rain washes her tears away however, she can't find comfort in the rain. All she can do is to blame herself for opening her heart again. If only she didn't open her heart again, she wouldn't get hurt again. She really hates this day, the day when she lost the people that she loves.

"Why..." Jisoo laments at her misfortune. She wanted to relieve herself from the guilt and blame of Chaeyoung's death on herself to Jennie, but she can't. She just couldn't bear to do it...

As the soft drops of rain hit her back, her tears continue to form, dripping on her thighs, she softly utters, "Chaeyoung, why? Why is it that the people I love leave me. Am I incapable of a loving someone?"


"Please wait for a while," calls out Mrs Kim from the other side of the door. When she opens the door, it reveals her daughter, soaked from the rain and with those swollen red eyes, as though the other had just cried a bucket full of tears. It is the same look that Jisoo has when Chaeyoung passed on. Mrs Kim is heartbroken and lets her daughter in. Jisoo can only collapse into her mother's arms and lets out more tears that she held back earlier.

"Omma... It's too hard," Jisoo cries out in pain. Mrs Kim could only soothe her daughter's back, hoping that this would at least in comfort her daughter. Thinking that it is the death anniversary of Chaeyoung that has triggered the negative feelings in Jisoo, she comforts her daughter, hoping that the younger Kim is able to calm down. However, that agony from the cries makes her regret for pulling Jisoo out of her slump forcefully, maybe Jisoo really needs a proper break.

"I have an apartment in Australia. Go there, take a break, for as long as you want. I will take care of the cafe."

Jisoo can't bother to think about anything else after the huge blow and agrees, nodding her head. After making sure that the younger Kim is fine, she goes on her phone and begins booking a ticket and sees a suitable flight time for tomorrow morning.

"Jisoo, how about tomorrow, 10am?" asks Mrs Kim, as she shows her daughter the page of available flights for tomorrow.

"So soon?" Jisoo thinks to herself. Maybe something or maybe, someone is holding her back but she shrugs it off, enough with all the pain and suffering she has at her motherland.

"Alright, I will go back and pack."


Jisoo goes back to her apartment and she notices a letter in front of her. She picks it up and notices the handwriting. She gulps, unable to bear any more pain, she doesn't want to open it. Maybe she is afraid, afraid of knowing the content of the letter. She goes on to pack her luggage but the letter that is on her vanity table keeps drawing her attention to it. After she is done packing, she puts the letter on top of her clothes. Maybe, she will read it. Someday.

Before turning in for the night, she looks over the skyline of her motherland from her apartment. Many memories begin flooding her mind, both sweet and bitter memories. Maybe, it is time to move on, and have a different life. She takes a look at her phone that she and notices a message from someone unexpected. Lisa. From her notification bar, she manages to take a glimpse of some of the content and reads it.

Jisoo unnie, please don't blame Jennie, everything is just an accident and we are here for you...

There is also an attachment but she doesn't even bother to open the message and tosses her phone aside, on her couch, before going to her room to prepare for a long sleepless night.


-The next day-

"Hey Lisa, any luck?" asks Jennie, as Lisa enters the restaurant.

"I just went to the cafe. Jisoo isn't there but Mrs Kim is. She said that Jisoo is taking a break and I can't seem to get much information out from her. To be honest, it is a classic Jisoo move all over again. Remind me why didn't I stop my best friend from dating her," says Lisa as she almost rolls her eyes but soon recomposes herself as she sees how anxious Jennie is. "To be fair, she is quite down to earth and treated Chaeyoung well. Don't worry, everything is fine. Besides, I am sure that Jisoo will come back for you again."

A day has passed and things have turned out like this. She can only hope that things would turn out fine and she silently begs to all the deities that Jisoo will be alright.

"Jisoo, I hope that you are ok, no matter where you are. I am sorry."



"Jane Doe, found her in a taxi, from a road traffic accident. Severe trauma to the head. Profused bleeding from the back of the head, dislocated shoulder and neck. Bruise on the chest, about 15cm in diameter and no obvious injuries to limbs and extremities," reports a staff nurse, to doctor, as she took over the patient from the paramedic. However, looking at the severity of the injuries, there is a need for emergency surgery.

"Page Dr Roberts, the patient definitely needs neuro's consult but let's try to control the bleeding first. At least she is still breathing and her blood pressure is still stable despite the massive blood loss."


A/N pt 2: A lot is happening in this chapter. Hope that you have managed to follow through the story and let's just hope that Jane Doe is fine (if you managed to catch on who she is).

This plot has been on my mind since I started this story and hopefully, I can finish the whole story in 10 chapters.

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Chapter 12: Nice story, author-nim ^^
Chapter 12: This is cute and sad story with beautiful ending. I never thought that Jennie will be a part of chaeyoung death. I am really shocked. And when Jisoo lose her memories. Wow author nim, you have a great plot. And the way you describe the coffee make me want drink one. Hehehe. GOOD JOB AUTHOR NIM
Chapter 12: So beautiful *chugs down a gallon of coffee*
Jinriin #4
Chapter 12: I like this story. Nice work authornim.
Chapter 12: Aaaah its done! And it’s beautiful and sweet ❤️
rookiex5 #6
Chapter 12: Jensoo married...periyat
rookiex5 #7
Chapter 11: I bet the person at the end is jisoo. So now there’s rosie and jennie...jisoo please get your memories back and choose one lol
Chapter 10: ahhhhhhh......... that's all I got to say
572 streak #9
Chapter 10: Noooo
Chapter 10: Omg this is devastating:((