chapter one

in a trance ♦ seven companies make one group ♦ chapter 3 is out!

   the first of many


Mingxia put her hair up in a ponytail, before finishing up her packing at the RBW dorm, the others were out practicing for an upcoming evaluation. Her airpods in playing one of her many playlist filled with Heize songs, her phone lighting up with her brothers ID on the screen. Smiling she answered the the call, laughing as he began rambling in Mandarin.

"How could you not tell me, about this audition? I had to hear from Junhui-ge." Her brother stated, Mingxia held back her laugh.

"It was a secret, and I wasn't sure I would be chosen. Did the guys vote for me?" She asked, pausing her packing of her books the bite her nails hoping they did.

"Stop biting your nails." He scolded, she removed her hand from , going back to her books. "They said they did, and not because they know you but, because you suprised them." Mingxia smiled again hearing the compliment. "Are you packing up?"

"Yeah, I'm suppose to move in, later this week." Mingxia said, tying off a stack of books.

"Wanna meet up for your birthday dinner then? Jun-ge, and Hansol too." He said, Mingxia thought for a moment before agreeing. Quickly cleaning up the small mess she had made and going to get ready.


Hyejin screamed and hugged someone as soon as she saw her in the SM building, she was in the middle of cleaning out her locker. Hugging her tightly, pulling apart she smiled brightly.

"Seulgi unnie, told me! I'm so excited for you." Yeri said, smiling as Hyejin continued removing things from her locker.

"I am too." Hyejin paused looking at Yeri. "I do feel a bit guilty, for taking a spot others deserve."

"Someone once told me, to take an opportunity and prove you deserve it." Yeri said, as another girl walked to them with a smile.

"They seem really smart." The girl said, handing Hyejin a small bag so she could put her stuff in. 

"Thanks Yeonjoo." Yeonjoo nodded in response, feeling meloncolly about the project group selection. Happy that Hyejin was chosen but sad to see her leave their dorm and locker space.  "I'll come back and visit, plus the girls I'm training with will probably want to see SM." Hyejin said, hugging Yeonjoo, while patting her back trying to make her feel better. 

"Yeonjoo, lets go." Another trainee called out motioning the other to follow.

"I'll see you at the dorm later. Bye, Yeri." Yeonjoo waved and ran off into the dance studio.

"A new chapter begins." Yeri said, smiling as Hyejin closed her locker and removed her nametag along with a few magnets off the front.


Aika greeted stafff as she walked through PLEDIS, trying to find one her trainers that she needed to hand paper work into before she was able to leave at the end of the week. Looking into the studios, she smiled spotting Ren and Minhyun in one of them looking like they were waiting on someone. Knocking on the door, the two turned their heads and smiled widely at her.

"Long time no see." Ren said in Japanese, making Aika smile.

"We heard about the audition from Seungcheol, congratulations are in order." Minhyun said, the two clapping, Aika smiled and nodded thanking them.

'What are you guys doing here, anyways? You're in the middle of promotions, right?" Aika asked, realising they would normally would have a packed schedule. 

"We stopped by for a meeting." A voice answered behind her, jumping she looked behind her and held back the smile that wanted to blossom. Baekho and Aron greeting her with smiles as the stood behind her.

"Mr. Jaejin was looking for you." Aron said, pointing out the door, mention of the dance trainer Aika remembered what she was there to do.

"Ah! Right, I'll see you guys!" She called out exiting the practice room speed walking to find the trainer again.


Yebin smiled as she left the YG building, her new ID for the new company in hand along with the address of the new dorm she would move into at the end of the week , in the other. Taking a deep breath she ehaded over to the cafe her brother was waiting for her at.

She smiled and waved when she spotted him in a far back table secluded from others in the space. Figures, she sighed walking to him. Sitting acrross from him, the two casuing people to do a double take. The two were almost identical, but being twins, it made since. 

"As one of your older brothers-"

"By a few minutes." Yebin chimed in, he rolled his eyes before continuing.

"I will congratulate you in person, versus the other two who haven't even read the message yet." He finished, Yebin smiled and sighed.

"What will you guys do without me." Yebin's words dripping with sarcasm.

"You're not dying or going to another country. Just moving dorms." Her brother shot her down.

"Hyunbin." She glared at her twin.

"I mean it does you're gonna be further from our places, right?" He asked, she nodded pulling out the piece of paper with the passcode and address of her new dorm showing her brother.

"No one is gonna be there to help you socialize now, our training schedule isn't even finished being made yet. But, seems like it's gonna be packed." Yebin informed her brother, he nodded as she began explaining some of the details he had questions about.



Chaemin bowed, to the trainers as the left the room, falling back on the floor all of her anxiety returning to her body. The door opening, she was soon greeted by someone laying on top of her. Looking in the mirror she smiled realising it was one of her sisters, and another one of her members. 

"Chaeryong unnie, please let me breathe." She pleaded, her older sister obiliging and lifting herself off of her, opting to sit beside her as the younger sat up, Yuna sitting with as well.

"What was that about?" Chaeryong asked, curious as to why the head trainers were with just Chaemin.

