Chapter 3: White as Milk

White as Canvas



Milk is a staple product a household should have. It goes with any breakfast meal, especially cereal. With the white silky liquid, it can also serve as a drink. Minjoo prefers chocolate milk though. It’s not that she hates regular milk, it just tastes bland for her.


This doesn’t change the fact that regular milk is best when eaten with cereal. She likes eating breakfast, it’s something that gives her the energy to get out of bed and do something. She just doesn’t like the breakfast period. Rather than start the day relaxed and simply eating, she’s also spoon-fed pressure and stress by her very own parents.


Minjoo thinks what it would taste like if she mixed cereal with chocolate milk.




Minjoo loves sleeping in, especially on the weekends. But she also loves breakfast, yogurt in particular and cereal is a close second. In all honesty, she prefers eating bacon in the morning, but even her diet is controlled by her parents. If other students look forward to the weekends, Minjoo is the complete opposite.


Weekends mean she is usually home but tutors are always there. Be it for guitar or piano lessons or to make sure everything in school is doing alright, she never catches a break. It gets worse if her parents don’t have jobs. Her father is a neurosurgeon while her mother is a defence lawyer. This means they’re not always home, but somehow they know almost everything their daughter does. 


Before heading downstairs to eat breakfast, she checks her phone first. She saw Chaeyeon and the others’ conversation, Yujin and Yena decided they should have a group chat to talk to each other. Minjoo didn’t believe it to be necessary but she decided to go along with it (with the persuasion of Chaeyeon and Hyewon).


As she was skimming through the conversation, she couldn’t help but notice how similar some of the girls are. Yena and Yujin got along well due to their personalities. Eunbi and Chaeyeon had a similar vibe due to their motherly nature while Wonyoung and Yuri were like twin sisters, except one is way taller than the other.


Minjoo couldn’t stop the laugh rising from her chest as she reads the shenanigans of her new friends. She stopped at that thought, friends? She stares at her ceiling and wonders if she deserves to even call them that. She ends up sighing before deciding to get up and get ready for the day.




Sunday evening, Minjoo was sitting in front of her window near her bed. She watches as each snowflake softly lands on her windowsill. She thinks about anything, everything and nothing at the same time. She doesn’t know how that was possible but that was how she was feeling.


She was set to head to sleep when her phone dinged from a notification. Minjoo was confused, who would text at this hour?


Lighting up her phone, she saw Nako messaged her ‘Minjoo? You still up?’


This caused Minjoo to crease her forehead, ‘yep. What’s wrong?’ She doesn’t know why she asked that and was about to take it back but she saw three dots appeared on her screen. Indicating Nako was typing her reply.


Do you have time to spare tomorrow before heading to the academy?



hi hi~ here's the third chapter for WaC! How are you guys doing? How are you finding this story so far? I hope you're doing good and is keeping safe and healthy.

I'm actually facing a little writer's block and I'm looking for things to get me out of it so I'm really sorry if the updates are seemingly slower than before :(((

For now, I'll leave this chapter here and I hope you enjoyed it. As always, any and all feedback is welcomed so leave them at the comments below. I'll see you in the next chapter, ppyong!

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Chapter 5: New adventure for minjoo...
1751 streak #2
Chapter 5: aww more friends!!!
Chapter 5: maybe the reason why chaeyeon recommended minjoo is also because she and hii and nako are same age
yeonier #4
Chapter 4: Hi, finally catching up with the updates and wow it was really refreshing how you referred the wity colors in everything.

It is sad that Minjoo lived in such home like prisoner but I hope she find solace with her new friends.

Keep up the good work! You're doing an extremely good job :)
Chapter 4: minju's life in her house sounded like a prison(?)
Chapter 4: It must be hard for minjoo... Having a strict family like that
1751 streak #7
Chapter 4: I like milk with cereal too but don't like drinking milk when i should XD
Chapter 3: Finally minjoo got new friends...
1751 streak #9
Chapter 3: this reminds me from the beginning of the school year where i didn't have friends until a group of girls invited me to lunch!!!
1751 streak #10
Chapter 2: you should minjoo! just put an alarm if you're scared of staying too long!