"They were doing a final evaluation before I leave for the new label, and were congratulating me for being selected." Chaemin explained, her sister and Yuna smiling as she talked, a pretty natural reaction when Chamein would speak.

"Do you know any of the other girls?" Yuna asked, Chaemin shook her head. "You might be the youngest then, by a long shot." Yuna pointed out, Chaeryong and Chaemin nodded in aknowledgment.

"When are you moving to the dorm?" Chaeryong asked, Chamein thought for a second, trying to place the exact date.

"I think Saturday, all of us are suppose to move in. It's a temporary dorm too." Chaemin pointed excitedly, her sister chuckling and smiling. "The Rep said we'll get a bigger one next year, since it's a project gorup they aren't sure how well we'll get along at first." 

"That makes sense." Yuna nodded, Chaemin nodding in agreement.

"Do you know how far your school is from the dorm, yet?" Chaeryong asked, knowing their oldest sister would want to know. 

"Not yet, I'll find out on Saturday, I have class in the morning and afternoon then I'm heading to the dorm." Chamein answered, the three catching up for a few minutes before heading to JYP's cafeteria for some food.



Jaelin nodded as she wrapped up her contract meeting, bowing as the reps left the room. The production staff bidding her goodbye as well as she headed downstair to one of the dance practice rooms. Waiting in the elevator she scrolled through her missed messages, smiling as her friends continiously sent her congratulations stickers. Stepping out into the training hall she smiled and greeted some trainees she passed along with a few trainers.

"Did you finish packing?" Someone asked from behind her, turning around nodded at one of her groupmates. 

"I'm glad to finally be able to leave the trainee dorm." Jaelin responded, feeling the jealously radiating off the other trainee.

"Suji, come on!" Another former teammate called out, smiling and waving at Jaelin as she jogged over to the two. "Congrats again Jaelin." The other said with a smile. "You know she means well." Narae whispered as Suji rolled her eyes, Jaelin nodded.

"Thanks Narae unnie." Jaelin replied returnign the smile, before sharing a look with Suji before bowing and heading to the room she needed to be in.

"CONGRATS!" Two voices cheered as she opened the door, Jaelin jumping in shock as glitter covered her clothes.

"You two do realise you'll have to clean this up after, right?" Jaelin pointed out her two good friends looking at each other then nodding.

"Yeah, we knew that." The tanner of the two said, fairly unconfident.

"Thank you though, considering a few trainees are pissed thisis refreshing. " Jaelin said, the two nodding.

"Considering we all trained together, it's the least we could do." Yujin said, Seongyeon nodding beside her. Jaelin smiled and nodded, opening her arms up  the three hugging. Then began eating the cake they got the project group member.



Yayin sipped on her smoothie as she entered Source Music, bowing n greeting to the front desk as two girls turned the corner and each hugged her. The three heading to a little break area to sit down. 

"Now, is the time for the details." Eunha, urged the other, poking her side.

"I can't say alot, I just signed the contract saying I wont talk about it." Yayin pouted to EUnha whom cooed, and patted her head. 

"What can you say?" Sin.b asked, leaning forward in curiousity.

"Uh, that there are seven total, it's a project group and we're moving into our dorm on Saturday." Yayin tapped her index finger on her chin in thought. "Oh! And there are other foriegn members, appearantly." She said in excitement.

"I hope one of them speaks Mandarin, that would be so much easier for you." Eunha stated, sipping on her water.

"Me too. I hope they're all nice too." Yayin added the other two nodding.

"Did you finish packing?" Sin.B questioned.

"I'll finish tonight, I have some of the girls helping me. " Yayin stated, the two nodding Eunha leaning forward.

"Including the one whom iced you out after you were announced?" Eunha whispered, Yayin sighing and shaking her head.

"Evelyn hasn't said a word to me." Yayin pouted, but soon shock her head to erase the worry.

"Still congratulations again." Sin.B smiled, patting Yayin's shoulder. 




author's note.  IHere is a small chapter off camera showing some of their friends and relationships, with other idols!
Hope you all enjoyed the chapter!

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Chapter 25: Thanks for the new chapter! I haven't been on here for a while so I didn't comment last time. Can't wait to read more!
14 streak #2
Chapter 25: Thanks for the update, I’ll try to post a proper comment another time.
14 streak #3
Chapter 25: I love BEcause! Looking forward to see how trance will execute it
14 streak #4
Chapter 23: Thank you for the update! Chaemin teasing aika about her crush was really nice hehe
Chapter 21: Yay for another chapter!
14 streak #6
Chapter 21: Thanks for the chapter! I’ll try to comment properly soon but I’m really looking forward to what happens with Hyejin.
Chapter 19: thank you so much for the update.
they debuted and the showcase is so good. the fact the idols who chose them were in a different room and monitoring them. i hope they liked it!
i can't wait to see what happens throughout their time together <3
14 streak #8
Chapter 19: Thank you for the update! Trance has finally debuted and I’m so happy for them, can’t wait to see their journey unfold!
14 streak #9
Chapter 17: Thanks for the update! The mafia game was really cute hehe
Chapter 16: Glad to see an update :)